1、1.閥門類 1.1 常用閥 閘閥Gate valve 截止閥(球心閥)Globe valve 節(jié)流閥Throttle valve TRV 針型閥Needle valve 角閥(角式截止閥)Angle valve Y 型閥(Y 型截止閥)Y-valve (Y-body globe valve) 球閥Ball valve 三通球閥3-Way ball valve 蝶閥Butterfly valve 柱塞閥Piston type valve 旋塞閥Plug valve 三通旋塞閥3-Way cock valve 旋塞Cock 隔膜閥Diaphragm valve 夾緊式膠管閥pinch valve
2、止回閥Check valve 1.2 其它閥 安全泄汽閥(安全閥)Safety valve SV 安全泄液閥(卸荷閥)Relief valve 安 全 泄 壓 閥 Safety relief valve 罐 底 排 污 閥 Flush-bottom tank valve 波 紋 管 密 封 閥 Bellow sealed valve 電 磁 閥 Solenoid valve 電 動 閥 Electrically operated valve 氣 動 閥 Pneumatic operated valve 低 溫 用 閥 Cryogenic service valve 蒸 汽 疏 水 閥 Stea
3、m trap T 呼 吸 閥 Breather valve 減 壓 閥 Reducing valveRV 控 制 閥 .調(diào) 節(jié) 閥 Control valve 1.3 不表明結(jié)構(gòu)的閥 切 斷 閥 Block valve, Shut-off valve, Stop valve 手 動 控 制 閥 Hand control valveHCV 調(diào) 節(jié) 閥 Regulating valve 快 開 閥 Quick opening valve 快 閉 閥 Quick closing valve 隔 斷 閥 Isolating valve 三 通 閥 3-Way valve 夾 套 閥 Jacketed
4、valve 排 污 閥 Blowdown valve 排 液 閥 Drain valve 放 空 閥 Vent valveVTV 卸 載 閥 Unloading valve 排 出 閥 Discharge valve 吸 入 閥 Suction valve 多 路 閥 Multiport valve 取 樣 閥 Sampling valve 手 動 閥 Hand operated valve, Manually operated valve旁 路 閥 By-pass valve 沖 洗 閥 Flush valve 根 部 閥 Root valve, Primary valve, Header
5、valve 底 閥 Foot valve2. 管子與連接2.1 管 子 管子(標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)格 ) Pipe 管子(非標(biāo)規(guī)格 ) Tube 鋼 管 Steel pipe 鑄 鐵 管 Cast iron pipe 襯 里 管 Lined pipe 復(fù)合管(包復(fù)金屬管) Clad pipe 碳 鋼 管 Carbon pipe 合 金 鋼 管 Alloy steel pipe 不 銹 鋼 管 Stainless steel valve 奧氏體不銹鋼管 Austenitic stainless steel pipe 鐵素體合金鋼管 Ferric alloy steel pipe 無 縫 鋼 管 Seamles
6、s steel pipe 焊 接 鋼 管 Welded steel pipe 鍍 鋅 鋼 管 Galvanized steel pipe 水煤氣鋼管Water-gas steel pipe 塑料管Plastic pipe 玻璃管Glass tube 橡膠管Rubber tube 壁厚系列號(管子表號)Schedule numberSch.NO 壁厚Wall thicknessW.T 2.2 管子零件 彎頭Elbow 異徑彎頭Reducing elbow 長半徑彎頭Long radius elbowLRE 短半徑彎頭Short radius elbowSRE 180彎頭(回彎頭)Return e
7、lbow 三通(T 型三通)Tee 異徑三通Reducing tee 等徑三通Straight tee 45三通450Lateral 正三通(Y 型三通)TrueY 四通(十字通)Cross 異徑管(大小頭)ReducerRED 同心異徑管Concentric reducerCON 偏心異徑管Eccentric reducerECC 支管連接Branch connection 支管臺(凹臺)Boss 活接頭Union 管接頭(管箍)Couling, Full coupling 管帽CapC 短節(jié)(短管)NippleNIP 管堵(絲堵)PlugPLG 焊接管帽welded capWC 盲板,管道
8、盲板Blank, Blind, Line blankL.B 8 字盲板Spectacle blank 特殊管件Special pipe fittingsS.P 2.3 連接 對焊的Butt weldedBW 法蘭的Flanged FLGD 螺紋的ThreadedTHD 承插焊的Socket weldedSW 承插的Belled 對焊連接Butt welded jointBW 法蘭連接Flanged joint 螺紋連接Threaded jointT 管螺紋連接Pipe threaded joint 承插焊連接Socket welding flangeSW 承插連接,套筒連接Bell and s
9、pigot joint 整體法蘭Integral pipe flange 螺紋法蘭Threaded flangeTHDF 承插焊法蘭Socket welding flange 松套法蘭Lap joint flangeLJF 對焊法蘭Weld neck flangeWNF 平焊法蘭Slip on flange, Slip on weld flange 板式平焊法蘭Welding plate flange 松套板式法蘭Loose plate flange 滑套法蘭(平焊法蘭)Slip-on-welding flange 法蘭蓋Blind flange,Blind 孔板法蘭Orifice flang
10、e 異徑法蘭Reducing flangeBCD 螺拴圓直徑Bolt circle diameter 法蘭面Flange facing,facing of flangeFOF 光面,光滑面Plain facePF 突面Raised faceRF 凹凸面Male-female(Seal contact )faceMFM 凸面Male faceMF 凹面Female faceFMF 榫槽面Tongue groove faceTGF 榫面Tongue faceTF 槽面Groove faceGF 環(huán)連接面,梯型槽密封面Ring joint faceRJF 全平面,滿平面Flat face,Full
11、faceFF 光滑突面Smooth raised faceSRF 螺拴熱緊Bolt hot tightening 螺拴冷緊Bolt cold tightening 螺紋管帽Threaded capTHDC 螺紋焊管座Threaded letTHLET 承插焊管帽Socket welded capSWC 承插焊管座Socket welded letSWLET 墊片Gasket 非金屬包覆墊片Non-metallic jacked gasket 金屬包覆墊片Metallic jacket gasket 纏繞式墊片Spiral wound gasket 內(nèi)環(huán)Inner ring 外環(huán)Outer ri
12、ng 金屬墊片Metallic gasket3. 管道附件 3.1 組件 氣液分離器Gas-liquid separation 阻火器Flame arrested(Flame trap) 臨時粗濾器Temporary strainer 永久粗濾器(固定粗濾器)Permanent strainer Y 型粗濾器Y-type strainer T 型粗濾器T-type strainer 網(wǎng)狀粗濾器Gauge strainer 粗濾器Strainer 過濾器Filter 永久過濾器Permanent filter 消音器(消聲器)Silencer 視鏡Sight glass(Sight flow g
13、lass) 浮球式視鏡Floating ball sight flow indicator 全視鏡Full view sigh flow indicator 取樣冷卻器Sample cooler 噴嘴,噴頭Spray nozzle 噴射器Ejector 洗眼器Eye washerE.W 膨脹節(jié)(伸縮接頭)Expansion joint 波紋膨脹節(jié)Bellow expansion joint 球型補(bǔ)償器Ball type expansion joint 填函式補(bǔ)償器Slip type(packed type)expansion joint 安全淋浴器Safety showerS.S 3.2 元件
14、 排液漏斗Drain funnel 漏斗Funnel 爆破板Rupture diskRP 限流孔板Restriction orificeRO 混合孔板Mixing orifice 軟管接頭Hose connectionHC 金屬軟管Metal hose 橡膠管Rubber hose 撓性管(柔性管)Flexible hose 快速接頭Quick coupling 旋轉(zhuǎn)接頭Swivel joint 減壓器ReducerRED4. 材料 4.1 金屬材料 碳鋼Carbon steelC.S 合金鋼Alloy steel 合金結(jié)構(gòu)鋼Structural alloy steel 工具鋼Tool ste
15、el 不銹鋼Stainless steelS.S 奧氏體不銹鋼Austenitic stainless steel 馬氏體不銹鋼Martensitic stainless steel 鍛鋼Forged steel 鑄鋼Cast steel 鑄鐵Cast ironC.I 灰鑄鐵Grey cast iron 可鍛鑄鐵Malleable ironM.I 球墨鑄鐵Nodular cast iron, Nodular cast graphite iron高硅鑄鐵High silicon cast iron 鋁Aluminum 銅Copper 黃銅Brass 鋁鎂合金Aluminum magnesium
16、蒙乃爾合金(鎳銅合金)Monel 鈦Titanium 鉛Lead 型鋼Shaped steel 角鋼Angle steel 槽鋼Channel 工字鋼(工字梁)I-Beam 寬翼線工字鋼(H 鋼)Wide flanged beam T 字鋼T-Bar 方鋼Square Bar 扁鋼Flat Bar 園鋼Round steel,rod 鋼帶Strap steel 鋼板Plate 網(wǎng)紋鋼板Checkered plate 4.2 非金屬材料 塑料Plastic 丙烯睛.丁二烯.苯乙烯橡膠Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene rubberABS 聚乙烯Polyethylene
17、PE 聚氯乙烯Ploy vinyl chloridePVC 氯化聚氯乙烯Chlorinated ploy vinyl chlorideCPVC 聚丙烯PolypropylenePP 聚苯乙烯PolystyrenePS 氯化聚醚Chlorinated polyetherCPE 聚碳酸酯PolycarbonatePC 有機(jī)玻璃Poly methyl methacrylatePMMA 聚四氟乙烯PolytetrafluoroethlenePTFE 碳纖維Carbon fiberCAR 聚三氟氯乙烯Poly chlorotrifluoroethylenePCTFE 氯化聚乙烯Chlorinated p
18、oly ethyleneCPE;CM 氯磺化聚乙烯Chlorosulfonated polyethyleneCSM;CSPR 環(huán)氧樹脂Epoxy resinEP 泡沫聚苯乙烯Expanded poly styreneEPS 玻璃纖維增強(qiáng)聚酯Glass fiber reinforced polyesterFRP 丁腈橡膠Nitride butadiene rubberNBR 氯丁橡膠Neoprene rubber 天然橡膠Natural rubberNR 丁基橡膠Butyl rubberPIBI 丁苯橡膠Styrene-Butadiene rubberSBR 順丁橡膠Cis-polybutadi
19、ene rubberCBR 不飽和聚酯Unsaturated polyesterUP 聚氨酯PolyurethanePU 耐火磚Fire brick 陶瓷Ceramic 搪瓷Porcelain enamel 石棉Asbest5. 設(shè)備安裝 5.1 布置 裝置邊界Battery limitB.L 邊界內(nèi)Inside battery limitI.S.B.L 邊界外Outside battery limitO.S.B.L. 中心線Center line 接續(xù)線Match lineM.L. 設(shè)備布置Equipment arrangment; Equipment layoutlot plan 標(biāo)高,高
20、程,立面圖ElevationEL 絕對標(biāo)高Absolute elevation 坐標(biāo)Coordinate 坐標(biāo)原點(diǎn)Origin of coordinate 裝置北Plant north 真實(shí)北true northTN 方位Orientation 危險區(qū)Hazardous area 鋪砌區(qū)Paving area 非鋪砌區(qū)Unpaving area 樓面Floor 地面標(biāo)高Ground levelGL 平臺PlatformPF 場地Yard 管廊Pipe rack 電纜槽(架)Cable tray(channel) 建筑物Building 鋼結(jié)構(gòu)Steel structure 基礎(chǔ)Foundati
21、on 柱Colun; Post; Stanchion 梁Beam 桁架Girder 墻Wall 篦子板Grate; Grating 吊裝孔Erection opening 吊梁Hoisting beamHB 架頂面Top of supportTOS 鋼結(jié)構(gòu)頂面Top of steelTOS 混凝土頂面Top of concreteTOC 梁頂面Top of BeamTOB 板表面Plat facePLATF 吊勾Hook 頂面,上面TopTOP 底面,底下BottomBOT 支撐點(diǎn)Point of supportPOS 固定點(diǎn)Fixed pointFP 建筑北Construction nort
22、h 設(shè)計(jì)北Design northDN 電纜溝Electric cable duct; Electrical trench 管溝Pipe trench 明溝Open trench 明火地點(diǎn)Open fire place 散發(fā)火花地點(diǎn)Send-out spark place 防火間距fire protection spacing 支架間距Support spacing 地面坡度Ground grade 吊裝孔Erection opening 道路Road 地面Ground;Ground levelGRD 內(nèi)徑Inside DiameterID 外徑Outside DiameterOD 公稱直徑N
23、ominal diameter;Nominal(pipe)sizeDN 公稱壓力Nominal pressurePN 切線Tangent lineTL 中心線Center line 門Gate 窗Window 地下Under groundUG 底板底面Bottom of base plateBBP 控置室Control room 分析室Analyzer 配電室Substation 變壓器室Transformer room 通風(fēng)室Ventilation room 更衣室Locker room 貯藏室Storage room 維修室Maintenance room 盥洗室,廁所Closte;Toi
24、let;WashroomW.C 辦工室Office 門衛(wèi)室,傳達(dá)室Entrance guard room;Janitor's room 接待室,會客室Reception room 地秤室Weigh-bridge room 泵房Pump houseump room 壓縮機(jī)室Compressor house(room) 電池室Battery room 消防栓Fire plugFPL 電氣盤Electrical panel 儀表盤Instrument panel 就地盤Local panel 5.2 設(shè)備 塔Tower;Column 洗滌塔Scrubber 吸收塔Absorber 冷卻塔Co
25、oling tower 精餾塔Fractionating tower 換熱器Heat exchanger 空冷器Air cooler 水冷卻器Water cooler 冷卻器Condenser 螺旋板換熱器Spiral plate exchanger 套管換熱器Double pipe heat exchanger 石墨換熱器Graphite heat exchanger 板片換熱器Plate type heat exchanger 板翅式換熱器Plate-fin heat exchanger 板式塔Plate tower 填料塔Floating distillation tower 浮閥塔Va
26、lve tower 反應(yīng)器Reactor 貯罐Tank 緩沖器Knock-out drum 混合罐Mixing tank(drum) 浮頂罐Floating roof tankontoon roof tank 內(nèi)浮頂罐Floating internal roof tank 固定頂罐Stationary roof tank 臥式儲罐Horizontal tank 球罐Spheroid;Spherical tank 罐,鼓,筒,桶Drum 氣柜Gas bolder 螺旋式氣柜Helical gas-holder 濕式氣柜Wet gas holder 干式氣柜Dry gas- holder 離心泵C
27、entrifugal pump 渦輪泵Turbine pump 旋渦泵Vortex pump 轉(zhuǎn)子泵Rotary pump 齒輪泵Gear pump 內(nèi)嚙合齒輪泵Internal gear rotary pump;Crescen gear pump 螺桿泵Screw pump 柱塞泵Plunger pump 雙作用往復(fù)泵Double action reciprocating pump 計(jì)量泵,定量泵Metering pump 泥漿泵Slurry pump;Sludge pump;Mud pump 管道泵Inline pump 手搖泵Hand pump; Wobble pump 深井泵Deep
28、well pump 輸送泵Transfer pump; Delivery pump 屏蔽泵Shielding can-type pump; Canned pump 液下泵Submerged pump; Submersible pump 潛水泵Submerged pump; Immersible pump 多級泵Stage pump; Multistage pump 立式泵Vertical pump; 磁力泵Magnetic transmission pump; Magnetic coupled pump 氣動泵Pneumatic pump 軸流泵Axial flow pump 混流泵Mixed
29、 flow pump 陶瓷泵Ceramic pump 陶制泵Stoneware pump 自吸泵Self suction pump; Self priming pump 消防泵Fire pump 真空泵Vacuum pump 葉片式真空泵Vane vacuum pump 水環(huán)式真空泵(壓縮機(jī))Water ring vacuum pump(compressor) 液環(huán)泵(壓縮機(jī))Liquid ring pump(compressor) 活塞式壓縮機(jī)Piston compressor 螺桿壓縮機(jī)Helical screw compressor 離心壓縮機(jī)Centrifugal compressor
30、 多級壓縮機(jī)Multiple stages compressor 往復(fù)式壓縮機(jī)Reciprocating compressor 風(fēng)機(jī),風(fēng)扇Fan; Van 鼓風(fēng)機(jī)Blower 離心機(jī)Centrifuger 離心分離機(jī)Centrifugal separator 離心過濾機(jī)centrifugal filter 壓濾機(jī)Pressure filter 板框式壓濾機(jī)Plate and frame filter press 廂式壓濾機(jī)Box type filer press 帶式過濾機(jī)Belt filter 轉(zhuǎn)鼓式過濾機(jī)Rotating drum type filter 盤式過濾機(jī)Tray filter
31、板式塔Plate tower 填料塔Packed tower; Packed column 浮閥塔Valve tower; Floating distillation tower 帶式(皮帶)運(yùn)輸機(jī)Ribbon conveyer; Belt conveyer 螺旋輸送機(jī)Screw convery; Spirla conveyer; Worm conveyer 加熱器Heater 攪拌器Agitator 爐子Furnace 煙囪Stack 火炬Flare 鍋爐Boiler 發(fā)電機(jī)Generator 汽輪機(jī)Steam turbine 電動機(jī)Motor 起重機(jī),吊車Crane 板式起重機(jī)Bridge
32、 crane 吊車梁Crane beam; Hoist beam 電動葫蘆Motor hoist; Electric hoist; Electric block 成套設(shè)備Package unit 附屬設(shè)備,附件Attachment equipment 干燥器Dryer 混合器Mixer 蒸發(fā)器Evaporator 萃取器Extractor 結(jié)晶器Crystalliger 澄清器Gravity settler 噴射器Ejector 噴頭Sprayer 分離器Separator 旋風(fēng)分離器,旋風(fēng)除塵器Cyclone;Cyclone separator device 布袋收塵器Cloth envel
33、op collection 電除塵器Electrostatic precipitator; Electridust precipitator 除塵器,吸塵器Duster; Dust arrester 振動篩Vibrating screen;Riddler;Oscillating sieve 破碎機(jī)Breaker; Cracker mill; Crusher; Crushing mill顎式破碎機(jī)Jaw breaker; Jaw crusher; Alligator 粉碎機(jī),磨碎機(jī)Grinder; Pulverizer; Disintegrator;Atomizer 提升機(jī),卷揚(yáng)機(jī)Hoister
34、; Lifter; Gig; Elevator 斗式提升機(jī)Bucket elevator 電梯Electrical lift; Elevator 泡沫站Foam station 軟管站Hose stationH.S6. 管道布置 6.1 設(shè)計(jì)文件 管道布置Piping assembly; Piping layout 管道布置平面Piping arrangement planPAP 管道研究Piping study X 視圖View X A-A 視圖Section A-A 詳圖Detail drawing 軸測圖,空視圖Isometric drawing 索引圖Key plan 接續(xù)圖Conti
35、nue on drawingCOD 管道及儀表流程圖Piping and Instrument diagramP&ID 工藝控制圖Process control diagram 工藝流程圖Process flow diagram 公用工程流程圖Utility flow diagramUFD 總 圖Genera plan 總平面布置圖General arrangement plan 放大圖Enlarged view 節(jié)點(diǎn)Node 地上Above groundAG 地下Under groundUG 地面GroundGRD 附圖Figue 草圖Sketch 圖例Legend 符號Symbol 比例S
36、cale 蒸汽伴管Steam tracing 熱水伴管Hot-water tracing 電伴熱Electrical tracing 夾套管Jacketed tracing 高壓High pressureH.P. 中壓Medium pressureM.P. 低壓Low pressureL.P. 大氣,大氣壓AtmosphereATM 工作壓力,操作壓力Operating pressure; Working pressure 設(shè)計(jì)壓力Design pressure 工作溫度,操作溫度Operating temperature 設(shè)計(jì)溫度Design temperature 管口Nozzle 取樣接
37、口Sampling connection S.C 清除口,清洗口Clean outC.O 排出口Exhaust 出口Outlet; DischargeDISCH 入口Inlet; suctionINLET 連接,接頭Connection 管口方位Nozzle orientation 排液Drain 放空VentVENT 污水坑,污水池Sump pit 地坑,井Pit 地漏Floor drainF.D 下水管Sewer 人孔ManholeM.H 手孔HandholeH.H 關(guān)閉后加鉛封(封關(guān))Car seal closeC.S.C 開啟后加鉛封(封開)Car seal openC.S.O 關(guān)閉后
38、加鎖(鎖關(guān))Locked closedL.C 開啟后加鎖(鎖開)Locked closedL.O 正常時關(guān)閉Normally closeN.C 正常時開啟Normally openN.O 故障時關(guān)閉Valve closes on failure of actuating energyFC 故障時開啟Valve opens on failure of actuating energyFO 垂直,正交Perpendicular 平行Parallel 管頂Top of pipeTOP 管底Bottom of pipe BOP 管內(nèi)底Invert,Inside bottom of pipeINV 底平
39、Flat on bottomFOB 頂平Flat on topFOT 水平的,臥式的HorizontalHOR 立式的,垂直的VerticalVERT 水平安裝Horizontal installation 垂直安裝Vertical installation 管件直連Fitting to fittingFTF 管間距Line spacing 管道跨距Line span 管道等級Piping class 管道材料規(guī)定Piping material specification 等級分界Material Specification break 隔熱分界Insulation break 管道附件Pip
40、ing attachment 管道元件Piping element 面至面Face to FaceF-F 中心至面Center to FaceC-F 中心至中心Center to CenterC-C 中心至端面Center to EndC-E 坡度Slope; Grade 公稱直徑Nominal DiameterDN 公稱壓力Nominal pressurePN 外徑Outside DiameterOD 內(nèi)徑Inside DiameterID 螺栓圓直徑Bolt circleB.C 軟管接頭Hose connectionHC 管段,短管Spool piece; Spool 可拆短管Remova
41、ble joint spoolRSP 直管Run pipe; Straight pipe 彎管Bend 管內(nèi)底標(biāo)高Invert elevationIE 不許出現(xiàn)袋形Not allow pocketNO.P 孔板Orifice plate 孔,洞Hole 低點(diǎn)標(biāo)高Low point elevationLP.LE 低點(diǎn)Low pointLP 高點(diǎn)High pointHP 平臺Platform; Flat; Floor; Surface platePF 袋形管Bag-Shape pipe 外殼(outside)Shell;Case(shell);Casing;Cover 6.2 管道安裝 管托Sho
42、e 管卡Clamp 管架Piping support 支耳Lug U 型卡Clevice 帶狀卡Strap clamp 托座Stool 吊耳Ear 導(dǎo)向板,夾板Cleat 底板Base plate 頂板Top plate 予埋件Embedded part; Inserted plate 支承環(huán)Ring 加強(qiáng)板Stiffener 墊片(墊平用)Shim 錨固件Clip 預(yù)焊件(設(shè)備上)Clip(on equipment) 聚四氟乙烯滑動板PTFE sliding plate 連接板Tie plate 連接桿Tie rod 限制桿Limit rod 鞍座Saddle 裙座Skirt 支承架Rest
43、ing support 滑動架Sliding support 固定架Anchor 導(dǎo)向架Guide 吊架Hanger 彈簧架Spring support 彈簧托Resting type spring support 彈簧吊架Spring hanger 恒力吊架Constant hanger 滾動支架Rolling hanger 減振器Snubber 懸臂架Cantilever support 三角架Triangular support 支腿Leg n 型管架n-type support L 型管架L-type support 柱式管架Pole type support 墻架Support on
44、 wall 管墩,低管架Sleeper 特殊管架Special support (予埋螺栓)伸出長度Extrusion 對中心,找正Alignment 跨度Span 力矩Moment 彎矩Bending moment 扭矩Torque 荷載Load 反力Reaction 位移Displacement 角位移Angular rotation 冷緊,冷拉Cold spring 約束Restraint 固定點(diǎn)Fix point; Anchor point 應(yīng)力Stress 慣性矩Moment of inertia 斷面系數(shù)Section modules 安全系數(shù)Safety factor 6.3 焊
45、接與熱處理 電弧焊Arc welding 電熔焊Electric fusion weldingEFW 氣熔焊Fusion gas weldingFGW 電阻焊Electric resistance weldingERW 氣焊Gas welding; flame welding 等離子焊Plasma welding 電渣焊Electroslag welding 焊條Welding electrode(rod) 焊絲Welding wire 平焊Flat welding 角焊Fillet welding 間斷焊Intermittent welding 點(diǎn)焊Spot welding 對焊Butt w
46、elding 搭焊Lap welding 現(xiàn)場焊Field weldF.W 工廠(車間)焊接Shop weld 坡口Groove 無損檢驗(yàn)Non-Destruction testing 肉眼檢驗(yàn),外觀檢驗(yàn)Visual testing 超聲波探傷Ultrasonic test 磁粉探傷Magnetic particle test 熒光滲透試驗(yàn)Fluorescent penetrate inspection 水壓試驗(yàn)Hydraulic testing 氣壓試驗(yàn)Pneumatic testing 退火Annealing 回火Tempering 正火Normalizing 淬火Quenching 調(diào)質(zhì)Quenching and tempering 高頻淬火Induction hardening 滲氮Nitrogen case-hardening 滲碳Carbonization 6
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