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1、THE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONCopyright 1998-2013, Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dept. of Global Studies & Geography, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, 11549 USA.Jean-Paul.RYou may use the figures within for educational purposes only. No modification or redistribution p

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5、om this document should be referred as: Rodrigue, J-P et al. (2013) The Geography of Transport Systems, Hofstra University, Department of Global Studies & Geography, http:/.編輯pptTHE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONApplication 1編輯pptLocation of the Dallas / Fort Worth Airport3035204563

6、5820352082035452082035354530303535635820306353520 81 287 80 75 175 67 287U V180U V199U V78U V310U V180100105Miles編輯pptDallasFort WorthDFWPassengers and Freight Traffic, DFW, 1982-200902004006008001,0001,20001020304050607019821984198619881990199219941996199820002002200420062008Cargo千Passengers百萬Passe

7、ngersCargo (in tons)編輯pptConfiguration of Dallas / Fort Worth AirportREDO MAP USING A GOOGLE EARTH BACKGROUND編輯pptTollTollHighwayTerminal 2WTerminal 2ETerminal 3ETerminal 4EHotelParkingNFort WorthDallasTHE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONApplication 2編輯ppt編輯pptMajor Planning Agencies Invo

8、lved in the New York Metropolitan AreaAgencyJurisdictionModesTypeFunctionsNew York Metropolitan Transportation CouncilNew York City and 5 counties in NYMPOPlan, coordinateNorth Jersey Transportation Planning Authority13 counties in New JerseyMPOPlan, coordinateNew York State Department of Transporta

9、tionState of New YorkState highways and traffic control systemsDOTPlan, build, maintain New Jersey Department of TransportationState of New JerseyState highways and traffic control systemsDOTPlan, build, maintain New York City Department of TransportationCity of New YorkLocal streets, arterials, tra

10、ffic control systemsDOTPlan, build, maintainPort Authority of New York and New JerseyPort district in NY and NJMarine terminals, bridges, tunnels, airports, transit system Special purposePlan, build, operate, maintain, issue debt, toll, collect rentMetropolitan Transportation AuthorityNew York City

11、and 7 counties in NYBuses, subways, commuter lines, bridges, tunnelsSpecial purposePlan, build, operate, maintain, issue debt, toll, collect rentNew York City Economic Development CorporationNew York CityMarine terminalsSpecial purposePlan, operate, maintain Federal Agencies: USDOT, FHWA, FTA United

12、 StatesOversight, regulate編輯pptFinancial Profile of the New York New Jersey Port Authority, 200329%58%5%5%3%Gross Operating Revenues ($2.76 billion)Interstate Transportation NetworkAir TerminalsPort CommerceWorld Trade CenterEconomic & Waterfront Development32%51%12%2%3%Assets ($11.4 billion)Int

13、erstate Transportation NetworkAir TerminalsPort CommerceWorld Trade CenterEconomic & Waterfront Development編輯pptGross Operating Revenues ($3.837 billion)AviationTunnels, Bridges & TerminalsRail (Path)Port CommerceDevelopmentWorld Trade編輯pptDistribution of General Cargo Operations, Port of Ne

14、w York, 1959, 1987 and 20000%20%40%60%80%100%195919872000New JerseyBrooklynManhattanStaten Island編輯pptMain Container Ports of the American East Coast, 1985-2005 (TEUs) York/New JerseyCharlestonHampton RoadsSavannahMiamiPort EvergladesJacksonvilleBaltimoreWilmingtonPalm BeachPhil

15、adelphiaBoston百萬百萬19851990199520002005編輯pptCargo Handled by the Port of New York, 1991-2011 (metric tons)0102030405060708090199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011百萬General Cargo ImportsBulk Cargo ImportsGeneral Cargo ExportsBulk Cargo Exports編輯pptContain

16、er Traffic Handled by the Port of New York, 1991-20110.百萬Containers HandledTEUs編輯pptMotor Vehicles Handled by the Port of New York, 1991-20110200,000400,000600,000800,0001,000,0001,200,00019911992

17、1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 20102011ImportsExports編輯pptOn-Dock Rail Lifts, 1991-2012050,000100,000150,000200,000250,000300,000350,000400,000450,000500,0001991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

18、 2009 2010 2011 2012編輯pptPassengers Handled at New Yorks Major Airports, 1989-201102040608010012019891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011百萬JFKEWRLGASWF編輯pptFreight handled at New Yorks Major Airports, 1985-20110.

19、9891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011Millions of short tonsJFKEWRLGASWF編輯pptInland Flows, Port of New York c20107657473410147180%20%40%60%80%100%ImportsExportsShare of TonnageNY/NJ Metropolitan RegionOther Mid Atlantic (NJ,NY,PA)New EnglandOther

20、East of MississippiWest of Mississippi編輯pptPort Inland Distribution Network of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey編輯pptContainers Handled by the Port of Albany PIDN, April 2003, January 20060100200300400500600Apr-03May-03Jun-03Jul-03Aug-03Sep-03Oct-03Nov-03Dec-03Jan-04Feb-04Mar-04Apr-04May

21、-04Jun-04Jul-04Aug-04Sep-04Oct-04Nov-04Dec-04Jan-05Feb-05Mar-05Apr-05May-05Jun-05Jul-05Aug-05Sep-05Oct-05Nov-05Dec-05Jan-06編輯pptNumber of Containers Handled, Northbound and Southbound Routes, Port of Albany, 2005020040060080010001200140016001800SouthboundNorthboundFullEmpty編輯pptPotential Modal Split

22、 Changes Due to the PIDN0%20%40%60%80%100%20012020TruckRailBarge編輯pptDaily Truck Volumes Generated by Port Container Terminals, 200102,0004,0006,0008,00010,000Port ElizabethHowland HookPort NewarkGlobal MarineRed Hook編輯pptTHE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONApplication 3編輯pptContainer Tra

23、ffic at Selected East Coast Ports, 1990-20120500,0001,000,0001,500,0002,000,0002,500,0003,000,0001990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012SavannahCharlestonHampton RoadsHalifaxMontreal編輯pptMonthly Traffic in TEU, Port of Savann

24、ah, 2003-2012050,000100,000150,000200,000250,000300,000Jan-03Jun-03Nov-03Apr-04Sep-04Feb-05Jul-05Dec-05May-06Oct-06Mar-07Aug-07Jan-08Jun-08Nov-08Apr-09Sep-09Feb-10Jul-10Dec-10May-11Oct-11Mar-12Aug-12Jan-13編輯pptContainerized Imports and Exports, Port of Savannah010500,0001,

25、000,0001,500,0002,000,0002,500,0003,000,00020072008200920102011ExportsImportsShare Imports / Exports編輯pptMain Logistics and Industrial Development Zones in the Savannah Logistic ClusterDevelopmentOwnerAcreageWarehousing (sf)Bryan County Interstate CentreBryan County10749,000,000CenterPoint Intermoda

26、l CenterCenterPoint Properties2331,457,600Chatham County Industrial SiteChatham County1662TBDCrossgate Industrial ParkSolution Property Group3524,116,100Crossroads Business ParkSEDA16612,711,000Dean Forest Road SiteNorth Point Industrial131TBDI-16 Industrial ParkEffingham County Development Authorit

27、y1739TBDResearch TractEffingham County Development Authority3150TBDEffingham Industrial ParkEffingham County Development Authority550NAExley Tract SouthNew Savannah LLC7546,000,000Grande ViewOld Augusta Road Developers LLC457TBDRiverportSLF144015,500,000McCormick-Kicklighter Tract5553,745,000Morgan

28、CenterAMB2513,322,108Newton Tract7202,900,000North Point IndustrialMonteith Road1001,105,000Northport Industrial ParkSolution Property Group3204,184,000Savannah River International Trade ParkGPA433NATradeport Business Center (West)Liberty County Development Authority3590NATradeport Business Center (

29、East)Liberty County Development Authority1644NATremont Industrial CenterJohnson Development1431,429,080Belfast Commerce CentreTerrapointe9047,300,000編輯pptCrossroads Business Park編輯pptTHE GEOGRAPHY OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMSTHIRD EDITIONApplication 4編輯pptSome Terms Used to Define Inland NodesTermDefinition

30、SourceInland clearance depotA common-user inland facility, with public authority status, equipped with fixed installation, and offering services for handling and temporary storage of any kind of goods (including container) carried under customs transit by any applicable mode of inland surface transp

31、ort, placed under customs control to clear goods for home use, warehousing, temporary admission, re-export, temporary storage for onward transit, and outright export. UNECE (1998), see also Roso (2005), Jaremskis and Vasiliauskas (2007), Roso et al (2009)Inland container depotA common user facility

32、with public authority status, equipped with fixed installations and offering services for handling and temporary storage of import/export stuffed and empty containers.Roso (2005), Jaremskis and Vasiliauskas (2007), Roso et al (2009) Intermodal freight centre A concentration of economic independent c

33、ompanies working in freight transport and supplementing services on a designated area where a change of transport units between traffic modes can take place.Cardebring and Warnecke (1995), Roso et al (2009)Inland freight terminalAny facility, other than a seaport or an airport, operated on a common-

34、user basis, at which cargo in international trade is received or dispatched.UNECE (1998), see also Jaremskis & Vasiliauskas (2007), Roso et al (2009) Inland portAn inland port is located inland, generally far from seaport terminals. It supplies regions with an intermodal terminal or a merging po

35、int for traffic modes rail, air, and truck routes involved in distributing merchandise that comes from seaports. An inland port usually provides international logistics and distribution services, including freight forwarding, customs brokerages, integrated logistics, and information systems.Economic

36、 Commission for Europe (2001), see also Jaremskis and Vasiliauskas (2007), Roso et al (2009)Dry portA dry port is an inland intermodal terminal directly connected to seaport(s) with high capacity transport mean(s), where customers can leave/pick up their standardized units as if directly to a seapor

37、t. Dry port can be understood as an inland setting with cargo-handling facilities to allow several functions to be carried out, for example, consolidation and distribution, temporary storage, custom clearance, connection between transport modes, allowing agglomeration of institutions (both private a

38、nd public) which facilitates the interactions between different stakeholders along the supply chain. Leveque and Roso (2002), Roso (2005), Roso et al (2009), Ng and Gujar (2009)Transfer terminalThis type of terminal is almost exclusively aimed at transshipping continental freight. There is almost no

39、 collection and distribution in the region where the terminal is located. The freight arrives at and departs from the terminal in huge flows. The terminal is characterized by large areas that enable direct transshipment between trains and/or barges. The corresponding bundling model is the hub-and-sp

40、oke network.Wiegmans et al (1999)Distribution terminalAt this terminal value added is created in the form of an extra service provided by the terminal operator. From location A, B, and C continental freight arrives at the terminal and is consolidated into shipments for customers X, Y, and Z. One or

41、more terminal services is added by the terminal operator to the shipments at the terminal. The corresponding bundling model is line network.Wiegmans et al (1999)Hinterland terminalSmall continental cargo shipments are brought to the hinterland terminal and consolidated into bigger freight flows. The

42、se bigger freight flows are further transported by larger transport means such as trains or barges. The corresponding bundling model is the trunk line with a collection and distribution network.Wiegmans et al (1999)編輯pptMain Advantages of Co-locationFactorAdvantagesReal estateLower land acquisition

43、costs. Higher acquisition capital. Joint land use planning.SpecializationRail company; terminal development and operations.Real estate promoter; logistic zone development and management.InterdependencyRespective customers. Joint marketing.DrayagePriority gate access. Shorter distances. More delivery

44、 trips. Higher reliability.Asset utilizationBetter usage level of containers and chassis. Chassis pools. Empty container depots.Information technologiesIntegration of terminal management systems with inventory management systems.編輯pptBasic Requirements for Inland PortsIntermodal Rail Terminal(Massif

45、ication)Logistics Activities(Agglomeration)Rail Corridor to the Gateway(Massification)編輯pptCo-LocationFunctions of Inland Terminals編輯pptABA Satellite TerminalB Load CenterC TransshipmentClose to a port facility; Handle traffic and functions that have become too expensive at the port; Container trans

46、loading.Access regional markets; Intermodal, warehousing, and logistics functions; Linked with logistics parks and foreign trade zones.Link systems of freight circulation either through the same mode (e.g. rail-to-rail) or through intermodalism (e.g. rail-to-truck).CPortCorridorDrayageFunctional Pai

47、ring of Inland Ports編輯pptHinterlandForelandGatewayCorridorFunctional PairingInland PortThe Massification of Transportation in Inland Systems編輯pptPortPortITITITITInlandPortCorridorPort-CentricDirect truckEnd haulRail / BargeITIntermodal Industrial ParkInlandTerminalPortInland Load Center Network Form

48、ation and LogisticsOn-dock / near dock railModal Shift and Inland Freight Diversion編輯pptSatellite TerminalInland PortFlowsRelationsGatewayRoadRailABABFunctional Relations between Inland Terminals and their Hinterland編輯pptIIIIIIProfitability of Inland Terminals: Balancing Volume and Service Area編輯ppt

49、10 km60 kmService AreaInland corridorHigh volume potential and low haul costs(Ideal Case)High haul costs compensated by high volumeLow volume compensated by low haul costsBad situation with high haul costs. Limited costumers15 km20,000 TEUService AreaTEU PotentialHigh ProfitabilityLow ProfitabilityV

50、olumeHighLowInland Terminal Life Cycle編輯pptOperationsbeginConceptInland Terminal Life CyclePhaseCharacteristicsPlanningRelevance and viability studies. Local support. Attraction of users and investment commitments. High risk and subsidy level.SettingConstruction of terminal and distribution faciliti

51、es. First users (some can be transitional).GrowthRealization of market potential. Growth of traffic. Capture of additional users. Clustering effect and generation of added value.MaturityTraffic stabilization. Available space filled and/or few new users. Non-commercial activities (housing). Revenue g

52、eneration optimal.DeclineChange in market conditions. Departure of users. Reemergence of subsidies.編輯pptAdded Value Activities Performed at an Inland PortActivityFunctionsConsolidation / DeconsolidationInventory management practices.Cargo consolidated (or deconsolidated) into container loads (paleti

53、zation).Attaining a batch size (group of containers) fitting a barge or a train shipment.Breaking down batches so that they can be picked up by trucks.TransloadingChange in to load unit (Maritime / Domestic).Consolidation, deconsolidation and transloading commonly mixed.PostponementOpportunity to ro

54、ute freight according to last minute and last mile considerations (dwell time).Buffer within a supply chain.Light transformationsForms of product and package transformations (packaging, labeling).Customization to national, cultural or linguistic market characteristics.編輯pptMain Governance Models for

55、 Inland PortsModelCharacteristicsImplicationsSingle OwnershipA public or a private actor entirely responsible for development and operations.Single vision and conformity to a specific role.Potential lack of flexibility in view to changes (single mandate).Potential conflicts with surrounding communit

56、ies.Public Private PartnershipHelp combine public planning of infrastructures with private operational expertise.Public (local) interests represented.Tendency to prioritize public interests over private interests.Landlord ModelPublic ownership and private operations (a form of PPP).Long term concess

57、ion agreements.Managerial flexibility between the owner, the site manager and the operators.Most of the risk assumed by private operators.編輯pptSome Initiatives by European and North American Port Authorities to Develop Inland LinksPort authorityProjectAimEuropeAntwerpTrilogiport LigeOther planned lo

58、cationsJoint development of a 100 ha logistics platform along the Albert Canal. Status: Joint entity under the legal status of an economic interest groupingLisbonPuerta de Atlantico MostolesDevelopment of a logistical platform in Mostoles in the outskirts of Madrid. Status: Contract signed, January 2008RotterdamEIT European Inland TerminalsMinority shareholding in inland terminals in immediate hinterland via separate holding. Status: abandonedBarcelonatm-concept (Terminal Maritima)Joint partnerships to set up


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