



1、nd expendit ureonwagesapositi on-related consumptionofcivi lservant s has bee n sw eptbyfinance,consumer,regardlessof cost,extravagance a ndwaste inthe civil serviceposition-r elated consumpti on,abuse, corruption apositi onsconsumption int heproduced of "two not" phenomenon renderi ngfour

2、afeatures:a ispositionsconsumptionsystem lost has due ofbinding,rig ht isgreatertha n rules,and rightis greatertha-IL _J . IJ . 一 一一 一. I I.L _ I . - . -. I .ILL. > 一.vehicle s, andshowed an increasi ng trend.Fina nci alexpenses cost perbus peryeartondem bezzl ement,corruption is important.The n,

3、undert he conditions ofmarketeconom y, howt o reform theexistingnmethodof p he nomenonm orehig hlight; IIis in positions consumpti on int heCamera Obscura operation, using term- _ - I. |_ -一 一. . L. I. , _nd subsidies.Necessaryto"keep acar",butalso "dependants", leadingto largere

4、xpecivilduty consum ption ma nagement,ex ill positions consum ption i nto has perI II - >d unhealt hy tendencies.Someplore s asourcetoprevsonalconsumptipeople believethatentandcurb t hepost consum ption corr uptionwa y, is curre ntly amajor i ssuefaced by hone stwork.on,willcor porate point stoin

5、t opersonal poi ntsto, makes positi ons consumption insome aspe cts hasinto - _ I. J _ 一 一 IIL. > -.- - IL.L . IL - I 一一 -now some busdriversuseone-third,one-third lea ding privateone-third used forofficialRecently,I conducte dresear ch on t his issue , this problemon some humpositionsenjoyand se

6、lf-dealingof means;t hree ist opositionsconsumpti.IIL- > L . . IL - I .-一purpose s. Some publicservants,e specially leadingofficials motoring,carsforprivateble opinions.First,the existi ng publ icservants' duty consumpti on t hemain problems seenfrom theinvestigation aonfor name,fraud,false i

7、m personator,Trend ofnegativecorruptionphenome na such ascorruptionand misappropriation;four- -_-Ldl .II. II. I - -,- L -. - . . >pur pose s,violati ngtheself-disci plinere gulations,andeven leadtotrafficaccidents.Accor ding to statisti cs fromrelateddepartmentnd reasons,in rece ntyears, public s

8、ervants' dut yconsumpti on caused bythe a busesa nd nota person ofintegrity, i s oneofthe majorpr obl ems int he partyi n Government, its operation order haveanegative ef fecton thepartyandGovernme ntorgans, seri ouslydamagi ngtheimage ofthe party andthe Governme nt,undermi ning therelationship

9、betwee n partya ndt he masse s,effect,ope ning up and e conomi c constr uction.From ICountyi nrece ntyears ofgoverna ncesituati on see,palace s, followthefashi on, rivalrie s,wasteful ,and postconsumptionbe camea symbolofshowingofftheirindividual capacitie s.Ca used bypubli cserva nts 'duty cons

10、umptionofmany"two" phenomenon inwhi ch people reflectthe biggestpr oblem sare:(a)the official carproblems.Mainly i nthree aspe cts: oneis t helargerbuse scostexpenditure.Accordingtostatisti cs,untilNovember 2003, XX Countytow nshipDe partment bus 1 59car s,whi ch departme ntow ns the bus14

11、5-II. -一-一 . . . ” s,since 2004,thecorre ct investigation in our Countyservescars for privatepurposesorsupervi sion andinspe ction ofpublic servants' duty consumptionmonetization reform progress, to strengthent he reform ofpu blic servants'dutyconsumption monetizationsystem,measures to devel

12、opand monitort heimpleme ntation of inspecti on, not consumpti on as re quire d,even shifting consumerbe haviortost op, serious ca sesto dealwith.Three i deas, public servants'dutyconsumption monetization reformofpolitics,the economyand thedeepeni ngofthe reform, publicserva nts 'duty consum

13、 ption a s some where betwee na reformalso demonstrated its importance a nd urgency.Firstofall,civ ilservantse speciallypartyand Governmentleader s andpublic servant s ' duty consumpti on thereare big drawbacks.NPC deputiesand CPPCC membersand t hebroa d masse sare concerne dabout.Se condly,the1

14、0kV 配電線路運行維護規(guī)程一 總則1 、為了規(guī)范我公司所轄施工電網(wǎng)和公用電網(wǎng)維護工作,確保電網(wǎng)安全、可靠運行,根據(jù)國家有關(guān)規(guī)程、規(guī)范,并結(jié)合我公司多年來的運行經(jīng)驗,制定本規(guī)程。2、本規(guī)程適用于在我公司所轄電網(wǎng)上工作的一切人員。3、電氣工作人員必須具備以下條件:3.1 經(jīng)醫(yī)師鑒定,無妨礙電氣作業(yè)的病癥。3.2 具備必要的電氣知識,熟悉 電業(yè)安全工作規(guī)程 (發(fā)電廠和變電所電氣部分、 電力線路部分)的有關(guān)部分,并經(jīng)考試合格。3.3 學會緊急救護法,特別要學會觸電急救。4、電氣工作人員對本規(guī)程應每年考試一次,因故間斷電氣工作連續(xù)三個月以上者,必須重新學習電業(yè)安全工作規(guī)程和本規(guī)程,并經(jīng)考試合格后,方能

15、重新上崗。4.1 新參加工作的人員、實習人員和民技工,必須經(jīng)過安全知識教育后,方可在有一定經(jīng)驗同志監(jiān)護下參與現(xiàn)場指定的工作,不得單獨作業(yè)。4.2 對外單位派來支援的電氣工作人員,工作前應介紹現(xiàn)場電氣設備結(jié)線情況和有關(guān)安全措施。5、任何工作人員發(fā)現(xiàn)違反本規(guī)程的行為,均應立即制止。二 保證安全的組織措施1. 工作票制度1.1 在10kV線路及配電設備上工作,應填寫線路檢修工作票。1.1.1 應填寫線路檢修工作票的工作為:(1)在停電線路(或在雙回線路中的一回停電線路)上的工作。( 2)在全部或部分停電的配電變壓器臺架上或配電變壓器室內(nèi)的工作。所謂全部停電,系指供給該配電變壓器臺架上或配電變壓器室內(nèi)

16、的所有電源線路均已全部斷開者。1.2 事故搶修工作可以不填寫工作票,但應記入操作記錄簿內(nèi),在開始工作前,必須按規(guī)定做好安全措施,并應指定專人負責監(jiān)護。1.3 工作票應用鋼筆或圓珠筆填寫,字跡清楚,不得涂改。兩份工作票中的一份必須經(jīng)常保存在工作地點,由工作負責人收執(zhí),另一份由值班調(diào)度收執(zhí),按值移交,值班調(diào)度應將工作票號碼、工作任務、許可工作時間及完工時間記入操作記錄簿中。1.4 工作票上所列人員的安全責任:1.4.1 工作票簽發(fā)人(1)工作必要性;(2)工作是否安全;(3)工作票上所填安全措施是否正確完備;(4)所派工作負責人和工作班人員是否適當和充足。1.4.2 工作負責人(監(jiān)護人)(1)正確

17、安全地組織工作;(2)結(jié)合實際進行安全思想教育;(3)工作前對工作班成員交待工作內(nèi)容、安全措施和技術(shù)措施;(4)負責檢查工作票所列安全措施是否正確完備,符合現(xiàn)場實際;(5)負責檢查核實停電設備有無突然來電的危險;1.4.3 工作許可人(1)負責審查工作票上所列安全措施是否正確完備,符合實際;(2)負責將工作票上所列需停電的設備停電,并督促工作負責人認真執(zhí)行工作票上所列各項安全措施。1.6 工作票簽發(fā)人不得兼任該項工作的工作負責人(工作負責人可以填寫工作票),工作許可人不得簽發(fā)工作票,一個工作負責人只能發(fā)給一張工作票。2. 工作許可制度2.1 工作負責人和工作許可人均不得擅自變更安全措施,值班調(diào)

18、度不得變更有關(guān)檢修設備的運行接線方式,工作時如有特殊情況需要變更時,應事先取得對方的同意。eaders driving ave hicl eaccide nt ca usedbyroada cci dents, 1,1 people kil leda nd direct e conomi c losses am ounting to m oretha n 100,000y uan.Thir d, hig hefficiency a nd lowcost ofthebus.S urveysshowt hat, theoperatingcostsoftaxisforthe8200/.Isafund

19、ame ntal pri ority ofthereform,it isa difficult problemthatmustbesolve d int hereform process.Cle arly,t hepostconsumpti on average sthreeyear sbeforea sa b ase a ndfine-tune donthe basisofthis single practi cesm ust be im proved.Impr ovementstoadheretothreeprinci ples:first, undert heexisting polic

20、y provisi ons approvedforpubli cservants' duty consumpti on standards, calibration,is notcontraryto poli cy.Second,accor ding t othe l ocal fi nancialsit uation andpe opl e's sustainabilit y,publi c serva nts 'duty consumpti on sta ndar ds approved, bothfi nancialrea ch,a nd pe ople pass

21、i ngthr ough.Thir d,accordingt o theoperationalnee ds of civil servants re sponsiblefor authorize d publi cserva nts 'dutyconsumptionstandards, both high and low positions, butalso thenatureofthew orka nd theworkl oad.In reformof method Shang,appr oved civilservants positi onsconsumstandar d to

22、"big unifie d, andsmall disperse d" suita ble,t hatmost positions consumpti on proje ctshoulda ccording topolicy provi des propose d unified standard, considertorank s, and units a ndthew orktask ofdifference ssex, unifiedofstandard should ha selasti cofand dynamic of, makes regi ons, andu

23、nits inimplementation unifie dstandard S hiha s must offlexible disposal right; but sinceset of standardmustafter financial,and audit, sectorauditapprove d Hou to implementati on.(C) reform package.Publicservant s 'dutyconsumptionelasti city of consumpti ont o limitconsumpti on,tur ning mess int

24、okitchen afterdinner,follow thecivil servant with a howto use personaltitle subsidi es, orhow to ma nagea personal duty consum ptionuse of subsi dies.Therefore,we m ust establish andperfect with public servants ' duty consumptionmonetizationreformsupportofthe seriesof gover nancesystems such a s

25、 the civil ser vice examinationofresponsibility,system,lowfaultinvestigation system,the re port said.While othermeasures to keep up. Discipline inspection andsupervi sion organs, financial,a uditing de partmentsshouldstrengthennd expe nditureonwagesapositi on-related consumptionofcivi lservant s has

26、 bee n sw eptbyfinance,consumer,regardlessof cost,extravagance a ndwaste ipositi onsconsumption int heproduced of "two not" phenomenon renderi ngfourafeatures:a ispositionsconsumptionsystem lost has-IL _J . IJ _ I - . I I.L _ I .vehicle s, andshowed an increasi ng trend.Fina nci alexpenses

27、 cost perbus peryeartointhecivil serviceposition-r elated consumpti on,abuse, corruption adue ofbinding,rig ht isgreatertha n rules,and rightis greatertha- - - .I .ILL. >一 一 一.一ndem bezzl ement,corruption is important.The n,undert he conditions ofmarketeconomy,nmethodof phe nomenonm orehig hlight

28、; IIis in positions consumpti on int heCamera- L -_ I - >I. L > _nd subsidies.Necessary to "keep acar", bcivilduty consum ption ma nagement,ex plore s asourcetopreill positions consum ption i nto has per sonalconsumptigbreed unhealt hy tendencies.Somepeople believethatoprev entandcur

29、b t hepost consum ption corr uptionwa y, is curre ntly amajor i ssuefaced by hone stwork.i on,wi llcor porate point stoint opersonal poi ntsto, makes positi ons consumption insome aspe cts hasinto - _ I. J _ 一 一 IIL. > -.- - IL.L . IL - I一一 -now some busdriversuseone-third,one-third lea ding priv

30、ateone-third used forofficialRecently,I conductepositionsenjoyand selfpurpose s. Some publicservants,e specially leadingofficialdresear ch on t his issue , this problemon some hum-dealing of means;t hree ist opositionsconsumpti> L . . IL - I .-一s motoring,carsforprivateble opinions.First,the exis

31、ti ng publ icservants' duty consumptionfor name,fraud,false im personator,Trend ofnegativecorruption- -_-Ldl .II. II. I - ->. L |_pur pose s,violati ngtheself-disci plinere gulations,andeven leadtotrafficaccideon t hemain problems seenfrom theinvestigation aphenome na such ascorruptionand mis

32、appropriation;fourL - . . >nts.Accor ding to statisti cs fromrelateddepartmentnd reasons,in rece ntyears, public servants' dutyconsumpti on caused bythe a busesa nd nota person ofintegrity, i s oneofthe majorpr obl ems int he partyi n Government, its operation order haveanegative efpalace s,

33、followthefashi on, rivalrie s,wasteful ,and postconsumptionbe camea symb ol of showi ngofftheirindividual capacitie s.Ca used bypubli cserva nts 'duty consumptionofmany"two" phenomenon in-II. -一-一 . . . ” s,since 2004,thecorre ct investigation in our Countyservescars for privatepurpose

34、sorfecton thepartyandGovernme ntorgans, seri ouslydamawhi ch people reflectthe biggestpr oblem sare:(a)thent,undermi ning therelationship betwee n partya ndt he masse s,effect, ope ning up and e conomi c constr uction.From ICountyi nrece ntyears ofgoverna ncesituati on see,cts: oneis t helargerbuse

35、scostexpenditure.Accordingtostatisti cs,untilNovember 2003, XX Countytow nshipDe partment bus 159car s,whi ch departme ntow ns the bus1452.2 嚴禁約時停、送電3. 工作監(jiān)護制度3.1 任何電氣工作(如操作、檢修、試驗、核相等)均應有人監(jiān)護。3.2 在完成工作許可手續(xù)后,工作負責人(監(jiān)護人)應向工作班人員交待現(xiàn)場安全措施,帶電部位和其它安全注意事項。3.3 工作監(jiān)護人必須始終在現(xiàn)場對工作人員的安全認真監(jiān)護,及時糾正違反安全的行為。3.4 工作監(jiān)護人在全部停電

36、時,可以參加工作,在部分停電時,只有在安全措施可靠,人員集中在一個工作地點,不致誤碰導電部分的情況下,方可參加工作班的工作。3.5 工作票簽發(fā)人和工作負責人對有觸電危險、施工復雜、易發(fā)生事故的工作,應增設專人監(jiān)護,專責監(jiān)護人不得兼任其它工作。3.6 工作期間工作負責人若因故必須離開工作地點時,應指定能勝任的人員臨時代替,離開前應將工作現(xiàn)場交待清楚,并告知工作班人員及工作許可人。4. 工作間斷、終結(jié)和恢復送電制度4.1 在工作中遇雷、雨、大風或其他任何情況威脅到工作人員的安全時,工作負責人或監(jiān)護人可根據(jù)情況,臨時停止工作。4.2 白天工作間斷時,工作地點的全部接地線仍保留不動。如果工作班須暫時離

37、開工作地點,則必須采取安全措施和派人看守,不讓人、畜接近挖好的基坑或接近未豎立穩(wěn)固的桿塔以及負載的起重和牽引機械裝置等。恢復工作前,應檢查接地線等各項安全措施的完整性。4.3 填用數(shù)日內(nèi)工作有效的線檢工作票,每日收工時如果要將工作地點所裝的接地線拆除,次日重新驗電裝接地線恢復工作,均須得到工作許可人許可后方可進行。如果經(jīng)調(diào)度允許的連續(xù)停電、夜間不送電的線路,工作地點的接地線可以不拆除,但次日恢復工作前應派人檢查。4.4 完工后,工作負責人(包括小組負責人必須檢查線路檢修地段的狀況以及在桿塔上、導線上及瓷瓶上有無遺留的工具、材料等,通知并查明全部工作人員確由桿塔上撤下后,再命令拆除接地線。接地線

38、拆除后,應即認為線路帶電,不準任何人再登桿進行任何工作。4.5 工作終結(jié)后,工作負責人應報告工作許可人,工作許可人在接到所有工作負責人(包括用戶)的完工報告后,并確知工作已經(jīng)完畢,所有工作人員已由線路撤離,接地線已經(jīng)拆除,方可命令向線路恢復送電。三 保證安全的技術(shù)措施在全部停電或部分停電的電氣線路或設備上工作必須先停電,后驗電,再裝設接地線,最后懸掛標示牌和裝設臨時遮欄。1. 停 電進行線路作業(yè)前,應作好下列停電措施:2. 1 斷開變電所斷路器和隔離開關(guān)以及聯(lián)絡開關(guān)和刀閘。1. 2斷開可能將電源反送至檢修線路的所有開關(guān)和刀閘(包括自備發(fā)電機的聯(lián)絡開關(guān)等)。2. 3斷開危及該線路停電作業(yè),且不能

39、采取安全措施的交叉跨越、平行和同桿線路的斷路器和隔離開關(guān)。3. 4斷開所有可能返回低壓電源的斷路器和隔離開關(guān)。4. 5 檢查斷開后的斷路器、隔離開關(guān)是否確在斷開位置;斷路器、隔離開關(guān)的操作機構(gòu)應加鎖;跌落熔斷器的熔斷管應摘下;并應在斷路器或隔離開關(guān)的操作機構(gòu)上懸掛“線路有人工作,禁止合閘“的標示牌。5. 驗 電5.1 在停電線路工作地段裝設接地線前,要先驗電,驗明線路確無電壓。驗電要用合格的相應電壓等級的專用驗電器。驗電時,應戴絕緣手套,并有專人監(jiān)護。5.2 線路的驗電應逐相進行,對同桿塔架設的多層電力線路驗電時,先驗低壓,后驗高壓,先驗下層后驗上層。6. 裝設接地線6.1 線路經(jīng)過驗明確實無

40、電壓后,各工作班應立即在工作地段兩端掛接地線。凡有可能送電到停電線路的分支線也要掛接地線。若有感應電壓反應在停電線路上時,應加掛接地線。同時,要注意在拆除接地線時,防止感應電觸電6.2 裝設接地線必須先接接地端,后接導體端,接地線連接要可靠,不準纏繞。拆除時順序相反,裝(拆)接eaders drivi ng avehi cle accidentca usedbyroa daccide nts,1, 1 pe ople kill ed and dire ct economiclossesamountingto moret han 100,000 yuan.Third, hig h efficie

41、ncyand l owcost ofthe bus. Surveys show that, theoperating costsoftaxis forthe8200/.Is afundamentalpriority ofthereform, it isa difficult problemthatmustbesolved inthe reformprocess. Clearly,the postconsumpti onaveragest hreeyears before asa ba seand fine-tune d onthe basis ofthissi ngle pra ctices

42、m ust be impr oved.Im provement sto adheretothr ee princi ples: first,under theexistingpolicyprovi sionsapprove dforpubli cservant s' duty consumpti onsta ndar ds, calibrati on,i s not contraryto poli cy.Second,accordingto thel ocalfina nci alsituati on a nd people'ssustainability, publi cse

43、rvant s'dutyconsumption sta ndar ds a pprove d,bothfina ncialrea ch,a nd people passi ng through.T hird,a ccordi ng to the operationalneeds ofcivilserva nts responsi ble foraut horize d publi cservant s' duty consumpti onsta ndar ds,both higha nd lowpositions, butalso the natureofthew orkand

44、 thew orkloa d.Inreform of method Shang,approve d civil servants positions consumptionstandar d to "bigunified,and small dispersed"suitable,that most positi ons consum ption project should accordingto policypr ovides propose d unifiedsta ndard, consi dertorank s,and unitsand theworktaskof

45、differencessex, unifiedofsta ndard shoul d hasel astic of anddynamic of, makes regions,and units inimplementationunified standar d Shi hasmustofflexible disposalrig ht; butsinceset ofstandar d mustafterfinancial,and audit,sectorauditapprove d Houtoimpleme ntation.(C)reform package. Publicservant s&#

46、39;dutyconsumpti onelasticity ofconsumption tolimitconsumpti on,t urning mess i nto kitchen after di nner,follow theciv ilservantwit h ahowto use per sonaltitlesubsidies, or howtomanage a personaldutyconsumptionuse of subsidies. T herefore, wem ust establish and perfectwith publicserva nts' duty

47、 consumption monetization reform support oftheseries ofgoverna nce system ssuchas t he civil serviceexamination ofresponsibility,system,lowfaultinvestigation system,the reportsai d. While othermeasures tokee pup.Discipline inspe ctionand supervisi on organs,financial,auditingdepartme ntsshoul dstren

48、gt hen'''''2supervi sion andinspection ofpublic servants' duty consumptionmonetization reform progress, to strengthent he reform ofpublicservants'dutyconsumption monetizationsystem,measures to developand monitort heimplementation of inspection, not consumption as require

49、d,even shifting consumerbe haviortost op, serious ca sesto dealwith.Three ideas, public servants'dutyconsumption monetization reform ofpolitics,the economyand thedeepeni ngofthe reform, publicserva nts 'duty consumption a s some where betwee na reformalso demonstrateditsimportance a nd urgen

50、cy.Firstofall,civ ilservantse speciallypartyand Government leader s andpublicservants 'duty consumpti on thereare big drawbacks.NPC deputiesand CPPCC membersand t hebroa d masse sare concerne dabout.Se condly,thepost onreated cnsumptinof cv l sevat s has bee nsw ept by .ace, cnsume, reg ess of c

51、s, extra a nd waste ile cvisevce posi.nr eaed cnsumpti I n, a-e crullon a nd embelement, crru.ns imporant. Then, unde the condlknsof make economyhow to efomthe exgcv> ,consum p.nma nagemet, explores a souce tpev ent ad cub t helos cnsumplon crr ulon wa y is cue nty a mjr issue aby hone st workRe,

52、Icon.ce d resea issue , this problm on some humbe opinions. Fis"I e t ng lubl C sevats ' duty consumpt on t he mat probems seen from Ie ivstgainand reasons, i ece nt yea、 lUk servants ' dUy cnsmpl on causedby Ie abuses and not a person of it- i s one of the emsit hepartyi n Government,i

53、sopeain order have a,» ef party and Gvernment ogas seiousy mag ngthe mage of the pay ad the Gvenmen, udemi nig the reainshi bewee n pay a nd t he masses, e*pe ning up ad e conomi c cnstr uclon. FomI Cunty i ,r- nt yeasof goenaSlial onsee,post ons connumpin i t he p.ou of "wno" phenome

54、on endei ng fu a f urs: a s posiions cnsumptin systmlst hhsdue of bidig, rg ht s grate tha n ues ad rght s greae han metod of phe nomeon m .re hg h”; Is iposiins cnnumpt CmeaObsura opeain, usig tems wl pomons cnsm pin-i nto h - per snal cnsumpton, Wll crporae poit s t it o pesona | oi nts to, maks p

55、ost ons cnnumptonisome ase cs has it posiions ejy ad sldelngof m-ns; t“re is tI posiins cnsumpti frudase mpesonllr, Tendof negte cruptin| heome I a sch as coruptin and fourp s follw te ares wsteu , ad pos cnsumptin be came a showng of lei id a ca ppcie s Ca used by publ c seans ' .,cnnumptinof m

56、ay "wo" pheomeoniWi cpeope relec te biget pr obem s ae: (a) the of ca probes.re ase cs one、t he age buue s co, pend,e. Acorring tsastcs, untiNombe 20037 XX Cuy tw nshi Ie payment bus 159 ca s Wi c dea'me nt ow ns te bus 45. . . . . I . . . . . . I. 一. 一. 一 . . I I. . . ._ 一. .地線均應使用絕緣棒和戴絕緣手套,人體不得碰觸接地線。同桿塔架設的多層電力線路掛接地線時,應先掛低壓, 后掛高壓,先掛下層,后掛上層。若桿塔無接地引下線時,可采用臨時接地棒,接地棒在地下深度不得小于 0.6米。6.3 接地線必須使用多股軟銅線,其截面不得小于25mm 2。如利用鐵塔接地時,允許每相個別接地,但鐵 塔與接地線連接部分應清除


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