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1、positi on-related consum ptionofcivil servants has been swept byfinance, effect,ope ning up ande conomic construction. FromICountyin recentyearsofficialcarpr oblems.Mainly i nthree a spects:one ist helargerbuses cost exGov ernment organs, seriously damagingthe image ofthe party andthe Governme nt, u

2、ndermini ng the rel ationshi pbetw een partyand themasses,pacities. Cause d by public servants' duty consumpti on ofmany"two"phe nome non i n whichpe oplerefle ctthe biggestpr oblemsare :(a) thence2004,t hecorrectinvestigation in our County serve s nearly30 cars for private purpose s,o

3、nlythefirst halfofthis year,cars for private pur poses orconsume r, regardle ssof cost,extravaganceandwasteinthe civilservi ce position-related consum ption,abuse, corrupti on andem bezzleme nt,corruptionis important.Then, underthe conditi onsofmarketeconom y,how to reformthe existing civilduty cons

4、um ption ma nagement,ex plore s asourcet o preve nt and cur bthe postconsumption corruptionwa y, is curre ntly amajor issuefaced byhonest w ork.Recently,Iconducted researchon t his issue ,this problemon some humbl e opini ons.First,the exi sting public servants'dutyconsumptionthemain pr oblem ss

5、ee n fromthe investigation a nd rea sons,in re centyears, publi cserva nts 'dutyconsumptioncause d by theabuses a nd not a person ofintegrit y, isone ofthemajor problemsin t he partyi n Government,its operationofgoverna nce situation se e, positions consum ptioni nthe produced of "two not&q

6、uot; phenomenon renderi ngfourafeature s:a is positions consumpti onsystem l ost has due ofbi nding,right isgreater than rules,a ndright i greater than method ofphenome non morehig hlight; IIis i npositionsconsumpti on inthe Camera Obscura operation,usingterms,will positions consum ption i nto has p

7、ersonalconsumption,w illcorporate poi nts to int oper sonalpoints to,make s positionsconsumpti on in some aspects hasint opositionse njoy a nd self-dea ling of means;thre e isto positions consumpti onforname ,fraud,falseim personator,Trend ofnegativecorruptionphenomenasuch ascorruption and misapprop

8、riation;fourpala ces,followthe fashion,rivalries,wasteful,and post consumpti openditure.A ccording tostatistics, unt ilNovem ber 2003,XXCountytownshipDepartme nt bus159cars,whi ch departme ntow ns the bus145ve hicles, andshowed a n increasi ng trend.Fina ncialexpenses costper busper y earto35,000yua

9、n,and in facteverycostupto 50,000yuan.Some units al so hiringtemp orarydriversa nd expe ndit ure on wages a nd subsidies.Ne cessaryto"keep acar",butalso "dependants", leadingto largerexpenses.Second,gongchesiyongbreed unhealt hy tendencies.Some people believet hat now somebus dri

10、versuse one-t hird, one-thir dleadi ng privateone-t hird used for official pur poses.S ome public servants,e speciallylea dingofficial smotori ng,car s for privatepur poses,vi olating the self-di sci plinereg ulations, a nd eve n leadt o trafficaccidents.A ccord建設工程施工合同(示范文本)中華人民共和國建設部國家工商行政管理總局1999

11、 年 7 月and theworkl oad.In reformof method Shang,a ppr oved civilservants positionscons umpti on standar d to"big unified,and smalldispersed"suitable,thatmostpositions consumptiresponsi bility,system,lowfaultinvestigation sy stem,the reportsaid.Whileother measurestokee pup.Discipline inspe

12、ctiona nd supervisi on orga ns,fina ncia l,auditing departmentsheworkta skofdifferences sex,unified ofstan dard shouldha selasti cofand dy namic of,ogress,tostre ngthe n the ref ormof publi cservant s'dutyconsumpti on monetizati onsysteeaders drivi ng avehi cle a ccdientca use dbyroa daccide nts

13、,1, 1 pe ople killed anddire ct economicl osse samounting to morethan 100,000yua n.Thir d, high efficiencyand lowcost ofthebus.Surveys showthbesolved in t hereform process.Clearl y,the post consumpti onaverages t hreeyears before as aba seand fine -tuned on the basis ofthissi ngle pra ctice s must b

14、e im proved. Improveme ntstoadheretot hree pri nci ples: first, under theexisti ng poli cypr ovisionsa pprove d for publi cservant s 'duty consumpti onsta ndar ds, calibrati on,i s not contraryto policy.Second,a ccordi ng tothe l ocalfina nci al situati on a nd people'ssustainability, publi

15、cserva nts'duty consumpti onstandar ds a pprove d,bothfina ncialrea ch, and pe ople passi ng through.T hird,a ccordi ng to the operationalneedsof civilservantsresponsible foraut horize d publi cservants 'duty consumpti onsta ndar ds, both higha ndlo wpositions, butalso thenatureofthe workon

16、projectshoulda ccordi ngtopoli cy provi despropose d unified sta ndar d,considert oranks, andunitsand t shoul dstrengthensupervi sion and inspe ction of public servants 'duty consumption monetization reformpronunified standard S hihasmustofflexibl e dis posalright ; butsinceset ofstandard must a

17、fterfinancial,anda udit,sector auditapproved Houto impleme ntation.(C) reformpackage.Publicserva nts 'dutyconsumptionelasticity ofconsumpti on t o limit consumption,turning me ss int o kitchen afterdi nn er,followthe civil servantwit h ahowto useementation ofinspe ction,not consum ption as requi

18、red, eve nshifting consumerbe haviortost op,seriousca sesto dealwith.Three i deas, public servants' duty consumption monetization reform ofpolitics, theeconomyand the deepeni ng of thereform, publi cserva nts'duty consum ption a s some where betwee n areformalso demonstrated its importaperso

19、naltitlesubsi dies, or howtoma nage a personal dutyconsumpti on use ofsubsi dies. T herefore, we must e stablish a nd perfectwit hpubli c serva nts' duty consumpti on monetizati onreform supportoftheserie s ofgover nancesystems such a sthence a nd urgency.First ofall,civilservantsespe ciallypart

20、yand Government leaders a nd public se rvants ' duty consumption thereare big draw back s.NPCdeputiesand CPPCC membersand t hebroa d masse s areconcerne d about.Se condly,thecivilserviceexami nation opositi on-related consum ptionofcivil servants has been swept byfinance, consume r, regardle sso

21、f cost,extravaganceandwasteinthe civilservi ce position-related consum ption,abuse, corrupti on andem bezzleme nt,corruptionis important.Then, underthe conditi onsofmarketeconomy, how to reformthe existing civilduty consum ption ma nagement,ex plore sa sourcet o preve nt and cur bthe postconsumption

22、 corruptionwa y, is curre ntly amajor issuefaced byhonest w ork.Recently,Iconducted researchon t his issue ,this problemon some humbl e opini ons.First,the exi sting public servants'dutyconsumptionthemain pr oblem ssee nfrom theinvestigati on a nd rea sons,in re centyears, publi cserva nts '

23、dutyconsumptioncause d by theabuses a nd not a person ofintegrit y, isone ofthemajor problemsin t he partyi nGover nment,its operation order havea negative effectonthe partyand Gov ernment organs, seriously damagingthe image ofthe party andhe Governme nt, undermini ng the rel ationshi pbetw een part

24、yand themasses,effect,ope ning up ande conomic construction. FromICountyin recentyearsofgoverna nce situation se e, positions consum ptioni nthe produced of "two not" phenomenon renderi ngfourafeature s:a is positions consumpti onsystem l ost has due ofbi nding,right isgreaterthanrules, an

25、dright i greater than method ofphenome non morehig hlight; IIis i npositionsconsumpti on inthe Camera Obscura operation,usingterms,will positions consum ption i nto has personalconsumption,w illcorporate poi nts to int oper sonalpoints to,make s positionsconsumpti on in some aspects hasint oposition

26、se njoy a nd self-dea ling of means;thre e isto positions consumpti onforname ,fraud,falseim personator,Trend ofnegativecorruptionphenomenasuch ascorruption and misappropriation;fourpala ces,followthe fashion,rivalries,wasteful,and post consumpti on became a symbol ofshowingofftheirindividual capaci

27、ties. Cause d by public servants ' duty c onsumpti on ofmany"two"phe nome non i n whichpe oplerefle ctthe biggestpr oblemsare :(a)theofficialcarpr oblems.Mainly i nthree a spects:one ist helargerbuses cost ex penditure.A ccording tostatistics, unt ilNovem ber 2003,XXCountytownshipDepar

28、tme nt bus159cars,whi ch departme ntow ns the bus145ve hicles, andshowed a n increasi ng trend.Fina ncialexpenses costper busper y earto35,000yuan,and in facteverycostupto 50,000yuan.Some units al so hiringtemporarydrivers and expe ndit ure on wages a nd subsidies.Ne cessaryto"keep acar",b

29、utalso "dependants", leadingto largerexpenses.Second,gongchesiyongbreed unhealt hy tendencies.Some people believet hat now somebus driversuse one-t hird, one-thir dleadi ng privateone-t hird used for official pur poses.S ome public servants,e speciallylea dingofficial smotori ng,car s for

30、privatepur poses,vi olating the self -di sci plinereg ulations, a nd eve n leadt o trafficaccidents.A ccordi ngtostatisticsfrom related departments,since2004,t hecorrectinvestigation in our County serve s nearly30 cars for private purpose s,onlythefirst halfofthis year,cars for private pur poses or第

31、二部分通用 條 款一、詞語定義及合同文件1、詞語定義下列詞語除專用條款另有約定外,應具有本條所賦予的定義:1.1 通用條款:是根據(jù)法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定及建設工程施工的需要訂立,通用于建設工程施工的條款。1.2 專用條款:是發(fā)包人與承包人根據(jù)法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定,結合具體工程實際,經(jīng)協(xié)商達成一致意見的條款,是對通用條款的具體化、補充或修改。1.3 發(fā)包人:指在協(xié)議書中約定,具有工程發(fā)包主體資格和支付工程價款能力的當事人以及取得該當事人資格的合法繼承人。1.4 承包人:指在協(xié)議書中約定,被發(fā)包人接受的具有工程施工承包主體資格的當事人以及取得該當事人資格的合法繼承人。1.5 項目經(jīng)理:指承包人在專用條款

32、中指定的負責施工管理和合同履行的代表。1.6 設計單位:指發(fā)包人委托的負責本工程設計并取得相應eaders driving avehicle a ccdientcause dbyroa daccide nts,1, 1 pe ople kill ed anddirect economiclossesamounting to morethan 100,000yuan.Thir d, high efficiencyand lowcostofthe bus.Surveys showthat,the operati ng costsoftaxis forthe8200/.Is afundamental

33、 pri ority ofthereform, it isa difficult problemthatmustbesolved in thereform process.Clearl y,the postconsumpti onaverages threeyears before asa baseand fine-tuned on the basis ofthissingle practices mustbeimpr oved. Improveme ntstoadheretot hree pri nci ples: first,under theexistingpolicyprovi sio

34、nsa pprove d for publi cservants 'duty consumptionsta ndar ds, calibrati on,is notcontrary to poli cy.Second,a ccordi ng tothe l ocalfina nci al situati on a nd people'ssustainability, publi cservant s'dutyconsumption sta ndar ds approve d,bothfina ncialrea ch, a nd people pa ssing throu

35、gh.T hird,a ccordi ng totheoperationalneedsofcivilserva nts responsible forauthorize d publi cservant s 'duty consumpti onsta ndar ds, both higha ndlowpositions, butalso the natureofthe w orkand the workload.In reformof method Shang, appr oved civ ilservant spositions consumpti onsta ndar d to&q

36、uot;big unified,a nd small dispersed"suitable,that most positionsconsum ption projectshould according topoli cy pr ovidesproposed unifiedsta ndar d,consi derto rank s,andunitsand theworktask ofdifferencessex, unified ofstandar dshoul d has elastic ofand dynamic of,makes regions,and unitsin impl

37、eme ntation unified standard Shi hasmustofflexibl edisposal right;but since setofstandard mustafterfinancial,andaudit,sectoraudit a pprove d Houto implementation. (C) reform package.Public servants' duty consumptionel asticityofconsumpti ontolimitconsumption,t urni ng mess int okitche nafterdinn

38、er,foll owthe civilservantwith ahowt ouse personaltitle subsidies,orhow to managea personaldutyconsumption useofsubsidies.Therefore,we must establishand perfect with public servants 'dutyconsumption monetization reformsupport oftheseries ofgoverna ncesystems such asthe civilservi ceexamination o

39、fibilittlfltitititthtidWhilthtkDiiliiti d iifi ilditidtthldtthiiditifblit'dttititiftt th thffblit'dttititittdlditthilttifitittiidhiftibhittitdlithThi d blit'dttititifflitithdth d i fthfblit'dttihbtfldttdititdFit flliiltilltdGtld d blit'dttithbid bkNPCdtidCPPCCbdthb ddbtS dlthresp

40、onsi bility,system,lowfaultinvestigation system,the reportsaid.Whileother measurestokee pup.Discipline inspectiona nd supervisi on organs,fina ncial,auditing departmentsshoul dstrengthensupervision and inspection ofpublic servants 'duty consumption monetization reformpr ogress,tostre ngthe n the

41、 reform ofpubli cservant s'dutyconsumpti on monetizati onsystem,measures todevelop andmonitorthe implementation ofinspection,not consum ption as required, evenshifting consumerbe haviortost op,seriousca sesto dealwith.Three ideas, public servants' duty consumption monetization reform ofpolit

42、ics, theeconomyand the deepeni ng of thereform, publicserva nts'duty consumption as some where between areformalso demonstrated its importance a nd urgency.First ofall,civilservantsespeciallypartyand Government leaders a ndpublic se rvants ' duty consumption thereare big draw back s.NPCdeput

43、iesand CPPCC membersand thebroa d masses areconcerned about.Se condly,thepositi on-related consum ptionofcivil servants has been swept byfinance, consume r, regardle ssof cost,extravaganceandwasteinthe civilservi ce position-related consum ption,abuse, corrupti on andem bezzleme nt,corruptionis impo

44、rtant.Then,underthe conditi onsofmarketeconom y,how to reformthe existing civilduty consum ption ma nagement,ex plore s asourcet o preve nt and cur bthe postconsumption corruptionwa y, is curre ntly amajor issuefaced byhonest w ork.Recently,Iconducted researchon t his issue ,this problemon some humb

45、l e opini ons.First,the exi sting public servants'dutyconsumptionthemain pr oblem ssee nfrom theinvestigati on a nd rea sons,in re centyears, publi cserva nts 'dutyconsumptioncause d by theabuses a nd not a person ofintegrit y, is one ofthemajor problemsin t he partyi nGover nment,its operat

46、ion order havea negative effectonthe party andGov ernment organs, seriously damagingthe image ofthe party andthe Governme nt, undermini ng the rel ationshi pbetw een partyan dthe masses,effect,ope ning up ande conomic construction. FromICountyin recentyearsofgoverna nce situation se e, positions co

47、nsum ptioni nthe produced of "two not" phenomenon renderi ngfourafeature s:a is positions consumpti onsystem l ost has due ofbi nding,right isgreaterthanrules, andrightigreater than method ofphenome non morehig hlight; IIis i npositionscon sumpti on inthe Camera Obscura operation,usingterm

48、s,will positions consum ption i nto has personalconsumption,w illcorporate poi nts to int oper sonalpoints to,make s positionsconsumpti on in some aspects hasint opositionse njoy a nd self-dea ling of means;thre e isto positions consumpti onforname ,fraud,falseim personator,Trend ofnegativecorruptio

49、nphenomenasuch ascorruptionandmisappropriation;fourpalaces,followthe fashion,rivalries,wasteful,and post consumpti on became a symbol ofshowing offtheirindividual ca pacities. Cause d by public servants' duty consumpti on ofmany"two"phe nome non i n whichpe oplerefle ctthe biggestpr ob

50、lemsare :(a)theofficialcarpr oblems.Mainly i nthree a spects:one ist helargerbuses cost ex penditure.A ccording tostatistics, unt ilNovem ber 2003,XXCountytownshipDepartme nt bus159cars,whi ch departme ntow ns the bus145ve hicle s, andshowed a n increasi ng trend.Fina ncialexpenses costper busper y

51、earto35,000yuan,and in facteverycostupto 50,000yuan. Some units al so hiringtemporarydrivers and expe ndit ure on wages a nd subsidies.Ne cessaryto"keep acar",butalso "dependants", leadingto largerexpenses.Second,gongchesiyongbreed unhealt hy tendencies.Some people believet hat n

52、ow somebus driversuse one-t hird, one-thir dleadi ng privateone-t hird used for official pur poses.S ome public servants,e speciallylea dingofficial smotori ng,car s for privatepur poses,vi olating the self-di sci plinereg ulations, a nd eve n leadt o trafficaccidents.A ccordi ngtostatisticsfrom rel

53、ated departments,since2004,t hecorrect investigati on i n our County serve snearly 30 cars for privatepurposes,onlythefirst halfofthis year,cars for private pur poses or工程設計資質(zhì)等級證書的單位。1.7 監(jiān)理單位:指發(fā)包人委托的負責本工程監(jiān)理并取得相應工程監(jiān)理資質(zhì)等級證書的單位。1.8 工程師:指本工程監(jiān)理單位委派的總監(jiān)理工程師或發(fā)包人指定的履行本合同的代表,其具體身份和職權由發(fā)包人承包人在專用條款中約定。1.9 工程造價管理

54、部門:指國務院有關部門、縣級以上人民政府建設行政主管部門或其委托的工程造價管理機構。1.10 工程:指發(fā)包人承包人在協(xié)議書中約定的承包范圍內(nèi)的工程。1.11 合同價款:指發(fā)包人承包人在協(xié)議書中約定,發(fā)包人用以支付承包人按照合同約定完成承包范圍內(nèi)全部工程并承擔質(zhì)量保修責任的款項。1.12 追加合同價款:指在合同履行中發(fā)生需要增加合同價款的情況,經(jīng)發(fā)包人確認后按計算合同價款的方法增加的合同價款。1.13 費用:指不包含在合同價款之內(nèi)的應當由發(fā)包人或承包人承擔的經(jīng)濟支出。1.14 工期:指發(fā)包人承包人在協(xié)議書中約定,按總日歷天數(shù)(包括法定節(jié)假日)計算的承包天數(shù)。1.15 開工日期:指發(fā)包人承包人在協(xié)

55、議書中約定,承包人eaders drivi ng avehicle a ccdientcause dbyroa daccide nts,1, 1 pe ople killed anddire ct economiclossesamounting to morethan 100,000yuan.Thir d, high efficiencyand lowcostofthe bus.Surveys showthat,the operating costsoftaxis forthe8200/.Is afundamental pri ority ofthereform, it isa difficu

56、lt problemthatmustbesolv edint hereform process.Clearl y,the postconsumpti onaverages threeyears before asa baseand fine -tuned on thebasis ofthissingle pra ctices mustbeimpr oved. Improveme ntstoadheretothree princi ples: first,under theexistingpolicyprovi sionsa pprove d for publi cservant s '

57、duty consumpti onsta ndar ds, calibrati on,is notcontrary topoli cy.Second,a ccording tothe l ocalfina nci al situati on a nd people'ssustainability, publi cservant s'dutyconsumpti on sta ndar ds approve d,bothfina ncialreach, a nd people passing through.T hird,a ccordi ng totheoperationalne

58、edsofcivilservants responsi ble foraut horize d publi cservant s 'duty consumpti onsta ndar ds, both higha ndlowpositions,butalso thenatureofthe workand the workload.In reformof method Shang, appr oved civ ilservant spositions consumptionsta ndar d to"big unified,a nd small dispersed"s

59、uitable ,that most positi onsconsum ption projectshould according topoli cy pr ovides proposed unifiedstandar d,consi derto ranks,andunitsand theworktask ofdifferencessex, unifiedofstandar dshould has elasticofand dynamic of,makes regions,a nd unitsi n impleme ntation unified standardShi hasmustofflexibl edisposal right;but since setofstandard mustafterfinancial,andaudit,sectoraudit a pprove d Houto implementation. (C)


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