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1、三韶關市2015屆高三級十校聯(lián)考英語科試題三英語復習短丈語法填空模擬題匯編PERSONAL RESUME2016年廣東省各地高考英語模擬題匯編一恵州市2015屆高三第一次調(diào)研考試A young man and an Old man Were Waiting for a bus16_ Satnext to each Other "What' S that in your bag” asked the young man, POinting to a big bag beside the OId man.UGOId There WaS nothing but gold, n an

2、swered the OId man. The young man COUld not believe his OWn ears and WaS 17_ great SUrPriSe Then he began to think about 18_ to get the money The Old man WaS Very tired and it Seemed that he COUlCl hardly keep his eyes OPen. After a WhiIe the OId man 19_ (Iie) down On the Chair and fell asleepThe yo

3、ung man took 20_ big bag gently and QUietIy. BUt When he WaS just about to run away, he found a COrner Of his fur COat WaS Under the OId man* S body. SeVeraI times he tried to PUlI it out, 21_ in Vain. At IaSt he took Off his coat, 22_ (think) that the gold in the bag must COSt far more than his fur

4、 COatWOrried but 23_ (delight), the young man ran OUt Of the StatiOn as QUiCkIy as his IegS COUld Carry him, UntiI he reached a PIaCe 24 he thought the Old man COUIdnt t find him. He StOPPed and QUiCkIy OPened the bag but he just found a great many Of SmalI StOneS in it. Then he ran back to the Stat

5、iOn 25 (hurry) OnIy to find that the OId man WaS gone二 裸圳市2015屆高三年級第一次五校聯(lián)考英語試卷A farmer OnCe OrganiZed a COmPetitiOn between his dog and his rabbit He dug a hole in One Of his biggest fields, and hid a CarrOt and a bone in it. He Wanted to See 16 animal WOUId find them first.The 17 (Cheer) and OPtimi

6、StiC rabbit threw himself into IOOking for the carrot, 18 (dig) here and there, totallyCOnVinCed that he WOUld find it. BUt the dog, after Sniffing around for a bit, 19 (Iie) down and began to COmPIain about how CliffiCUIt it WaS to find One bone in SUCh a big fieldThe rabbit dug 20 hours, and With

7、every new hole the dog COmPIained even more about how CliffiCUIt this was, even for the rabbit21 the rabbit thought that each hole dug WaS One holeIeSS that needed to be dug When there WaS no PIaCe in the WhOIe field 22 (IeaVe) to dig, the rabbit dug a tunnel right to23the dog had been Iying all the

8、 time There he found the CarrOt and the boneThiS is how the dog IOSt the game He had COme to 24 right PIaCe at the Very beginning but failed to find the bone 23 he OnIy COmPIained and didn, t try at all.Wrhat IeSSOnS ShOUId be Iearned from the droughtACCOrding to report, the drought in the SOUth-WeS

9、t China (IaSt) for SeVeraI months, 3 makes PeOPIe face Water and foodShOrtage In COnCIUSion, the SeriOUS SitUatiOn has made necessary for US to Iearn IeSSOnS from it.The drought Can be CaUSed by SeVeraI factors Firstly, about 63 PerCent Of the CitieS in China are faced 3 Water ShOrtageThe SitUatiOn

10、is WOrSened by POlIUtiOn and industrialization. In addition, forests have been decreasing rapidly 6. too manytrees have been CUt down What's 7. (bad)J SOme WaterCOnSerVatiOn PrOjeCtS haven" t been functioning properly, thus PeOPIe there have had to rely more heavily On rainfall for their Wa

11、ter SUPPIy. MOSt Of China, S irrigation(M) SyStemS are Very OldIn Order to PreVent this CaSe 8. (OCCUr) again, We areSUPPOSed to improve OUr 9. (aware) Of SaVing water,making PrOPer USe Of Water and recycling Water Meanwhile, We OUght to PIant more trees and PrOtect the environment to PreVent IOSS O

12、f Wdter and SOiI erosion(侵蝕) Of course, 10. thegovernment ShOUld do is to increase investment and repair Water COnSerVatiOn PrOjeCtS as timely as POSSibIe四2015屆佛山一中扁三級九月月考"Why do We have to Iearn about these USeIeSS things"ThiS is16teachers have heard StUdentS COmPIain about mostCommonly.

13、In SUCh cases, We may tell the StUdents SUCh 17 fable:One night, a group Of herdsmen(牧民)Were about to IeaVe the CamPSite 18 there appeared a bunch Of bright Iight They knew that GOd WOUld be there, SO that they IOOked forward to19 (get)WiSheS from GOd GOd began to speak: "You have to COlIeCt al

14、ong the Way a number Of PebbIeS TOmOrrOW night, you WilI be Very happy, 20 you Can also be regretfu 1. " Therl GOd disappearedThe herdsmen Were Very disappointed, because they WOUld IOOk forward to GOd to bring them UntOld wealth, health and longevity, but they did not expect that GOd had told

15、them to do all these 21 (meaning) things HOWeVerJ in any case, after all, that WaS God' S WiI1. AIthOUgh there WaS SOme dissatisfaction, they Were StilI PiCking OVer SOme StOneS22 this way, they took a day, Whennight fell, they CamPed AlI Of a sudden, they found that all the PebbIeS 23 PiCked ha

16、d turned into diamonds They Were delighted, but at the Same time, they felt Very sorry, and they 24 (regret) that they had not COlIeCted more PebbIeSNOW We feel that knowledge is useless, 25 pebbles, WhiCh in the future, may become endless WeaIth五2015年廣州市高考模擬考試A Park OffiCer noticed Sam COnSiStentIy

17、 CaUght more fish than anyone else WhiIe Other guys CaUght Only three Or four a day, Sam" S boat WaS always full 16 fish The officer, curious, asked Sam his SeCret The 17 (SUCCeSS) fisherman invited the OffiCer to accompany him and ObSerVe SO the next morning they took Off in Sam* S boat and th

18、e OffiCer got ready to See18 it WaS done Sam, S approach WaS SimPIe He took OUt a StiCk Of dynamite(炸藥),Iit it, and threw it in the air The explosion rocked the Iake With SUCh a force 19 dead fish immediately began to SUrfaCe Sam took OUt a net and Started taking 20 up.The officer, after 21 (recover

19、) from the shock, began yelling at Sam UYOU can* t do this! It* S illegal!Sam, meanwhile, took OUt another StiCk Of dynamite He Iit it and 22 (drop) it in the officer* S IaP With these WOrds, UAre you going to Sit there all day complaining, 23 are you going to fishMThe POOr OffiCer WaS Ieft With 24

20、fast decision to make He had SUddenly been transformed from an ObSerVer to a 25 (PartiCiPate) A ChOiCe had to be made QUiCkly and With a Sigh Of regret he threw OUt the StiCk and Waited for the explosionA 2015屆珠海市“六校聯(lián)盟”第二次聯(lián)合考試One day a young man WaS WaIking along the road When he heard a cry. It See

21、med to be COming from Undernea th a bridge AS he approached the bridge, the SOUnd got IOUder and then he SaW 16 PitifUI Sight There, 17 (Iie) in the muddy riverbed WaS a IittIe dog about two months old, 18 front IegS Were tightly tied With ropes It had WOUndS On its head and 19 (COVer) With mudThe y

22、oung man Wanted to help the dog, 20 as he approached, the dog Started to bark The young man did not give up. 21 Sat down and Started gently talking to the dog It took a IOng time but eventually the dog 22 (StOP) barking and the man WaS able to touch it. The young man Carried the dog home, Cared 23 i

23、ts wounds, and gave it food and Water EVen With all Of this, the dog WaS StilI 24_ (friend) every time the young man approached BUt the young man did not give up. WeekS Went by and the man COntinUed attending to the dog Then One day, as the young man approached, the dog Wagged its tail.It WaS COnSiS

24、tent IOVe and kindness 25 WOn a IifeIOng friendship Of IOyaIty七 汕用市林偉華中學2015屆離三第三次月考The OnIy SUrViVOr Of an accident in WhiCh a ShiP WaS SUnk at Sea WaS WaSheCl UP On a SmalI island Where nobody lived, He Prayed excitedly that GOd WOUIcl COme to 16 rescue, and every day he SCanned the horizon for he

25、lp, but none Seemed forthcoming17 (disappoint)J he eventually managed to build a Iittie hut OUt Of driftwood to PrOteCt himself and to StOre his few POSSeSSiOnS BUt then One day, after SearChing for food, he arrived home, OnIy_18 (find) his Iittie hut in flames, With the SmOke rolling UP to the sky.

26、 The WOrSt had happened-一 everything WaS IOSt He WaS filled_19 grief and anger"God, how COUId you do this to me!" he Cried EarIy the next day, however, he WaS awakened by the SOUnd Of a ShiP that 20 (approach) the island21 had COme to rescue him. "How didyou know I WaS here" aske

27、d 22 Weary man Of his rescuers"We SaW your SmOke signal, " they repliedIt is easy to get 23 (discourage) When things are going bad24 We ShOUldn, t IOSe heart, because GOd is at WOrk in OUr lives,even in the midst Of Pain and SUffering RememberJ next time your IittIe hut is burning to the g

28、round it just may be a SmOke SignaI that tells GOd to give IOVe and kindness FOr all the negative things25 We have to Say to ourselves, GOd has a POSitiVe answer for it.A 2015年廣東省陽東廣雅中學20離三3月考One day a young man WaS Standing in the IiIiddle Of the town ProCIdilning(宣告)that he had the most beautiful

29、heart in the WhOIe ValIey A Idrge CrOWd 16 (gather)J and they all admired his heart for it WaS PerfeCtSuddenly, an OId man appeared and said, "Why, your heart is not nearly as beautiful as 17 M The CrOWd and the young man IOOked atthe Old man' S heart, 18 WaS full Of SCarS It had PIaCeS Whe

30、re PieCeS had been removed and Other_PieCeS PUt in, but they didn' t fit QUite right, and there Were SeVeraI jagged(凹凸不平的)edges In fact, in SOme PIaCeS there Were deep gouges(t)where WhOIe PieCeS Were_19 (IniSS).The young man IaUghed "Comparing your heart With mine, mine is PerfeCt and your

31、s is a mess Of SCarS n uYes, M Said the OId man,UYOUrS IOOkS PerfeCt 20 I WOUld never trade With you. YOU see, every SCar represents a PerSOn to 21 I have given my IOVe I tear OUt a PieCe Of my heart and give it to them, and Often they give me a PieCe Of their heart that fits into the empty PIaCe in

32、 my heart BUt because the PieCeS aren, t exact, I have SOme rough edges, WhiCh I cherish, because they remind me Of 22 IoVe We Shared SOmetimeS I have given PieCeS Of my heart away, and the Other PerSOn hasn, t returned a PieCe Of his Or her heart 23 me TheSe are the empty gouges AlthOUgh these goug

33、es are painful, they Stay open, 24 (remind)me Of the IOVe I have for those PeOPle SO now do you See 25 true beauty is n九2015年廣州市高三英語備考練習題Water is One Of your most Urgent needs in a SUrViVaI SitUatiOn.YOU Cant t IiVe IOng 16 it, especially in hot areas, 17 you IOSe Water rapidly through PerSPiratiOn

34、(流汗) EVerI in COld areas, you need a minimum Of 2 IiterS Of Water each day to keep your body going Water helps you keep UP your body temperature, OiIS your OrganSJ and is required to break down body fat and to CligeSt the food you eat 18 you do IIOt take in enough water, your body WilI begin PUIIing

35、19 from Other places, including your blood When Water is removed from your blood, the blood thickens, making it 20 (difficult) than USUaI for the heart to PUmP blood through your body. YOU become tired, IaCk energy, and WilI be 21 (able) to function PrOPerIy.MOre than three-fourths Of your body 22 (

36、COmPOSe) Of IiqUidS YOUr body IOSeS Water because Of heat, cold, StreSSJ and hard WOrk TO function effectively, you must replace the Water your body IOSeS So, One Of your first goals is 23 (Obtain) an adequate SUPPly Of Water and to do that, you must find a Water SOUrCe 24 build a Water COntainer t

37、o COlIeCt Water Then25 Water must be made CIean before it is Safe to drink16. They 17. in1& how 19. Iay 20. the21. but22. thinking 23. delighted 24. Where 25.hurriedlyII.語法填空:16WhiCh 17CheerfUI 18digging 19 Iay 20for21But22Ieft23Where24the25 because sinceas1. a 2. has IaSted 3. WhiCh 4. it 5. Wi

38、th6. because/as 7. WOrSe 8. OCCUrring 9. awareness 10. What四16. What teachers have heard??疾槊~性從句。17. a。考查冠詞。SUCh a fable, SUCh a/an +可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)。18. WhenO考查關聯(lián)詞。此處為固定句式was/were doing* When意為“正 在做突然”。這里表示“一群游牧部落的牧民正準備安營扎寨休息的 時候,忽然被一束耀眼的光芒所籠罩”,填WhenO19. gettingo 考查非謂語。IOOk forward to doing,020. buto考查關聯(lián)詞。根據(jù)

39、句意“明天晚上,你們會非??鞓罚矔浅:?悔”,這里表示轉(zhuǎn)折,填but。21. meaninglesso考查形容詞。此處為meaning的否定形式,修飾things, 表示“沒用的東西”。22. InO考查介詞。固定搭配in this WayO23. theyo考查代詞。這里作定語從句中的主語,此處意為“他們昨天放進馬 裕子里的每一顆鵝卵石”。24. regrettedo考查時態(tài)。根據(jù)前后文可知此處意為“他們高興極了,同時也 后悔極了,后悔沒有揀拾更多的鵝卵石”,動詞Were, felt, regretted時態(tài) 一致。25. Iikeo考查介詞。意為“就像鵝卵石,將來有可能變?yōu)闊o盡的財富

40、”。五【文章綜述】本文是講述一個漁夫捕魚特別多,一個長官進行了 Ij擊?!敬鸢附馕觥?6. Of考查固定短語。Be full Of充滿。17. SUCCeSSfUI考查形容詞。句意:這位成功的漁夫邀請長官來陪伴他以便進行觀察。根據(jù)上文提到他比別人捕到的魚多,可知是成功的。考查賓語從句引導詞;句意:因此第二天早上,他們乘沓薩姆的船出發(fā)了,準備看看是如何做到的。考查固定句型。句意:爆炸威力巨大以至于死魚立刻漂上來。Such,that如此。o以至于。o考查代詞。句意:薩姆拿出網(wǎng)來開始打撈。根據(jù)語境可知撈魚,故用them來代替??疾榉侵^語動詞。句意:當從震驚中恢復過來,長官開始對薩姆大聲說, 你不能這

41、樣做,這是非法的。After是介詞后面用動名詞做賓語??疾閯釉~的時態(tài)。句意:他點燃了炸藥,扔了出去,對長官說,你是 整天做在這抱怨呢還是打算捕魚呢。And連接兩個動詞的時態(tài)保持一致,故與 Iit的時態(tài)保持一致,用一般過去時。考查連詞。句意:他點燃了炸藥,扔了出去,對長官說,你是整 天做在這抱怨呢還是打算捕魚呢這是個選擇疑問句,故用Or來連接;考查冠詞。句意:這個可憐的長官被留下來做快速的決定。Make a decision 做出決定??疾槊~。句意:他突然之間從一個觀察者變成一個參與者。2016高考英語完形填空常用詞匯總結(jié)動詞類:1 “行” IoOk看的動作/ See看的結(jié)果;WatCh觀察/

42、observe為了研究進行的觀察;NOtiCe注意CatCh Sight Of看見/Stare好奇地看/ glare瞪著看GIanCe 瞅見/glimpse 瞥見See a f訂m WatCh TV2 "說” telll Sth to sb. =tell Sb Sth 告訴的內(nèi)容talk With Sb aboutSth強調(diào)說話者之間的交流Say Sth訴說的內(nèi)容SPeak inEngIiSh 說的語言 WhiSPer Sth to Sb 耳語InfOrnI Sb OfSth 通知某人某事 reason /talk/PerSUade Sb into doing Sth 說 服某人做某

43、事Bargain討價還價 Chat聊天 repeat重復 explain解釋 Warn警告remind提醒DiSCUSS討論debate辯論 figure 指出 decIdre 宣布 Clainl 自稱 mention 提起 admit 承認 deny 否絕 describe 描述 announce 公布 introduce 介紹 CoiDPlain 抱怨3 "叫” Cry哭叫 CdlI叫 ShOUt大喊 SCreain尖叫Inoan呻吟 Sigh嘆氣QUarreI大吵4 "問” ask 詢問 interview 采訪 express 表達 QUeStiOn 審問5 “答”

44、 answer回答respond回應(用其他方式回應)reply回復6 "聽” IiSten to聽的動作hear聽的結(jié)果PiCk UP收聽OVerhear無意聽到7 "打"dictate 聽耳 Write Sth " j describe 描寫 drop a Iine 寫信draw 畫take down/write down ?j下,記下8 "拿/放” take拿走bring拿來hold舉著CaITy扛,挑(無方向性)fetch拿來拿去Iift舉PUt放Iay鋪/放置PUll拉/push 推9 "抓” take hold Of 抓著

45、 SeiZe 緊抓 grasp 握住 SCratCh 摳10 “打"hit *次性的打擊beat不間斷的打擊Strike突然的擊打/突然想到blow吹刮attack攻擊11 "扔” throw扔drop掉 放棄 錯過fall倒下無意掉下來WaVe招手Shake 搖12 "送” Send寄送deliver遞送give給Offer主動給予See Off給某人送行13 "摸/抱” touch 摸 /fold 折疊 /embrace 擁抱 / hug 抱/hold 握 inOne' S arms14 “踢/碰” kick 踢/knock 敲/ tip 輕

46、敲15 "行” Walk run CIimb jump SkiP 單腿跳 slip 溜 come/go enter進入move搬遷drive開車ride騎fly CraWI匍匐前進16 "坐”Sit down be Seated Seat OneSelf take a Seat/ Stand 站,聳立/ Iean斜靠K 2015 北卷 D DariO and his mother IOVed their new apartment. The IiVing room WaS Iarge enough for their piano. That night, the two O

47、f them 36 Side by Side at the piano. They PIayed jazz music to CeIebrate their new home. The IOUd 37 filled the room and made them feel Very happy.SatB. StOOdC. layD. WaIked36. A考查動詞辨析。A. Sit坐:B. Stand站立:C. Iay躺在;D. WaIk散步。根據(jù) 后文內(nèi)容在鋼琴旁邊彈琴的環(huán)節(jié),可知應該是坐在鋼琴旁邊彈奏,故選A。17 "睡/休息” Iie /on one' S back/ O

48、n One side/ On one' S StOmaChStdy in bed have a rest take a nap 打盹 be asleep bend turn OVeI'翻身 rest18 "笑” SmiIe 微笑(不出聲) IdUgh burst into IaUghter burst OUtIaUghing2015 湖北卷 1 The next afternoon JaSOn Went to the OffiCe for his PaPerS_45 SeVeraI boys Were CrOWding around Chad, WhO declare

49、dWith a_46-SiniIe that he SOld SiX dozen the day before He added that JaSOn IOSt money because he WOUId not tell a Iie The boy _48at JaSO n考查動詞。句意:男孩們都對Jason嘲笑,“老弟,昨天你不愿撒謊” o A項“嘲 笑” :B項“大叫,大嚷” :C項“點頭” :D項“盯著看”。故選A項。K2015 天津卷;DayS later, We made a(n) 23 far below the asking price. Surprisingly, they

50、 didn' t 24 US They renewed their Offer 25 It WaS alsomuch more than We COUld afford, but far 26 than the Original asking PriCe24. A. COme across B. IOOk afterC depend OnD lough at24. D考查短語以及對語境的理解。A. COme across偶然遇到;B. IOOk after照顧;C. depend On依靠;D. IaUgh at嘲笑。令人驚訝的是,他們沒 有嘲笑我們。選D。19 “哭” Cry She

51、d tears 留淚 WeeP 嗚咽地哭 Sob 抽泣 burst intotears /burst OUt Crying20 "找/查” find找到IOOk for正在找過程find OUt査明discover/explore 發(fā)現(xiàn)/探索hunt for SearCh for Seek / Seek for in SearCh Of尋找 SearCh Sb搜身 SearCh sp. for Sth為某物而搜尋 某地CheCk檢査,核實examine考察發(fā)現(xiàn)問題/體檢test檢測,檢驗inspect 視察21 "穿” PUt On動作Wear穿戴have On試穿 be

52、dressed in穿的狀態(tài)make-up 化裝get Changed 換衣服 be in red Take Off 脫 remove 去除22 "吃/喝” eat/drink SiP 吮吸 have a meal have SUPPer toasttastetreat Sb to 請某人吃help OneSeIf to 隨便吃23 "得” get Obtain acquire 獲得知識和技能 gain POSSeSS24 "失” IOSe丟了 be IOSt /be IlIiSSillg人錯過失蹤,不見gone不見(物) great IOSS die die O

53、ff 相繼死去die away 逐漸消失25 "有” have 有 OWn 是自己的 COnqUer 征服 OCCUPy 占有=POSSeSS26 “無” nothing Ieft the remaining thing disappear bemissing /gone27 "增/減”rise / go UP /drop人主動抬價 raise /bring down /reduce increase/decrease28 "買/賣” buy PUrChaSe afford Pay Pay Off Pay for SelI OnSaIe bargainBilI /

54、CheqUe / cash/ Credit Card notes/ COinSdiscounts29 "存在/消失” COme into being exist appear SUrViVe IiVe ShOWturn UPDiSaPPear die die OUt PaSS away be OUt Of Sight30 "變化” develop improvebecomegrowgo+ bad /wrong/ SOUrwithoUt ( negative adj)turn +COIOUrChange /changeintoreform31 “認識的過程” feel Sen

55、SeguessSUPPOSeWOnderdoubt know/learn realizeUnderStand remember be familiar With recallrecite apply to32 "成功/失敗"make it SUCCeed make PrOgreSS COme true realizeone' S dream WinLOSe fail to do failure defeat SUffer IOSS beat turn sth. IntO reality33 "努力” try /manage make efforts att

56、empt do OneS best do asmuch as One Can to do34 祝賀 COngratUIatiOnS On Sb CeIebrate ObSerVe 慶祝 get together聚會35 贊美/批評 PraiSe think highly Of / blame Sb for sth Sb is toblameCritiCiZe /scold sb. for sth have a IOW OPiniOn Of Sb SPeak ill Of36 喜/惡 Iike IOVe be fond Of be keen On be CraZy about adore崇拜;

57、愛慕 be into (= be interested in) Prefer enjoy in favor Of DiSIike hate be awful 可怕的;糟糕的/disgusting 令人作 嘔的;令人厭惡的ignore忽視,不顧12015 湖北卷H UYOU WOUldn, t tell a Iie yesterday, my boy” A gentleman at the OffiCe Came UP and Patted JaSoi, SShOUIder_49_''YOUt re just the boy I am IOOking for''

58、A Week Iater JaSOn Started his new 50_ He IOSt SaIe Of twenty PaPerS because he WOUId not tell a lie, but got a WelI-Paid job because he told the truth.o句意:由b局里的一位紳士泄上前來,喜愛地輕JtlT JaSGn的肩膀。“你就是我在找 的男孩。” A項“勇敢地” ;B項“感激地” :C項“喜愛地” ;D項'謙虛地”。故選C 項。37 判斷 think believe COnSider find feel COnCIUde infer doubt12015 江蘇卷We WOUld See each Other at VariOUS times and 49 friends SOmetimeS he WOre a duck hat, and I WOUI


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