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1、英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決集BEC高級第四輯TEST 2Listening主講:§PART ONE§Questions 1-12§You will hear a speakeron.§As you listen, for questions1-12, complete the notesusing up tothree words or a number.§After you have listened once, replay the recording.RUNNING SUCCESSFUL PROJECTS:1It is import

2、ant to allow sufficient time for the.2Make sure that you establish athat is bothsensible and manageable.3Always focus on thesituation.4Persuade your staff of the value oftotheproject.5Competentis important for monitoringtheproject.6Keepingstaffinformedwillenablethemtounderstandthe they have made.1 /

3、 18to run a projecthowgiving a group of managers advice英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決7Meetings with staff from different departments may the project.8Ensure that youwhen things go wrong.9You need to be ready to adapt if your clientsaremodified.10Encourage as muchas possible.11Be prepared toas the market shifts.12

4、Hire people who can be easilyif necessary.我們來聽一下這道題BEC4_TEST2_PART1RUNNING SUCCESSFUL PROJECTS:1It is important to allow sufficient time for theSELECTIONPROCESS.2Make sure that you establish a TIMESCALE / TIMETABLE _ that isboth sensible and manageable.3AlwaysfocusontheCUSTOMER()SCUSTOMERS()/CUSTOME

5、Rsituation.4PersuadeyourstaffofthevalueofTEAMWORK/TEAM(-)WORKto the project.Notes:§ thismeansyoushouldconstantlyand think about what they want. Employees2 / 18circumstances in mindkeeptheCUSTOMERS英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決will be enthusiastic about the project if you emphasise howimportant it is. So you

6、should aim to convince them ofand if you can do that, youre more likely to getthe best results.5Competent RECORD(-)KEEPING is important for monitoring theproject.6KeepingstaffinformedwillenablethemtounderstandthePROGRESS_they have made.Notes:§ At the same time, this will help them to appreciate

7、 the PROGRESSbeing made.7Meetings with staff from different departments maySPEED UP /ACCELERATE _the project.8Ensure that you SHARE INFORMATION when things go wrong.9Youneedtobereadytoadaptifyourclients REQUIREMENTS_are modified.Notes:§ These may cometheir.10Encourage as much COMPETITIVENESS/CO

8、MPETITION_ aspossible.3 / 18REQUIREMENTSas a result of the customer alteringTEAMWORK is,how crucial英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決11Be prepared to DIVERSIFY_= as the market shifts.12Hire people who can be easily _ TRANSFERRED_= if necessary.Notes:§ so its important to breed.PART 1:注意“”· You willhear five

9、 different peopletalkingabout the companies theywork for.· You willhear five different peopletalkingabout.· For each extract, there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the recentchange in the company thementions from the list A-H. For TaskTwo, choose the strength of the company thementions

10、 from thelist A-H.·After you have listened once, replay the recording.Task One -· For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the recent changes, listedA-H.4 / 18Recent change in the companywork forthe companies they動(dòng)詞形式better if you want to get the best resultCOMPETITIVENESS - the more t

11、he英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決· For each extract, choose the change in the companythementions.·Write one letter ( A-H) next to the number of the extract.Task Two -· For questions 18-22, match the extracts with the strengthsofthecompany, listed A-H.·For each extract, choose the strength that

12、eachmentions.·Write one letter ( A-H) next to the number of the extract.我們來聽一下這道題BEC4_TEST2_PART213F14A15H16C17B 18F19B20A21C22ENotes:Speaker One5 / 18Strength of the company英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決§ Man: There seem to have been so many changes already thisyear. . . its hard to keep up, to keep ta

13、king things on board. TheCEOs nothing if not dynamic, thats for sure! Notes:Speaker One F. Some technology was updated.§ Man: Well,comparedto the previous one,. Its certainly been tough, battlingto meet ourperformance targets,Its just so frustrating! Notes:Speaker One F. customer relations§

14、; Man: So lets hope it proves to be one innovation thats of realbenefit, t. . . becausethats what were best at, the front line, and I hope we never losesight of that.Notes:Speaker Two§ Woman: It always comes down to people in the end, and thats whykeeping staff happy is so crucial to success. W

15、e have to have aculture of creativity, of imagination, to keep improving. .Notes:Speaker Two§ Woman: Our growth and profits come from our ability to keep6 / 18Satisfying them is whats rewarding, after all.hat helps us help clients with what they needafternoon.only to find your PC cant access an

16、ything allweekly basiswith its habit of crashing the network on athey say this new system will work better,英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決bringing out new ms, new features, that keep us ahead, and ofcourse, those ideas all come from people. Thats why I think thislatest in-company development makes sense. Notes:Spe

17、aker Two A. A new section was established.§ Woman: Ie. Notes:Speaker Two B. product innovationWoman: I thinkproper strategic thinking at its best. Ill be veryinterested to seeNotes:Speaker Three§ Man: Well, yes, its very much in line with the way we usually goabout things, so Im sure itll

18、prove to be a change for the better. I, to relateachievement to targets and so on, then o. Notes:Speaker Three H. Employees were given input into a companysystem.7 / 18looking to have more aspects tied in and programmedf course we should bemean, if were saying we want to monitor thingswhat flesh ang

19、les come out of the new set-up.its a good example of intelligent management -§especially since weve got the spacrelated ways, its much better to group them in one section,different departments all over the company, while trying to think innstead of having different people spread about in英語 如講義有

20、任何,請加進(jìn)行解決§ Man: ., so thats a usefulimprovement, whichll make them feel more accountable forresults. Notes:Speaker Three H. Employees were given input into a companysystem.§ Man: . I also think it could have an impact on how they deal withtheir customers, because theyll have more of a stak

21、e.§ A. staff promotion and incentivesNotes:Speaker Four§ Woman: Well, in a small company like ours, everything has tocount for something, otherwise well sink. . . competitions so tightnow, we have to be sure that were doing the right thing. Withoutscale, were never going to be able to comp

22、ete on price - thats justa fact of life - Notes:Speaker Four C. publicity techniques§ Woman: 8 / 18but where weve always been good, I think, is onpaths, quarterly bonuses and so on, that keep them motivatedalways been good at bringing staff on, providing attractive careerWevethe setting of targ

23、ets in the first placeIts only fair that the sales staff should become involved in英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決. Notes:Speaker Four C. Aager was appointed.§ Woman: And I think theyve put the right in charge thiswhich will come in very handyhere as we battle away with our rather antiquated computers!Notes:Sp

24、eaker Five§ Man: I have to say I feel almost uneasy about our success. . . its asif its too good to be true, and that eventually all this expansion willhave to come to a halt. I dont know if I trust thelong-termpredictions for growth. Notes:Speaker Five B. Existing premises were re-designed.

25、67; Man: . Notes:Speaker Five E. pricing policies9 / 18feel rather bewildered by all the new developmentsmarket where things are changing so rapidly that they can oftenpackage - a reliable product that customers know they can trust in aBut then again, I guess we really have got the righthis IT knowl

26、edge is second to none,time. Johns skills will transfer very well from his old section, andall adds upplacements, high-profile local sponsorship, that kind of thing. . . itgettingournamenoticedoutthere.Ingeniouspromotions,英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決. Anyway, I suppose this refurbishment is the rightthing to do

27、, to rearrange the sections like this. . . its certainly easierthan looking for a new site,.PART2:“拆分”“情緒”PART THREEQuestions 23-30· You will hear· For each question ( 23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correctanswer.·After you have listened once, replay the recording.23Peter

28、 and Sarah agree that the purpose of their current assignment istoA.analyse failed strategies.B.evaluate existing strategies.C.formulate new strategies.24What aspect of the course is Peter impressed by?A.the balance of theory and practiceB.the focus on individual needs10 / 18course, discussing their

29、 experiences and views of business.two managers, Peter and Sarah, who are taking an MBAat any ratecost the earthand were succeeding by offering high-quality products that dont§ Man: .What they want to be sure of is getting value for money,英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決C.the expertise of lecturers25What featu

30、re of the course does Sarah find unsatisfactory? discussionsB.reading requirementsC.timetable arrangements26What does Sarah enjoy about her current job?A.working as part of a teamB.having contact with clientsC.running a series of projects27In the future, Peter would like to be involved

31、proving the quality of branded products.B.planning strategies for creating branded products.C.increasing the appeal of branded products.28Sarah says the good thing about recruitment consultants is that theyA.facilitate understanding of the jobs market.B.maintain diverse contacts among potential empl

32、oyers.C.encourage people to aim high.29Peter believes that working from home wouldA.lead to greater creativity.B.increase productivity.C.suit some people more than others.30Peter and Sarah agree that businesses will be increasingly affected11 / 18英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決 knowledge manage

33、ment.B.changes in customer expectations.C.regional differences in markets.我們來聽一下這道題BEC4_TEST2_PART323Peter and Sarah agree that the purpose of their current assignment istoA.analyse failed strategies.B.evaluate existing strategies.C.formulate new strategies.24What aspect of the course is Peter impre

34、ssed by?A.the balance of theory and practiceB.the focus on individual needsC.the expertise of lecturers25What feature of the course does Sarah find unsatisfactory? discussionsB.reading requirementsC.timetable arrangements26What does Sarah enjoy about her current job?A.working as part of a tea

35、mB.having contact with clients12 / 18英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決C.running a series of projects27In the future, Peter would like to be involved inA.improving the quality of branded products.B.planning strategies for creating branded products.C.increasing the appeal of branded products.28Sarah says the good thin

36、g about recruitment consultants is that theyA.facilitate understanding of the jobs market.B.maintain diverse contacts among potential employers.C.encourage people to aim high.29Peter believes that working from home wouldA.lead to greater creativity.B.increase productivity.C.suit some people more tha

37、n others.30Peter and Sarah agree that businesses will be knowledge management.B.changes in customer expectations.C.regional differences in markets.Notes:§ Man: Well, Sarah, what do you make of this assignment? Quitetough, isnt it?§ Woman: Hm, Peter,

38、 its not the easiest, thats for sure! But this13 / 18英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決course was never going to be a holiday, was it?§ Man: Definitely not! Anyway, the job this time seems to be prettydetailed, analytical. . .Notes:B.evaluate existing strategies.§Woman: Mm.§Man: Yes, how they structure

39、 employees. . .§Woman: And i§Man: Yup. I must say, I think the course in general is pretty wellput together. . .Notes:B. the focus on individual needs.§ Woman: Yeah, the lecturing inputs pretty high standard, isnt it?§ Man: No better than I expected. . . though its probably a bit

40、 tippedin favour of the theoretical side, Id discussions§Woman: Mm, I do, though I cant say Im entirely happy. . .§Man: Oh?§Woman: Well,14 / 18we do all the reading - and Ive learnt a lot from thattailor-made for us, somehow, if you see what I mean.everyones particul

41、ar situations taken account of, so we all feel itsBut whatever, I do feelreviewing.ts that aspect of organisations were supposed to beplace. .dont we?. . . I mean, the strategies these organisations put inBut we have to be looking at the wider picture,英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決. .Notes:§Man: Contexts. .

42、.§Woman: Yeah, yeah, that it doesnt really gel, even in the two-hourslots they give us, which ought to be enough, surely.§Man: But dont you find thats true in any work situation? discussions§ Woman:§ C.running a series of projectsNotes:§ Woman: I think thats the

43、 best way to be satisfying clientdemand, whether youre dealing directly with them or not. I used tobe more face-to-face, but I have less of that now.Notes:C.increasing the appeal of branded products.§ Man:you know, seeing what strategies can be put in place toincrease the perceived quality of w

44、hat youve got on offer. . . so15 / 18company. . .down the line is in dealing with building up brand image for myThats interesting, cause where Id like to be further onknocking each one into shape and then going onto the nextknow? A line of particular projects coming up, and the challenge ofteams, fu

45、ll stop. My motivation comes from seeing steps, youNot necessarily, no. Well, er, perhaps Im not at my best inweve all got different itself - and then get into our respective groups, but then I find英語 如講義有任何,請加進(jìn)行解決thats similar to what youre saying in some ways. . .Notes:§Woman: In

46、some ways, yes. . . course, the question is, how do youget there?§Man: To the dream job. . .§Woman: I expect we both need to talk to a recruitment consultantin the near future.§Man:. . .Notes:A.facilitate understanding of the jobs market.§ Woman: Mm-hm, yeah,§ Man: Yeah. . .

47、Notes:§Woman: . . . and get you into the business of focusing the value ofwhat you offer more precisely onto what a companys looking for.Though their commission can be sky-high.§Man: Yes!.§Woman: Escape commuting? Wouldnt we all?!Notes:B.increase productivity.16 / 18chance to work fro


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