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1、International EQ Testing System1-9. Please choose the most suitable anwser to yourself1.1 can overcome all the difficulties.A. Y B. sometimes C. N2. If I ' in a new environment, I will plan everythingA as same as before B sometimes C differe nt from before3., I thi nk I can achieve my goals in m

2、y lifeA. Y B. sometimes C.N4. It seems that in my life, there are some people who mean to avoid or keep far away from me.A .N B. sometimes C.Y5. In street, I always avoid greeti ng some one I dortlikeA.n everB. sometimes C.always6. If somebody is talk ing loudly whe n I am work ingA. I can still con

3、cen trate on my job.B. betwee n A and CCcan 'do my work and I fell angry7. No matter where I go, I can ide ntify directi onA.Y B. sometimes C N8. I love the job what I do and major what I lear nA.YB. sometimes C.N9. My emoti on won 'be cha nged with the fluctuati on of weather.A.Y B.between

4、A and CC. N10-16. Please answer the following question according to the facts.10. I n ever feel angry towards rumors and sla nders.A. Y B. between A and C C. N11 I m good at controling my expressionA. Y B. not so sureC. N12. When I m in bed, I alwaysA. fall in sleep quicklyB.betwee n A and CC. be ha

5、rd to fall in sleep13. if somebody disturbs me, I alwaysA. say and express no thi ngB. betwee n A and CC. shout aloud to express my an ger14. After disputi ng loudly with some one or if there is an error in my work,I always feel exhausted and cartgo to workA.N B. between A and C C.Y15. Im always tro

6、ubled by some trivial thi ngsA. N B. between A and CC. Y16. I prefer livi ng in quiet suburb to bustl ing dow ntow nA. NB. n ot sureC.Y17-25. Please choose the most suitable anwser to yourself17. I was nickn amed and satirized by collegues and friendsA .n everB. sometimes C.always18. There is a ki n

7、d of food which makes me sickA. NB. can 'rememberC. Y19. There is no world in my heart besides the real one.A N B. can 'rememberC .Y20. Sometimes I will think something that will make me exremely worried in my futureA. n ever think about thatB. sometimesC. always21. I always fell that my fam

8、ily treats me bad, but I know they really want to treat me wellA.NB not so sureC.Y22. I close my door of my bedroom whe n I go back homeA .NB.not so sureC. Y23. I sit in my bedroom with the door closed, but I still feel un safeA. NB. sometimesC.Y24. whe n I have to decide somethi ng, I always feel h

9、ardA.NB. sometimesC.Y25 I always predict my good or ill luck by throw ing coins, draw lets, etc.A. NB sometimesC.Y26-29. Tick the one you think right26 I go to work early and go back home late, I always feel exhaustedYes No27 In some circumstances, I ' always lost in imagination and suspendthe w

10、ork.Yes No28 My n erve is fran gile. I will shiver once there is a shockYes No29 I ' always scared to aweak by nightmare.Yes No30-331 yes2 hardly3 half time4 often5always30 I 'like to challe nge hard work. 1 2 3 4 531 I always find out other people'sgood will.1 2 3 4 532 I can adope diff

11、ere nt opinions, in clud ing criticism to me. 1 2 3 45I always en courage myself and ' full of hope to the future. 1 2 3 4 5題號答案得分1234567題號答案得分891011121314題號答案得分15161718192021題號答案得分22232425262728題號答案得分2930313233題號答案得分1234567題號答案得分891011121314題號答案得分15161718192021題號答案得分22232425262728題號答案得分29303132


13、答一個A得5分,回答一個B得2分,回答一個C得0分。第2629題,每回答一個 是”得0分,回答一個 否”得5分。第3033題,從左至右分數分別為1分、2分、3分、4分、5分。高情商如果你的EQ在150分以上,那你就是個EQ高手:你尊重所有人的人權和人格尊嚴。不將自己的價值觀強加于他人。對自己有清醒的認識,能承受壓力。自信而不自滿。人際關系良好,和朋友或同事能友好相處。善于處理生活中遇到的各方面的問題。認真對待每一件事情。較高情商如果你的得分在130149分,說明你的EQ較高:你是負責任的好”公民。自尊。有獨立人格,但在一些情況下易受別人焦慮情緒的感染。比較自信而不自滿。較好的人際關系。能應對大多數的問題,


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