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1、Chapter 17 - LeadershipTrue/FalseA MANAGER S DILEMMA1. The Ross family decided to hire an experieneed CEO to run Bob Ross Buick upon the death of Bob Ross Sr., the foun der of the eompa ny.False (moderate)MANAGERS VERSUS LEADERS2. Man agers and leaders are the same.False (easy)3. Leaders in flue nee

2、 a group toward the aehieveme nt of goals.True (easy)4. Not all leaders have the capabilities or skills n eeded to hold man agerial positi ons.True (easy)5. Leadership is based on authority gra nted from orga ni zati onal positi on.False (moderate)CONTINGENCY THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP6. Fiedler's c

3、on ti ngency model of leadership style effective ness depe nds on the ability and willi ngn ess of the subord inates.False (moderate)7. The least-preferred co-worker questi onn aire measure, whether a pers on is task or relati on ship orie nted. True (easy)8. Fiedler assumed a pers on's leadersh

4、ip style was adjusted based on the situati on.False (moderate)9. Fiedler ide ntified three contingency dime nsions: leader-member relati ons, task structure, and reward power. False (difficult)10. According to Fiedler's research, task-oriented leaders tended to perform better in situations that

5、are very favorable to them and in situati ons that were very un favorable.False (difficult)11. Accord ing to Fiedler's research, relati on ship-orie nted leaders seemed to perform better in very un favorable situati ons.False (moderate)12. Review of the major studies un dertake n to test the ove

6、rall validity of the Fiedler model led to a gen erally positive con clusi on.True (moderate)13. Robert House's path-goal theory is an expecta ncy theory of motivati on.False (moderate)14. Robert House's supportive leader con suits with subord in ates and uses their suggest ons before making

7、a decisi on.False (difficult)15. Robert House assumed that leadership style changes depending on the situation.True (moderate)16. Path-goal theory holds that subordinates with an external locus of control will be more satisfied with a directive style.True (moderate)17. Vroom and Yetto n's Path-G

8、oal Model related leadership behavior and participati on to decisi on mak ing. False (moderate)18. Research testi ng the origi nal leader participati on model was very en couragi ng.True (moderate)CUTTING-EDGE APPROACHES TO LEADERSHIP19. A charismatic leader is likely seen as being assertive.True (e

9、asy)20. People working for charismatic leaders are motivated to exert extra work effort but express lower satisfacti on.False (moderate)21. Charismatic leadership may not always be n eeded to achieve high levels of employee performa nee. True (easy)22. Charisma is the ability to create and articulat

10、e a realistic, credible,attractive vision of the future for anyorga ni zati on or orga ni zati onal unit that grows out of and improves upon the prese nt.False (moderate)23. The key properties of a vision seem to be inspirational possibilities that are value centered, are realizable, have superior i

11、magery, and are well articulated.True (difficult)24. One specific role of team leadership is that team leaders are troubleshooters.True (easy)25. Whe n team leaders assume the role of troubleshooter, they clarify expectati ons and roles, teach, and offer support.False (moderate)26. Tran sact ional a

12、nd tra nsformati on al leadership are oppos ing approaches to gett ing thi ngs done. False (moderate)27. The evide nee supports the superiority of tra nsformatio nal leadership over tran sact ion al leadership. True (moderate)CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN IEADERSHIP28. Accord ing to French and Rave n, legi

13、timate power and authority are one in the same. True (moderate)29. Credibility is the degree to which followers perceive some one as hon est, compete nt, and able to in spire. True (moderate)MANAGING IN AN E-BUSINESS WORLD30. Accord ing to“ Man agi ng in a-bUs in ess World, ” leaders-buis in esses s

14、ee themselves as Ion g-dista neerunners and their con temporaries in other non e-bus in esses as spri nters.False (moderate)Multiple ChoiceA MANAGER S DILEMMA31. According to the company profile in “AManager' Dilemma, ” the problem facing Bob Ross Buick isdetermi ning.a. how to attract more cust

15、omers.b. how to expa nd the compa ny.c. how to keep employees loyal. (moderate)d. how to hire more qualified employees.e. how to sell the bus in ess.MANAGERS VERSUS LEADERS32. Which of the follow ing is NOT true concerning the differe nee betwee n man agers and leaders?a. Man agers are appo in ted.b

16、. Man agers in flue nee through in formal means. (easy)c. Leaders may be appo in ted.d. Leaders can in flue nee bey ond formal authority.e. Leaders may emerge from a group.33. Pers ons who are able to in flue nee others and who possess man agerial authority are termeda. managers.b. leaders. (easy)c.

17、 orga ni zers.d. visionaries.e. team members.EARLY LEADERSHIP THEORIES34. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text as one of the three leadership styles explored in the Uni versity of Iowa studies?a. cultural style (easy)b. autocratic stylec. democratic styled. laissez-faire style35. Whic

18、h of the following describes the leadership style in which a leader tended to centralize authority, dictate work methods, make uni lateral decisi ons, and limit employee participati on?a. cultural styleb. autocratic style (moderate)c. democratic styled. laissez-faire style36. Thestyle of leadership

19、describes a leader who tends to in volve employees in decisi onmaking, delegate authority, en courage participati on in decidi ng work methods and goals, and use feedback as an opport unity for coachi ng employees.a. cultural styleb. autocratic stylec. democratic style (moderate)d. laissez-faire sty

20、le37. Which of the followi ng describes the leadership style in which the leader gen erally gives the group complete freedom to make decisi ons and complete the work in whatever way it saw fit?a. cultural styleb. autocratic stylec. democratic styled. laissez-faire style (moderate)38. According to th

21、e Ohio State studies, which of the following dimensions of leader behavior refers to the extent to which a leader is likely to define and structure his or her role and the roles of group members in the search for goal atta inment?a. intelligence structureb. psychological structurec. in itiat ing str

22、ucture (easy)d. consideration structure39. According to the Ohio State studies, the dimension of leader behavior that is defined as the extent to whicha leader had job relati on ships characterized by mutual trust and respect for group members? ideas and feeli ngs is called.a. initiation.b. consider

23、ation. (moderate)c. cultural.d. physical.CONTINGENCY THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP40. Who developed the first contingency model for leadership?a.Blake and Moutonb.Fiedler (easy)c.Adlerd.Lewine.Schmidt41. Fielder's model of leadership was the firstmodel.a. visionaryb. path-goalc. teamd. empowermente. co

24、ntingency (moderate)42. Fiedler's least-preferred co-worker questi onn aire seeks to measure what leadership factor?a. subordinate needsb. leader's style (moderate)c. situati ond. subordi nate co-worker in flue ncee. leader traits43. of the following is TRUE concerning Fi

25、edler's least-preferred co-worker questionnaire?a. Leaders are either task or relationship oriented. (moderate)b. Fielder assumed that leadership style was contextual.c. Leadership style is dynamic depending on the situation.d. A low LPC would be a task-oriented leader.e. A high LPC would be a r

26、elationship-oriented leader.The least preferred co-worker questionnaire was developed by .a.Victor Vroomb.Robert Housec.Fred Fiedler (difficult)d.French and Ravene.David McClellandFiedler assumed a person's leadership style was a.contingent.b.relative.c.dimensional.d.fixed. (difficult)e.team ori

27、ented.Fiedler's dimension termed is the degree of confidence, trust, and respect subordinateshad for their leader.a. leader-member relations (easy)b. power relationshipc. task structured. authoritye. position powerWhich of the following are two of the three key situational factors Fielder felt w

28、ere important in determining leader effectiveness?a. leader-member relations, maturity of followersb. organizational success, position powerc. task structure, leader-member relations (moderate)d. maturity of organization and subordinatese. organizational age and task structureFiedler's term refe

29、rs to the degree to which the job assignments are formalized andprocedurized.a.leader-member relationsb.power relationshipc.task structure (easy)d.authoritye.position powerThe degree to which the job assignments are formalized and procedurized is the contingency dimension according to Fielder.a. pos

30、ition powerb. subordinate maturityc. task structure (moderate)d. centralizatione. leader-member relations50. Fiedler's term refers to the degree of influence a leader has over power-based activities.a. leader-member relationsb. position power (moderate)c. responsibilityd. task structuree. respec

31、t51. According to Fielder, in what types of situations do task-oriented leaders perform best?a. very favorable, very unfavorable (moderate)b. moderately favorable, moderately unfavorablec. very favorable, unfavorabled. very unfavorable, unfavorablee. very favorable, favorable52. According to Fielder

32、, in what type of situations do relationship-oriented leaders perform best?a. very favorableb. favorablec. moderately favorable (moderate)d. unfavorablee. very unfavorable53. According to Fielder, the two ways to improve leadership effectiveness are to change the situation to fit the leader or .a. t

33、rain the employees.b. change the leader. (moderate)c. train the leader.d. apply systematic pressure.e. enhance the reward system.54. According to Fiedler, if a group situation was rated as highly unfavorable and was led by a relationship leader, the group's performance could be improved by .a. r

34、estructuring tasks. (difficult)b. changing the leader's style.c. retraining followers.d. empowering employees.e. reducing the leader's authority.55. Overall, the validity of the Fiedler contingency model could be described as .a. supportive. (moderate)b. moderately supportive.c. inconclusive

35、.d. unsupportive.e. very unsupportive.56. According to the text, the theory is a contingency theory that focuses on follower ' sreadiness.a. consideration leadershipb. situational leadership (moderate)c. passive leadershipd. active leadership57.Which of the following leadership styles describes

36、a leader who provides both directive and supportive behavior?a. tellingb. selling (moderate)c. participatingd. delegatinge. referring58.The main role of the leader is to facilitate and communicate in which of the following leadership styles? a. telling b. sellingc. participating (moderate)d. delegat

37、inge. referring59.Which of the following leadership styles describes a leader who provides little direction or support? a. tellingb. sellingc. participatingd. delegating (moderate)e. referring60.What leadership model is associated with Vroom and Yetton? a. contingency leadership theory b. situationa

38、l leadership theoryc. path-goal modeld. leader participation model (easy)e. leader characteristics model61.Who developed path-goal theory? a. Fielderb. Blake and Moutonc. Lewind. House (moderate)e. Schmidt62.According to path-goal theory, a leader's behavior is to subordinates to the degree that

39、they view it as an immediate source of satisfaction.a. motivationalb. acceptable (moderate)c. compatibled. transactionale. transformational63.According to the path-goal theory, a leader's behavior is to the extent that it makes thesatisfaction of subordinates' needs contingent on effective p

40、erformance and provides coaching and guidance.a. motivationalb. acceptable (moderate)c. compatibled. transactionale. transformational64. According to path-goal theory, a leader who lets subordinates know what's expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives specific guida nee as to how t

41、o accomplish tasks is termed.a.directive. (moderate)b.achieveme nt orie nted.c.participative.d.supportive.e.authoritative.65. According to path-goal theory, a leader who is friendly and shows concern for the needs of subordinates istermed.a.directive.b.achieveme nt orie nted.c.participative.d.suppor

42、tive. (moderate)e.authoritative.66. Accordi ng to path-goal theory, a man ager who con sults with subord in ates and uses their suggesti ons wouldbe exhibit ing what type of leadership behavior?a.directiveb.achieveme nt orie ntedc.participative (moderate)d.supportivee.authoritative67. Which of the f

43、ollowing is NOT a leadership behavior identified in House's path-goal theory?a. directive leaderb. supportive leaderc. participative leaderd. tra nsact ion al leader (difficult)e. achievement-oriented leader68. A leader who sets challe nging goals and expects very high performa nce levels from s

44、ubord in ates would be classified as what type of leader, accord ing to path-goal theory?a. supportiveb. participativec. achieveme nt orie nted (moderate)d. democratice. directive69. In con trast to Fielder's contingency theory, House's path-goal theory assumes leaders area.trai ned.b.flexib

45、le. (moderate)c.born.d.visi on ary.e.man agers.70. The task structure a subord in ate works with would be importa nt in un dersta nding thevariable that moderates the leader behavior-outcome relati on ship.a. subordinateb. leaderc. en vir onmen tal (easy)d. work groupe. authority system71. In the pa

46、th-goal theory, which of the following is included in the class of contingency variables termed "environment"?a. task structure and formal authority system (difficult)b. locus of control and experiencec. perceived abilityd. employee satisfactione. performance72. Path-goal theory identifies

47、 two classes of situation variables that moderate the leadership-behavior outcomea. tact and relationship.b. path and goal.c. people and history.d. participation and structure.e. environment and subordinates. (moderate)73. Which of the following is included in the class of contingency variables term

48、ed "follower"?a. locus of control (difficult)b. performancec. employee satisfactiond. formal authority systeme. task structure74. According to the text, which of the following is NOT a hypothesis from the path-goal theory?a. Supportive leadership results in high employee performance and sa

49、tisfaction when subordinates are performing structured tasks.b. Directive leadership leads to greater satisfaction when tasks are high structured and well laid out than when tasks are ambiguous or stressful. (difficult)c. Directive leadership is likely to be perceived as redundant among subordinates

50、 with high perceived ability or with considerable experience.d. The clearer and more bureaucratic the formal authority relationships, the more leaders should exhibit supportive behavior and deemphasize directive behavior.e. Directive leadership will lead to higher employee satisfaction when there is

51、 substantive conflict within a work group.75. Which of the following is not one of the hypotheses that have evolved from the path-goal theory?a. Supportive leadership results in high employee performance and satisfaction when subordinates are performing structured tasks.b. Directive leadership is li

52、kely to be perceived as redundant among subordinates with highly perceived ability or with considerable experience.c. The more clear and bureaucratic the formal authority relationships, the more leaders should exhibit supportive behavior and deemphasize directive behavior.d. Directive leadership wil

53、l lead to higher employee satisfaction when there is substantive conflict within a work group.e. Subordinates with an external locus of control will be more satisfied with a directive style. (difficult)76. According to the path-goal theory, directive leadership will lead to higher employee satisfact

54、ion when there is within a work group.a. cohesivenessb. high structurec. substantial conflict (moderate)d. internal locus of controle. a visionary leader77. Research on path-goal theory could be summarized as.a. negative support.b. inconclusive.c. positive support. (easy)d. very unsupportive.e. vary

55、 ing widely as supportive and non supportive.CUTTING-EDGE APPROACHES TO LEADERSHIP78. What type of leaders guide or motivate their followers in the directi on of established goals by clarifyi ng role and task requireme nts?a.tra nsact ional (moderate)b.charismaticc.traitd.tra nsformati onale.in form

56、atio nal79. Which type of leaders provide in dividualized con siderati on, in tellectual stimulati on, and possess charisma?a.tra nsact ionalb.charismaticc.traitd.tra nsformati onal (moderate)e.in formatio nal80. A leader, such as Bill Gates of Microsoft, who can in spire followers above their own s

57、elf-i nterests and canhave a profo und effect on their performa nee, are known as.a. tra nsact ion al leaders.b. directive leaders.c. in formatio nal leaders.d. emoti on al leaders.e. tra nsformati on al leaders. (difficult)81. Which of the follow ing is an accurate stateme nt about tran sformati on al leaders?a. They clarify task requirements.b. They focus on tasks and pay little atte


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