



1、Unit 7 Feeli ng1. In troducti on2. Text: Shari ng Your Feeli ngs3. Useful Words and Expressi ons4. Explore and Discuss Feeli ngs and Emoti ons , curre nt secti on1, Why does Madison feel nervous?She is very tired for preparing her test.*5he is afraid that sh& lYiigt fai in the tesr she too 7She

2、isWQITI色d about her having no time tc prepare for the test.Z Does Graham love to chat with friends in a cafeteria? Yes, h匸目n never sxay h口HHE& one.Yes. he often meets Fdbidn in this匚Meteig.于Yes, he doesnt liketotarhome sone, and would like to meet new pecle. “3. From the dialogue between Liam ai

3、ndJessica” we knthat_ .*Liam chinks Prof. Wang lecture is a nighrinare 7 Prof. Wang is a popular teacherboth己勺號祀白and Liam like L am likes Prof Wangs lecture very much.5. Why can Jason hide his eelingsof happin總呂窯mnd ang-er?He wants to keep his own secret,* He is traned to be a gentleman. 5 He does n

4、ot get on well with hk fri電nds.5. Lett ing off Steam1 .What did Lily do on rhe weekend?5ha played badminton with her friencs. 建t&akan English lass.* She went to the countryside with her friends. 92.How does Mike feel about his weekend?It was terrible.* It was tiring butfun.It was boring3. Why do

5、es Kirk feel bad today?He had a quarrel with the waiter over the bilk At lunch some one spilled their drinkon him.-He couldnt find anyone【o hlp him.4. What made Kirk most mad about that guy?The guy cut in front of him. The guy just walked away without apologizin g. 7The guy bumped into him and spill

6、ed his Coke all over him.5. What does Jennrfer think Kirk should do?Stop and yell at him.Ask so rneone el se for hel p. Just keep calm and carry on. 6. Kirk believes that_ . baing in a hurry is an excuse for breaking the rules. if no on queues up, everything will be a mess. 7 everyone in a hurry doe

7、s not need toqueue up.7. What does Kirk mean by sayingnthy also add color to my shirtn?They make my shirt pretty. They make my shirt look cool. They make my shirt dirtyVS, What is the favor -Catlierine asks of Christin?Tc do the pressntati&n or he-r.To anlyz-e the data for her presentation. Tc g

8、ive her creative ideas for her presentation-9. When will Katherine give lier presenrarion?Today.Ths dsv afte-r tornorrgw.IO.HOWlong did it take匚hristine to help Katherine analy2a the data last time?All night. All weeke nds. 7All day.11. What does Katherine promise to do next time?* She will never as

9、k Christine to do this“She will come to Christine earlier.She will do this herself6. Emoti on Man ageme ntTomorrow.1How does Joyce control her bad feelings, such ms loneliness, anxiety or anger?She always goes to the libraryShe always goes jogging in the playground. She always gets busy with other t

10、hings. V2. What is the best way of controlling our feelings?To talk to parents.?To talk to oneself. 7To talk to friends.3. What did Jason do when he was in high schoo and was down or upset?He would find some really tough math or physics problems to do. He would do both mentioned abovecHe would go to

11、 the dormitory end have a nice rest. How does Zheyu get over of his st-ess?He abuses h s mind but not abuse his bodyHe often screams and shouts in the playground and then jogs for five kilometers until he is tired oct. 7 He abuses both his mind and body.5.What isjasons suggestion for Zheyu?u Zheyu n

12、eeds to choose the proper time to scare the kids cn tie playgroundZheyu needs to choose the proper time and place.Zheyu needs to choose the proper time to avoid scaring tne kids on the playground6.How does Christim always finish so quickly?She never pl/ns and just does whatever comes to her.She make

13、s a list of Chings she needs to do and prioritize7She plansarxlturns tc people for help.7. How does KatheriORdeal withBplan?5he works hard towards it.Q She changas her plan quickly. She gives up on it quickly. 78. What is Katherine problem with assignmEnts?1She does not do it at all.Shefinishms it t

14、oo quickly.e,She postpones doing it until the day it is due.3 What is Christines suggestion for Katherine?Just relax andtry b”t Hurry first and then rwlax. 7 Relax first and then hurry.10. For what didjennifer leave for weeks?A party in Hong Kong.A course in Hong Kong.e,A seminar in Hong Kong. 711Ac

15、cording to Cindy, what happened a few weeks ago?Jennifer went to work out with CindyJennifer started doing Zumba* Jennifer showed Cindy how to mmnage her time more efficiently.12. What does Jennifer congratulate Cindy on?J For looking absolutely amazing. For not postponing everythingto the last minu

16、te any more.7For having more free time.13. What happens to Cindy every time after she finishes Zumba classes?She looks tired but relaxedShe sleeps better, feels better and works more efficiently. She eats well and looks fit.14. What sort of exercises doeslil(更most?門Badminton.Running. Volleybill.15.

17、What did Jennifer mnd her friends establish7*A roua el led Running icr Life* A vo ley ball reenn,A ZumDa cluL7. Cultural Focus: Stude ntsStress1.Why do Anriandj and Zheyt feil very down today?They are worried sbojt homcv/oricThey are worried about exaTS #-They are worried abot inten/iewE.z. which te

18、st do studentsNOTnec to take t the end of high school in ne unied states? SAT.O料CT.輸GRE 73. Based on the onv&rsatiDnrwhat else will ceterrrine which university sn American high 5:hcol ztudant can attendbesides exam scores? High schoc-l grades ard panicipaton in extracurricular acti/ities. “Socia

19、l status of theOmi yneo me of the stu匚enfs fa rri ly.4. Why does Amanda think studentsT匚&n己d己are sc lucky?Tlit;v hdve iTidiiy呂LKXJUIlive*i lies.They have very easy exams.They have flo bi rat cna exarfiS entering a university.5- In wnich of the fol lewTig utunLiws do you to choose the nsjor you w

20、sntto study bereentsring university?* Thm Unitec Kingdom. 7r The unitec Stares.Canada.Cin wnich of the follcwing CQuntries can you usually change /our major after entering the university? The Unitec States. Chna-France7. Atzcordin,g to Mr.Davi5(whst can be a problenn for stucents all around the worl

21、d?Exams.Stress. trades.8 Kharis Mr.Davisds suggestion for Ama nda and ZheyuTO白匸In ve iheir dream?5tudy hard for exams.O Strike a balance between work and lifeKeep their eyes on the prize mud work hard. 8. Office Hour1. Why is thestudent coming far the teacher?V He quarreled wixh his classmates.* He

22、was stressed about the college ertran匚皂examinationHe mis-sed several classes due to llnessHe was often stressed when he faced日n呂匚ademic problem.2. Accordingt-o tne student which two subjects do most students havedifficulties study!ng?匚hifiese*rilathennadcEPhysics匚hmisTry*EnglishHistory3. 7hat sugges

23、tions does the teacner provideror the student to improve his English?*And a language partnermore on academic writing.*Watch some online TV show in English.v Listen to American radio podcast.4* YJhat ere rhe diEences bhigh 5chcQl ifi anc university Ife in Amer?in high school;students nave more free t

24、ime.* In unrversty, students *iave fewer dashes.In high比hflo . students canrict ply v dec gamas. or soccer with otners.Th乜re a re n* d iFf乜5. According to tne teacher, what should the scudent do in crderto reduce his stress?Study wry hard.Mk his parents for he p.* Manage his time and schedule wellAn

25、d a psychiatrist.9. Talk Show (Glenn and Conor)10. Summary11. Exercise1. Wtiat Cc n be a way to develop yoemctional intel I ige nee as well as ai opportunity to earn more abouiycuselP Ldinirig dbuuL yuuifeellngb 7Making m list of yourreelii gsLjckln呂upym fttilln呂s2.If ycu give someon your undivided

26、attention, it means that_ all of your attention is focused on that person 7O only partof your attent on is given to that personO you distracted by something3.Sne is used to the world throwing stonesshe knows how to prote* hersalf. But can she figure_ howto cppn_ and trust again7 out.out out.up 70 up.up4. What are some ways mentioned in this unit to control Gnefs bad feelings?7* Turn to other concerns.Tell oneself to calm down.Buy on eself a gi


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