NUDD_Definition新項目風(fēng)險評估 - 審查跟蹤記錄_第1頁
NUDD_Definition新項目風(fēng)險評估 - 審查跟蹤記錄_第2頁
NUDD_Definition新項目風(fēng)險評估 - 審查跟蹤記錄_第3頁
NUDD_Definition新項目風(fēng)險評估 - 審查跟蹤記錄_第4頁
NUDD_Definition新項目風(fēng)險評估 - 審查跟蹤記錄_第5頁




1、Reversion HistoryRev.Reversion DescriptionApproverEditorX00Initial draftSimon C.S. LinRemark:1. This tracker should be kept maintaining from kick off to project safe launched2. Please read the Explanation & Matrix before starting NUDD assessment3. Each feature may have several risks. Please asse

2、ss them seperately4. You may use attached files for the mitigation plansDate2008/4/7Reversion HistoryNUDD Definition* New 1) Feature or performance that has not been historically delivered 產(chǎn)品的特征或性能在過去從未發(fā)表過。 2) Never done at Wistron/Dell, but does exist in the market place 在 Wistron/Dell 從未做過,但在市場上已經(jīng)

3、存在的產(chǎn)品。* Unique 1) Feature or performance that is highly distinctive or highly desired 產(chǎn)品的特征或性能是非常獨特的或極受大眾的推崇。 2) Never done anywhere. Doesnt exist. 在任何地方都未曾發(fā)表過的產(chǎn)品。* Different 1) Feature or performance that may have been delivered at Wistron/Dell, but not in this fashion or in this LOB 產(chǎn)品的特征或性能可能在 Wi

4、stron/Dell 已經(jīng)發(fā)表過,但還未在現(xiàn)今流行風(fēng)潮中發(fā)表過。* Difficult 1) Feature or performance that is highly desired but is quite difficult to develop 產(chǎn)品的特征或性能是極受大眾所推崇,但是很難量產(chǎn)。 2) Past experience shows low yields, low throughput, long time to build, requires abnormally hogh attention to detail, high touch,high variability,

5、high learning curve. 過去的經(jīng)驗顯示低良率、低生產(chǎn)能力、長時間開發(fā)、不定期需高度注意其細(xì)節(jié)、高技術(shù)層面、高變化性、耗時學(xué)習(xí)的產(chǎn)品。Risk Evaluation / Prioritization For each NUDD item, the cross functional team will evaluate/quantify/rank using the following scale135391551525135135Impact of FailureProbability of FailureGROYLow Risk - Opportunistic/CIP can

6、didateMedium Risk - Eliminate/Reduce before Launch Phase ExitHigh Risk - Eliminate/Reduce before Develop Phase ExitVery High Risk - Eliminate/Reduce before ST( (經(jīng)經(jīng)常常) )( (偶偶爾爾) )( (失失效效機(jī)機(jī)率率) )( (失失效效影影響響) )( (關(guān)關(guān)鍵鍵/ /停停線線/ /停停止止出出貨貨) )( (高高度度影影響響但但可可在在短短期期內(nèi)內(nèi)控控制制住住) )( (可可接接受受的的但但要要執(zhí)執(zhí)行行改改善善) )極極高高危危險險

7、- - -在在 T To oo ol li in ng g S St ta ar rt t 前前要要消消除除或或降降低低高高危危險險- - -在在 D De ev ve el lo op p P Ph ha as se e 前前要要消消除除或或降降低低中中度度危危險險- - -在在 L La au un nc ch h P Ph ha as se e 前前要要消消除除或或降降低低低低度度危危險險- - -需需持持續(xù)續(xù)追追蹤蹤改改善善New Project Risk Assessment - NUDD Review Tracking Record新項目風(fēng)險評估 - NUDD 審查跟蹤記錄PROG

8、RAM: WestlakeDEVELOPMENT PHASE: Phase 4Date: 02-17-2009OPERATIONS ENGINEER: SkyfengProgram RTS:CategoryCategory種種類類ItemItem IdentifyIdentify 項項目目辨辨識識OperationalOperational RisksRisks / / AreasAreas forfor ConsiderationConsideration執(zhí)執(zhí)行行上上的的風(fēng)風(fēng)險險Reference PictureProbabilityProbability of ofFailureFailu

9、re失失效效機(jī)機(jī)率率ImpactImpact of ofFailureFailure失失效效影影響響RiskRisk AssessmentAssessment風(fēng)風(fēng)險險度度評評估估Owner(s)Owner(s)負(fù)負(fù)責(zé)責(zé)人人OpsOps RiskRisk MitigationMitigation PlanPlan風(fēng)風(fēng)險險預(yù)預(yù)防防計計劃劃ContingencyContingency PlanPlan偶偶發(fā)發(fā)事事故故應(yīng)應(yīng)變變計計劃劃PriorityPriority優(yōu)優(yōu)先先度度NewUnique Different Difficult參參考考圖圖片片EngineeringVThere is no pr

10、ogram auto detect the WebCamera test.The operator should checkOK or not .Risk is high.515RDProgram auto TestEngineeringVThere is no program auto detect theBrightness Button.The operator checks OKor not.Risk is high.515RDProgram auto TestEngineeringVPreload image may be lose package515TEApply high ca

11、pability switches andassign a person to manageEngineeringVLCD may be exist death point.there isntany program to detect them,just depnd onhumans eye.515RDProgram auto TestEngineeringVspeakers sonic boom isnt detected515RDProgram auto Test000000Remark:New = Product category, usage model, technical ste

12、p functionExamplesBrand changeSlide-on covers for SelesPATA to SATAUnique = No-one has done it before; first-to-universeExamplesBlu-RayPictaFlexSolid State HDDDifferent = Something new to Dell that Dell hasnt done beforeExamplesEdge-to-EdgeLeather Industrial DesignM08 soft touch paintDifficult = Technical or tactical complexity / difficultyExamplesEdge-to


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