1、 淺談家具的情趣化概念設(shè)計 摘 要:概念設(shè)計是時下頗為流行的名詞,它幾乎涉及到所有與設(shè)計相關(guān)的領(lǐng)域,家具領(lǐng)域也不甘落后。本文主要是在人性化、生態(tài)化的設(shè)計原則的基礎(chǔ)上,從情趣化、個性化的角度來探討家具的概念化設(shè)計,以此帶給人們一種精致的生活空間,滿足人們的精神需求。關(guān)鍵詞:家具設(shè)計 概念化 情趣化 玩具我國古代著名思想家墨子曾言“食必常飽,而后求美;衣必常暖,而后求麗;居必常安,而后求樂”,這一名言精髓地映射出人類需求從滿足實用要求向精神文化需求逐漸提升的條件和必然趨勢。隨著物質(zhì)生活水平的不斷提高,“家具的功能不僅是物質(zhì)的,也是精神的”這一理念已逐步深入人心。設(shè)計家具就是設(shè)計一種新的生活方式、工
2、作方式、休閑方式和娛樂方式。一、概念化設(shè)計的意義及內(nèi)涵 古人常說“意在筆先”,所謂的“意”,即“概念”、“構(gòu)思”也。無論是何種藝術(shù)形式,人們在進行創(chuàng)作時首先要有一個構(gòu)思,圍繞構(gòu)思展開整體的設(shè)計,以此確定藝術(shù)作品的主體格調(diào)。1所謂概念化設(shè)計,就是在設(shè)計時充分考慮到人性化、技術(shù)、設(shè)計、美學(xué)、藝術(shù)、實用性等各方面后,在產(chǎn)品的造型或者使用功能上別具一格,突破現(xiàn)有產(chǎn)品的束縛,甚至不用考慮其在現(xiàn)有技術(shù)水平和功能等方面能否實現(xiàn)的問題?!爱a(chǎn)品”即人之觀念的物化,設(shè)計是一種思維行為,概念設(shè)想就是創(chuàng)造性思維的集中體現(xiàn),而概念產(chǎn)品則是概念設(shè)想中理想化的物質(zhì)形式,由于人類的創(chuàng)作智慧是無窮的,在這種創(chuàng)造性思維的指引下,
3、概念的構(gòu)思亦是豐富多彩的。2二、概念化設(shè)計的主題“概念化”可在不同的主題下展開:人性化、情趣化、個性化、多功能化等。概念設(shè)計強調(diào)的是設(shè)計的前沿方向,并不在意現(xiàn)在是否必須實施或能否實現(xiàn)。例如早在20世紀初就已經(jīng)有了“會說話的工具”, 好像可以說出生活的話語。法國設(shè)計師埃米爾·加萊曾設(shè)計出了帶有“心靈意境”的家具,他嘗試以精細的擱板、枯萎的樹葉或精美的木材將植物的“靈魂”藝術(shù)化地轉(zhuǎn)用到其家具上,每天接觸它就會對當時受技術(shù)及工業(yè)折磨的人類產(chǎn)生安撫和調(diào)和的效果。1、 人性化 隨著科學(xué)技術(shù)的發(fā)展和人類文明的進步,生活質(zhì)量的不斷提高,人們的審美價值觀也產(chǎn)生了極大的變化,開始對生硬、死板的家具產(chǎn)生
4、厭倦心理,認為其缺乏人情味和藝術(shù)趣味。在這個前提下,人性化家具設(shè)計應(yīng)運而生。人性化設(shè)計是指在設(shè)計中體現(xiàn)“以人為本”的設(shè)計原則,使設(shè)計的中心始終圍繞使用者的需求而展開,綜合人體工程學(xué)、環(huán)境心理學(xué)、審美心理學(xué)等學(xué)科知識,科學(xué)地了解人們的生理、行為心理和視覺感受等方面的特點,從而設(shè)計出充滿人性的產(chǎn)品。3突出“以人為本”的思想,強調(diào)服務(wù)于人的理念,是家具人性化設(shè)計的基本出發(fā)點和設(shè)計準則,在設(shè)計過程中,引入人文關(guān)懷,加入對人性的理解和關(guān)愛。2、 情趣化 情趣化也是概念化家具設(shè)計的重點,讓家具產(chǎn)品在滿足其基本功能的同時,更能體現(xiàn)出信息社會的高科技、高情趣,讓人與家具之間產(chǎn)生情感互動,進行情感“交流”,從而
5、得到全身心的放松。以簡單的日用品椅子為例,其設(shè)計除了考慮人機工學(xué)、結(jié)構(gòu)以及生產(chǎn)技術(shù)方面的要求外,牽涉到的問題除了“坐”的方式之外,還要考慮“坐”這個詞所具有的隱喻,即附加的情感和意義。情趣已經(jīng)成為這個時代的一種需求,當今的家具產(chǎn)品除了滿足物質(zhì)功能外,其精神功能也日益突出,家具的信息傳達不僅要清楚、明了,而且還要有趣、有個性。家具設(shè)計已經(jīng)把更多的注意力放在家具的人性化和情感化方面,設(shè)計師更加注重家具本身的情感特征和使用者的情感、心理的反映。3、 個性化 隨著人們物質(zhì)和精神生活的不斷提高,人們的文化品位、審美情趣也不斷地提升。所謂個性化就是要滿足消費者追求時尚、個性、樂趣的精神需求,體現(xiàn)他們張揚的
6、個性和與眾不同的生活品味。尤其是厭倦了生活一成不變的現(xiàn)代人,更多地希望自我空間能夠不斷地有新的內(nèi)容出現(xiàn),不僅希望在風(fēng)格、款式、用途上能夠滿足個性需求,而且還要求能夠表達一種張揚或內(nèi)斂、大膽或另類的時尚個性,因而奇特的款式,看似不合理的結(jié)構(gòu),都成為了一種表達個性的特征。個性的東西都是概念先行,因為概念代表了創(chuàng)新、另類和獨特的想法4。正是因為這種另類、怪異的想法,使概念的東西一般都成為了鮮明個性的代名詞。4、 多功能化 雖然社會在不斷發(fā)展,但是人們的生活空間相對而言卻越來越緊張,如何在一定的限制內(nèi)尋求最大的自由空間,如何充分地利用這特定的空間,使其看起來并不顯得擁擠,成為困擾設(shè)計師和消費者的一個重
7、要問題。正是對這一問題不斷思考與探索,孕育出了“一物多用”的設(shè)計概念,即多功能家具。由于消費者越來越強調(diào)自我、追求個性, 向往一個多樣化、不斷推出新品種的市場,現(xiàn)有的家具已不能滿足消費者的需求, 而多功能家具集多種功能于一體,具有占地少、靈活性大、功能轉(zhuǎn)換簡便以及造型新穎、使用方便、舒適實用的特點,可以最大化地利用空間5。三、概念化設(shè)計的展開基于以上的設(shè)計主題,筆者以休息座椅的概念化設(shè)計為出發(fā)點,針對家居環(huán)境中的座椅設(shè)計,在滿足“坐”的功能的同時,還具備“玩”的性質(zhì),帶給人無限的樂趣,擺脫傳統(tǒng)椅子的束縛。1、概念設(shè)計的原點玩具此次設(shè)計的概念主題是情趣化,因而選擇玩具作為此次概念設(shè)計的設(shè)計原點。
8、快節(jié)奏、高效率的生活所帶來的壓力,常常會使人們出現(xiàn)情緒低落、精神壓抑的狀況,因而在家具的需求上,更多的消費者希望它能帶來輕松、愉悅、幽默、放松的視覺和心理感受。玩具已經(jīng)不僅僅是兒童的專屬名詞,成人玩具的出現(xiàn),說明人們更加注重生活情趣,而家具作為人們生活最親密的生活伙伴,其情趣化設(shè)計的重要性就不言而喻。而我們選擇的玩具正是將兒童玩具的一些趣味性的元素融入到家具設(shè)計中,來滿足成年人的需求,以此來增加產(chǎn)品的趣味性。 2、概念的提出 基于以上的設(shè)計原則,我們提出了以下幾個概念: (1)概念一:積木以積木作為概念的出發(fā)點,采用積木組合的方式,根據(jù)需要組合成自己喜歡的形式,給消費者無限的自由發(fā)揮的空間,在
9、“堆積木”的同時體驗“DIY”的樂趣,體現(xiàn)本次設(shè)計的情趣化和個性化;而且每一個模塊又有其獨特的功能,比如說作為裝飾品、用來墊花瓶等等,從而體現(xiàn)家具的多功能化(2)概念二:拼圖 拼圖的概念和積木的概念有些相似,同樣是以組合的方式,拼出自己喜歡的家具,不同的是,拼圖是從一個平面的、二維的空間轉(zhuǎn)化為立體的、三維的空間:在不用的時候,可以拼成平面的拼圖效果,既可以作為美麗的裝飾畫,也可以作為工藝品,或是一面有個性的墻或屏風(fēng),體現(xiàn)其獨特的個性,消費者又可以在“拼”的過程中尋求樂趣(3)概念三: 魔方利用魔方的概念,使其處于不斷地變化之中;同時也可以將其模塊化,在賦予其情趣化的同時,又可以將其多功能化,以
11、在消費者自己的想象與設(shè)計下,通過實際動手操作,來檢驗設(shè)計的合理性。消費者即設(shè)計者,在DIY的過程中體驗成就感與樂趣4、 概念化設(shè)計通過以上的總結(jié)與分析,本次設(shè)計從設(shè)計原點玩具出發(fā),在人性化的基礎(chǔ)上,以表達情趣化、個性化概念為主,并且穿插多功能化的設(shè)計,為此我們提出了以下兩套方案。1、方案一:“L”型模塊化家具設(shè)計方案一的設(shè)計主要是以積木作為設(shè)計的原點,取其模塊化組合的概念,以“L”型作為基本模塊(見圖1),將兒童玩具積木的趣味性因素融入到成人用品的設(shè)計當中,使消費者在自己動手組裝的過程中,可以找到一絲美好的、快樂的童年的回憶,以緩解快節(jié)奏、高效率的生活所帶來的精神壓力。 圖1 書架的組合方式
12、圖2 分開的組合方式隨著人們生活內(nèi)容的豐富與消費觀念的變化,家具裝飾將趨向多樣化、個性化、時尚化、娛樂化。具有游戲成分的模塊設(shè)計,規(guī)格可大可小、材料可輕可重、色彩可深可淺、數(shù)量可增可減,可以讓人們隨心、隨需地改變家居空間的表情,在裝扮家居的過程享受一份樂趣。本次設(shè)計就是為了使消費者可以根據(jù)自己的想象、喜好,設(shè)計組合成各式各樣的家具,例如可以組合成座椅、茶幾、裝飾柜、書架等等(見圖2),充分體現(xiàn)了現(xiàn)代人張揚的個性,也可以給人們的生活帶來了新的活力。 在設(shè)計中,主要運用簡約時尚的現(xiàn)代風(fēng)格,配以中國傳統(tǒng)元素“回紋”元素作為點綴,使其張揚不失穩(wěn)重,現(xiàn)代不失傳統(tǒng),表達一種情趣化、個性化、多功能化的生活情
13、調(diào)。2、方案二:意境圖3 雙人對坐座椅 圖4 裝飾架形式 “意境”的造型元素強調(diào)的是片與塊的結(jié)合,片狀的框與塊狀的體形成視覺上鮮明的對比。“意境”傳達的是一種動態(tài)的、立體的感覺,通過兩種不同的狀態(tài)與使用方法,將平面的東西立體化,將靜止的狀態(tài)動態(tài)化,從而讓人們體驗一種與眾不同的心境與意境。將其展開放置可以變成一張雙人對坐的座椅,同時也可以作為臨時的小桌子(見圖3);將其折疊放置就變成了一個裝飾架(見圖4),既節(jié)省空間又可以裝扮居室環(huán)境,形成一處獨特的風(fēng)景線,同時片狀的結(jié)構(gòu)經(jīng)過分割還可以作為一個小型的分割架,可以用來放書、報紙等小件物品,體現(xiàn)了情趣化、個性化和多功能化。四、總結(jié) 設(shè)計不僅是一門產(chǎn)生
14、物質(zhì)現(xiàn)實的學(xué)科,也要滿足溝通的功能。家具行業(yè)要得到更快的發(fā)展,就必須進行概念設(shè)計的創(chuàng)新。概念家具設(shè)計,代表著這個行業(yè)對更高層次的追求,也代表著各個品牌對于自身產(chǎn)品的更高要求。如果每個品牌都只去生產(chǎn)普通的產(chǎn)品,那么這個行業(yè)的發(fā)展就會停滯不前,產(chǎn)品從設(shè)計到功能也無法敏銳地體察到用戶的需求并做出改觀。因此,我們可以形而上地做出以下結(jié)論:贏得新概念,就是贏得了家具市場,就等于能夠在競爭激烈的市場中擁有一柄與眾不同的利刃。參考文獻1 林海, 靈感的瞬間概念設(shè)計J. 蘇州工藝美術(shù)職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院學(xué)報,2004,(03):13142 唐林, 產(chǎn)品概念設(shè)計基本原理及方法M. 北京:國防工業(yè)出版社,2006.228
15、2293 龍社勤, 家具設(shè)計中的人性化設(shè)計J. 家具與室內(nèi)裝飾,2006,(10):24254 夏瑩, 概念家具, 個性先行J. 旅游時代,2004,(10):52555 張紅, 多功能家具將走俏市場J. 現(xiàn)代營銷(信息版),2006,(09):6The appeal of the furniture of discuss conceptual design Pick to: conceptual design is very popular nowadays the term, it almost involve all fields related with design, furnitu
16、re field and unwilling to lag behind. This paper is mainly in the design principles of humanity, ecology, on the basis of the appeal of individualized from approaches to the conceptual design, this furniture give people a delicate life space, satisfy people's spiritual needs. Keywords: furniture
17、 design conceptualization appeal of toys Ancient Chinese famous thinker once said "mozi, and then feed will always be satisfied; seeking beauty and then will often warm clothes for li; and then ask in will enterprise, the words" music to mapping out of the human essence from meet the pract
18、ical requirements demand to the spiritual and cultural needs gradually ascending condition and the inevitable trend. Along with the material life level unceasing enhancement, the function of "furniture is not only physical and spiritual" this concept has gradually thorough popular feeling.
19、 Design furniture is design to a new way of life, work mode, leisure and entertainment. A, conceptual design the meaning and connotation The ancients often say "first" to pen, so-called "meaning", namely "concept" and "idea" also. Whatever the art form, people
20、 in writing the first to have a conception, overall design idea spread around, so as to determine the main style art works. 1 The so-called conceptual design, be in namely when the design mature to humanity, technology, design, aesthetics, art, practicability and so on various aspects, in product mo
21、deling or use function of style, the breakthrough existing products without even considering the fetter, existing technical level and the realization of the function, etc. "Product" is the materialization of the concept of design is a kind of thinking, is behavior, concepts, imagine the ce
22、ntralized embodiment of creative thinking, and concept products is the concept of the physical form idealistic idea, because human creation is boundless wisdom, in this kind of creative thinking, under the guidance of conception is also rich and colorful. 2 Second, conceptual design theme "In t
23、he conceptualization" expanded under different theme, appeal: humanization of, individuation, muti_function change etc. The conceptual design emphasizes the design in the front direction, didn't care if it must implement or can be realized. Such as early in the 20th century has been "t
24、alking tool," like can make life discourse. The French designers amir Calais has designed a psychic artistic conception "furniture, he tried to fine shelf, withered leaves or fine wood will plant" soul "art is changed to diverted for its furniture, contact with every day it was t
25、ortured by technology and industrial mankind produces the effect of comfort and reconciliation. 1 and humanized With the development of science and technology and the advance of the human civilization, life quality rise ceaselessly, the people's aesthetic values also produced a great change, beg
26、an to generate rigid furniture curt, tired of psychology, think its lack of human and artistic interest. In this premise, humanized furniture design arises at the historic moment. Humanization design is reflected in the design of "people-oriented" design principle, make a design center alw
27、ays focus on the needs of users and unfolds, the comprehensive human engineering, environmental psychology, aesthetic psychology discipline knowledge, such as the scientific understanding of people physiological and behavioral aspects of psychology and the characteristics of visual perception, thus
28、designed full of human products. 3 Highlight the thought of "people-oriented", emphasize human service concept, is furniture of human-friendly design basic starting point and design criteria, in the design process, the introduction of humanistic care, join human understanding and care. 2,
29、the appeal of The appeal is the key conceptualization furniture design, let furniture products in meet its basic function at the same time, to reflect more information society of high-tech and high interest, let person and furniture, have an emotional interaction between emotional "exchange&quo
30、t;, thus obtains the devoted to relax. With simple commodity chair for example, its design besides considering the man-machine engineering, structure and production technology requirements outside, involved in addition to "sit", but also consider the way the word "sit" with the m
31、etaphor that additional emotional and meaning. Appeal has become this time a demand, today's furniture product besides contented substances, its spirit the functions of function also have become increasingly prominent, furniture message not only to clear, clear, but also interesting, a personali
32、ty. Furniture design has focus more on furniture humanization and emotional aspects, stylist pays more attention to the emotional characteristics and furniture itself of the emotional and psychological user reflection. 3, personalized As people material and spiritual life unceasing enhancement, the
33、people's cultural taste, aesthetic appeal will continue to ascend. So-called pursuit to satisfy consumers personalized is fun fashion, personality, the spiritual needs, reflect their unabashed individuality and extraordinary life taste. Especially tired of life invariable modern, more hope ego s
34、pace can appear constantly have new content, not only hope in style, design, USES can meet the individual needs, but also be able to express a publicity or inside collect, bold or alternative stylish personality, so peculiar style, seemingly irrational structures, become a kind of express individual
35、 character characteristic. Personality are the stuff of concept first, because the concept represents innovation, alternative and unique idea 4. Because this kind of weird thought, indie, something that concept generally become the pronoun of distinct personality. 4, muti_function change Although so
36、cial in the unceasing development, but people living space is more and more nervous, relatively in certain limit how seeks maximum free space, how to make full use of the specific space, it doesn't look appear crowded, stylist and consumer has struggled with an important problem. It is on this p
37、roblem for a constantly consider and exploration, gives birth to "a content multi-purpose" design concept, namely multi-function furniture. Because consumers increasingly stressed self, the pursuit of individual character, yearning a diversification, continuously introduce new varieties of
38、 market, the existing furniture already can't meet the needs of the consumers, and multi-functional furniture collect a variety of functions at an organic whole, have occupies little space, flexibility, function conversion simple and innovative modeling, use convenient, comfortable and practical
39、 characteristics, can maximize the use of space 5. Three, conceptual design development Based on the above design theme, the author to rest of seat conceptual design as the starting point, the seat for household environment design, and to meet "sit" function at the same time, still have th
40、e "play" nature, bring a person infinite pleasure, get rid of traditional chair bondage. 1, concept design origin - toys The design concept of subject is appeal, so choose toys as the concept design design origin. Fast-paced, high efficiency with the pressure of the life, often make people
41、 depression occurs, spirit is depressed situation, thus in the furniture demand, more consumers hope it brings relaxed, cheerful, humor, relaxation of visual and psychological feeling. Toys are not children's exclusive nouns, the emergence of adult toys that people pay more attention to life int
42、erest, and furniture as people living the most intimate life partner, the appeal of the importance of the design is self-evident. And we will select toys is the children's toys some interesting elements into furniture design, to meet the demand, in order to adults increase product interest. 2, t
43、he concept of Based on the above design principles, we put forward the following concepts: (1) concept one: building blocks Starting with the concept of blocks as the way, using blocks combination, according to need to combine into their favorite form, give consumer limitless freedom play space, in
44、"accumulation wood" at the same time experience "DIY" fun, reflect the design interest is changed and personalized; And every module and its unique function, for example as decorations, used to cushion the vase, etc, so as to express the muti_function change furniture (2) concept
45、 2: puzzles The concept and the puzzle blocks something similar in concept, combinations of the same, to create their own like furniture, different from a plane, puzzles, two dimensional space into three-dimensional, three-dimensional space: in unused moment, can Mosaic flat puzzles effect, both can
46、 be used as a beautiful adornment, also can be used as a handicraft, or a individualizing wall or screen, and demonstrate its unique individual character, consumers may again in "spell" have fun in the process (3) concept three: rubik's cube Using the concept of rubik's cube, subje
47、cting constantly changing; Also can be in gives it its modular, the appeal at the same time, they could make it functional, in order to save a space more than, for example, can will receive a function and fusion, can collect a few small items, already can be used alone, also can be made by various m
48、odules into many shapes furniture type (4) concept 4: transformers If animated version of transformers successfully attracted children's line of sight, so the transformers movie version is enough to make into people, and having the envy of a "transformers" furniture, that is a "co
49、ol" can can describe in words for people's life bring infinite joy at the same time, still can develop intelligence, make consumer household life is very interesting change abound again individuation (5) concept five: origami Believe we each must not forget childhood, will be covering commo
50、n white paper folding into various shapes, lifelike animals image when that kind of satisfaction and pride. But the concept of origami, is to make us another childhood pleasure. A similar to paper board or other material, in consumers' own imagination and design, through hands-on, to examine the
51、 rationality of the design. Consumer is in the process of designer, DIY experience fulfillment and fun Four, conceptual design Through the above summarizes and analyses the origin of this design, from design, based on the humanized - toys, on the basis of amination, individuation to express interest
52、 as Lord, and thrust deep into the concept of functional design, therefore how we put forward the following two sets of scheme. 1, plan one: "L" type modular furniture design Plan a design is mainly by blocks as design origin, take its modular combinations of concept, with "L" ty
53、pe as the basic module (see chart 1), will children's toys - blocks interesting factors into the design of the adult things, make consumers in do-it-yourself assembly process, we can find a good, happy childhood memories, to alleviate fast-paced, efficient life brings the mental stress. Figure 1
54、 bookshelf combination figure 2 separate combinations As people life content rich and consumption the change of the idea, furniture decoration will tend to be multiform, individuation, vogue and more entertaining. The modular design of game composition, specifications but can small, material but lig
55、ht can be heavy, colour can deep can shallow, quantity can increase will be reduced, allowing people to whatever, to change with the expression of household space in the process of dress up household, a pleasure to enjoy. This is designed to make consumers may, according to their own imagination, be
56、 fond of, co-ordinate synthetic sundry furniture, for example can be grouped into chairs, tea table, adornment ark, bookshelf, etc (see figure 2), fully embodies the modern to make public individual character, can also give people's life brings new vitality. Mainly used in design, the modern style of brief vogue, match with Chinese t
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