1、Company manual1. General 總貝U1-1 Purposes 目的1-1.1In order that employees have something to follow in the factoryduring working and living to keep our company' s production andliving order and make sure our company' s smooth operation, wehereby worked out this employee handbook.為了使員工在工廠的工作和生活有
2、所遵循,維持公司的生產生活秩序弁確保公司正常運轉,特制定本員工手冊。1-1.2'Without dividers, no circle ' . Any healthily developing company couldn ' t live without sound and scientific regulations and good staffs. This employee handbook specifies the working disciplines that employees should obey, basic limit of working c
3、onditions.“沒有規(guī)矩,不成方圓” O任何一家健康發(fā)展的企業(yè),都離不開健全、科學的管理制度和優(yōu)秀的員工。本手冊規(guī)定了員工應遵守的工作紀律、勞動條件的基準及員工在本廠從事生產、生活之基本準則和勞動紀律。1-2 Application Scope 適用范圍This employee handbook is applied to all employees, including those under probation period.本手冊適用于全體員工,包括試用期內的員工。2. Personnel Management Regulations 人事管理制度2-1 Basic requir
4、ement for employees 雇用基本條件2-1.1The employees must be over18 years old, hold Health Certificate, valid ID card, education certificate.年齡 18 歲以上,持有效健康證 ,持有效身份證件和學歷證明。2-1.2If employees are found infected with serious infectious disease or not suitable for work, the company has the right to change their
5、 work post or request them to leave the company.如發(fā)現有任何嚴重傳染病患者或身體不適的工作者, 公司有權調整其工作崗位或要求其自動辭退。2-1.3Inveracious certificates or misrepresentation for being employed is cause for dismissal 持有虛假證明進廠者一經發(fā)現以無薪解雇處理2-2 Regulations for employees who are recommended and who recommend 被薦及推薦人守則Current employees m
6、ay recommend intelligent persons to the company, but should not receive any benefit or recommendation fee from them who are recommended. If it is found that there is such thing happened, both parties, whatever they are under probation period or not, will be fired immediately without any economic com
7、pensation. If it is reported by the employee who is recommended, the reporting employee may stay in the factory, only the employee who recommended and received benefit will be fired without any economic compensation.在職員工可推薦有才能的人員進入本公司, 但推薦人不得收取被薦人的任何好處或介紹費。一經發(fā)現,推薦及被薦員工,無論雙方是在試用期或已是正式員工, 都將被立即開除, 且無任
8、何經濟補償。但如果由被薦員工揭發(fā)的,被薦員工可繼續(xù)留廠工作,收 取好處的推薦員工將被立即開除且無任何經濟補償。2-3 Probation period 試用期2.3.1Employees must pass the company s examination beforeethey ar hired, and then sign Newly Hiring Confirmation.受聘用員工須經公司考核, 合格后與公司簽訂 新進人員雇用確 認單2.3.2The probation period will be according to the term of Labour Contract:
9、試用期期限將按照勞動合同期限決定。Term from one year to three years: probation period is three month. 勞動合同期限由壹年員工至叁年員工,其試用期為三個月Term over three year: probation period is six months.勞動合同期限超過叁年員工,其試用期為陸個月2-4 Formal hiring 正式聘用2-4.1HR & Adm Department will release a Evaluation for Qualified Employees During Probatio
10、n Period 15 Days before the probation period is expired to the employee s direct supervisor.員工試用即將期滿時,行政人事部將會發(fā) 試用期滿合格人員 評鑒表 ,由試用期員工所屬部門及相關人員評鑒。2-4.2The qualified employees will be hired as official employees and a confirmation letter will be issued to the employee.評鑒合格的將會被邀請成為正式員工2-4.3Both parties s
11、hould decide wether to renew the contract at lease one month before this contract expires.員工與公司須在勞動合同期滿前一個月決定是否續(xù)簽合同2-5 Temporary Residence Permit 暫住證The company will apply for the Temporary Residence Permit for those employees who successfully passed the probation period and whose residence is not i
12、n this city.公司按政府規(guī)定為試用期滿的非本市戶口員工申報及辦理 暫住 證2-6 Personnel records 個人檔案2-6.1Personnel records record all the information related to the employees.個人檔案記錄員工的所有信息2-6.2The employees should provide correct personal information.Changes must be reported to HR & Admin Department within five working days.員工
13、必須提供正確的個人資料。 如有變化, 應于五個工作日內呈報行政人事部。2-6.3The employee who provides false information will be punished. 若資料不實,將受紀律處分。2-7 Working time 工作時間2-7.1The employees must comply with the company s working time, punch card in and out, have dinner and rest on time.員工必須嚴格遵守公司的工作時間表, 按公司規(guī)定打卡、 上下班、 用餐及休息。2-7.2Durin
14、g working time, no private visitor is allowed (except emergency), no private calling with office telephone is allowed, no private thing made on duty is allowed, otherwise the employees who violate will be punished.工作時間內,任何人未經批準不得到公司作私人探訪(緊急情況除外) ;不得利用辦公電話打私人電話;不得處理私人事務,否則將受紀律處分。2-8 Attendance record
15、s 考勤2-8.1The company adopts shift system.work 40 hours a week, working hours should be set and be execute as percompany s specific measures 公司實行輪班制,一周工作 40 小時,工作時間應崗而定,按公司具體辦法執(zhí)行。2-8.2For the employees who do not punch cards with reasonable reasons, the HR & Admin Department will has his/her atte
16、ndance records signed by his/her managers. However, this should over two times a month.未打卡而有合理解釋的員工, 須由其部門經理簽卡, 但一個月內不應多于 2 次。2-9 OT Working 加班2-9.1The company may request employees to work OT, and the employees should cooperate with it. OT application should be approved beforehand in written form.公
17、司因工作需要可安排員工加班, 員工應該予以配合。 加班申請 要以書面形式提前審批2-9.2Punching OT without formal approval will not be counted. 未經審批的加班是無效的。2-10 Leaves procedure 請假2-10.1Any leave should be approved beforehand. The supervisor or manager who approved a leave application should arrange another subordinate, other than the appli
18、cant, to send the approved leave application to HR & Admin department .請假須事先申請并獲批準。 請假應事先獲得批準, 批假者應安排另一名下屬, 而不事請假者本人, 請假申請事先交到行政行政行政人事部 .2-10.2Any employee who wants to extend leave application must be approved by his direct supervisor and report to HR department beforehand.員工希望延長假期的須提前征得人事行政部批準
19、方可;2-10.3Any employee who wants to shorten or cancel leave application must inform HR department within two working days.員工希望縮短或取消假期的須在2個工作日中通報人事行政部 方可。2-11 Late coming and early departure 遲到和早退The HR & Admin Department records late coming and early departure everyday, employees who act late com
20、ing or/and early departure may be punished.行政人事部每天記錄遲到和早退情況。 公司可給予遲到或早退的 員工予紀律處分。2-11.1Employee with late coming or early departure 4 to 15 minutes shall be given a written warning.遲到或早退4 14 分鐘,記書面警告一次。2-11.2Employee with late coming or early departure over 15 minutes or above; or accumulated monthl
21、y late coming or early departure over 20 minutes will be given both a written warning and qualified for receiving partial full-attendance reward.遲到或早退15 分鐘以上或當月遲到或早退總時間達20 分鐘或以上之人仕,收到書面警告及當月部份全勤樊。2-11.3Late coming or early departure over 2 hours but less than 4 hours will be treated as absent withou
22、t reason for half day.遲到或早退超過2 小時而不足4 小時以曠工半天計算2-11.4Late coming or early departure over 4 hours will be treated as absent without reason for one day.遲到或早退超過4 小時以曠工一天計算2-12 Absence 缺勤處理2-12.1Not coming to work without leave application or with unapproved leave application will be treated as absence
23、without reason. It will be treated as employees resigning by themselves if they are absent without reason for continuous 3 days or cumulated 3 days in a month.未經請假或請假未被批準而不上班即曠工。 連續(xù)曠工三天或一個月內累計曠工達三天或以上者,作自動離職處理。2-12.2The employees will loss full attendance allowance if they are entitled to full atten
24、dance allowance and have any action of leave, late coming, early departure, or absence without reason. And late coming, early departure or absence will be punished according to discipline policy.對于有全勤獎的員工,請假、遲到、早退或曠工者將被取消其當月的全勤獎,另依紀律處分。2-12.3The employees who are not entitled to deserve full attenda
25、nce allowance will be punished if they have any action of late coming, early departure, or absence without reason according to discipline policy.對于無全勤獎的員工, 遲到、 早退或曠工將依紀律處分條例辦理。2-13 Payroll Enquiry 薪資問題Employee who has the enquiry of his salary, he should ask Account Department within 10 working days
26、 after he received his salary. If the calculation mistakes has found after checking, the difference will be transfer to the employee s bank account with next salarypayment.若發(fā)現工資計算有誤或有任何疑問, 可于工資發(fā)放后十天之內直接向行政人事部查詢。 如有誤差, 工資不足之金額將在下月工資中支付。2-14 Working place 工作地點2-14.1Employees should work at the places
27、specified and should not go around without supervisors or manager s permission or when it is not emergency.員工必須在指定的地點進行工作, 在沒有得到部門主管或經理批準或沒有特殊情況時,不得在工作時間離開工作地點。2-14.2Normally non-office employees may go to office only when it is needed for working and the administration receptionist notice themto do
28、 so.非辦公室人員如因工作需要并經行政部接待文員通知后方可進入辦公室。2-14.3The employees can only have dinner/rest at the places specified for dinner/rest, and should obey the relative regulations.用餐或休息時, 員工只能在指定的用餐地點用餐, 指定的休息場所及休息,并遵守相應的規(guī)章制度2-14.4Having meal in store is forbidden.嚴禁在門店內或倉庫用餐。3. Transfer of post, dissolution of lab
29、or contract, resignation 工作調整、合同解除、離廠手續(xù)3-1 Transfer of post 工作調整The company has the right to temporarily (not exceed 3 months)transfer employees posts when necessary. The temporarily transfer will consider to their capabilities, performance, health and/or experiences and without lower their benefits
30、.公司因工作需要有權臨時調動員工的崗位。 執(zhí)行臨時調動將考慮員工的能力、表現、健康和經驗等因素;不會削減員工待遇。3-2 Termination of Labor Contract 合同解除3-2.1The employees who have gone through the probations should deliver written resignation application one month in advance to the HR & Admin Department.正式員工辭職的必須于離職前一個月遞交 辭職申請書 于行政 部3-2.2If the employ
31、ee who have suffered with infection sickness are delivering resignation applications, they should provide relative proofs such as sick leave proofs provided by hospital or anamnesis records to the company, the company will make evaluation of their sicknesses and decide whether they are able to leave
32、 immediately.患傳染性疾病的員工,如申請離職,需向公司提供有效證明(鎮(zhèn)級或鎮(zhèn)級以上醫(yī)院證明) 如病休單或病歷本等, 公司視疾病輕重,決定是否接受其即辭即結算工資。3-2.3During the period of resigning with advance notices, the employees should work diligently, and should not create any obstacles to operation. If the procedures of transitions are not clear and smooth, compensa
33、tion decided according to damage made to the company. The company has the right to claim the costs back from the employee.提前一個月申請辭工者離廠前, 要認真工作, 不得使工作正常進行出現障礙, 如工作不能順利交接, 公司會視情形保留追究補償。3-2.4The HR & Admin Department checks the Clearance List for Separation, then checks and calculates the attendanc
34、e records and fine records, advise accounting department to calculate their salaries.行政人事部審核員工離職手續(xù)清單后,統(tǒng)計員工出勤情況及違紀扣款記錄,通知會計部計算工資4. Dormitory administration 宿舍管理規(guī)定4.1 In order to keep dormitory clean and in order, provide a safe and comfortable environment to the employees, we hereby work out the regu
35、lations. Violations will be punished according to disciplines.為維持宿舍環(huán)境整潔,搞好治安,使員工能處在安全、舒適的環(huán)境下生活,以便于更好地工作,特制定下列守則,如有違規(guī)者, 將依據有關紀律予以處分。4-1.1The employees should comply with rooms and beds strictly arranged by the HR & Admin Department and obey the transfer made by the HR & Admin Department. No o
36、ne is allowed to change them or occupy them without the permission of the HR & Admin Department. Written applications for changing rooms or beds, for special reasons, can be sent to the HR & Admin Department with reasons, the HR & Admin Department will consider the reasons and make relat
37、ive arrangement.全體員工必須按照行政人事部的住宿安排對號住宿, 并服從行政人事部調動。未經行政人事部允許,不準私自調換床位,不準亂占亂住。 如有特殊原因需要換床位的, 可向行政人事部提出書面申請,寫清理由,由行政人事部審核處理。4-1.2Not allowed to be drunk in the dormitory, to create loud noise, to affect other peoples rest.不得宿舍區(qū)酗酒,不得大聲喧嘩或吵鬧,不得影響他人休息。4-1.3Protect and take good care of the company s prop
38、erties, notallowed to change or destroy them, not allowed to move the equipments in dormitories. Any damage on them should be compensated as the costs. If no troublemakers can be found then all the employees in the same room should pay the compensation.愛護和保護公共財物, 不得隨意改變和破壞公物, 不得亂搬移宿舍內設施;如有損壞需照價賠償,若找
39、不出肇事者,則由宿舍全體員工共同賠償。4-1.4Keep the corridors and the rooms clean. No littering. No pouring water from upstairs to downstairs. No spitting anywhere. Rubbish should be littered into rubbish bin.保持宿舍內外及走廊等地方的清潔, 不得亂丟垃圾、 往樓下倒水、隨地吐痰。應將垃圾倒進垃圾桶內。4-1.5No gambling, fighting, and steeling within the dormitory a
40、rea. Anyof them will cause immediate dismissal without any compensation;for the serious situation police will be sent to.嚴禁在宿舍區(qū)賭博,打架鬧事及偷盜,一經發(fā)現立即開除;情節(jié)嚴重者送交公安機關處理。4-1.6Save water and electricity. The last one who leaves dormitory should switch off electricity and fan before leaving. It is forbidden to
41、 connect sockets without permission. No fire in rooms. For serious situation police will be sent to.節(jié)約用水、 用電。 員工如最后一個離開宿舍, 需關燈、 電風扇等。禁止私接電源, 禁止在宿舍內生火。 造成嚴重后果者送交公安機關處理。5. Vacation 假期5-1 Legal holidays 法定假日Employees have legal holidays published by the country. The company deserves the right to make a
42、ny change.員工每年享有國家規(guī)定的法定節(jié)假日。公司保留適當調動權。5-2 Private leave 請假申請Private leave applications should be confirmed by direct superiors and then delivered to HR & Admin Department for approval. Private leave is counted on an hour basis. To ask for leave for less two days, the employees should make applica
43、tions one day in advance; fortwo days to 6 days, 4 days in advance applications are required; for over 7 days, one month advance application are required. All the application must have approval from HR Manager with signature before submit to the General Manager for final approval. 請假申請單必須經直屬上級批準方可上交
44、人事部審批。 最小計算 單位一小時。 請假兩天以下, 須提前一天申請; 請假兩天至六天, 須提前四天申請,請假超過六天,須提前一個月申請。所有請假 申請必須先得人事經理批準及簽名,并交總經理審批.5-3 Sick leave 病假Sick leaves should be applied base on the relative regulations of the country and local government. Sick leaves must be certified by any town-level or above hospital. 按國家及地方勞保條例辦理, 請病假須
45、提供鎮(zhèn)級及鎮(zhèn)級以上醫(yī)院 證明。5-4 Paid annual leave 有新年假The employees who have been working for over one year are entitled to paid annual leaves; details will be referred to regulations of local government. The company deserves the right to schedule the annual leaves for all.服務滿一年的員工即可享受有薪年假。 具體規(guī)定跟隨地方政府規(guī) 定。公司保留做統(tǒng)一
46、安排年休假的權利。5-5 Other kinds of holiday/leave may be applied base on national and local regulations.其它類別假期按國家及地方規(guī)定辦理。6. Discipline 紀律處分6-1 Introduction Disciplinary actions can range from an oral warning, a written warning, suspension, and dismissal. The company reserved all the rights to claim back the loss cause by the employee s misconduct.處罰包括口頭警告,書面警告,停職及解雇。公司保留權利追究任何由違反紀律所導致的損失.6-1.2
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