1、外勤操作作業(yè)指導(dǎo)書In structio n of Board ing Work目的: Purpose以下將近幾年的外勤工作流程提供給大家參考,如有不妥之處,還望大家給予指示或批評。本外勤操作流 程規(guī)定了公司外勤人員工作職責(zé)、內(nèi)容以及操作要求,旨在更好的保證公司對外服務(wù)質(zhì)量和服務(wù)形象。Herein we summarize the board ing work procedures from recent years' experie nee for your refere nee.We will be pleased to have your suggesti ons and com
2、me nts.The follow ing in struct ion states theresp on sibilities, operati on specificati ons and requireme nts of board ing staff of our compa ny in order to en sure better service and better image to the clie nts.適用范圍 Range of application本操作流程僅適用于連云港菲華船代內(nèi)部。It is applicable to inner Phihua shipp ing
3、 Lia nyungang only.職責(zé)和管理要求Resp on sibilities and requireme nts外勤人員登輪之前,要保管好自已的長期登輪證,上下船務(wù)必保證安全,佩戴安全帽。Board ing staff shall take good care of <long term board ing pass> of their own. En sure safety gett ing onor off board and wear safety helmet.外勤人員要嚴(yán)格遵守外事紀(jì)律,尊重船員的風(fēng)俗、信仰,體現(xiàn)本公司良好的形象。Board ing staff
4、 shall comply with the discipli nes in foreig n affairs strictly. Respect the custom, faith of crewand show good image of our compa ny.外勤人員要與委托方、口岸單位及其他關(guān)系方保持良好的關(guān)系。Board ing staff shall keep good relatio nship with prin cipals and releva nt parties at port.認(rèn)真審核船方提供的單證,完整、準(zhǔn)確、有效地向聯(lián)檢單位如實申報。Check the doc
5、ume nts provided by prin cipal carefully and declare to joi nt in spect ion adm ini strati ons completely, accurately and effectively.協(xié)助調(diào)度人員協(xié)調(diào)船方、港方關(guān)系,及時匯報各類突發(fā)事件,并在第一時間落實解決。避免耽誤船期。Assist with operators to con sult with ship owners and port authorities. Report emerge ncy situatio ns intime and settle
6、accord in gly to avoid any delay.及時準(zhǔn)確地傳遞船方、港口裝卸貨,船東信息,報送報表和單證。Pass the information of ship, loading or discharging progress, ship owner' s info on time and accurately.Prese nt declarati on forms and docume nts.按時、準(zhǔn)確做好各代理航次單船記錄,以便留檔及復(fù)核。Make records of each sin gle shipme nt un der our operati on
7、timely and accurately for fili ng and furtheruse.操作內(nèi)容、方法和步驟Operati on conten ts, methods and procedures跟蹤船舶動態(tài):Track vsl ' s movement公司調(diào)度拿到委托準(zhǔn)備確定外勤人員接船后,外勤人員應(yīng)主動掌握船舶動態(tài),明確船舶來港任務(wù),確定需辦事項。After receipt of formal agency appointment and confirmation on vsl' s arrival, boarding stafgehtdknow vsl '
8、; s movement and her task at port to determine the further work.準(zhǔn)備各項單證:在船舶靠泊前,準(zhǔn)備各查驗單位所需單證,包括:總申報單、貨物申報單、船員名單、船用物品申報單、船員物品申報單、船舶噸稅申報單和船舶噸稅保函、國際航行船舶入境檢疫申報單、進(jìn)出口貨物載貨清單或無貨艙單、航海健康申報書、明火作業(yè)申請單、船舶排壓載 水申請表、船舶規(guī)范概況表等。Prepare the necessary documents: get the necessary documents prepared for all the inspection ad
9、m ini strati ons, which in clude :< Gen eral Declarati on>,<Cargo Declaratio n>, <Crew List>, <Ship' sStore List>, <Crew goods declaratio n>, <Vessel Tonn age Dues Declarati on> and vessel tonn age duesLOI, vlnternationalNavigation Ship Entry Quarantine Declar
10、ation>, vlmport & Export cargo manifest orMani fest with Cargo Nil >, <Maritime Declarati on of Health>, <Applicati on of Meldi ng or Work ing withNaked Light>, < The Application of DischargingBallast Water From Ship in the port >, <VesselParticulars> etc.接船:外勤人員得知船
11、舶進(jìn)港計劃后,要及時與船方和引水保持密切聯(lián)系,確保船舶能順利進(jìn)港,如遇大 風(fēng)或大霧天氣,但港口仍然沒有封港,重點船舶或搶潮水船舶進(jìn)港,不論白天還是深夜,更要時刻提醒自 己跟蹤船舶的進(jìn)港動態(tài),同樣都是重點船舶,如果其他重點船進(jìn)港而我輪未進(jìn)港,排除船舶機(jī)械故障的前 提條件下,很難跟相關(guān)方及客戶解釋,船舶快靠碼頭之前,外勤務(wù)必要等候船舶靠泊。外輪一定要注意哨 兵的安排,不能讓哨兵失控。一旦失控,邊檢對這方面歷來都著重處罰,靠泊后立即登輪,將各項單證和 公司要求送船資料交至船方,認(rèn)真審核船方所提供的各類進(jìn)出口聯(lián)檢資料,按要求整理、填寫之后到各查 驗單位如實申報。Wait for vessel: Boa
12、rd ing staff shall con tact with ship and pilot closely after vsl' s berthi ng schedule fand en sure vsl getti ng berthed smoothly. If there is bad weather (str ong wind & dense fog) but cha nneldoesn' tblock, key vsls or vsls which need to get in berth during high tide, boarding staff s
13、hall keep tracking on vsl' s movement day and night. It is hard work to explain to principal ifany other key vsl getsin berth while our vsl rema ins at an chorage (noship machi nery fault ).If vsl is gett ing on berth, board ingstaff shall wait for vsl' s berthing. Boarding staff shall pay s
14、pecial attention to the arrangement of guardsfor foreig n ships. Guard arran geme nt can n ever be out of con trol. Once out of con trol, fron tier in spect ion always punish seriously. Get on board once berth ing completes and prese nt the releva nt docume nts toship. Check all the import& expo
15、rt documents for joint inspections provided by ship carefully. Fillaccord in gly and prepare for declarati on in each in specti on adm ini strati on.船方委托辦理事項,通知公司調(diào)度人員,并且要有船公司的書面委托。If any matter n eeds to be han dled for the ship, inform compa ny operators and ask for writte n in struct ion.及時向公司調(diào)度匯報
16、靠泊信息,以便公司調(diào)度及時向船東或委托方發(fā)送抵港報。如遇夜間靠泊,務(wù)必將抵港信息以手機(jī)短信的方式發(fā)出。船舶發(fā)生移泊,外勤人員必須在移泊前到船邊,保證移泊的安全,特別是跨作業(yè)區(qū)的外輪移泊,一定要特別注意哨兵的安排。避免耽誤船舶移泊后正常裝卸貨。Report the berthi ng in formati on to operators so that operators can send berthi ng report to ship owner orprincipal in time. If vsl needs to berth at night, berthing report shal
17、l be sent as short messages.If shifting needs to be done, boarding staff must be at site to ensure the security during shifting, especially shifti ng from differe nt port areas for foreig n ships. Pay special atte nti on on guard arran geme nt in order to avoid any delay on load ing or discharg ing
18、work.送船:船舶開航前,將各口岸單位開具的出境手續(xù)送交船長,并由船長簽收。同時,向船方領(lǐng)?。弘x港狀態(tài)、出口艙單、外籍船員登陸證、裝卸事實記錄等。See vsl off: han dover all the exit formalities issued by each port adm ini strati ons to ship master and ask him to sig n for receipt. Mean while, get the follow ing in formati on from ship: departure con diti ons, export man
19、i fest, la nding pass for foreig n crew members, SOF etc.4.7船東或委托方委托事項:Services that ship owner or principal ask for:所有委托事項必須以書面形式接受委托,辦理完成后應(yīng)有船長簽字并蓋章。All the en trustedmatters shall be in structed in writ ing and get master's sig nature and seal aftercompletio n.船員業(yè)務(wù):負(fù)責(zé)辦理外籍船員簽證、外籍船員登陸證、家屬登船證等手續(xù)。
20、負(fù)責(zé)陪同船員就醫(yī)、接 種等。Crew Services: to get visa and landing pass for foreign crew members and boarding pass for families etc.Take crew members to go to the doctor's, or to get vacci nated etc.進(jìn)口手續(xù)Import formality海關(guān)進(jìn)口預(yù)申報Customs Import Pre-E ntry Declaratio n如果船舶在晚上18 : 00 早上8 : 00,外勤必須辦理船舶預(yù)辦手續(xù)。以便船舶靠泊后能及
21、時作業(yè),次日及 時將單證補(bǔ)齊單證:海關(guān)保函、總申報單、貨物申報單、國際航行綜合表、裝貨單、進(jìn)口載貨清單(2份)If vsl will get berthed duri ng 18:00 pm-8:00am, board ing staff must man age adva need formality in orderto avoid any delay on work ing progress after berth ing. Docume nts shall be han ded the n ext day on time.Documents: Customs LOI, General
22、Declaration,The Comprehensive Form of International Voyage ,Shipp ing Order, import mani fest (2 copies)海關(guān)進(jìn)口:Customs Imp o比單證:總申報單、貨物申報單、船員名單、船員物品申報單、船用物品申報單,海關(guān)監(jiān)管簿(國輪)、進(jìn) 口載貨清單(2份)、國際航行進(jìn)境(港)綜合表、裝貨清單、噸稅證書Crew Goods Declaratio n, Ships StoreDocume nts: Gen eral Declarati on, Cargo Declarati on, Crew Li
23、st,List, Customs Supervision Note (China flag), Import manifest(2 copies), The ComprehensiveEntry(Port)Form of In ter nati onal Voyage, Shipp ing Order, Tonn age Dues Certificate.注意 Notice:1)如果進(jìn)口有貨,要在船舶進(jìn)錨地前24小時前申報輸艙單,艙單的信息很關(guān)鍵,為此內(nèi)勤操作人員務(wù)必要仔細(xì)核對信息,避免造成艙單錄入錯誤,因為更改艙單的手續(xù)非常麻煩,如果錄入信息錯誤嚴(yán)重的話, 海關(guān)將會吊銷代理證或行政罰款。If
24、 vsl's carry ing cargo, the mani fest shall be prese nted and typed in on li ne system with in 24 hours beforevsl's arrival at anchorage. The information on manifest is quite important so that documentationstaffshall check all information carefully to avoid any mistake. The formality of revi
25、sing manifestiscomplicated and customs may revoke the age ncy qualificati on or take adm ini strative pen alty.2)船舶進(jìn)港如果無貨,只要向海關(guān)提供無貨艙單。If no cargo on board, prese nt Mani fest with Cargo Nil to customs.3)裝貨清單貨名必須是中英文翻譯并有船長簽字蓋章。Shipp ing Order shall state cargo's n ame in both En glish and Chin es
26、e and n eed to be sig ned and sealed by ship master.4)如果進(jìn)口有貨,必須打6份載貨清單,送兩份到海關(guān)。If vsl's carry ing cargo to port, print 6 copies of Pack ing List and prese nt two copies to the customs.5 )外輪和國輪要在國際航行綜合表上填寫噸稅信息。Both foreig n flag vsl and China flag vsl shall fill in tonn age dues in formati on inTh
27、e Comprehe nsive Formof In ter nati onal Voyage6)國際航行綜合表要求寫船名和航次。Vsl's n ame and voy no. shall be filled in The Comprehe nsive Form of Intern ati onal Voyage7)艙單更改要求船長簽字。Mani fest revisi on shall be sig ned by master.8) 境外租船人也要交噸稅。(包括營運(yùn)國際航線的中國籍船舶)Foreign charters shall pay tonnage dues as well (
28、including China flag vsls running international bus in ess)9)國內(nèi)港來船舶,船用物品申報單中煙酒的數(shù)量一定要和上港關(guān)封中的數(shù)量要一致。如果申報不實,海 關(guān)將會登輪檢查核實,為此做為外勤人員一定要提前與船方核實一致Refer to vsls coming from China port, the number of wine and cigarette in ship's store declaration shallbe in accordanee with the number in last port's cust
29、oms seal. Boardingstaff shall verify with ship inadvanee. If false declaration, customs inspector will board to check.10)對于外貿(mào)轉(zhuǎn)內(nèi)貿(mào)船舶來講,一定要在船舶預(yù)計離港前一天辦理,如實與船方核實好船舶免稅油水的數(shù) 量問題,海關(guān)一向?qū)Υ暗拿舛愑吞貏e關(guān)注,友情提醒船方人員遵紀(jì)守法,不要在處理廢油的時候偷賣成 品油,一旦被海關(guān)查出,海關(guān)將對船舶嚴(yán)肅處理,甚至船舶代理也會牽連進(jìn)去。Refer to vsl which turns from foreign trade to domes
30、tic trade, formalities shall be handled 1 day beforevsl ' s ETD. Verify with ship about the number of free water and oil. Customs has always paid specialatte nti on on free oil. Remind the ship frien dly to obey laws and discipli nes and n ever sell the wasted oilas product oil whe n han dli ng
31、it. Once the customs found out, they will han dle seriously and shipp ingage ncy may be in volved in puni shme nt.二:買噸稅。Buy tonn age dues單證:付費(fèi)保函、銀行擔(dān)保函和船舶噸稅申請書、國籍證書、噸稅證書,為此內(nèi)勤操作人員在申報船舶信息時,一定要準(zhǔn)確無誤,一旦噸稅繳納劃入海關(guān)后,再申請退補(bǔ)金額的手續(xù)非常麻煩Documents:Payment Guarantee , Bank Guarantee.Ship tonnage dues application,tonna
32、ge duescertificate. Docume ntati on staff must en sure the on li ne entry declarati on accurate and error free. Once the tonn age dues paid into customs treasury, it would be troublesome to apply for refund.1 )噸稅申請可以是30天和一年的。辦進(jìn)口手續(xù)去海關(guān)要帶噸稅證書。Tonnage dues application can be 30 days and one year. Tonnag
33、e dues certificate shall be taken to customs while appl ying import formalities.2)開航前如果噸稅留船由船長簽收,但是要得到噸稅的購買方同意或書面指示。Before vsl's departure, ask for prin cipal's in struct ion of whether the origi nal tonn age dues shall be prese nted to ship master or not.邊防預(yù)檢 Fron tier Pre-i nspect ion單證:總申
34、報單、船員名單、預(yù)檢申請、Docume nts: Gen eral Declarati on, Crew List, Pre-i nspect ion applicatio n1)中國籍船員要在船員名單上要有海員證簽發(fā)地。The issued place of seama n book for Chin ese crew members shall be stated in crew list.邊防:Frontier Defence單證:總申報單、船員名單、船員物品申報單、海員證、Documents: General Declaration, Crew List, Crew Goods Dec
35、laration, Seaman' s Books注意:Notice1)聯(lián)檢手續(xù)前告訴船長和水手,手續(xù)辦完前不能上下船員。Inform ship master and sailors that on or off board forbidden before completion of joint inspection formalities.2)國輪到港前通知邊防,詢問是否來檢查。離港前,通知上船來檢查。如果國輪進(jìn)港不檢查,代理及時通知船長可以裝卸貨物。一定要得到邊防外勤的許可Inform and ask Frontier Defence whether inspection nee
36、ded before China flag ship' s arrival. Inform themto in spect before vsl ' departure. If no in spect ion for China flag vsl, age nt shall inform ship master loadi ng or discharg ing cargo permitted but always un der approval of fron tier defe nee.3 )外輪到港前請邊防上船來檢查。離港前,順便詢問是否來檢查。Inform frontie
37、r defenee to inspect before foreign vsl' s arrival and ask whether inspection needed beforevsl ' s departure.4)外輪要事先安排哨兵站崗。冬季要安排駐船,在船方提供食宿條件欠佳的情況下,作為代理,應(yīng)及時安排好哨兵的吃住問題,避免哨兵因吃住產(chǎn)生的問題而影響到船舶的正常裝卸貨Guards shall be pre-arra nged for foreig n vsls and accommodatio n shall be supplied in win ter. Ifthe
38、 accommodati on supplied by ship is bellow the average, age nt shall arrange in time to avoid any delay on loading or discharging work due to these matters.5 )外輪船舶靠泊前1小時前給邊防打電話。要求安排哨兵,電話是 Call fron tier denfence to arrange guards 1 hour before foreig n vsl ' 6 )船員物品申報單簽名由船員自己簽。Crew goods declara
39、ti on form shall be sig ned by their own.7)無論是國輪還是外輪靠泊后,沒有邊防通知,任何人不準(zhǔn)上下船。如果船舶急需搶潮水卸貨的情況下,外勤必須提前與邊檢溝通好On or off board forbiddenwithout frontier' s permissitter berth, both China flag and foreign flag shipsin cluded. If discharg ingwork must be comme need on hightide, board ingstaff shall inform fr
40、on tier inadvanee.8 )代理得到邊防放行指示后要盡快通知船長。Board ing age nt shall inform the ship master ASAP after gett ing border cleara nee.9 )注意單證日期的填寫。Pay atte ntion to the date filli ng in docume nts.10)梯口 24小時值班。(穿制服的除外)The ladder way shall be on duty 24 hours (except people in uniform)11) 港務(wù)局工人上船也要登輪證。Port aut
41、hority officers shall show boarding pass to get on board as well.12)船舶到港前邊防是要上船檢查的。要將邊封交給邊防(國內(nèi)港來)。Frontier defenee will inspect on board before vsl ' s)erthing.Hand over the frontier seal tofron tier defe nee (vsl from Chi na port)關(guān)于邊封問題,這里一定要特別注意,很多船是從國內(nèi)港來連云港裝卸貨物或錨地加油,一定要及時與船東或上一港代理確定是否邊封在船,一旦失
42、誤,邊檢向來對這方面的處罰力度很大(08年我司代理的來連云港錨地加油的巴拿馬籍邦閩輪就是個例子)Board ing age nt shall pay special atte nti on to fron tier seal issues. Refer to vsls who come fromChina ports to load, discharge or bun ker at an chorage, board ing age nt shall confirm with shipowner in advanee whether frontier seal on board. Any fa
43、lse, border inspection has always punished seriously. ( take panama flag vsl MV BangMin for example, who came to bunker at an chorage and was operated by us )國檢:CIQ單證:總申報單、貨物申報單、船員名單、船員物品申報單、進(jìn)口動植物檢疫申報單,航海健康申報表(船長簽字)、船舶排放壓艙水申請(2份)(如果有壓艙水)Docume nts: Gen eral Declarati on. Cargo Declarati on. Crew Lis
44、t, Crew Goods Declarati on, I mport Ani mal6 Plant QuarantineDeclaration. Maritime Declarationon Health (signed by master),ApplicationBallast Water(2 copies) (if any ballast water).注意:Notice1) 即將靠泊時,通知國檢來檢查。Inform CIQ for inspection before vsl' 2) 國檢檢查前:白天:船舶要掛黃旗。晚上要亮三盞紅燈。(通知船長)Before CIQ in spe
45、cti on: daytime: ship shall hang up yellow flag; ni ght: three red lights (inform ship master in adva nee)3)檢查完閉后,開始裝卸貨物。船員才可以上岸。Loadi ng or discharg ing comme nces after CIQ in spect ion and seame n could come ashore.4)靠船前一定要打電話給衛(wèi)檢,讓他們及時上船,不可以上下船員。Call Health In spect ion to get on board before vsl
46、hing.sNbEEteama n allowed to get on or off board.5) 注意單證日期的填寫Pay atte ntion to date filli ng in docume nts.6) 進(jìn)境一定要量體溫,要填寫體溫卡。37。5C以上去門診。38。C以上打120電話。Take seamen ' s temperature and fill in temperature card before entry. Send to the doctorhigher than 37.5C and call 120 if temperature higher than
47、 38.C.7 )我港簽發(fā)的各種證書要留底。(衛(wèi)生證書,免予除鼠等)Keep copies in office for all the certificates issued at our port (Sa nitary Certificate, SSCEC ETC)8)關(guān)于從疫區(qū)來的船舶,盡量給委托方爭取靠泊檢疫,這樣可以給委托方減少錨地拖輪費(fèi)用,也可以樹 立我司在委托方和港口的協(xié)調(diào)能力,為此,在日常的工作中,一定要與衛(wèi)檢官員保持良好的關(guān)系,涉及到 搶潮水等重點船舶靠泊時,可以給予一定的便利,容許港方提前登輪裝卸貨。Refer to vsls who come from epidemic a
48、reas, make all efforts to apply for berth quarantine inorder to save tug assista nee expe nse from an chorage quara nti ne for prin cipal, which can alsoshow our coord in ate ability at port to our prin cipal. Therefore, we shall keep good relati on shipwith health in spectors in daily work. We may
49、con sider providi ng some convenience whe n key vslneeds to berth at high tide. Port authority officers could be allowed to get aboard for loading & discharg ing.9) 作水尺或驗艙Draft Survey or Hold In spection注意:Notice1)分清是誰要求驗艙:貨代、船代、法定驗艙。Un dersta nd who requests to in spect: forwarder, shipp ing ag
50、e nt, legal in specti on2)一定要求船長在船舶驗艙前船舶艙底打掃干凈。Ask ship master to clea n up the hatch bottom before hold in specti on.2)裝豆粕和裝膠合板是要法定檢驗驗艙的。Legal in spect ion is required for loadi ng bea n pulp and plywood.on's if temperatur港監(jiān):Port Supervisi on單證:總申報單、貨物申報單、船員名單、船舶登記簿、船舶概況報告表(一定要原件,船長簽字蓋章)、上港離港證、
51、船舶排放壓載水申請(2份)(如果壓艙水)、Documents: General Declaration. Cargo Declaration. Crew List, Crew Goods Declaration. Ship ' s Registry, Report on Ship ' s Particulars(origi nalwith master ' s sig nature and seal), Last PortCleara nee ,Applicati on on Ballast Water(2 copies) (if any ballast water).
53、合證書安全管理證書船員證書(SEAMAN S BOOK)保安證書ISPS高級船員適運(yùn)證書(COMPRTENCE CREW CERTIFICATE )注意:所帶證書均為原件,為此外勤必須攜帶好所帶證書,待辦完手續(xù)結(jié)束后,即刻還船,一旦證書丟失,將會給船方造成重大損失,甚至影響到船期,望大家謹(jǐn)慎小心Notice: All the certificates shall be original, so boarding staff must take good care of all the certificates and return to ship immediately after compl
54、etion of all the formalities. Once any certificate lost, it would cause significant damage to ship and even cause her delay on shipment.Please pay special atte ntio n on this issue.1) 給海事處的總申報單在底下要寫明:前后吃水和抵錨時間Write F draft, A draft and NOR time at the bottom of general declaration for marine departm
55、ent2) 如果遇到海事聲明,必須在 24小時之內(nèi)遞交海事聲明。SEA PROTEST 。Sea protest shall be ten dered with in 24 hours if n eeded.3) 按規(guī)定移泊超過100米要申請拖輪。(但事先必須經(jīng)過我司的同意)Tug shall be applied accord ing to rules if shift ing dista nee more tha n 100M. ( our approval n eeded inadvanee)4) 船舶任何維修要經(jīng)海事局批準(zhǔn)。Any repair on ship shall be per
56、mitted by Maritime Adm ini strati on.5 )進(jìn)口去海事處要船旗國船員適任證書Refer to import, seafarer certificate for crew members from ship flag country shall be got from marine departme nt. |6)油污水由海事局的人管理。他們會通知有關(guān)部門處理。Maritime admi nistrati on is in charge of deali ng with oily water. They inform releva nt party to ha
57、n dle.危險品申報:Declarati on of Dan gerous Goods包括船舶裝載進(jìn)口危險品貨物的船申報和船舶裝載出口危險品貨物的船申報。In clude the declaratio n of import vsl carry ing dan gerous goods and declarati on of export vsl for loadi ngdan gerous cargo in port.按照海事局要求,填寫相關(guān)單證,備齊相關(guān)資料,送海事局審批。批準(zhǔn)文件送至船舶、港方,公司留底。Fill in and collect all releva nt docume
58、nts accord ing to maritime adm ini strati on' s requirements and sto maritime adm ini strati on for approval. All the approved docume nts shall be sent to ship, port authority and keep the copies in office.提供危險品單證:Provide Docume nts for Dan gerous Goods船舶載運(yùn)危險品貨物申報單(包裝/固體散裝危險品貨物)Declaration Form For Dangerous Goods Carried By Ships ( Packaged/ Solid in Bulk )危險貨物安全適運(yùn)申報單(包裝/固體散裝危險貨物)Declaration on Safety and Fitness of Dangerous Goods (Packaged/ Solid in Bulk)固體散裝貨
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