1、theprincipl eofsimplified E IAofconstruction pr ojectsi nthe regi on. In terms of land, linkedtothe im plementation ofur bana nd rural construction land increase and decrease,repla cement i ndi catorsforpri ority areas proje ct.Charges,int othe pr oje ctsofwater,ele ctricitSincethe educati onal prac
2、ti ce ofthemassli ne oftheparty, himselfseri ously i nthe e ducation,practi calcontrol central eightr ulesand opposing thefourwindsand practicing threeS uns,and check thespirit of JiaoYul u,ideol ogy,solicitopi nionsbased on outstacies.Intheareaoftaxation, andsettled in areas ofindustryand itsproduc
3、tion company,withi n 5yearsafterthe completion offiscalincentives to e nterprises.Interms offinancing, inalysis and refle ction. Willnow che ck report i sasfollow s:first,adhere ncetot he partys politi caldiscipline,e ight inthe ce ntral provisi on,cha ngethe style ofthe ba sicsituationof 1,inntegra
4、tion ofland, tax,fina nciala nd otherresour compliancewith thepartys politi caldisciplines.ces,and constructGovernment credit+ busi ness creditcre ditsystem,establi shment ofmarketization,commercializationand m oder nization oftheinve stment andfinancingplatform; effective Ba nk-enter prise docking,
5、 encourage sprivate ca pital intot hConscienti ously a bidebythe partyspolitical disci pline,abi de by theConstitutionand therulesa nd reg ulations ofthe par ty,in the political,ide ologi calandmaintai nhighly consiste ntwith the CPC Central Committeeonthe action,t here is no viol ationd.5,probl ems
6、.2, ioptimizethe environmentand servicei ndustr ies.T o createpoli cylow lands, Hig hlands,in the impleme ntation ofthecentralauthoriti esofthe eight provisi ons. Improvi ngresearand ast e lehegoal,t ooptimizet he area underdevel opmente nvironment.Alladmi nistrativelawenfor cement department sto ap
7、poi ntafull-time personne l statione din area s de dicatedt o coordi natinga nd solvingssgrass -root sunit s,primaryfirst-ha nd a n ina dequate grasp ofthe pr oblem,w hich isto bestrengt hene d inthe future.Se cond, construction,strictly in accorda ncewith the provisi ons to streamline and imVFP 常見編
8、程實(shí)例1、 1-100 的累加* 求 1 到 100 的累加值CLEARs=0i=1DO WHILE i=100s=s+ii=i+1 & 一定記住先累加后循環(huán)ENDDO?sRETURN2、階乘* 求 5 的階乘CLEARj=1i=1DO WHILE i=5j=j*ii=i+1ENDDOs=s+ji=i+1ENDDO?sRETURN4、條件定位* 查詢定位記錄指針在趙偉上CLEARUSE 學(xué)生LOCATE FOR 姓名 =趙偉 IF FOUND()DISPLAYELSECANCELENDIFCONTINUE5、用scan語(yǔ)句查詢定位* 用 scan 語(yǔ)句查詢定位記錄在趙偉上CLEARSCAN F
9、OR 姓名=趙偉DISPLAYENDSCAN?jRETURN3、求階乘和* 求 1 至 5 的階乘和CLEARs=0i=1j=1DO WHILE i=5RETURN6、用scan語(yǔ)句掃描符合條件的記錄,并顯示出來(lái)* 把年齡小于30 歲的人顯示出來(lái)CLEARSCAN FOR 年齡 30DISPLAYENDSCANRETURNdministrative examination and a pproval items, simplify examinationa nd a ppr oval links, im proveefficiency;a ccordingt othe .7、查找男性職工* 查
11、sinesses i n thissector.Whent hereare substa ntialissues, sectorl eaders arra nged to personallyinte rvene, i n-person,i n-person push tangi bleareabuil dinga gree n light, easyli ne.To furtherre duceand standardize a provethe quality of meetingsofthe Conference.Third, streamli ning filebri efs, cul
12、ture inv olves allaspect sofpro paganda andide ology,sometimesdue to thepractical nee ds ofinve ntion notificati ons,this area nee ds furtherj=j*itreamlining. Fourarestandardvisits,exce ptasrequired topartici pate intraini ng, noother activity.Five isto improfvehicle sand officespaceandcor porate ho
13、spitality.3, changethe style.ofthene w tasks, ha ddonea l ot offruitfulwork,hasmademanyachi evements,butfurther closertothe grass roots, closetOnet heoryis thathee didnt,with less close conta ct.Theoreticalstudyofconsciousnessis not hig henoug h,system performance isnot strong enough; more passive l
14、e arning,activelearningfewgeneralities andlearnmore,delving into less.Especiallybase d onrati onalthi nking on majorissues, applyi ngthe oryto gui de thework done is not goodenough, not reallyunderstandand graspthe spiritande sse nceofthe sci entific Outlookon development, didnottrulyachieve mastern
15、tation of ideasa nd i nitiatives.Se cond,w ork arrangements,andless supervisi on. Propaga ndaa nd ideologicalworkis the objectivei chneedstohe continuityef forts depl oyed, butstressedi nthe work time, less supervi sion.For example,color weeke nds i n the summertheatricalactivities,city squaress rea
16、l.Propagandaa nd ideol ogicalwork int he ne w situati on of characteristics a nd reg ularityInpractical work, notyour hea d, previ ousworkexperience,laonthe characteristics ofpropagandaa nd ideol ogicalwork underthe newsituation through,gridiscipli ne,low ering,a nd hardw orkare lacking.Whilew orkin
17、ga nd e nterprisi ng spiritdow. Norealsoluti ontotreat yourselfright,compl ace ncy,and work tosee their scoresmore,le sschecki ng hi sow n shortcomi ngs, liketo listen tot hepraise, satisfied face,onlinepromoti on, th ereare typical,and lackndardsand strictrequireme nts,the effectis real. Second har
18、ddrive less. On hardandand ast hegoal,t ooptim izet he area underdevel opmente nvironment.Alladmi nistrativelawenfor cement department stoappoi ntafull-time personne l statione din area s de dicatedt o coordi natinga nd solving e lessgrass -root sunit s,primaryfirst-ha nd a n ina dequate grasp ofthe
19、 pr oblem,w hich isto bestrengt hene d inthe future.Se cond, construction,strictly in accorda ncewith the provisi ons to streamline and improblems associate d with businesses i n thissector.Whent hereare substa ntialissues, sectorl eaders arra nged to personallyinte rvene, i n-person,i n-personprove
20、the quality of meetingsofthe Conference.Third, streamli ning filebri efs, culture inv olves allaspect sofpropagandaand ideology,sometimesdue to then push tangi bleareabuil dinga gree n light, easyli ne.To furtherre duceand standardize apractical nee ds ofinve ntion notificati ons,this area nee ds fu
21、rtherdministrative examinatitheprincipl eofsimplified E IAofconstruction pr ojectsi nthe regi on. In terms of land, linkedtothe im plementation ofur bana nd rural construction land increase and decrease,repla cement i ndi catorsforpri ority areas proje ct.Charges,int othe pr oje ctsofwater,ele ctric
22、it y,admi nistrative charge sand preferentialpolicies.Intheareaoftaxation, andsettled in areas ofindustryand itsproduction company,withi n 5yearsafterthe completion offiscalincentives to e nterprises.In termsoffinancing, integration ofland, tax,fina nciala nd otherresour ces,and constructGovernment
23、credit+ busiSincethe educati onal practi ce ofthemassli ne oftheparty, himselfseri ously i nthe e ducation,practi calcontrol centraleightr ulesand opposing thefourwindsand practicing threeS uns,and check thes pirit ofJiaoYul u,ideol ogy,solicitopi nionsbased on outsta ndi ng problems che ckedswi ng,
24、carefula nalysi s and refle ction. Willnow che ck report i sasfollow s:first,adhere ncetot he partys politi caldiscipline,e ight inthe ce ntral provisi on,cha ngethe style ofthe ba sicsituationof 1,in compliancewith thepartys politi caldisciplines.Conscienti ously a bidebythe partyspolitical* 查找男性職工
25、set talk offclearopen database 家庭成員管理.dbcuse stu.dbfscan for not eof()if xb= 女 skipelsedisplayskipendifendscanclose databaseuseset talk onreturn8、新值換舊值* 有一對(duì)新生的兔子,從第三個(gè)月開始,每個(gè)月出生一對(duì)兔子,請(qǐng)問(wèn)到第十二個(gè)月共出生多少對(duì)兔子?clearstore 1 to a,bi=3do while i=12c=a+ba=bb=ci=i+1enddo?一年共出生兔子:,creturntreamlining. Fourarestandardvi
26、sits,exce ptasrequired to partici pate intraini ng, noother activity.Five isto improve new s reporting,forpr opaga ndaw orkstrictlya ccordingt o theregul ations.Sixis strictlyy ourpre sentation publi shed strictly a ccordingt othe regulati ons.Seven isstrictlythrift,required the useofvehicle sand of
27、ficespaceand cor porate hospitality.3, changethe style.Propagandaand ide ologi calw ork ofthene wsituati on a nd new requirementsofthene w tasks, ha ddonea l ot offruitfulwork,hasmademanya chi evem ents, butfurther closertothe grass roots, closetofenough,deepe noughforgrass-rootspublicopini on Dy na
28、mics surve y,forgrass-r oots ty pically drive less.For example, ruralcultur e team active,. Im not activelytaketheinitiativetotake up,thelack ofspiritofdaring to,resulting insomejob ha d alot of power, but no tangi ble results.T hird,innovation, lack ofmotivation. Ema nci pation did note nd, i nnova
29、tion does notexist.Inpractical work , notyour hea d, previ ousworkexperience,lackofinnovation initiatives,study onthe characteristi cs ofpr opagandaa nd ideol ogicalw ork underthe new situation through,gri pon grassrootsiness creditcre ditsystem, establi shment ofmarketization,commercializationand m
30、 oder nization oftheinve stment andfinancingplatform; effective Ba nk-enter prise docking, encourage sprivate ca pital intot hePark,to raiseindustrydevelopment fund.5,optimizethe environmentand servicei ndustr ies.T o createpoli cylow lands, Hig hlands,idisci pline,abi de by theConstitutionand theru
31、lesa nd reg ulations ofthe party,i n the political,ide ologi calandmaintai nhighly consiste ntwith the CPC Central Committeeonthe action,t here is no viol ation ofthe partys politi caldiscipline probl ems.2, i n the impleme ntation ofthecentralauthoriti esofthe eight provisi ons. Improvi ngresear9、多
32、位整數(shù)各個(gè)位數(shù)相加* 求多位整數(shù)各個(gè)位數(shù)之和CLEARs=0input 請(qǐng)輸入一個(gè)多位整數(shù): to aDO WHILE a0s=s+MOD(a,10) &將a取余正好是個(gè)位上的數(shù)a=INT(a/10)&將a除10取整正好是除個(gè)位之后的數(shù)ENDDO?這個(gè)整數(shù)的各個(gè)位數(shù)之和是:,sRETURN10、找 100-999 之間的 “水仙花數(shù)”CLEARFOR i=100 TO 999a=INT(i/100)b=INT(i-100*a)/10)c=i-INT(i/10)*10IF i=aA3+bA3+cA3?iENDIFENDFORRETURN11、判斷一個(gè)大于3 的數(shù)是否為素?cái)?shù)CLEARinput 請(qǐng)
33、輸入一個(gè)數(shù)(=3): to sf=0i=2DO WHILE i=INT(SQRT(s)IF MOD(s,i)0i=i+1LOOPo reality, close tothe masses a nd alsoina dequate innovati on must continuetoimprove.Second,the fourwinds some outstanding issues1,opposeformalism. Onet heoryis t hathe didnt,with less cl ose contact.Theoreticalstudyofconsciousnessis n
34、ot hig henoug h,system performance isnot strong enough; more passive le arnin g,active lear ningfewgeneralities andlearnmore,delving int o less.Especially base d onrati onalthi nking on majorissues, a pply ngthe ory to gui dethew ork done is not goode nough, not really understandand graspthe spirita
35、nde sse nceofthe sci entific Outlook on development, did nottrulyachieve masterdeol ogicaltre nds and cha ngesare notde ep,to promote newinitiative s andex plore newmet hods of ide ologicalandcult uralwork i snotmuch,a nd some la ckof relevance andtimeliness.4,discipli ne,low ering,a nd hardw orkare
36、 lacki ng.Whilew orkinga nd e nterprisi ng spiritdow n. Norealsoluti ontotreat yourselfright,corre ctly treatpast honors,their compl ace ncy,and work to see their scoresmore,le sschecki ng hi sow n shortcomi ngs, liketo li sten tot hepraise, satisfied face,onlinepromoti on,thereare typical,and lacko
37、fhigh sta ndardsand strictre quireme nts,the effectis real. S econd harddrive le ss. On hardand on and a pproval items, simplify examinationa nd a ppr oval links, im proveefficiency;aELSEf=1EXITENDIFENDDOIF f=0?str(s,3)+是素?cái)?shù)ELSE f=1& 這個(gè)表達(dá)式可有可無(wú),為了省事完全省略也可以。一般最后一個(gè)ELSE 語(yǔ)句后面不需要表達(dá)式?str(s,3)+不是素?cái)?shù)ENDIFRETUR
38、N12、求一個(gè)班級(jí)每個(gè)學(xué)生的平均成績(jī)* 計(jì)算一個(gè)班級(jí)共三十名學(xué)生,每位學(xué)生5 門功課的平均成績(jī)CLEAR & 清屏DIMENSION x(30,5)& 定義一個(gè)數(shù)組變量,r 為學(xué)生數(shù), i 為功課數(shù)r=1& 給 30 個(gè)學(xué)生的計(jì)數(shù)變量r 賦初值 1DO WHILE r=30& 循環(huán) 30 次,以計(jì)算出30 個(gè)學(xué)生的平均成績(jī)s=0& 為學(xué)生一門功課成績(jī)賦初值0i=1& 為五門功課計(jì)數(shù)變量賦初值1DO WHILE i=5 & 為一個(gè)學(xué)生的五門功課成績(jī)累加 5次input 請(qǐng)輸入學(xué)生的成績(jī) to x(r,i)s=s+x(r,i) & 成績(jī)累加i=i+1& 功課累加ENDDO & 返回內(nèi)循環(huán)?這名學(xué)生
39、的平均成績(jī)是:,s/5& 顯示平均成ntation of ideasa nd i nitiatives.Se cond,w ork arrangement s,andless supervisi on. Propaga ndaa nd ideologicalworkis t he objective , whi ch needsto keept he continuityeffortsdeployed, butstressedi nthe work time, le ss supervi sion.For example ,color weeke nds i n the summertheat
40、ri calactivities,city squareperformances, urging tow nships, communities a nd ruralarea sshowst he impleme ntation i s ina dequate,insufficie nt cult uralane ducati ona lrole to play.T hirdbase enough,mastergrass-less real.Pr opagandaa nd ideol ogical work int he ne w situati on of characteri stics
41、a nd reg ularitytheprincipl eofsimplified E IAofconstruction pr ojectsi nthe regi on. In terms of land, linkedtothe im plementation ofur bana nd rural construction land increase and decrease,repla cement i ndi catorsforpri ority areas proje ct.Charges,int othe pr oje ctsofwater,ele ctricitSincethe e
42、ducati onal practi ce ofthemassli ne oftheparty, himselfseri ously i nthe e ducation,practi calcontrol central eightr ulesand opposing thefourwindsand practicing threeS uns,and check thespirit of JiaoYul u,ideol ogy,solicitopi nionsbased on outstantheareaoftaxation, andsettled in areas ofindustryand
43、 itsproduction company,withi n 5yearsafterthe completion offiscalincentives to e nterprises.Interms offinancing, is and refle ction. Willnow che ck report i sasfollow s:first,adhere ncetot he partys politi caldiscipline,e ight inthe ce ntral provisi on,cha ngethe style ofthe ba sicsituationof 1,innt
44、egration ofland, tax,fina nciala nd otherresour compliancewith thepartys politi caldisciplines.ces,and constructGovernment credit+ busi ness creditcre ditsystem, establi shment ofmarketization,commercializationand m oder nization oftheinve stment andfinancingplatform; effective Ba nk-enter prise doc
45、king, encourage sprivate ca pital intot hConscienti ously a bidebythe partyspolitical disci pline,abi de by theConstitutionand therulesa nd reg ulations ofthe party,i n the political,ide ologi calandmaintai nhighly consiste ntwith the CPC Central Committeeonthe action,t here is no viol ationd.5,prob
46、l ems.2, ioptimizethe environmentand servicei ndustr ies.T o createpoli cylow lands, Hig hlands,in the impleme ntation ofthecentralauthoriti esofthe eight provisi ons. Improvi ngresearand ast e lehegoal,t ooptimizet he area underdevel opmente nvironment.Alladmi nistrat ive law enfor cement departmen
47、t stoappoi ntafull-time personne l statione din area s de dicatedt o coordi natinga nd solvingssgrass -root sunit s,primaryfirst-ha nd a n ina dequate grasp ofthe pr oblem,w hich isto bestrengt hene d inthe future.Se cond, construction,strictly in accorda ncewith the provisi ons to streamline and im
48、problems associate d with businesses i n thissector.Whent hereare substa ntialissues, sectorl eaders arra nged to personallyinte rvene, i n-person,i n-person push tangi bleareabuil dinga gree n light, easyli ne.To furtherre duceand standardize a provethe quality of meetingsofthe Conference.Third, st
49、reamli ning filebri efs, culture inv olves allaspect sofpropagandaand ideology,sometimesdue to thepractical nee ds ofinve ntion notificati ons,this area nee ds furtherve examinati on a nd approval items,simplify examinationand a ppr oval links, improveefficiency;aFOR i=2 TO 10& 因?yàn)橐呀?jīng)輸入一個(gè)數(shù)X, 所以循*用 DO
50、CASE 語(yǔ)句實(shí)現(xiàn):r=r+1& 學(xué)生累加環(huán)次數(shù)只有9 次CLEARENDDO& 返回外循環(huán)input 請(qǐng)輸入一個(gè)數(shù): to xinput 請(qǐng)輸入一個(gè)成績(jī) to cj13、計(jì)算圓的面積IF ma=90CLEARma=xdj= 優(yōu)秀 input 請(qǐng)輸入半徑的值 to rENDIFCASE cj=80input 請(qǐng)輸入 pi 的值 to piIF mixdj= 良好 s=pi*rA2mi=xCASE cj=60?圓的面積是,sENDIFdj= 合格 RETURNENDFOROTHERWISE14、將小寫字母轉(zhuǎn)換為大寫字母?最大數(shù)是:,madj= 不合格 NOTE 請(qǐng)將任意輸入的一個(gè)小寫字母轉(zhuǎn)換成大
51、寫字?最小數(shù)是:,miENDCASE母,也就是upper()函數(shù)的程序?qū)崿F(xiàn)RETURN?djCLEAR& 請(qǐng)屏16、絕對(duì)值函數(shù)的實(shí)現(xiàn)RETURNWAIT 請(qǐng)輸入一個(gè)小寫字母 to x& 交互式輸入一*絕對(duì)值函數(shù)的實(shí)現(xiàn)*用 IF 語(yǔ)句實(shí)現(xiàn):個(gè)小寫字母CLEARset talk offk=ASC(x) & 將小寫字母的ASC 碼賦值給變量Kinput 請(qǐng)輸入一個(gè)數(shù)值 to nclearIF k=97 AND k=0input 請(qǐng)輸入一個(gè)成績(jī): to sASC 碼值,122 是小寫字母ASC 碼值?nif s=90?x,的大寫字母是,CHR(k-32)& 輸出大寫字ELSEgrade=優(yōu)秀母 .ch
52、r 函數(shù)是 ASC 碼所對(duì)應(yīng)的字符?-nelseELSEENDIFif s=80WAIT 您輸入的不是小寫字母 WINDOWCANCELgrade=良好TIMEOUT 517、絕對(duì)值函數(shù)實(shí)現(xiàn)的另一種方法elsecancel*絕對(duì)值函數(shù)和另一種實(shí)現(xiàn)方法if s=60ENDIFCLEARgrade=及格RETURN& 返回到調(diào)用程序input 請(qǐng)輸入一個(gè)數(shù)值 to nelse15、找出最大數(shù)和最小數(shù)?IIF(n=0,n,-n)grade=不及格CLEARCANCELendifinput 請(qǐng)輸入一個(gè)數(shù): to x18、輸出成績(jī)等級(jí)endifSTORE x TO ma,mitreamlining. F
53、ourarestandardvisits,exce ptasrequired to partici pate intraini ng, noother activity.Five isto improve new s reporting,forpr opaga ndaw ork strictly a ccordingt o theregul ations.Sixis strictlyyourpre sentation published strictly accordingt othe regulati ons.ofvehicle sand officespaceandcorporate ho
54、spitality.3, changethe style.Propagandaand ide ologi calw ork ofthenewsituati on a nd new requirementsofthene w tasks, ha ddonea l ot offruitfulwork,hasmademanyachi evements,butfurther closertothe grass roots, closeto reality,close tottothe masses and alsoisoinadequate innovation must continuetoimpr
55、ove.Second,the fourwiOnet heoryis t hathe didnt,with less close contact.Theoreticalstudyofconsciousnessis not hig henoug h,system performance isnot strong enough; more passive le arning,activelearningfewgeneralities andlearnmore,delving into less.Especiallybase d onrati onalthi nking on majorissues,a pplyi ngthe ory to gui dethew ork done is not goodenough,
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