1、xxx engineering contractxxx 工程合同Contract No.:合同編號:Party A: xxxCompany Limited甲方: xxx 有限公司Party B:xxx Company Limited乙方: xxx 有限公司This contract is made and entered into on theday of, 2014 by the followingParties in.本合同于2014 年月日由以下當(dāng)事方在簽署。Party A: xxx Company Limited,甲方: xxx 有限公司, xxx 經(jīng)營的公司,住所地為xxx ,(下稱
2、“甲方”),法定代表人:xxxParty B: xxx Company Limited ,乙方: xxx 有限公司,一家xxx 經(jīng)營的公司,注冊地址是:xxx ,(下稱“乙方”),法定代表人:xxxParty A and Party B are called by a joint name of Both Parties under this contract, each of which is called as A Party.甲方和乙方在本合同項下統(tǒng)稱為“雙方”,單獨稱為“一方”。1. Work Content and Requirements1. 工作內(nèi)容、要求1.1In accord
3、ance with the items stipulated in this Contract, Party B shall conduct the project as per the Projectstandard and quality standard stipulated by Ministry ofEngineering of the Union of xx.1.1依據(jù)本合同所限定的條款,乙方應(yīng)以xx 工程部規(guī)定的建筑標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和質(zhì)量要求執(zhí)行本工程。2. Contract Period2. 合同期限2.1Work period for the Road Construction Proj
4、ect: the work shall be completed within 2 month upon signing the Contract. The condition of handover is that the Project Inspection & Acceptance Team constituted by Party A, shall issue the Inspection & Acceptance Sheet after onsite inspection.2.1本次工程時間周期:合同簽訂后 14 個工作日內(nèi)完成,并以甲方組成的竣工驗收小組現(xiàn)場檢驗并出
5、具驗收單為竣工交接條件。2.2This contract shall be implemented after this is duly signed by the legal representatives or authorized representatives of the Parties and stamped with the seals of the Parties, and closed after the onsite acceptance of the Project and Contract payment.2.2本合同自雙方法定代表人或授權(quán)代表人簽字蓋章后生效,現(xiàn)場驗收
6、合格、款項支付完畢后關(guān)閉。3. Health, Safety and Environment Principles (HSE)3. 健康、安全和環(huán)境原則 (HSE)3.1The staff from Party B shall follow the arrangement of Local government and Party A (or its representatives), and comply with the laws and regulations of Myanmar as well as rules and regulations on Health, Safety an
7、d Environment (HSE) of Party A.3.1乙方工作人員必須聽從地方政府、甲方人員(或代表)的安排,遵守緬甸法律、法規(guī)和甲方的安全環(huán)境健康規(guī)章制度等。3.2Before or during the implementation of this Project, Party B shall acknowledge, avoid and prevent the possible damage of the Project to the surrounding environment and other affiliated facilities, and the resul
8、ting losses shall be borne by Party B.3.2在工程實施之前或進行當(dāng)中,乙方應(yīng)識別工程可能對周邊環(huán)境及原有設(shè)施造成的危害,應(yīng)進行規(guī)避和防護,對由此帶來的損失,應(yīng)由乙方承擔(dān)。3.3During the performance of this Contract, Party B shall bear the personal and property losses of Party B or Party B s personnel injury by itself, if the losses are not caused by Party A.3.3在合同履行
9、過程中,若發(fā)生非甲方原因?qū)е碌囊曳交蛞曳饺藛T人身或財產(chǎn)損失的,由乙方自行承擔(dān)。4. Contract Price, Payment and Taxes4. 合同價格、付款事宜及稅費4.1As per the stipulated construction contents, both Parties agree that this Contract is a lump sum contract. The contract payment includes all construction costs and related cost for construction preparation a
10、ndconstruction implementation .Please refer to the following table for the details4.1按照本合同所確定的工程內(nèi)容,甲方與乙方確定本次馬德島崗?fù)すこ虨橘M用總包合同,合同費用包含全部工程施工費用及其他與工程準(zhǔn)備、工程執(zhí)行相關(guān)的費用。詳見下表警務(wù)室預(yù)算報表(USD)NO.particularQityRate(usd)Amount(usd)123456789101112NO.1234567891011121314NO.12345The total amount:費用合計:xxx 美金4.2The Contract sh
11、all be valued in USD, and the payment shall be settled in equivalent value of KYAT. Theexchange rate shall be at the spot exchange rate from USD to KYATon the day of payment by the handling bank of Party A. Unless otherwise specified by Party B and agreed by Party A, Party A shall only conduct payme
12、nt in accordance with the bank account of Party B agreed in this contract.Party B shall be responsiblefor the authenticity, safety and accuracy of its designated account information. If Party A failsto pay ordelays payment due to the causes of Party B s account, all responsibilities and consequences
13、 hereof shall bundertaken by Party B itself. The account information assigned by Party B is as follows:4.2本合同以美金計價,以美元或等值緬幣結(jié)算。匯率為付款銀行付款當(dāng)天美元兌緬幣的即時匯率。除非乙方有特別說明并經(jīng)甲方同意,甲方僅按本合同約定的乙方銀行帳號付款,乙方應(yīng)對其指定的賬戶信息真實性、安全性、準(zhǔn)確性負(fù)責(zé)。因乙方賬戶的原因造成甲方不能付款或付款遲延的,由此引起的一切責(zé)任及后果由乙方自己承擔(dān)。乙方指定的賬戶信息如下:Account Name:賬戶名:Account Number:賬號:B
14、eneficiary s Bank:收款銀行:SWIFT/BIC Code:銀行國際代碼:Correspondent Bank:代理銀行:Swift Code of Correspondent Bank代理銀行國際代碼:Address:地址:Tel電話:4.3Both Parties shall perform their respective taxation obligations in accordance with the tax laws and regulations of the Union of Myanmar. The Contract Price includes with
15、holding tax and other taxes of PartyB. .4.3本合同簽約雙方應(yīng)依照緬甸國家的相關(guān)稅收法律法規(guī),履行納稅義務(wù),乙方在合同總價中包含有預(yù)扣所得稅和其他稅費部分。4.4The payment of this Contract shall be conducted in three instalments:4.4本合同付款一次付清,付款方式為電匯:Within 10 working days after signing this Contract, Party A shall make the first payment equals to 30% of the
16、 total Contract Price.驗收合格后,甲方向乙方支付全部合同金額。5. Alterations5. 變更事宜5.1Party A shall have the right to require increasing the work scope (hereinafter referred to as“ Alterations”the basis of this Contract.5.1甲方有權(quán)在此合同的基礎(chǔ)上,要求增加工作范圍(以下稱之為“變更” ) 。5.2All the requirements on alteration shall be in the written
17、form, clearly defining necessary alterations. PartyB shall submit corresponding work plan, working hours and cost estimates according to the alterations proposed by Party A within 3 working days for the approval of Party A.5.2所有的變更要求均應(yīng)以書面的方式,清楚地指明所需的變更內(nèi)容,乙方應(yīng)在三個工作日內(nèi)對甲方提出的變更,提交相應(yīng)的工作計劃、工時和費用估算,供甲方審批。6.
18、 Termination of Contract6. 合同終止6.1If the termination of this Contract is caused by Party A, Party A shall pay reasonable fees to Party B for the Work (including preparatory work) completed by the date of termination of this Contract. Otherwise, if the termination of this Contract is caused by the br
19、each of Party B, Party A shall not pay for the expenses generated.6.1在因甲方終止合同的情況下,甲方應(yīng)支付乙方截止合同終止日時已完成的工作(含準(zhǔn)備工作)及為此項工作已發(fā)生的合理費用。若因乙方違約導(dǎo)致合同終止的,甲方對已經(jīng)發(fā)生的費用不予支付。7. Responsibilities & Duties7. 責(zé)任與義務(wù)7.1Party A and Party B shall guarantee each other that one party shall provide support to and protect the
20、other party from any loss, claim, or responsibility caused by or related to this Contract under the following conditions:7.1甲方和乙方均應(yīng)相互保證,保護和支持對方在發(fā)生以下情況時不受由于本合同或與之相關(guān)而產(chǎn)生的任何形式的損失,索賠或責(zé)任:a)Injuries and deaths of any employee, representative or subcontractor s personnel;a) 任何職員,代表或分包方人員的傷亡,b)Property loss
21、of staff, representatives or subcontractor s personnel;b) 職員,代表或分包方人員的財產(chǎn)損失,c) Expenses, losses, or damages indirectly or directly caused by significant, special or accidental event, no matter how it occurs and which form it takes;c) 由于重大,特殊或意外 (直接或間接 )造成的費用, 損失或損壞,不論其如何發(fā)生的,不論是何種形式。7.2Each party shal
22、l be responsible for the loss of any third party caused by its own intention or faults, and undertake related indemnification obligations.7.2雙方應(yīng)對由于各自故意或過失而造成的任何第三方的損失負(fù)責(zé)并承擔(dān)相關(guān)賠償義務(wù)。7.3If either party of this Contract has realized any possible accident during the performance of the Contract that cannot
23、be executive, the other party shall be notified immediately.7.3如果合同雙方任意一方在合同履行過程已意識到任何有可能出現(xiàn)意外而導(dǎo)致合同無法執(zhí)行的情況時,應(yīng)立即通知另一方。7.4Party B shall procure the insurances and bear the premiums in accordance with the provisions relating to insurance as specified in the laws of the Union of Myanmar. Party B shall en
24、sure that the aforesaid insurancesremain effective during the period of validity of this Contract. All the expenses arising from the aforesaid insurances shall be included in the service fees under this Contract and shall be borne by Party B.7.4乙方應(yīng)根據(jù)緬甸聯(lián)邦的相關(guān)保險法規(guī)的規(guī)定辦理各項保險并承擔(dān)各項保險費用。乙方應(yīng)確保上述保險在本合同有效期間內(nèi)持續(xù)
25、有效。辦理上述保險所發(fā)生的所有費用應(yīng)包含在本合同項下的總費中,由乙方自行承擔(dān)。8. Force Majeure8. 不可抗力8.1Force Majeure refers to the events that cannot be predicted by either party of the Contract and their occurrence and consequences cannot be avoided, including but not limited to wars, unrests, fires and natural disasters such as wind,
26、rain and earthquake etc.8.1不可抗力是指合同的任何一方不能預(yù)見,對其發(fā)生和后果不能避免于戰(zhàn)爭、動亂、火災(zāi)以及風(fēng)、雨、地震等自然災(zāi)害。.并無法控制的事件,包括但不限8.2Any party shall timely notify the other party when it is unable to perform the Contract due to Force Majeure. After gaining the certificate of related authority, the performance of the Contract could be
27、delayed or suspended temporarily. Each party shall notify the other party of actual conditions, and continue to 10perform the Contract after the end or disappearance of Force Majeure. Both Parties can be exempted from some parts or all of the liabilities for breach of the Contract according to the a
28、ctual conditions. Necessary remedial measures shall be adopted to reduce the loss to the minimum.8.2任何一方由于不可抗力不能履行合同時,應(yīng)當(dāng)及時向?qū)Ψ酵▓蟆T谌〉糜嘘P(guān)機關(guān)證明以后,允許延期履行或者暫時不履行合同。各方應(yīng)把實際情況通知對方, 并在不可抗力停止或消失后繼續(xù)履行合同。雙方根據(jù)情況可部分或者全部免予承擔(dān)違約責(zé)任。采取必要的補救措施將損失降到最低程度。9. Applicable Laws & Dispute Resolution9. 適用法律及爭議解決方式9.1The laws o
29、f Myanmar shall apply to the signing, performance and explanation of this Contract.9.1本合同的簽訂、履行及解釋均適用緬甸聯(lián)邦法律。10.Appendix to the Contract and Others10. 合同附件及其他事項10.1. The appendix to this Contract shall be an integral part of this Contract and shall have the same legal effect as the Contract.10.1 本合同附件是本合同的有效組成部分,與本合同有同等法律效力。10.2. In respect of any matters unmentioned herein, written complementary agreement shall addit
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