1、 高級英語高級英語 精品課程精品課程 第二冊第二冊 紹興文理學院元培學院紹興文理學院元培學院Lesson Four Inaugural AddressTeaching Objectives1) To acquaint students with the historical background of the speech2) To enable them to grasp the features of a political speech3) To help them analyze the structure and appreciate the language of the text
2、students presentation on J. F. Kennedy Focus: 1) Whats special about J. F. Kennedy? 2) What problems did he face as a president?Pulitzer PrizeassassinationNavyNote.在肯尼迪競選總統(tǒng)時,曾因其羅馬天主教信仰而不斷受到攻擊。許多人認為,在肯尼迪對國家的忠誠和對教會的虔誠之間,將不可避免地發(fā)生沖突。 他反復強調“沒有任何天主教的高級教士會在這個國度里對總統(tǒng)指手畫腳、發(fā)號施令” 。Marilyn MonroeassassinationPul
3、itzer PrizeassassinationNavyyoungest Roman CatholicPulitzer PrizeStrange coincidences between Abraham Lincoln and J. F. K Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. J.F.Kin 1946. Lincoln was elected President in 1860. J. F. K. .in 1960. Both of their names contain 7 letters. Both were particul
4、arly concerned with civil rights. Lincolns secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedys secretary was named Lincoln. Both wives lost their children while living in the White House.Both were assassinated on a Friday.Both were assassinated by Southerners.Both assassins were known by their three names.Both na
5、mes comprise 15 letters.Both ran from the theatre and was caught in a warehouse.Both were assassinated before their trials.Both were succeeded by Southerners.Both successors were named Johnson.contributions 1. demanded on Oct.22, 1962.: USSR dismantled its missile bases in Cuba 2. established a quar
6、antine of arms shipments to Cuba and continued surveillance by air 3. backed civil rights, a mental health program, expanded medical care for the aged, astronaut flights and satellite orbiting 美國歷史上第一次公開主張結束族隔離的總統(tǒng)inauguration day and presidential oath First: April 30, 1789, George Washington Since 1
7、937, has been changed to Jan, 20 The oath runs as follows:“ I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States.”Inaugural address a speech officially m
8、ade by a person on taking office Memorable words have been uttered in inaugural address. In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt told Depression-racked Americans that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself”.Purpose:The aim of a political speech is to explain, convince and persuade the people that wha
9、t he is saying and planning to do best represents their interests so they should support him.Audience:As president of the United States, Kennedy has to address a worldwide audience. He has to appeal not only to the American people but also to the different groups of nations in the international comm
10、unity.Message:The message in the speech is clear. The United States, the self-appointed leader of the “free democracies”, is prepared to pay any price to defend human rights and the liberty and independence of free nations, so these nations should support and accept the leadership of the United Stat
11、es. There is veiled threat, warning and advice to the enemy camp.Para 1-5: general statement of basic policyPara 6-10: addressing different groups of allied nations or would-be nationsPara 11-20: addressing his enemy with threat and warningPara 21-27: appealing to his countrymen forsupport and sacri
12、ficeDetailed study of the text: Para1 opening paragraph importance / significance of his election as president of the US 1. observe 2. celebrate Freedom: People in the US are free to choose their president. Antithesis: end - the end of Eisenhowers presidential term beginning - the beginning of Kenne
13、dys presidential term renewal - the continuation of the ancestors policy change change of some policiessolemn - refer almost exclusive to an extremely formal and inspiring religious ritual. ( grave ) very serious. a oath 莊嚴的誓言 a dedication to the cause of freedom 為自由事業(yè)而忠貞不渝的獻身prescribe - set down /
14、impose What punishment does the law prescribe for this crime? Government schools must work for a prescribed number of days each year. Good citizens do what the laws prescribe. Someone who behaves as foolishly as you have no right to prescribe how others should behave.Para.2 the general situation of
15、this world topic sentence - The world is very different. In what way is the world different? The world is different in the way of science and technology. People have modern and advanced science and technology.the power - the power of science and technology with the help of science and technology 1.
16、People can become very rich. 2. People can be exterminated. Science can be used to get rid of poverty. Science can be used to destroy all human beings.revolutionary belief - human rights All men were created equal and God had given them certain unalienable rights which no state or ruler could take a
17、way from them. see: Note 3at issue - undecided , in dispute The point at issue is whether you are willing to go abroad or not . That is not the point at issue.Para.3 general policy of the US People in the US must keep and defend human rights not only in the US but also in the world as well.torch The
18、 original reference is to the Olympic games before which a torch is carried from runner to runner. The flame of the torch eventually lights a fire that signals the opening of Olympics. This refers to the privilege and burden of leading the nation being passed to a new generation. Ideal and responsib
19、ility - of keeping human rights temper: vt. To strengthen through experience or hardship young soldiers tempered by rigorous exercise soldiers who had been tempered by combat.vt. 冶煉冶煉 Steel is tempered by heating it and working it till it has the proper degree of hardness and toughness. Its a new pr
20、ocess of tempering still. discipline: vt. Train, control, subject to discipline Students must learn to discipline themselves. He should discipline himself never to read for amusement. His dog was disciplined by a professional trainer. Many parents are unwilling to correct and discipline their own ch
21、ildren. heritage all the qualities, traditions or features of life that have been continued over many years and passed on from one generation to another, used especially to refer to things that are of historical importance or that have had a strong influence on society. What is our cultural heritage
22、?heritage/inheritance/heredity 1. He received a large _. 2. We must take care to preserve our national _. 3. My height comes from my _. commit - commit oneself to (doing) sth be committed to sth/ doing sth - promise/ pledge to do /support sth Allan has been committed to staying there for a long time
23、.Commit- to do sth illegal and badTo commit a crime; to commit suicideCommit-to commit money or resources to sth, to use it for a particular purpose 投入投入, 交付交付, 記住記住 The company committed its profits to building new factories. He committed the papers to the care of the lawyer. I have already committ
24、ed the rules to memory.Commit-to commit oneself to a course of action or way of life/ or to a person 同意承同意承擔擔, 答應做某事或支持某事答應做某事或支持某事, 作出諾言作出諾言 I would advice people to think very carefully about committing themselves to working Sundays.You dont have to commit anything on the phone.The government rema
25、ined committed to peace. A committed socialistHe is a very much committed man./ family-committedCommitment-a strong belief in an idea or system: commitment to the ideal.A commitment is sth which takes up time because of promise or responsibility I have a lot of commitments.Work commitments forced he
26、r to be away from home most of the time.I hate him. He just does not want to make any commitments. pledge: to make a formal, usually public, promise that you will do something pledge support/loyalty/solidarity etc pledge that pledge to do sth pledge yourself to (do) sthHe pledged his word that he wo
27、uld come back at the end of the journey.They pledged their determination to carry on the struggle for Socialism.They have pledged that they will always remain faithful .He pledged never to come back until he had found her.I pledge myself to fulfill the promise I have made . Para.4 strong determinati
28、on Kennedy puts the US to the leader, so he says in order to keep human rights, we shall.survival and the success of liberty 1. the survival and the success of free democratic countries. 2. the newly independent third world countriesPara 5. transition A one sentence paragraph that functions as a tra
29、nsition from the general to the specific. In the following paragraphs he will be addressing different specific groups of nations. This much we promise to do and we promise to do more.Para. 6 the specific policy toward his friends and would-be friendsallies - ally. Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Austr
30、alia,/ West European countries a country that has a treaty or an agreement to help and support another country, esp. during a war.cultural and spiritual origins - 1. speak the same language /belong to the same language family 2. have the same religious beliefantithesis - United we can do everything.
31、 Divided we can do nothing. - the importance of unitya powerful challenge - a strong, powerful threat posed by the socialist camp If we are quarrelling and split apart, we can not compete with the strong, powerful enemy in front of us. At odds: in disagreement, quarrellingHe was at odds with his col
32、leagues.Helen and Ruth are always at odds about some little things.Theyre a strange family; as long as Ive known them they have all been at odds with one another.asunder: adv. into parts or piecesTear something asunderAs wide asunder as pole and pole 象兩個柱子那樣分隔得象兩個柱子那樣分隔得很遠很遠The War forced the parent
33、s and children asunder.Para. 7 Whom did he address? - some newly independent countries 1)He promises to aid (support) the newly independent countries so that they can remain free and independent.ranks of the free - the community of free and independent nations a far more iron tyranny - a communist d
34、ictatorship riding the back of a tiger - Compare seeking the aid of socialist countries to riding he back of a tigerPara. 7 2) Those countries which foolishly seek the aid of socialist countries will end up by losing their independence as many other countries did in the past. It is dangerous to ride
35、 the back of the tiger. If you do, you will be swallowed up by the tiger. You will lose your power and independence .Para 8 Whom did he address? the developing countries half the globe - the continents of Africa and Asia constitute almost one half of the land surface of the globe.bonds - chains, fet
36、ters (pl) 1. chains, ropes that are used to tie down a prisoner 2. (fig) a feeling, duty or custom that forces you to behave in a particular wayhelp them help - We pledge to help them on condition that they do their best and do what we ask them to do.Para. 9 He is speaking to Latin American countrie
37、s. Usually the US regards the Latin American countries as the backyard of the US, for it has special interest in these countries.sister - careful choice of word, implying equal relationship, one family mutual good relations peaceful revolution = a new alliance for progressprey - metaphor comparing p
38、eaceful revolution to an animal which might fall victim to enemy nations. We will not allow any enemy country to subvert this peaceful revolution which brings hope of progress to all our countries.Para. 9 1. He offered special pledge that all Latin American countries to work together to make progres
39、s. 2. He warned the enemies not to interfere in the internal affairs of these countries, because we are master of this hemisphere.Para.10 He is addressing the United Nations. The UN is our last and best hope of survival in a world where the instruments of war have far surpassed and exceeded the inst
40、ruments of peace.Para.10 instruments of war - weapons, bombs, for waging wars instruments of peace - machines, tools for producing goods outpace: vt. surpass; exceedHe tried to outpace his rival but failedguess the meaning of the following words: outfight / outgrow / outlive / outplay outshine / out
41、sell / outvote / outride outdo / outweigh / outruninvective: n. a violent verbal attack; strong criticism; insults, curses, etc; 抨擊抨擊; 辱罵辱罵 a stream of invectivesFace the torrent of invectives 面對一頓痛罵面對一頓痛罵A speech filled with invective 充滿猛烈抨擊的演講充滿猛烈抨擊的演講He sometimes let loose great invectives agains
42、t things he hated. 有時侯他對自己所痛恨的事破口大罵有時侯他對自己所痛恨的事破口大罵.Para.10 1) to prevent the UN from becoming an assembly where people just criticize, insult and abuse each other 2) to strengthen the power of UN to protect the newly independent and weak nations 3) to enlarge the area in which its authority and man
43、date would continue to be in effect or in forcePara.11 He is speaking to the enemies, especially the Soviet Union.make themselves our adversary - clever choice of words This phrase throws the blame for confrontation and world tension on the other party. The US has done nothing to create enemies. Its
44、 the other side that is challenging the US.not pledge - not promise but a request - but asking the other side to consider his proposal 1) point out danger danger- self destruction ( the Third World War) Advanced weapons will destroy the whole mankind whether intentionally or accidentallyPara.11 anew
45、 - again, in a new or different way quest - a search or attempt to find The quest for gold was long and difficult. engulf - (of the earth, the sea) to destroy by swallowing up The stormy sea engulfed the small boat.Para.12 2) point out position of strength We must be very strong. If we are weak, the
46、y would attract us. We dare not be weak because it might tempt the enemy to take rash actions. tempt - attract The warm sun tempted us to go swimming. a tempting mealPara.13 3) point out needs / situation (find no comfort in present situation) cold war / hostile confrontation a) Both sides are feeli
47、ng the great financial burden of the arms race. b) Both are made conscious of the gradual spread of the terrible atomic bombs.Para.13 c) Both sides are trying to change this uncertain balance of this terrible military power which restrains / prevent each group from launching the Third World War.Para
48、.14-18 4) point out co-operation / different proposals trying to find out specific field in which we can agree with each other.sincerity is always subject to proof - Ones sincerity must be proved by facts. People may say or promise all kinds of things but they must be proved by deeds.subject to depe
49、nding on 取決于,尚待,在的條件下 They have authority to decide, subject to the ministers approval. The treaty is subject to ratification. 認可,批準 The plan is subject to confirmation.belabor set upon with too much talk or advice 責備 If you belabor a point in a discussion or explanation, you keep talking about it o
50、r emphasizing it in a boring way. There is no need to belabor the point.formulate - work out If you formulate sth such as a plan or proposal, you invent it, thinking about the details carefully. 1. We had formulated our own strategy. 2. Both sides have the need to formulate a policy that will promot
51、e rather than hinder peace.inspection of arms - examining/ watching over carefully the limitation of arms absolute - without limit absolute - completetap the ocean depths - draw upon or make use of the wealth that lies deep in the oceans mine the ocean beds for valuable metals etc.heed give attentio
52、n to She didnt heed my warnings.undo the heavy burdens. A Biblical quotation is used in keeping with his biblical style; in keeping his Catholic upbringing.What are the specific proposals? 1. control arms 2. use /develop science for peace purpose instead of the war purpose. explore the stars conquer
53、 the desert eradicate disease tap the ocean depths encourage the art and commerce 3. enjoy human rightsPara.19 point out purpose, object We must work together to make a new world order.And, if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, (metaphor ), a small beginning of coopera
54、tion compared to a beachhead and deep widespread suspicion to a jungle.And if a little bit of cooperation can lessen the deep suspicion that exists on both sides strong are just - The strong nations do not bully the weak. weak secure - The weak nations feel safe.Para.20 conclusion one hundred days -
55、 historical allusion, famous period in American history, in President F.D. Roosevelts presidential termone hundred days During the famous “hundred days” ( Mar-Jun. 1933), Roosevelts administration rushed through congress a flood of anti-depression measures (more than 70 bills for approval), which we
56、re generally known as Roosevelts “New Deal”. “新政”one hundred days Bills: “Banking Act“ 銀行法 National Industrial Recovery Act 國家工業(yè)復興法 Agricultural Adjustment Act 農業(yè)調整法 The proposals can not be completed in a short time, but lets try and begin.Para.21-27 He appeals to his fellow Americans to support hi
57、m and to do everything they can, even to sacrifice their lives for their country.Para.21-27 past - Many Americans died for their country. They showed their loyalty to their country. present - Now our generation is called upon to face the challenge of the cold war, to struggle against poverty and dis
58、ease.Para.21-27 twilight struggle - not clear, abstract, Tyranny, poverty, disease and cold wars are not bloody wars.“rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation” -忍受困苦,向往未來 biblical language to be happy when things look bright and hopeful to be patient in distress/ in troubleassure/reassure/ensure/in
59、sure 1. The witness _ the judge that he was telling the truth. 2. Registration _ delivery of mail 3. My house is _ against fire 4. The captain _ the passengers about the strength of the shipPara.23 Rhetorical questions are more forceful.para. 24 emphasizing the situation and responsibility He tries
60、to arouse American peoples emotions by saying you must be very proud and glorious, for you are born in this time and you are given such a great duty.para. 24 He deliberately exaggerates the sense of urgency and he wants to make people feel that they are sacrificing for an important and glorious caus
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