1、Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, January 2th, 2010 It has now been more than a week since the attem
2、pted act of terrorism aboard that flight to Detroit on Christmas Day. On Thursday, I received the preliminary findings of the reviews that I ordered into our terrorist watchlist system and air travel screening. I've directed my counterterrorism and homeland security advisor at the Wh
3、ite House, John Brennan, to lead these reviews going forward and to present the final results and recommendations to me in the days to come.As I said this week, I will do everything in my power to make sure our hard-working men and women in our intelligence, law enforcement and homeland security com
4、munities have the tools and resources they need to keep America safe. This includes making sure these communities-and the people in them-are coordinating effectively and are held accountable at every level. And as President, that is what I will do.Meanwhile, the investigation into the Ch
5、ristmas Day incident continues, and we're learning more about the suspect. We know that he traveled to Yemen, a country grappling with crushing poverty and deadly insurgencies. It appears that he joined an affiliate of al Qaeda, and that this group-al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula-t
6、rained him, equipped him with those explosives and directed him to attack that plane headed for America.This is not the first time this group has targeted us. In recent years, they have bombed Yemeni government facilities and Western hotels, restaurants and embassies-including our embassy in 2
7、008, killing one American. So, as President, I've made it a priority to strengthen our partnership with the Yemeni government-training and equipping their security forces, sharing intelligence and working with them to strike al Qaeda terrorists.And even before Christmas Day, we had seen th
8、e results. Training camps have been struck; leaders eliminated; plots disrupted. And all those involved in the attempted act of terrorism on Christmas must know-you too will be held to account. But these efforts are only part of a wider cause. It's been nearly
9、a year since I stood on the steps of the U.S. Capitol and took the oath of office as your President. And with that oath came the solemn responsibility that I carry with me every moment of every day-the responsibility to protect the safety and security of the American people.On that day I also
10、made it very clear-our nation is at war against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred, and that we will do whatever it takes to defeat them and defend our country, even as we uphold the values that have always distinguished America among nations.And make no mistake, that's exactly what w
11、e've been doing. It's why I refocused the fight-bringing to a responsible end the war in Iraq, which had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, and dramatically increasing our resources in the region where al Qaeda is actually based, in Afghanistan and Pakistan. It's why I'
12、ve set a clear and achievable mission-to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al Qaeda and its extremist allies and prevent their return to either country.And it's why we've forged new partnerships, as in Yemen, and put unrelenting pressure on these extremists wherever they plot and train-from East
13、 Africa to Southeast Asia, from Europe to the Persian Gulf. And though often out of sight, our progress has been unmistakable. Along with our partners, we've disrupted terrorist financing, cut off recruiting chains, inflicted major losses on al Qaeda's leadership, thwarted plots
14、here in the United States, and saved countless American lives.Yet as the Christmas Day attempt illustrates, and as we were reminded this week by the sacrifices of more brave Americans in Afghanistan-including those seven dedicated men and women of the CIA-the hard work of protecting our nation is ne
15、ver done. So as our reviews continue, let us ask the questions that need to be asked. Let us make the changes that need to be made. Let us debate the best way to protect the country we all love. That is the right and responsibility of every American and every elected official
16、.But as we go forward, let us remember this-our adversaries are those who would attack our country, not our fellow Americans, not each other. Let's never forget what has always carried us through times of trial, including those attacks eight Septembers ago.Instead of giving in to fear and cynici
17、sm, let's renew that timeless American spirit of resolve and confidence and optimism. Instead of succumbing to partisanship and division, let's summon the unity that this moment demands. Let's work together, with a seriousness of purpose, to do what must be done to keep our c
18、ountry safe. As we begin this New Year, I cannot imagine a more fitting resolution to guide us-as a people and as a nation.Prepared Remarks of President Ba
19、rack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, January 9th, 2010 A year ago, when I took office in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression, I promised you two things. The first was that
20、 there would be better days ahead. And the second was that the road to recovery would be long, and sometimes bumpy.That was brought home again yesterday. We learned that in November, our economy saw its first month of job gains in nearly two years but last month, we lost more than we gai
21、ned. Now, we know that no single month makes a trend, and job losses for the final quarter of 2009 were one-tenth what they were in the first quarter. But until we see a trend of good, sustainable job creation, we will be relentless in our efforts to put America back to work.That task go
22、es even deeper than replacing the seven million jobs that have been lost over the past two years. We need to rebuild our economy in such a way that our families can feel a measure of security again. Too many of the folks Ive talked with this year, and whose stories I read in letters at n
23、ight, tell me that theyve known their own private recessions since long before economists declared one and theyll still feel the recession long after economists have declared it over.Thats because, for decades, Washington avoided doing what was right in favor of doing what was easy. And the re
24、sult was an economy where some made out well, but the middle class too often took a beating.Over the past decade, the income of the average household actually declined, and we lost as many jobs as we created. Hardworking folks who did everything right suddenly found themselves forced to downsc
25、ale their dreams because of economic factors beyond their control. Were talking about simple dreams. American dreams. A good job with a good wage. A secure and dignified retirement. Stable health care so you dont go broke just because you get sick. The chance to g
26、ive our kids a better shot than we got.Thats why, as we begin to emerge from this crisis, we will not return to the complacency that helped cause it. Even as we focus on putting America back to work today, were building a new foundation for our economy to create the good, lasting jobs and shar
27、ed prosperity of tomorrow.Were making historic investments in science and in a clean energy economy that will generate and keep the jobs and industries of the future right here in America.Were reforming our education system, so that our kids are fully prepared to compete with workers anywhere in the
28、 world and win the race for the 21st century.Were fixing our broken health insurance system thats crushing families, eating away at workers take-home pay, and nailing small businesses with double-digit premium increases.And thats what Id like to focus on for a minute. After a long and thorough
29、 debate, we are on the verge of passing health insurance reform that will finally offer Americans the security of knowing theyll have quality, affordable health care whether they lose their job, change jobs, move, or get sick. The worst practices of the insurance industry will be banned foreve
30、r. And costs will finally come down for families, businesses, and our government.Now, itll take a few years to fully implement these reforms in a responsible way. But what every American should know is that once I sign health insurance reform into law, there are dozens of protections and
31、 benefits that will take effect this year.Uninsured Americans with a pre-existing illness or condition will finally be able to purchase coverage they can afford.Children with pre-existing conditions will no longer be refused coverage, and young adults will be able to stay on their parents policy unt
32、il theyre 26 or 27 years old.Small business owners who cant afford to cover their employees will be immediately offered tax credits to purchase coverage.Early retirees who receive coverage from their employers will see their coverage protected and their premiums go down.Seniors who fall into the cov
33、erage gap known as the donut hole will receive discounts of up to 50 percent on their prescriptions as we begin to close that gap altogether.And every patients choice of doctor will be protected, along with access to emergency care.Heres what else will happen within the first year. Insurance p
34、lans will be required to offer free preventive care to their customers so that we can start catching preventable illnesses and diseases on the front end. Theyll no longer be allowed to impose restrictive annual limits on the amount of coverage you receive or lifetime limits on the amount of be
35、nefits you receive. Theyll be prohibited from dropping your coverage when you get sick and need it most. And there will be a new, independent appeals process for anyone who feels they were unfairly denied a claim by their insurance company.In short, once I sign health insurance reform in
36、to law, doctors and patients will have more control over their health care decisions, and insurance company bureaucrats will have less. All told, these changes represent the most sweeping reforms and toughest restrictions on insurance companies that this country has ever known. Thats how
37、 well make 2010 a healthier and more secure year for every American for those who have health insurance, and those who dont.We enter a new decade, now, with new perils but were going to meet them. Its also a time of tremendous promise and were going to seize it. We will rebuild the Ameri
38、can Dream for our middle class and put the American economy on a stronger footing for the future. And this year, I am as hopeful and as confident as ever that were going to rise to this moment the same way that generations of Americans always have: as one nation, and one people. Thanks for lis
39、tening.Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, January 16th, 2010 Over the past two years, more than
40、 seven million Americans have lost their jobs. Countless businesses have been forced to shut their doors. Few families have escaped the pain of this terrible recession. Rarely does a day go by that I do not hear from folks who are hurting. That is why we have pushed so hard to rebu
41、ild this economy.But even as we work tirelessly to dig our way out of this hole, it is important that we address what led us into such a deep mess in the first place. Much of the turmoil of this recession was caused by the irresponsibility of banks and financial institutions on Wall Street.
42、60; These financial firms took huge, reckless risks in pursuit of short-term profits and soaring bonuses. They gambled with borrowed money, without enough oversight or regard for the consequences. And when they lost, they lost big. Little more than a year ago, many of the largest a
43、nd oldest financial firms in the world teetered on the brink of collapse, overwhelmed by the consequences of their irresponsible decisions. This financial crisis nearly pulled the entire economy into a second Great Depression.As a result, the American people struggling in their own right were
44、placed in a deeply unfair and unsatisfying position. Even though these financial firms were largely facing a crisis of their own creation, their failure could have led to an even greater calamity for the country. That is why the previous administration started a program the Troubled Asse
45、t Relief Program, or TARP to provide these financial institutions with funds to survive the turmoil they helped unleash. It was a distasteful but necessary thing to do.Many originally feared that most of the $700 billion in TARP money would be lost. But when my administration came into o
46、ffice, we put in place rigorous rules for accountability and transparency, which cut the cost of the bailout dramatically. We have now recovered most of the money we provided to the banks. Thats good news, but as far as Im concerned, its not good enough. We want the taxpayers money
47、 back, and were going to collect every dime.That is why, this week, I proposed a new fee on major financial firms to compensate the American people for the extraordinary assistance they provided to the financial industry. And the fee would be in place until the American taxpayer is made whole.
48、 Only the largest financial firms with more than $50 billion in assets will be affected, not community banks. And the bigger the firm and the more debt it holds the larger the fee. Because we are not only going to recover our money and help close our deficits; we are going to attack some
49、 of the banking practices that led to the crisis.Thats important. The fact is, financial firms play an essential role in our economy. They provide capital and credit to families purchasing homes, students attending college, businesses looking to start up or expand. This is critical
50、 to our recovery. That is why our goal with this fee and with the common-sense financial reforms we seek is not to punish the financial industry. Our goal is to prevent the abuse and excess that nearly led to its collapse. Our goal is to promote fair dealings while punishing those
51、who game the system; to encourage sustained growth while discouraging the speculative bubbles that inevitably burst. Ultimately, that is in the shared interest of the financial industry and the American people.Of course, I would like the banks to embrace this sense of mutual responsibility.
52、60; So far, though, they have ferociously fought financial reform. The industry has even joined forces with the opposition party to launch a massive lobbying campaign against common-sense rules to protect consumers and prevent another crisis.Now, like clockwork, the banks and politicians who c
53、urry their favor are already trying to stop this fee from going into effect. The very same firms reaping billions of dollars in profits, and reportedly handing out more money in bonuses and compensation than ever before in history, are now pleading poverty. Its a sight to see.Those who o
54、ppose this fee say the banks cant afford to pay back the American people without passing on the costs to their shareholders and customers. But thats hard to believe when there are reports that Wall Street is going to hand out more money in bonuses and compensation just this year than the cost
55、of this fee over the next ten years. If the big financial firms can afford massive bonuses, they can afford to pay back the American people.Those who oppose this fee have also had the audacity to suggest that it is somehow unfair. That because these firms have already returned what they borrow
56、ed directly, their obligation is fulfilled. But this willfully ignores the fact that the entire industry benefited not only from the bailout, but from the assistance extended to AIG and homeowners, and from the many unprecedented emergency actions taken by the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, and others t
57、o prevent a financial collapse. And it ignores a far greater unfairness: sticking the American taxpayer with the bill.That is unacceptable to me, and to the American people. Were not going to let Wall Street take the money and run. Were going to pass this fee into law. And Im
58、 going to continue to work with Congress on common-sense financial reforms to protect people and the economy from the kind of costly and painful crisis weve just been through. Because after a very tough two years, after a crisis that has caused so much havoc, if there is one lesson that we can
59、 learn, its this: we cannot return to business as usual.Thank you very much.Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday,&
60、#160;December 24th, 2009 PRESIDENT: Hello everyone, and Merry Christmas. As you and your families gather to celebrate the holidays, we wanted to take a moment to send greetings from our familyfrom me, from Michelle, from Malia and Sashaand from Bo.FIRST LADY: This is our
61、 first Christmas in the White House, and we are so grateful for this extraordinary experience. Not far from here, in the Blue Room, is the official White House Christmas Tree. Its an 18-foot tall Douglas-fir from West Virginia and its decorated with hundreds of ornaments designed by peop
62、le and children from all over the country. Each one is a reminder of the traditions we cherish as Americans and the blessings were thankful for this holiday season. PRESIDENT: Thats right, especially as we continue to recover from an extraordinary recession that still has so many Am
63、ericans hurting: parents without a job who struggled to put presents under the Christmas tree; families and neighbors whove seen their home foreclosed; folks wondering what the new year will bring. But even in these tough times, theres still so much to celebrate this Christmas. A
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