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1、Good is good, but better carries it.精益求精,善益求善。xr受監(jiān)管道焊接作業(yè)指導書小口徑受監(jiān)管道焊接作業(yè)指導書工程技術文件報審表B1-07 (A1監(jiān))工程名稱雙鴨山龍煤天泰煤制芳烴項目-熱電廠編號至: 中國成達工程有限公司(監(jiān)理單位)現報關于 雙鴨山龍煤天泰煤化工有限公司熱電廠165T/H流化床鍋爐受熱面管道焊接作業(yè)指導書 工程技術文件,請予以審核。序號名稱及類別編制人1鍋爐受熱面焊接作業(yè)指導書234審查意見:總承包單位(章):賽鼎工程有限公司 專業(yè)工程師/項目經理: 年 月 日監(jiān)理工程師意見: 監(jiān)理工程師(簽字): 年 月 日 總監(jiān)理工程師審批意見: 監(jiān)理

2、單位(章):中國成達工程有限公司 總監(jiān)理工程師(簽字): 年 月 日雙鴨山龍煤天泰煤化工有限責任公司熱電廠鍋爐安裝工程 鍋爐受熱面管道焊接作業(yè)指導書審批:審核:編制:江蘇華能建設工程集團有限公司雙鴨山龍煤天泰項目部2013年5月6日目 錄1適用范圍2編制依據3工程概況及主要焊接工程量4作業(yè)人員資格要求5主要工具、機具要求6施工準備7焊接施工程序8焊縫返修9質量要求10安全和文明施工措施11技術記錄1適用范圍本作業(yè)指導書適用于雙鴨山龍煤天泰煤化工有限公司熱電廠鍋爐受熱面管道焊接施工。2.編制依據21焊工技術考核規(guī)程 DL/T679-201222火力發(fā)電廠焊接技術規(guī)程 DL/T869-201223

3、焊接工藝評定規(guī)程 DL/T868-200424江蘇華能工程建設集團有限公司焊接工藝評定3工程概況及主要焊接工程量31 工程概況 本鍋爐為次高溫次高壓,單鍋筒橫置式,單爐膛,自然循環(huán),全懸吊結構,鍋爐的給水經過水平布置的兩組光管式省煤器加熱后經導水管進入鍋筒。鍋筒內的鍋水由集中下降管、分配管進入水冷壁下集箱、水冷壁管、上集箱,然后由引出管進入鍋筒。鍋筒內設有汽水分離裝置。 飽和蒸汽從鍋筒頂部的蒸汽連接管引至尾部低過進口集箱,經低溫過熱器、一級噴水減溫器、高溫過熱器、吊掛管、集汽集箱,最后將合格的過熱蒸汽引出。32 主要焊接工程量序號項目名稱材質規(guī)格焊口數量備注1省煤器20G32×355



6、。53焊條烘箱必須運行完好、且性能可靠。54施工主要機具、工具、材料名 稱單位數量逆變焊機臺16焊條烘箱臺1氬弧焊槍把10電焊鉗把10氬氣流量計只12電焊面罩只12焊條保溫筒只16鑿子把1水平管米30角向磨光機只16焊接電纜米500氬氣瓶15高壓焊工名66施工準備61材料要求611焊材必須具有質量證明書或材質合格證。當對焊材質量有疑義時應進行抽樣復查,并出具復查合格的報告后方可使用。612施工現場應配有符合要求的二級焊材發(fā)放庫,配置焊條烘烤箱、恒溫箱。并由專人負責,嚴格執(zhí)行有關規(guī)定,做好原始資料與日常記錄的管理工作。613焊材的保管、烘燥、發(fā)放、回收應嚴格按公司“焊接材料管理辦法”的有關規(guī)定執(zhí)


8、等有效防護措施。623壁厚6mm的低合金鋼管子及壁厚15mm碳素鋼管在負溫下焊接時亦應適當預熱。63焊接方法鍋爐受熱面受監(jiān)管道,管徑DN100的焊接采用GTAW/SMAW(氬弧焊打底,手工焊蓋面) 管徑DN100的焊接采用GTAW(雙氬)的焊接方法。7焊接施工程序:見圖對 口 *預 熱 點 焊 *預 熱 返修 焊 接 自 檢 *后 熱 *熱 處 理 外觀檢查 無損檢測 不合格驗收技術記錄注:*當有要求時 *當必要時71對口要求711坡口形式應按設計圖紙的要求或符合規(guī)程規(guī)定的要求。712 組對時質量要求內壁齊平,其錯口量不超過管壁厚度的10,且不大于1mm。713對接管口端面應與管子中心線垂直,

9、其偏斜度f不得超過0.5mm。714組對前應打磨坡口及兩側,徹底清除坡口內外各1015mm范圍內油污、鐵銹等,直至露出金屬光澤,并對坡口表面進行檢查,不得有裂紋、夾層等缺陷715焊口的局部間隙過大時,應設法修整到規(guī)定尺寸,嚴禁在間隙內加填塞物。716焊接前焊工應對焊口的對口質量進行檢查,符合要求后方可進行焊接,否則有權拒絕焊接。72焊接材料選用721焊接材料的選用應對照安裝專業(yè)提供管材的光譜分析報告,按與母材化學成份相同或相近的原則進行。722異種鋼焊口的焊接材料應按焊接工藝評定的要求或規(guī)程規(guī)定的焊接材料進行選用。723焊接時選用的焊接材料:母材材質焊絲焊條20GTiG-J50 2.5J506

10、 3.212Cr1MoVGTIG-R31 2.5熱317 3.273點固焊731排管點固焊時應先點間隙小的焊口,后點間隙大的焊口。732嚴禁在被焊工件表面引弧、試驗電流或隨意焊接臨時支撐物。733點焊工藝與正式焊接工藝相同,并由同一焊工施焊。74焊接要點741除焊接工藝有特殊要求,每個焊口必須一次連續(xù)焊接完成。742當因故中斷焊接時應立即對焊口采取保溫、緩冷等措施,重新焊接時應仔細檢查焊縫有無缺陷并按原焊接工藝要求進行743焊接過程中應控制焊接線能量, 防止線能量過大。在整個焊口焊接中,并且盡量采用相同的焊接規(guī)范,保持同步、同時焊接、同時停止。744焊接完成后,應及時清理焊縫表面,進行焊縫外觀



13、法修復的缺陷,可割除該焊口,重新加工坡口對口焊接。9質量要求91焊口的質量要求應嚴格按照三級驗收制度進行檢查驗收。92 焊 縫 余 高平 焊0-2mm其它位置3mm焊縫余高差2mm焊縫寬窄差3mm咬 邊h0.5,10.1L ,且40mm錯 口外壁0.1,且4彎 折D100D1001/1003/20010安全和文明施工措施101電焊機要做好設備的例行保養(yǎng)和安全檢查。焊機外殼接地應良好,移動電源或檢查線路時須切斷電源。焊接電纜有破損的地方應及時用絕緣膠布包好。102焊接工作必須遵守安全、防火等規(guī)程的有關規(guī)定,所有作業(yè)人員應遵守各項安全操作規(guī)程。103進入施工現場必須戴好安全帽,高空作業(yè)系牢安全帶,


15、錄及焊口布置圖。114焊口無損檢測報告。111. objective to help companies understand and learn and its activities related to work safety laws and regulations, standards and other requirements, and will communicate this information to practitioners and stakeholders, and enhance their awareness of the law, standard safety

16、 behavior. 2. scope of application on the company's acquisition, identification, updating the law, regulations and other requirements and establishment pedestal debt. 3. responsibilities 3.1 biotech Department 3.1.1 security laws and regulations, standards and other requirements to collect, iden

17、tify and update account and establish and supervise the implementation. 3.1.2 is responsible for the Organization of related departments and units to identify laws, regulations, and other requirements for conformity assessment. 3.1.3 in the two workshops promote laws, regulations and other requireme

18、nts. 3.1.4 is responsible for company's safety rules and regulations. 3.1.5 release 3.2 for legal regulations and safety procedures of each workshop, sections 3.2.1 access to laws, regulations and other requirements, should be passed to the production technology section. 3.2.2 is responsible for

19、 the related laws, regulations, standards and other requirements communicated to employees, and comply with them. 3.2.3 safety regulations of the responsible units. 3.2.4 be responsible for safe operation of the unit door. 4. access to procedures 4.1 4.1.1 technology through standardization of healt

20、h information networks, media, industry associations, government departments and other queries for the nation's security laws and regulations, standards and other requirements. 4.1.2 production technology section to collect the higher authorities of the relevant safety notification, bulletins, e

21、tc. 4.1.3 units, departments, from the professional or the local newspapers, magazines and other copies of the laws, regulations and other requirements, should be submitted to identify and confirm and record production technology section. Registration and identification 4.2.1 4.2 according to the co

22、mpany, activities and services as all of the dangerous and harmful factors, combined with the latest content and versions of the laws and regulations, identify the applicable laws, regulations, standards and other requirements. 4.2.2 according to the characteristics of the industry, and identify the

23、 applicable laws, regulations, standards and other requirements.4.2.3 technology organize relevant departments to obtain and identify laws, regulations, standards and other requirements to organize evaluation confirmed, reported to the leaders for approval, and the preparation of the list of applica

24、ble laws and regulations. Update 4.3 4.3.1 when existing laws, regulations, standards and other requirements is updated, it should identify in a timely manner. 4.3.2 Technology Office once a year the laws, regulations, standards and other requirements of acquisition, identification, updating work. 4

25、.3.3 when danger and harmful factors in production process changes, should be re-recognition of the laws,Constitution provides that no party member can do, leading cadres should take the lead in not doing. In strict accordance with the party Constitution Party member leading cadre must have six basi

26、c conditions and improve their own qualities and abilities, regular checks and pay for their own shortcomings. Especially in the ideal and belief, persist in seeking truth from facts, and promote the scientific development, maintain close ties with, strengthening moral cultivation, and strict adhere

27、nce to party discipline for party members to lead by example. Second, the main change in the new Constitution and the interpretation of the 18th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, to end on November 14, 2012 General Assembly vote, the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amen

28、dment) Act. 18 Congress of the partyBy the Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment) Act, against 17 in six large through a revision of the party Constitution. In order to comply with the development of the situation and tasks change, every national Congress of our party will be of va

29、rying degrees of revision of the Constitution. A big party was held in 1921, due to time constraints, and developed a platform of one of the large, just a programmatic document. Our first Constitution was established by the party's second National Congress. According to the changes in the situat

30、ion and tasks, after two successive congresses (except for five) different degrees of modification to the Constitution. Because of the special circumstances, the five party Constitution has not been modified, by the Politburo after changes to the Constitution. Current is developed in September 1982

31、the party's 12 big changes to the party Constitution. 30 years, on the premise of maintaining the stability of the basic contents of the party Constitution, 13 and 14 and Congress of the party, 16 and 17 are with varying degrees of modification of the Constitution. Constitution modified of history, is we party 92 great development course of miniature and show, a is show has we party tightly relies on people co


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