1、College English Test for Non-English Majors of Adult Education(英語三模擬題2)I. Vocabulary and StructureThere are 30 in complete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the One an swer that best completes the senten ce.1. I think the team' s performa
2、nce wasby the sudden rain.A. effectedB. affectedC. defectedD. i nfected2. Tourism has A agriculture as the nation' s main industry.A. replacedB. placedC. take n placeD. substituted3. This district has cha nged so much since I was last here that I hardlyBit now.A. see B. recog nize C. orga nizeD.
3、 admit4. Reduci ng un employme nt will be the mainAfor the new gover nment.A. challe ngeB. struggle C. warD. fight ing5. The old machine won' t _Aproperly if you don' t oil it regularly.A. affectB. effectC. fun ctio nD. practice6.1' m sorry toByou, but can you direct me to the railway st
4、ation?A. worryB. botherC. upsetD. hurry7. The crowd started toAwhe n the ni ght fell.A. break outB. break inC. break over D. break up8. Aano ther occasi on, he Ian ded in a deserted car park.A. OnB. ForC. ToD. In9. He came here for aBaim.A. regularB. specific C. especial D. famous10. I n lear ning a
5、 foreig n Ian guage, various forms of practice are goodD.A. discipli nesB. theoriesC. tech niq uesD. skills11. Yesterday I went shopp ing and found a lot ofBin the sale.A. bargesB. barga insC. barragesD. barracks12. There is noC_ for air con diti oners duri ng the win ter.A. saleB. sell ingC. purcha
6、seD. buy13. Even tually , your body will dema nd that the debt be repaid. DA. OtherwiseB. HoweverC. NeverthelessD. Ultimately14. Sleep deprivation also magnifies alcohol ' s effects on the bodyAA. inten sifiesB. weake nsC. reducesD. expa nds15. In a ten-yearDfrom 1976 to 1985, the total world fi
7、sh catch in creased 29%.A. expanseB. expenseC. staneeD. span16. He quicklyBto the climate in the high mountains and fin ally became an outsta ndingsoldier.A. adopted B. adaptedC. addictedD. added17. Would you pleaseDyour visit for a few days, stay a few days Ion ger?A. expa ndB. le ngthe nC. stretch
8、D. exte nd18. The more dan gers weB, the harder should we push forward.A. deal B. encoun terC. acco untD. dispose19. PleaseAsure that the house is locked before you leave.A. makeB. takeC. doD. let20. Their traveli ng expe nses amountCseve n hun dred dollars.A. forB. withC. toD. about21. Shall Iyou u
9、p at the airport tomorrow morning?A. sendB. pick22. The man agi ng directorA. concern B. confirmC. seeD. look's on Awas how to improve the quality of their products.C. con cludeD. con fess23. Do you mi ndA. have waitedfor him for a few minu tes?B. being waited C. to wait D. waiti ng24. There are
10、 some famous say ings in D of the magaz ine.A. the face B. the begi nning C. the in itialD. the frontwith you as to the precise meaning of this phrase.A. disti nguishB. differe ntiate C. differ D. dis in tegrateC. to wait25. Weat our school.26. All the stude nts must wearA. costumes B. hatsC. uni fo
11、rmsD. shoes27. The young man man aged C from his pare nts where he was going.A. concealingB. concealed C. to conceal D. having concealed28. Hawthorne was chosen toA one of the country ' s leading travel firms.A. lead B. cover C. behead D. head29. A lot of people haveCon the similarity betwee n t
12、hem.A. said B. toldC. remarkedD. remade30. There wasBagreeme nt that it was a sple ndid weddi ng.A. ordi naryB. uni versalC. anni versaryD. reversalII. ClozeThere are 20 blanks in the following passage(s). For each blank are provided four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best compl
13、etes the passage(s)People tend to sleep more lightly and for shorter time spa ns as they get older, although they gen erally n eed about the same 31 of sleep as they 32 in early adulthood. About half of all people over 65 have 33 sleep ing problems, such as insomnia, and deep sleep 34 in many 35peop
14、le often become very short or 36 completely. This37 may be a normal part of aging,38 it may result from medical problems that arecom mon in elderly people and 39 the medicati ons and 40 treatme nts for those problems.Experts say that if you feel drowsy duri ng the 41, eve n duri ng bori ng activitie
15、s, you42 had eno ugh sleep. If you rout in ely fall 43 with in 5 minu tes of lying dow n, youprobably have severe 44 deprivation, possibly even a sleep 45. Microsleeps, orvery brief episodes of sleep in an otherwise 46person, are another mark of sleepdeprivati on. In many cases, people are not 47 th
16、at they are experie ncing microsleeps. The widespread 48 of bur ning the can dle at both ends "in wester n in dustrialized societies has 49 so much sleep deprivati on that 40 is really abno rmal sleep in ess is now almost thenorm.C31. A. accou ntD32. A. dema ndedA33. A. freque ntB34. A. stepsA3
17、5. A. elderlyD36. A. stateB37. A. shiftA38. A. orD39. A. atC40. A. an otherA41. A. dayD42. A. didn 'B43. A. sleepyC44. A. asleepD45. A. symptomB46. A. wakeA47. A. awareC48. A. workA49. A. createdD50. A. itB. nu mberB. requiredB. oftenB. stagesB. oldlyB. stayB. changeB. andB. i nB. the otherB. ni
18、ghtB. has n'tB. asleepB. restB. diseaseB. awakeB. awayB. exerciseB. con tributedB. thisC. amountC. requestedC. onceC. sta ncesC. olderC. startC. tran sferC. butC. withC. otherC. eve ningC. hadn'C. drowsyC. sleepC. ill nessC. waki ngC. waryC. practiceC. con ductedC. whichD. qua ntityD. needed
19、D. almostD. statusD. elderD. stopD. varyD. elseD. fromD. othersD. morni ngD. haven 'D. fain tedD. drowsyD. disorderD. awak ingD. weari ngD. drillD. conducedD. whatIII. Reading ComprehensionSection A There are two read ing passages in this sect ion. Each passage is followed by 5 questio ns. Each
20、questi on is provided with four an swers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best an swers the questi on.Passage 1A frie nd of mi ne n amed Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas prese nt.On Christmas Eve whe n Paul came out of his office, a street urch in was walk ing ar
21、ound the shiny new car, admiri ng it."Is this your car, Mister?” he asked.Paul nodded. “ My brother gave it to me for Christmas.” The boy was astounded.“ You iyour brother gave it to you and it didn' t cost you nothing? Boy, I wish.” He hesitated.Of course Paul knew what he was going to wis
22、h for. He was going to wish he had a brotherlike that. But what the lad said jarred Paul all the way dow n to his heels."I wish, ” the boy went on,“ that I could be a brother like that.”Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impu lsively he added,“ Would you like to take aride in my autom
23、obile? ”“ Oh yes, I ' d love that. ”After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes aglow, said,“ Mjaierniiraljlddriv ing in front of my house?”Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the lad wan ted. He wan ted to show hisn eighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile. But Pa
24、ul was wrong aga in.“ Will youwhere those two steps are?” the boy asked.He ran up the steps. Then in a little while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up aga inst him and poin
25、ted to the car.“ There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Chris tmasand it didn ' t costdnicent. And some day I ' m gonna give you one just like it,then you cansee for yourself all the pretty things in the Christmas windows that I' vyobieen tryin
26、g to tellabout. ”Paul got out and lifted the lad to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride. That Christmas Eve, Paul learned what Jesus meant when he had said: It is more blessed to give ”B51. The boy was a
27、sto un ded.A. He was very surprised.B. He was so surprised that he was shocked.C. He was extremely surprised.D. The car was so beautiful that he felt excited.A52. Paul looked at the boy ,then impulsively he added ,"”A. he did this without pla nning and thinkingB. he did this with careful thi nk
28、ingC. he was impelled by his brother to do thisD. he was forced by his mother to do thisD53. The boy was not coming fast because .A. he was coming dow n the stepsB. he wan ted to sit dow n on the stepsC. he wan ted to see the car clearlyD. he was carry ing his crippled brotherD54. He squeezed up aga
29、 inst him and poin ted to the car.A. moved closer and touched himB. held him tightly in his armsC. pushed him n earer to the carD. pulled him closer and supported himC55.the three of them bega n a memorable holiday ride.A. easy to rememberB. likely to be no ticeableC. worth rememberi ngD. likely to
30、be see nPassage 2No specific food will prevent or ease facial lines. But you can slow your rate of wrinkling by eating the right foods to keep the fat layers under your skin sufficiently plump to maintain a smooth complexion. For example, while one baked sweet potato, eight ounces of orange juice or
31、 ten potato chips provide about 100 calories, only the sweet potato and orange juice supply quality calories. The sweet potato is rich in vitamin A, which helps skin cells shed smoothly, and the juice provides vitam in C, which helps form collage n, the supportive substa nee that gives youthful skin
32、 its elastic quality. Good sources of vitamin A include dark-green, orange and deep-yellow vegetables, and oran ge-colored fruits. Citrus fruits are a good source of vitam in C.Drink plenty of water. Once you 're past your 20s, many of your skin 's natural moisturizers sweat and oil gla nds
33、shut dow n, and the top layer of skin thins out. As a result, skin no Ion ger holds moisture well. Also, if you don 'tdri nk eno ugh water to replace what you lose every day through urination and perspiration, your body pulls what it needs from your cells, including skin cells, resulting in drie
34、r, older-looking skin.To minimize dryness, drink at least eight to ten eight-ounce glasses of water a day. Don ' count drinks such as coffee, tea and cola as part of your daily in take. They contain caffe ine, a diuretic that may in crease water loss from the skin, as will alcohol.Ano ther sympt
35、om of agi ng you can offset with diet is lowered resista nee to ill ness. However, vitamin E may stre ngthe n the immune system .In an America n study, researcher Simin Meyda ni gave 32 healthy adults over age 60 large doses of vitam in E twice a day for a mon th. As a result, their lymphocyte funct
36、ion was significantly improved. Foods rich in vitamin E include dark-green, leafy vegetables, legumes, n uts and whole-grain cereals.Food is not a quick fix for aging. But a sound diet plenty of fiber, water and vitamin-rich, deep-colored fruits and vegetables is bound to have a positive effect on y
37、our overall health and looks.56. To mai nta in a smooth complexi on, you should C.A. slow your rate of wrin kli ngB. keep a certa in fat layer un der your skinC. eat some proper foodsD. drink ple nty of coffee57. Good sources of Vitamin A comes from AA. sweet potato B. orange juiceC. citrus fruit D.
38、 tea58. If you don 'tdri nk eno ugh water C.A. sweat and oil gla nds will shut dow nB. top layer of skin will thin outC. drier, older-look ing skin will appearD. skin no Ion ger holds moisture59. To mi ni mize dryn ess, the best choice of your daily in take is AA. waterB. coffee and teaC. colaD.
39、 wine60. Proper in take of Vitam in E may B.A. lower resista nee to ill nessB. improve the immune systemC. i ncrease water loss from the ski nD. make a good dietIV. TranslationSection A Tran slate the follow ing senten ces into Chin ese.61. Experts in psychology believe that for many people, money i
40、s an importa nt symbol of stre ngth and in flue nee.心理學(xué)家認(rèn)為,對(duì)于很多仁來說,金錢是一種非常重要的力量和影響力的象征62. The widespread practice of burning the candle at both ends” has created so much sleepdeprivati on that what is really abno rmal sleep in ess is now almost the norm."燃燒蠟燭兩頭”的廣泛實(shí)踐已經(jīng)導(dǎo)致了大量的睡眠剝奪,真正失常的睡眠如今卻都已經(jīng)被視
41、為正常。63. Many people think that the women ' movement, a political and social effort to give women the same status and rights as men, was a result of this isolation and separation of women in the suburbs.很多人認(rèn)為,婦女運(yùn)動(dòng)也即要求給予女性與男性一樣的權(quán)利和地位的政治和社會(huì)努力,是由于將女人隔絕和孤立與郊區(qū)的結(jié)果。Section B Tran slate the followi ng sentences into En glish, using the words or expressi ons give n in brackets.64. 好幾雙鞋子都試穿過了,但沒有一雙是令人滿意的。(try on)Some pairs of shoes h
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