



1、7 u智課網(wǎng)SrnartStLidyxoiin老托福聽力Part C 93篇集錦(文本+詞匯)智課網(wǎng)整理Communityservice is an importantcomponent of educationhere at ouruni versity. We en courage all stude nts to volun teer for at least one com mun ity activity before they graduate. A new com mun ity program called "One On One" helps eleme

2、ntary stude nts who've falle n beh ind. You educati on majors might be especially in terested in it because it offers the opport unityto do someteach ing that is,tutori ngin math and En glish. You'd have to volun teer twohours a week for one semester . You can choose to help a child with mat

3、h, English, or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of eachsubject two days a week. Professor Dodge will act as a men torto thetutors he'll be available to help you with less on pla ns or to offer suggesti ons for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursda

4、y after noon. You can sig n up for the program with him and begi n the tutori ng n ext week. I'm sure you'll enjoy this community service and you'll gain valuable experience at thesame time. It looks good on your resume, too, show ingthat you've hadexperie nce with childre n and that

5、 you care about your com mun ity. If you'd like to sign up, or if you have any questions, stop by Professor Dodge's office this week.【生詞摘錄】1.component: n. C one of several parts that together make up a wholemach ine or system(機(jī)器或系統(tǒng)的)零件;成分;組成部分2.tutor : n. C some onewho teachesone pupil or a

6、smallgroup,and isdirectly paid by them家庭教師,私人教師v. to teach some one as a tutor給當(dāng)家庭教師;指導(dǎo)3.men tor: n. C an experieneedpersonwho advises andhelpsa lessexperie need pers on顧問,指導(dǎo)人,教練7 u智課網(wǎng)SrnartStLidyxoiin2I hope you've all fini shed readi ng the assig ned chapter onin sura neeso thatyou're prep

7、ared for our diseussion today. But, before we start,rd like tomen ti on a few things your text does n't go in to. It's in teresti ngto note thatin sura nee has existed in some form for a very long time. The earliest i nsura nee policies were what we called bottomrycon tracts. They provided s

8、hipp ingproteeti on for mercha nts as far back as 3000 B.C. In gen eral, the con tracts were ofte n no more tha n verbal agreeme nts. They gran tedloa ns to mercha nts withthe understanding that if a particular shipment of goods was lost at sea, the loa n did n't have to be repaid.In terest on t

9、he loa ns varied accord ing to howrisky it was to tran sport the goods. During periods of heavypiracy at sea, forexample, the amount of in terest and the cost of the policy went up con siderably.So, you can see how in sura nee helped en courage intern ati onal trade. Even the most cautious mercha nt

10、s became willi ng to risk shipp ing their goods over long dista nces, not to men ti on inhazardousweather con diti ons whe n they had thiskind of protectio n available. Gen erally speak ing, the basic form of an in sura nee policy has been pretty much the same since the Middle Ages. There are four p

11、oints that were salient then and remain paramount in all policies today. These were outl ined in chapter six and will serve as the basis for the rest of today's diseussi on. Can anyone tell me what one of those points might be?【生詞摘錄】1. in sura nee : n. U an arran geme nt with a compa ny in which

12、 you pay them money each year and they pay the costs if anything bad happe ns to you,such as an illness or an accident保險(xiǎn);the money that you pay regularly toan in sura nee compa ny保險(xiǎn)費(fèi);the bus in ess of providi ng in sura nee保險(xiǎn)業(yè)2. bottomry : n.船舶抵押契約(如船舶損失,則債務(wù)取消),冒險(xiǎn)借貸3. con tract : n. C a formal writt

13、e n agreeme nt betwee n two or more people,which says what each person must do for the other契約; 合同4. loan : n. C an amount of money that you borrow from a bank etc(銀行等的)貸款5. understanding: n. C usually singular a private, unofficial agreement(私底下、非正式的)協(xié)議,協(xié)定6. interest : n. U a charge made for borrowing money(借貸的)禾9息 +on 7. piracy : n. the crime of attack ing and steali ng from ships at sea海上搶劫,海盜行為8. cautious : adj. careful to avoid dan ger or risks小心的,謹(jǐn)慎的,慎重的9. hazardous : adj. 危險(xiǎn)的10. sa


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