1、1.Three international developments have made intercultural contact more pervasive (無處不在), they are .( D )A. new technology and information system B. changes in the worlds population C. a shift in the worlds economic arena D. A, B and C2._C_ has evolved that lets societies share cultural experiences
2、with one another as films are produced and shown around the world.A. Show business B. I.T. C. international film industry D. Mass media3._A_ in the United States, because they have been profoundly affected by population and immigration increases, are a primary setting for domestic intercultural cont
3、act.A. Schools B. Community C. Workplace D. club4. It is difficult to find a single definition of human communication because_D_.A. the complex nature of communication B. the issue of intentionalityC. the issue of unintentionality D. A, B and C5. To Reusch and Bateson, communication often takes plac
4、e _A_.A. without awareness B. consciously C. intentionally D. deliberately6. Which of the statements of communication is not true?A(?)A. Communication is dynamic B. Communication is symbolic C. Communication is Interpretive D. Communication is static7. Communication has a consequence means that _D_.
5、A. Communication is irreversible B. Our response to message does not have to be immediate C. The nature of our responses to messages is rooted in our culture D. A, B and C8. Which of the item is not the basic component of culture?DA. Values B. Emotions C. Personality D. Attitudes9. We learn our cult
6、ure not through _.A. proverbs B. art C. mass media D. self-taught10. Although many aspects of culture are subject to change, the _ of a culture resists major alterations.BA. history B. the deep structure C. background D. tradition11. _D_ is at the core of intercultural communication.A. sender B. rec
7、eiver C. culture D. language12. Although cultures change through several mechanisms, which of the following item is not the three most common ones.CA. Diffusion B. Acculturation C. Invention D. Innovation13. One of the most difficult tasks for foreigners in learning a new language is learning the _
8、and _ in which they are used.CA. different styles, the contexts B. grammar, accentC. different styles, the speech acts D. vocabulary, the pronunciation 14. Language is accompanied by a continuous flow of nonverbal communication, which involves not only _ but also _ and _.CA. the tone, gaze, posture
9、B. the voice, the face, the body C. the pitch, gaze, gesture D. the pace, the distance, touch15. _B_ is the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data in a way that enables us to make sense of our physical and social world.A. Interpretation B. Perception C. Analysis D. Understan
10、ding16. The maps are usually drawn by putting ones country in the center. This illustrates _C_.A. Misinterpretation B. Racial bias C. Ethnocentrism D. Stereotype17. Many stereotypes are provided by the _D_.A. School education B. Textbook C. History D. Mass media18. Cultural breakdowns, setbacks or c
11、onflicts result from misinterpretations, ethnocentrism, and stereotype as a result of _B_.A. Misperception B. Racial bias C. Misunderstanding D. False impression19. _C_ are defined as “an enduring set of beliefs that serve to guide or direct our behavior”.A. Laws B. Perceptions C. Values D. World vi
12、ews20. Which of the statements about cultural values is not true?CA. Cultural values, as is the case with cultural beliefs, guide both perception and communication.B. Cultural values have nothing to do with individual values.C. Cultural values are prescriptive.D. Cultural values, once formed, are en
13、during and relatively stable.21. Which of the countries doesnt belong to individualistic culture?D(?)A. Italy B. New Zealand C. France D. Greece22. In a high power distance culture, the superior tends to BA. treat employees respectfully B. display his authorityC. interact with workers more often D.
14、do important work23. Which of the statements about low uncertainty avoidance is not true?A. Divers population. B. Frequent innovations.C. Generally older countries with a long history. D. Citizens are proud of nation.24. Which of the following countries or region of no feminine traits? DA. Norway B.
15、 Finland C. Denmark D. Austria25. Language _ cultural reality.CA. Expresses B. Embodies C. Influences D. Symbolizes26. It is a universal truth that language is _ by culture and in turn it _ culture. BA. influenced, reflects B. displayed, influencesC. determined, reflects D. shaped, influences27. Lan
16、guage is the _ representation of a people, and it comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking.DA. Prescriptive B. Abstract C. Substantial D. Symbolic28. Which of the contextual cues do not matter in a high-context cultur
17、e?AA. The type of relationship that exists between the speaker and the listener.B. The coded, explicit message.C. Age relative to the speaker and the listener.D. Where is the communication taking place?29. The low-context culture doesnt have which of the characteristics.BA. Tends to develop transito
18、ry personal relationship.B. Tends to use "logic" to present ideas.C. Tends to give simple, ambiguous, non-contexting messages.D. Values individualism.30. The following advantages of high-context culture dont include _.DA. it saves us making many trivial decisions;B. it allows for great fle
19、xibility, adaptability and originality;C. roles tend to be clear;D. group projects and team efforts tend to be practicable and effective.31. People from cultures that prefer “high involvement” styles tend to _A_.A. expect to be interruptedB. use polite listening soundC. give plenty of positive and r
20、espectful responses to their conversation partnersD. speak one at a time32. People from “high considerateness” cultures are often thought to be _B_.A. loud B. passive C. chatty D. pushy33. One way to determine whether a culture favors a direct or indirect style in communication is _A_.A. How they sa
21、y, “No.” B. How they invite people.C. How they teach people. D. How they accept people.34. In 2010, the Easter is on _A_.A. 4th, April B.5th, April C. 2nd, April D. 6th, April35. Which of the communication style cant be characterized as high considerateness?AA. Chinese B. Japanese C. Mainstream Amer
22、ican D. RussianDefine the following concept. (4 points for each of the 5 items) (1)Culture (2) Acculturation (3) Stereotype (4) Value (5) Uncertainty avoidance (6) Communication (7) Innovation (8) Perception (9) Ethnocentrism (10) Intercultural communication (11) Power distance (12) high-contextTrue
23、 or false. (1) ( F ) Cultural generalizations must be viewed not as approximations (接近)of reality, but as absolute representations. (2) (T ) Domestic contacts are increasing because new immigrants and co-cultures are growing in numbers. (3) ( F ) Our response to message has to be immediate. (4) ( T
24、) It is always possible to share our feelings and experiences by means of direct mind-to-mind contact. (5) ( T ) Culture is a problem of nurture instead of nature, that is ones cultural patterns are acquired through learning or interacting, or they are determined by the environment within which we l
25、ive. ? (6) ( F ) Misinterpretations do result every time members from two cultures communicate. (7) ( F ) Ethnocentrism is usually learned at the conscious level. (8) ( F) Low uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to have a less efficient infrastructure than high uncertainty avoidance cultures. (9) (
26、T ) China, Korea, Japan, Latin America, and to a certain extent, France, are considered to be high-context cultures. (10) ( T ) In the mainstream American culture, the ideal form of communication includes being direct rather than indirect.(11) ( T)Communication is an activity that affects people and
27、 other people. ? (12) (T )New technology, and growth in the worlds population have contributed to increased international contacts. (13) (F ) All cultures use symbols, but they rarely assign their own meanings to them. (14) ( T ) Communication can be retrieved. (15) ( ) Patterns of culture are inher
28、ent with individual, that is, they are genetically passed down from previous generations. (16) ( ) Perceptions for the same object, behavior or event are always universal. (17) ( ) To understand other people we must go into their perceptual world and try to experience reality in the same manner as t
29、hey do.(18) ( T ) The Arabic-speaking nations, Latin America, Russia, and nearly all of Asia (especially India and China) are high power distance. (19) ( ) Language is influenced and shaped by culture; it reflects culture. (20) ( F ) Mainstream American conversation style would also be characterized
30、 as “high involvement”, although it differs significantly from the various Asian patterns. (21) ( ) We are captives of our culture, though it offers us a common frame of reference. (22) ( ) We study other cultures from the perspective of our own culture, so our observations and our conclusion are ta
31、inted by our personal and cultural orientations. (23) ( ) Because we do not have direct access to the thoughts and feelings of others, we cant infer what they are experiencing. (24) ( ) There are rules for speakers to follow as to how messages are constructed and interpreted. (25) ( ) Only when we a
32、re deprived of our own culture or put into a completely new culture can we realize the importance of culture to us. (26) ( ) Stereotype refers to an unfair, biased, or intolerant attitude towards another group of people. (27) ( ) The assumption of similarity is one of the biggest promotions in inter
33、cultural communication. (28) ( T) Countries or regions with masculine traits are Ireland, the Philippines, Greece, South Africa, Austria, Japan, Italy, and Mexico. (29) ( ) Low context communication saves us making many trivial decisions. (30) ( F) For Americans, two or three seconds of silence can
34、be comfortable.1.三個國際的發(fā)展作出了跨文化聯系更普遍的 (無處不在),他們是。 D)A.新技術和信息系統 B.變化中的世界人口C.在世界經濟舞臺上 D.轉變A、 B 和 C2._C_ 已經使社會與另一個分享文化的經驗,如電影生產和在世界各地所示。A.顯示業(yè)務 B.I.T.C.國際電影業(yè) D.大眾傳媒3._A_ 在美國,因為他們已經深刻地影響人口和移民的增加,是國內跨文化接觸的主設置。A.學校 B.C.社會工作場所 D.俱樂部4.很難找到一個單一的定義的人際交往 because_D_。A.B.問題溝通的意向性的復雜性質C.D.unintentionality 的問題A、 B 和
35、 C5.為 Reusch 和貝特森,經常通信需要地方 _A_。A.B.C.自覺意識沒有故意 D.故意6.通信的陳述中哪不是真實的?A(?)A.通信是動態(tài) B.通信是符號C.溝通是解釋 D.通信是靜態(tài)7.溝通有后果的一種手段,_D_。A.通信是不可逆的 B我們對消息的反應并不一定要立即C.我們響應消息的性質被植根于我們文化 D.A、 B 和 C8.該項目的哪個不是文化的基本組成部分?DA.值 B.情感 C.人格 D.態(tài)度9.我們了解我們的文化,不是通過 _。A.諺語 B.藝術 C.大眾傳媒 D.自學成才10.雖然文化的許多方面都可能隨時更改,一種文化的 _ 抗拒重大改裝。BA.歷史 B.C.背景
36、 D.傳統的深層結構11._D_ 是在跨文化交際的核心。A.發(fā)件人 B.接收機 C.文化 D.語言12.雖然文化幾種機制,通過更改下列項目不是三個最常見的幾。CA.擴散 B.C.涵發(fā)明 D.創(chuàng)新13.外國人在學習一門新的語言最困難的任務之一就學習的 _ 和它們用于的 _。CA.不同的風格、 上下文 B.語法、 口音C.不同的樣式,言語行為 D.詞匯,發(fā)音14.語言伴隨著連續(xù)的流動的非言語溝通,這涉及到的不僅是 _ 而且是 _ 和 _。CA.色調,凝視、 B.聲音,臉上,身體的姿勢C.球場,凝視,手勢 D.步伐,距離,觸摸15._B_ 是選擇、 組織實施和解釋感官數據的方式,使我們能夠理解我們的
37、身體和社會世界的過程。A.解釋 B.感知 C.分析 D.理解16.地圖通常是由自己的國家置于中心繪制的。這說明了 _C_。A.曲解 B.種族偏見 C.民族中心主義 D.刻板印象17.許多定型觀念是由 _D_ 提供的。A.學校教育 B.教材 C.歷史 D.大眾傳媒18.文化故障、 挫折或沖突導致從曲解、 族裔和 _B_ 的刻板印象。A.誤解 B.種族偏見 C.誤解 D.虛假印象19._C_ 被定義為"一套持久的信念,有助于指導或指示我們的行為"。A.法律 B.C.值 D.感知世界意見20.關于文化價值觀的陳述中,不是?CA.文化價值,正如與文化信仰,引導感知和通信。B.文化價
38、值觀與單個值無關。C.文化價值觀是說明性的。D.文化價值觀,一旦形成,是持久和相對穩(wěn)定。21.國家哪個不屬于個人主義的文化?D(?)A.意大利 B.新西蘭法國 D.C.希臘22.在高功率距離文化中,上級往往 BA.對待員工恭敬地 B.顯示他的權威C.與工人進行交互 D.更經常做的重要工作23.關于低不確定性避免的陳述中,不是真正的?A.潛水者的人口。B.頻繁的創(chuàng)新。C.一般較舊國家悠久的歷史。D.公民自豪的國家。24.以下國家或地區(qū)的沒有女性的特質的?DA.挪威芬蘭 B.C.丹麥 D.奧地利25.語言 _ 文化現實。CA.表示 B.體現了 C.影響 D.象征26.這是一個普遍的真理,語言是 _
39、 的文化,并在打開它 _ 文化。BA.影響,反映了 B.顯示影響C.確定,反映了 D.狀影響27.語言是一個民族,_ 表示,它包括其歷史和文化背景,以及他們的生命和他們的生活和思維方式的做法。DA.說明性 B.抽象符號的大量 D.C.28.上下文提示的并不重要的高語境文化?AA.演講者與聽眾之間存在的關系類型。B.編碼、 明確的消息。C.年齡相對于揚聲器和偵聽器。D.哪里通信發(fā)生?29.低語境文化沒有哪種特征。BA.短暫的個人關系發(fā)展的趨勢。B.使用對方的觀點的"邏輯"的趨勢。C.趨勢給簡單的、 明確的、 非 contexting 的消息。D.值的個人主義。30.高語境文化
40、的以下優(yōu)勢不包括 _。DA.它節(jié)省了我們很多瑣碎的決定 ;B.它允許極大的靈活性、 適應性和原創(chuàng)性 ;C.角色往往要清楚 ;D.組項目和團隊的努力往往是可行和有效的。31.從更喜歡"高參與"風格傾向于 _A_ 的文化人。A.期待被中斷B.使用禮貌聽聲音C.給很多他們的對話伙伴的積極和尊重回應D.發(fā)言一次32.來自"高看破"文化的人往往被認為是 _B_。A.大聲 B.被動 C.健談 D.愛出風頭33.一種確定是否一種文化傾向于通信中直接或間接的樣式是 _A_。A.他們是怎么說,"沒有"B.如何,他們邀請的人。C.如何,他們教人。D.如何,他們接受的人。34.在 2010 年復活節(jié)是 _A_。A.4、 4
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