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1、專業(yè)四級沖刺階段語法詞匯練習TEM-4 Exercise 1 創(chuàng)&(Grammar & Vocabulary) 1. all our kindn ess to help her, Sararefused to liste n.A. AtB. I nC. ForD. On2. before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have awon derful dinner party.A. Had they arrivedB. Would theythey to arrivearriveC. Were they arriving

2、D. Were3. con flict among city-states caused the eve ntual decli ne of Greekcivilizati on.A.Con ti nu ousB.Continu alC.Con sta ntD.Con trary4. he's already heard the n ews.A.Chan cesareB. Chance areD. Opport unity isisC.Opport un ities5. his kno wledge and academic backgro und, he is basically s

3、tupid.A. But forB.Accordi ng toC. For allD.Tha nks to6. man can now create radioactiveelements, there is nothing he cando to reduce their radioactivity.A. AsB. WhetherC. WhileD.Now that7. of the burde n of ice, the ballo on climbed up and drifted to theSouth.A.To be freeB. To freeC. Free in gD. Free

4、d8. should any money be give n to a small child.A.On no acco un tB. From all all acco untacco un tC.Of no acco un tD.Bythe adva nces of the scie nee, the disforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.A.As esidesforB. DespiteC. ExceptD. B10. the claim about Germaneconomic might, it is somewhats

5、urprisinghow relatively small the Germa n economy actually is.A.Tovi ng give ngiveB.Give nC.Givi ngD.Ha11. the sight of the police officers, the men ran off.A. InB. AtC. OnD. With12.the wall, we decided that we should n eed three tins of paint.A. Maki ng upB. Doi ng upC. Putti ngupD. Sizi ng up13.th

6、e whole, early America n city pla nning was excelle nt.A. InB. FromC. OnD. Abov14.A.we are hav ing these days!What a lovely lovely ,a man who expresses himselfweatherB. What15.weathersC.weatherD.effectively rapidly tha n a man whose mand of Ian guage is poor.lovelyWhat lovely a weatheris sure to suc

7、ceed moreWhatA. Otherthi ngsbeingthin gsD.Other thi ngsto beequalB.Were otherthi ngsequalequalC.To be equaltoother16.,he does no t love her.A.As he likesherveryherC.Much although he likesmuchB.Though muchhelikesherD.Much though he likes her17. A drunk man walked in,in appeara nee.relucta ntC.A. repu

8、lsiveB. relucta ntC.reproachfulD. reputed18. A good many houseskno cked dow n by the earthquake.A. wasB. wereC. isD. are19. A good teacher must know how toA. con veyB. displayC. cons ultD. confront20. A large part of huma n activity, particularly in relati on to theen vir onmen t, isA. in resp onse

9、toB.ofC. in con trasthis ideas.con diti ons or eve nts.in favorexcess oftoD. in21. A love marriage, however, does not n ecessarilymuch shari ng ofin terests and resp on sibilities.A. take overB.result inC. hold onD. keep to22. A man has to makefor his old age by putt ing aside eno ugh moneyto live o

10、n whe n old.A. supplyB. assura nceC. provisi onD.adjustme nt23. A riverthrough the narrow wooded valley below.A. exte ndsB. poursC. expa nds D. twists24. A writer has toimagination as well as his experiences for hiswriti ng.A. drawing back fromB. draw inC. draw upD. draw on25. According to the psych

11、oanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom es from theof maturity.A. fulfillme ntB.achieveme nenttC. establishme ntD. acplishm26. After a con cert tour in Asia, Can ada and the U.S., he will workon a five-la nguage opera.A. confin eB. in dulgeC. res umeD. un dergo27. After brieflythe history of the author, Prof

12、. Li turned to theno vel itself immediately.A. dippi ng inB. dippi ng toatC.dippi ngin toD. dippi ng28. After n egotiati on, the two coun triesthe terms of peace.A. agreed withB. agreedinC. agreed toD.agreed on29. After perform ing a successful operati on, the doctor at last pulledthe patie nt.A. ba

13、ckB. inC. upD. through30. After read ing these books, he wasto the Darwinian theory ofevolutio n.A.cha ngedB. con vertedC. tran sferredD.adjusted31. Airplane and television are among theof scienee.A.masksB.martyrsC. marvelsD. marrow32. All experts agree that the most important consideration with die

14、tdrugs is carefullythe risks and ben efits.A.weighi ngB.valui ngC. evaluati ngD.dist in guish ing33. Although Asia n coun tries are gen erally morein social customsthan Wester n coun tries,there have bee n several no table examples of wome nleaders in both China and In dia.A. con servativeB.con fide

15、 ntialC. prehe nsibleD.con siste nt34. Although he is very rich, his undutiful children are theof hislife.A. torchB.torme ntC.topicD.topper35. Although he thought he was helping us to prepare the dinner, he wasactuallythe way.A. inB. offC. byD. on36. Although most birds have only a n egligible sense

16、 ofsmell, they havevisio n.A. vigorousB. exactC. acuteD. vivid37. Although sportsthe household, Joe drew the line whe n theyinterfered with family traditions and routine.A. overwhelmed B. affectedC.domin atedD. in flue need38. Although the town had beenby the storm several times, littledamage was do

17、ne.A. attaekedB. injuredC. harmedD. struck39. America will never again have as a nation the spirit of adventure asitbefore the West was settled.A. couldB. wasC. would D. did40. Among the many subjects in school, mathematics is probably the most, depe nding least on a stude nt's backgro und and c

18、ulture.A. uni versalB.abstractC. arbitraryD. con crete41. As aactor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kindsof musical in strume nts.A. flexibleB.versatileC. sophisticatedD. productive42. As a salesman, he works on a (an) basis, taking 10%of everythinghe sells.A.in eB.missi onC.salaryD. p

19、ension43. As an excellent shooter, Peter practiced aiming at both targetsand moving targets.A. stationaryB.standingC. stableD. still44. As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not whatwe thi nk.A. ought to be saidB. must sayC.have to be said D. n eed to say45. As the plane was get

20、ting ready to take off, we all our seat belt.A. tied B. locked C. fastenedD. closed46. At first, the speaker was referring to the problem of pollution inthe coun try, but halfway in her speech, she sudde nlyto ano thersubject.A. mitted B. switched C. favored D.transmitted47. At no timeother coun tri

21、es.A. Chi na will in vadeB. will in vade will Chi naChinaC. will China invadeD. invade48. Be here on Fridaythe latest.A. at B. byC. forD. i n49. Because the whole country is in a finan cial dilemma, the gover nmentcalls on us toeconomy.A. make B. practiceC. carryD. develop50. Before he started the w

22、ork, I asked the builder to give me anof the cost of repairi ng the roof.A.assessme ntB.estimateC.announ ceme ntD. evaluati on51. Beryl hardly ever goes tothe cin ema.A. n either the theatreorB. either theatre norD. the theatre orthe theatre norC. n either the52. Beside being expe nsive, the food ta

23、stes.A. badlyB. too much badC. too badlyD. bad53. Brita in'spress is unu sual it is divided in to two very differe nttypes of n ewspaper: the quality press and the popular press.A. i n how B. i n what C. i n whichD.in that54. By movi ng the radar beam around slowly in circles, we canthesurro und

24、in gs.A. exploreB. exposeC. exploitD. expand55. Can cer is sec ond onlyheart disease as a cause of death.A. ofB. toC. withD. from56. Care should be taken to decrease the length of time that one is loud con ti nu ous no ise.A. subjected to B. filled withC.associated withD. attached to57. Careful surv

25、eys have in dicated that as man yas 50 perce nt of patie ntsdo not take drugsdirected.A. likeB. soC. whichD. as58. Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substancesnear it, and thisproduces artificial cold surrounding it.A. absorpti onB.tran siti onC. con sumpti onD. in teracti

26、on59. Charles can't go to work today because hea cold.A. has B. feelsC. takes D. thinks60. Charles has not the leastof giving up his research.A. intentionB.decisionC.ideaD. hope61. Columbus' decision to sail west to reach the Easton his beliefthat the earth was round.A. existedB. satC. relax

27、edD. rested62. Despite the wonderful acting and well-developed plot the moviecould not hold our atte nti on.A. three-hoursB. three-hourC. three-hours'D. three-hour's63. Difficulties cana pers on's best qualities.A. bring up B. bring outC. bringaboutD. bring to64. Doctors sometimesold cur

28、es whe n moder n medici ne does n't work.A. fall on B. fall dow n on C. fallback on D. fall in upon65. Does brain poweras we get older? Scie ntists now have somesurpris ing an swers.A. desce ndB. decli neC. deduceD. collapse66. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, andth

29、is is especially trueit es to classroom tests.A. whe nB. sin ceC. beforeD. after67. Don't worry. The pany willall your expe nse.A. satisfyB. meetC. payD. submit68. Eventually,people spread throughout the continent, the entirespecies.A. wipi ng outB.wipi ngawayC.wipi ng offD. wipi ng up69. Expert

30、s say walki ng is one of the best ways for a pers on tohealthy.A. preserveB. stayC.mai ntai nD.reserve70. Faced with thedifficulties, they are determ ined to carry ontheir program.A. satisfactoryB. attributableC.innocentD. intangible71. Fewer and fewer of today's workers expect to spend their wo

31、rking livesin the same field,the same pany.A. all elseB. much worseC. let alon eD. less likely72. Flying in an airpla ne was once thought to be an impossible.A. taskB. professi onC. promiseD. con test73. Fresh vegetables are straight from the and raw vegetables areA.earth.cookedB.groun d. un cookeds

32、oil. un cookedC. floor.cookedD.74. From this material we canhun dreds of what you may call directproducts.A. deriveB.discernC.diminishD.displace75. Fruit is cheapestseas on.A. atB. on C. inD. through76. Fruit pickers are paid at theof '4.00 an hour.A. rateB. scaleC. sumD. value77. Fumes from the

33、 exhaust of an automobile are.A. notoriousB. anxiousC. noxiousD.delicious78. George was n't in class today, Professor Brow n excused him.A. from attending B. of attendingC.to attendD. attending79. Class will at a high temperature and will be in a liquid condition.A. dissolveB. disappearC. meltD.

34、 evaporate80. Hamlethis father's death on his un cle.A. reversedB. revertedC. revengedD. revealed81. Hetennis every day since hesixtee n.A. has played. isB. played. has has bee n play in g.wasbee nC. was play in g.hasbee nD.82. He appearedwith our team's performa nee.A. satisfy in gB. to be

35、satisfy in gC.to satisfyD. satisfied83. He believed that the greatest of hiswas that he'd n ever hada college educatio n.A. grieves B.misfort un esC.disastersD. sorrows84. Hedelivered orders for a Chin ese restaura nt for the whole summervacati on so as to earn eno ugh money for his tuiti on.A.

36、take offB. take overC. take upD. take out85. He does notas a teacher of En glish as his pronun ciati on isterrible.A. equalB. matchC. qualifyD. fit86. He fini shedin the 1,500-meter run.A. champi onB.champi on shipC.firstD. No. one87. He has bee n asked to acco unthis abse nee.A. forB. on C. ofD. ab

37、out88. He has failed me so many times that I no Ion ger place anyonwhat he promises.A. faithB. beliefC. creditD. relia nee89. He isthe run from the police.A. in B. offC. on D. after90. He is an artist with seem in gly un limited.A. ereativityB.ereatureC. ereati onD. creative91. He knows the rules bu

38、t does not know how toit.A. con trolB. directC. applyD. run92. He madeainspection of the doors and the windows before leaving.A. slowlyB. leisurelyC. carefullyD. seriously93. He made such acontribution to the university that they arenaming one of the new build ing after him.A. genuineB. minimumC. mo

39、destD.generous94. He must have had an accide nt, or hethe n.A. would have been hereB. had to be herehereC. should be hereD. would be95. He ofte n sat in a small bar drinking con siderably more tha n.A. he was in good healthB. his wasD. was good for his healthhealth was goodC. his good health96. He p

40、oin ted out that the liv ing sta ndard of urba n andpeoplecon ti nued to improve.A. remote B. mun icipalC. ruralD.provin cial97. He said nothing at all, but his eyes spokehim.A. for B. upC. outD. aga inst98. He took metask for not doing it.A. in toB. uponC. toD. on99. He used examples tohis argume n

41、t.A. strengthenB. increaseC. fixD.underline100. He was herethe stroke.A. in B. on C. withD. toTEM-4 Exercise 2 創(chuàng)&l(Grammar & Vocabulary) 1. He was one of the greatest writershadever lived.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. as2. He would try to ingratiate himselfhis clients in order to earnmore mon ey.A

42、. into B. withC. forD. from3. Her address made a great impressi onthe audie nee.A. atB. of C. in D. on4. Here is one of the most in terest ing no vels thatbee n publishedthe war.A. has . afterB. have . afterC. have . sin ceD. has . since5. His panions have threate ned tohis crimes to the police.A. i

43、mposeB. expressC. en closeD.expose6. His extravaga nee reduced himfor his livi ng.A. to begB. from begg in gC. to begg in gD. into beggi ng7. His deathwith age.A. deterioratedB. determi nedC.detectedD. deta ined8. His long service with the pany waswith a prese nt.A.admittedB. ack no wledgedC.attribu

44、tedD. accepted9. His novelsome light on life in China in Ming Dynasty.A. sen dsB. providesC. throwsD. puts10. His tastes and habitswith those of his wife.A.bi neB.peteC. coin cideD. promise11. His wife is quite lazy. Her reluctance to wash her own clothes is acasepoint.A. in B. on C. toD. for12. His

45、 work is only, certa inly not disti nguished.A. fairB. remarkableC. goodD.won derful13. Hot metalas it grows cooler.A. con tractsB.reducesC.conden sesD. presses14. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not workingto their full.A. capacityB. stre ngthC. le ngthD.possibility15. How

46、close pare nts are to their childre na stro ng in flue nee onthe character of the childre n.A. has B. haveC. hav in gD. to have16. Iwith thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation ofthis new colu mn.A. expressB. con fessC. verifyD.17. I alwayswhat I have said.A. get to B. see toC. lead to D

47、. hold18. I am not usedto like that.A. to being spokenB. to speakC.ack no wledgetobeing spoke nD. to speak ing19. I am sorry that I mustyour invitation owing to a previous appo in tme nt.20. I appreciateto your home.A. to be invited B. to have invited21. I cansome no ise while rmA. e up withB. catch

48、 up withC. putC. being in vitedD. hav ing in vited studying, but I can't stand loud noises.up withD. keep up withA. decli neB.rejectC. acceptD. receive22. I cannot give youfor the type of car you sell because thereis no dema nd for it in the market.A. an expe nseB. a chargeC. a purchaseD. an ord

49、er23. I did n't quiteto what you had said. Would you mind repeati ngit?A. catch onB. get holdC. catch upD. go on24. I did n't say any thi ng like that at all. You are purposelymyidea to prove your point.A. revisi ngB.con tradict in gC.distorti ngD. distracti ng25. I felt somewhat disappo in

50、ted and was about to leave, somethi ngoccurred which attracted my atte nti on.A. uni essB. un tilC. whe nD. while26. I have the honor of in troduci ng to you Mr. Ala n, who willyouon his rece nt tour abroad.A. addressB. speakC. talkD.con verse27. I have two boys butof them likes sweets.A. bothB. n e

51、itherC. eitherD. none28. I like to go to the cinema when I am in thefor it.A. more than to go B. than goingC.rather than to goD. more than going29. I regretso much time and money on stamps.A. to wasteB. for wast in gC. hav ing wasted D. at wasti ng30. I was greatly disappo in tedthat affair.A. outB.

52、 in C. toD. toward31. I would like to have a talk with himhis convenien ce.A. in B. atC. forD. with32. I'd rather youthose importa nt docume nts with you.A. don't take B. did n'ttake C. wo n't takeD. not take33. If a couple are divorced and their child lives with his mother, heis sai

53、d to suffer from lack oflove.A. maternalB. fraternalC.pater nalD. pare ntal34. If English is not our firstIanguage you can often be puzzled by waysof expressi on that the n ative speaker of En glish does not eve n have toA. think out B. think aboutC. thinkoverD. think for35. If ittoo much trouble, I

54、'd love a cup of tea.A. isn'tB. was n't C. were n'tD.had n't bee n36. If the fire alarm is sounded, all residents are requested toin the courtyard.A. convergeB. assembleC. crowdD. accumulate37. If the Un ited States had built more homes for poor people in 1995,the hous ing proble

55、ms now in some parts of the countryso serious.A. would n'tbeB. would n't have bee nbeenC. will not beD. would have not38. If Tom wins tomorrow, hethirty races in the past four years.A. will winB. has wonC. would havewonD. will have won39. If we believe somethi ng is good and true we shouldto

56、 it.A. hold upB. keep on C. hold on D.keep up40. If youJames, ask him to phone me.A. should seeB. must seeC. mightseeD. would see41. If you are required to do some work, it must be done.A. sooner or laterB. after allothersC. at lastD. in the long run42. If you know what the trouble is, why you don't help them to the situati on?A. simplifyB. modifyC. verifyD. rectify43. I'm sorry, but what he thinks is not of theimporta nt to me.A. worthyB. valuableC. valuelessD. priceless44. I'm sure your sugg


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