1、網(wǎng)站廣告投放合同Website Advertising Contract甲方:_位置:了解方式:(郵件)Party A: _Address: _Contact Info: (Mail)乙方:_位置:了解方式:Party B: _Address: _Contact Info: (Mail) 目錄 DIRECTORY 第一條 合作內容Article 1 Cooperation Content3第二條合同的生效和履行Article 2 Contracts Validity and Implementation3第三條乙方的責任與義務Article 3 Party Bs
2、 Duties and Responsibilities3第四條 違約責任Article 4 Breach of Contract4第五條 合同解除Article 5 Contract Termination4第六條 保密條款Article 6 Confidentiality Clause4第七條 爭議條款 Article 7 Dispute Clause5第八條 其他約定Article 8 Other Agreement5附件一 Attachment 16一、 合作內容 I. Cooperation Content1.1 、甲乙雙方本著互惠互利的原則達成以下協(xié)議:甲方在乙方_(簡稱“該網(wǎng)站”
3、)_網(wǎng)站的位置(詳見附件一,附件一作為本合同不可分割的一部分)上放置乙方廣告條。甲方在乙方的該網(wǎng)站投放以下兩種廣告位:1.1 Party A and B under the principal of mutual benefit reached the following agreement: Party A at Party Bs _kissanime.ru_ websites placement (for detail please see Attachment 1, Attachment 1 is an integral part of this Contract) position P
4、arty Bs ads. Party A place the following two types of ads in Party Bs website: 1.1.1、在_下,Banner的規(guī)格_160_pixed×_600_pixed。每個月的展示量不低于4.5億,甲方即支付35,000.00(叁萬伍千)美金,以上所有的展示量需要有55%來自于Desktop。若乙方的展示量達不到4.5億,則甲方的支付金額進行相應的遞減。1.1.1 At kissanime.ru, the Banners dimension is 160 pixel × 600 pixel. Each
5、months impressions are not lower than 0.45 billion times, Party A will pay USD $35,000.00 (thirty-five thousand dollars), and out of the total impressions, 55% must come from Desktop. If Party Bs impressions do not reach 0.45 billion times, then Party As payment amount will correspondingly decrease.
6、 1.1.2、乙方上述Banner的展示量低于甲方要求的20%(即3.6億展示量),或者展示量來自于Desktop低于55%,則甲方有權要求解除本協(xié)議。1.1.2 If the above Banners impression in Party Bs website is lower than Party As request by 20% (0.36 billion impressions), or less than 55% of the impressions are from Desktop, then Party A has the right to terminate this c
7、ontract. 1.1.3、Skin 每個月的展示量不低于2億,甲方即支付15,000.00(壹萬伍千)美金,以上所有的展示量需要有55%來自于Desktop。若乙方的展示量達不到2億,則甲方的支付金額進行相應的遞減。1.1.3 Skins monthly impressions shall not be lower than 0.2 billion, Part A will pay USD$15,000.00 (fifteen-thousand dollars), and out of the total impressions, 55% must come from Desktop. I
8、f Party Bs impressions do not reach 0.2 billion times, then Party As payment amount will correspondingly decrease. 1.1.4、乙方上述Skin的展示量低于甲方要求的20%(即1.2億展示量),或者展示量來自于Desktop低于55%,則甲方有權要求解除協(xié)議。1.1.4 If the above Skins impression in Party Bs website is lower than Party As request by 20% (0.12 billion impre
9、ssions), or less than 55% of the impressions are from Desktop, then Party A has the right to terminate this contract.1.2、 甲方后續(xù)需要對廣告的功能做調整,乙方應予配合1.2 Party A will need to make adjustment to the ads function, Party B shall cooperate. 1.2、投放期限為_12_個月,廣告鏈接到甲方的指定鏈接或代碼,廣告投放時間從_2017_年_3_月_10_日至_2018_年_3_月_9
10、_日。雙方從2017年4月份開始,于每個自然月的10號之前進行核對展示量的數(shù)據(jù),雙方確認數(shù)據(jù)后,乙方在10個工作日內開具invoice,甲方收到invoice后,10個工作日內支付款項。1.3 The advertising period is 12 months, advertising link to Party As designated link or code, advertising period starts on March 10, 2017 until March 9, 2018. Both sides will start in April of 2017, before
11、the 10th of every natural month to verify impressions data. After confirming data, Party B will sent out invoice within 10 working days. After Party A receives the invoice, will pay the payment within 10 working days.1.4、本合同所指的廣告內容是指甲方擬在乙方公司網(wǎng)站所有廣告載體上發(fā)布的有關甲方業(yè)務的信息,廣告形式為靜/動態(tài)GIF圖、視頻,視頻最長時間不超過20秒。1.4 The
12、 ads content in this Contract means the ads relating to Party As business that Party A plans to advertise on Party Bs website within all ads. The ads mode is static/animated GIF or video, video cannot be longer than 20 seconds. 二、合同的生效和履行 II. Contracts Validity and Implementation2.1、本協(xié)議自簽定之日開始生效,一方可
13、在收到對方蓋章簽字的掃描件后進行蓋章簽字,再將有雙方簽字蓋章的掃描件發(fā)至另一方。此種簽訂方式即為生效。2.1 This Contract becomes valid starting from the signature date. One party after receiving the scan copy of other partys signature and stamp can sign and stamp, then send the scan copy of both partys signatures and stamps to the other party. This s
14、ignature method is valid.2.2、甲方指定負責人需盡快提供廣告條的磁盤文件或者將該廣告條作為附件的郵件以及廣告所對應到的鏈接或代碼,并在發(fā)出5個工作日內通知乙方指定負責人;乙方指定負責人必須在收到該文件后的3個工作日內返回收到的確認信息給甲方的指定負責人;2.2 Party As designated person in charge shall provide the disk file of the advertisement as soon as possible or the mail the link or the corresponding code of
15、the advertisement as the attachment and notify Party Bs designated person in charge within 5 working days; Party Bs designated person in charge must within 3 working days after the receipt of the document feedback confirmation of information received to Party As designated person in charge. 2.3、如果甲方
16、指定負責人在通知乙方指定負責人后5個工作日內沒有獲得反饋消息,應該立即與乙方指定負責人取得了解,如果乙方不能解釋逾期反饋的理由,視為乙方違約;如果雙方指定負責人在10個工作日內仍舊無法完成廣告條交換,造成甲方損失,視為乙方違約,需賠償甲方違約金;2.3 If after Party As designated person in charge, after noticing Party Bs designated person in charge, within 5 working days did not receive feedback information, shall immedia
17、tely contact Party Bs designated person in charge. If Party B cannot explain delay in sending back feedback, then Party B violates the contract; if both partys designated person in charge within 10 working days still cannot complete exchange of advertisements, leading to Party As loss, then Party B
18、violates the contract and need to compensate Party A with late fee. 2.4、乙方在接到甲方的廣告條后的5個工作日,必須將接到的廣告條放在本合同中要求的位置。2.4 Within 5 working days after Party B receives Party As advertisements, Party B must place the advertisement within the position required by this Contract.III. 乙方的責任和義務III. Party Bs Duti
19、es and Responsibilities 3.1、乙方在甲方廣告投放期間不能訪問超過1個小時,則產(chǎn)生的中斷時間,乙方應該允許甲方的廣告期間進行相應的順延。3.1 Party Bs website, during Party As advertising campaign, cannot be visited for more than 1 hour, the resulting interruption time, Party B should allow Party As advertising period be extended for the corresponding amou
20、nt of time. 3.2、乙方不得擅自改變約定發(fā)布廣告的內容、時間和發(fā)布位置。乙方因不可抗力等原因需將甲方廣告調整至其他欄目或時段發(fā)布的,需在發(fā)布日的7個自然日前,書面通甲方,得到甲方書面同意才能更改,否則視為乙方違約。3.2 Party B shall not arbitrarily change the agreed ads content, time and placement of publication. If Party B due to force majeure and other reasons need to adjust the Party advertising
21、to other columns or period of time, need to within 7 natural days before the publish date, written notice to Party A, and can be changed after receiving Party As written consent, or Party B breach the contract.3.3、乙方承諾不在甲方的廣告位置上投放其他公司的廣告條或者遮擋甲方的廣告條。3.3 Party B promises to not place other companies a
22、dvertisements or block Party As advertisement at Party As advertising placement.3.4、乙方必須提供廣告的有效展示量,方便甲方查看。3.4 Party B must provide the advertisements valid impressions, so Party A can check.3.5、乙方應根據(jù)甲方的要求及時對甲方的廣告進行更新和維護。3.5 Party B shall timely change and maintain Party As advertisement in accordanc
23、e to Party As requirement.3.6 乙方不得隨意在甲方所簽訂廣告位的頁面上增加其他廣告位,需要在征得甲方同意后才能進行相關的廣告位新增操作。Party B shall not arbitrarily add advertising placement on the page of Party As advertising placement, and shall obtain the consent of Party A to carry out the relevant operation of adding new advertising placemen
24、t.3.7 乙方不得對甲方的廣告代碼或鏈接進行任何修改 。3.7 Party B shall not make any changes to Party As advertisement code or link.四、違約責任IV. Breach of Contract 4.1、甲乙雙方違反上述條款,則違約方需要守約方支付本合同總金額的30%作為違約金。4.1 Either party violates the above clause, then the violating party needs to pay the other party 30% of the total Co
25、ntract amount as penalty fee. 4.2、一方違反上述義務,在另一方通知后10個自然日內不進行改正,視為違約,另一方有權解除合同,違約方需向守約方支付違約金。4.2 One party violates the above responsibilities, and within 10 natural days after the other party notifies and still did not make amends, consider as breach of contract, the other party has the right to ter
26、minate the Contract, and the violating party needs to pay the other party penalty fee.五、合同解除V. Contract Termination5.1、合同在下述情形下終止,雙方互不負責,但終止方應書面通知另一方:5.2、一方嚴重違反本合同,另一方根據(jù)本合同的約定解除本合同。5.3、因不可抗力而解除本合同或者雙方當事人協(xié)商一致解除本合同的。5.4、依法律、法規(guī)規(guī)定的情形而終止。5.5、在合同有效期間,如果一方提出終止要求,應提前一個月通知對方;否則應賠付本合同總金額的30%作為賠償金。5.6、截止到合同到期前
27、15個工作日,如果甲方?jīng)]有按時支付續(xù)約款項,也沒有與甲方簽定其他合作,則雙方認同合同到期后執(zhí)行終止。5.7、由于一方不履行協(xié)議約定的義務,或嚴重違反本合同約定的義務,造成本合同無法履行或履行不必要時,視作違約方片面終止本合同,守約方除有權向違約方索賠外,并有權終止本合同。5.1 The Contract shall terminate due to the following reasons, neither party shall bear responsibilities, but the terminating party shall sent written notice to the
28、 other party:5.2 One party seriously violates this Contract, and the other party terminates the Contract according to this Contracts agreement.5.3 Due to force majeure lead to terminating of this Contract or the parties through negotiation to terminate this Contract by consensus.5.4 Terminate in acc
29、ordance to laws or regulations.5.5 In the period of validity of the Contract, if a party request to terminate, shall notify the other party one month in advance; otherwise it should pay 30% of the total amount of this Contract as compensation.5.6 As of 15 working days before the expiration of the Co
30、ntract, if Party A fails to pay the renewal fee on time, and signed no other cooperation with Party A, the two parties agree that the Contract will be terminated after the expiration of the contract.5.7 In the event that a party fails to perform its obligations under the Contract or is in serious br
31、each of its obligations under this Contract, the Contract may not be fulfilled or unnecessary to be fulfilled, considered as the violating party wants to terminate the Contract, the other party are entitled to claim against the violating party and have the right to terminate this Contract.六、保密條款 VI.
32、 Confidentiality Clause 6.1 本合同各方對于因簽署和履行本合同而獲得的,與下列各項有關的信息,應當嚴格保密:(1)本合同的各項條款;(2)有關本合同的談判;(3)各方的商業(yè)秘密。6.1 Each party of this contract obtained the following related information through signing and implementation of this contract, shall remain strictly confidential:(1) This Contracts clauses;(2) Rega
33、rding negotiation of this Contract;(3) Each partys business secrets. 6.2、但在下列情形時,本協(xié)議各方尚可披露以上所述信息:(1)法律的要求;(2)任何有管轄權的政府機關、監(jiān)管機構或證券交易所的要求;(3)向該方的專業(yè)顧問或律師披露;(4)非因該方過錯,信息進入公有領域;6.2 In case of the following situation, the parties of this Contract can disclose the above listed information:(1) Requirement by
34、 law;(2) Requirement by government agency, regulatory body or stock exchange which has jurisdiction;(3) Disclose to own sides professional consultant or lawyer;(4) Not because of the partys fault, the information enter into public domain.七、爭議條款 Dispute Clause 凡因本合同所引起的或與之相關的任何爭議糾紛分歧或索賠,包括合同的存在效力解釋履行違反或終止,或因本合同引起的或與之相關的任何非合同性爭議,雙方首先協(xié)商解決。發(fā)生爭議后三十天內協(xié)商不
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