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1、城市道橋與防洪2009年5月第5期 收稿日期:2009-02-03作者簡介:徐永勝(1974-,男,福建建甌人,工程師,從事市政橋隧設(shè)計工作。摘要:某大橋是國內(nèi)首座三塔斜拉橋,結(jié)構(gòu)形式復(fù)雜。該文首先建立了大橋的三維有限元動力分析的三主梁模型,采用大型有限元通用分析程序ANSYS 對該橋的動力特性進(jìn)行了分析,并給出了結(jié)構(gòu)的自重效應(yīng)對固有動力特性的影響。結(jié)果表明,這類斜拉橋結(jié)構(gòu)的自重效應(yīng)對整體固有頻率影響很小。關(guān)鍵詞:三塔斜拉橋;有限元通用分析程序;動力特性;有限元模型中圖分類號:U448.27文獻(xiàn)標(biāo)識碼:A文章編號:1009-7716(200905-0064-02某三塔斜拉橋動力特性分析徐永勝(

2、廣州市市政工程設(shè)計研究院,廣東廣州5100601概述某大橋全長6km ,為公路特大型橋梁。大橋主橋?yàn)槿p索面漂浮式混凝土斜拉橋,跨徑布置為130m+2×310m+130m ,主梁采用開口混凝土截面,梁寬23.4m ,梁高為2.5m ,邊塔高99.311m ,中塔高125.684m ,屬塔梁懸浮體系,索距為8m ,兩邊跨各布置17對索,中跨布置23對索。主梁形式采用開口型斷面,斷面形式見圖1。本文建立了該橋的三維有限元動力分析模型,采用大型有限元分析程序ANSYS 對該橋的動力特性進(jìn)行了分析,并分析了結(jié)構(gòu)自重效應(yīng)對整體固有頻率的影響。2大橋有限元模型在大跨度橋梁全橋的結(jié)構(gòu)分析中,一般


4、處理為剛臂連接或處理為主從關(guān)系。該模型的主梁的剛度和質(zhì)量的模擬較準(zhǔn)確,但橫梁的剛度和主梁的翹曲剛度反映不橋梁結(jié)構(gòu)642009年5月第5期城市道橋與防洪足。雙梁式模型將主梁的剛度和質(zhì)量平均分配給兩個主梁,這樣可以近似地考慮約束扭轉(zhuǎn)的貢獻(xiàn),使用于開口和半閉口截面的主梁,該模型的缺點(diǎn)是對側(cè)向剛度和約束扭轉(zhuǎn)的剛度模擬不準(zhǔn)確。三梁式模型由橋軸線上的中梁和位于索面處的兩個邊梁橫向共同組成,通過適當(dāng)?shù)膭偠群唾|(zhì)量分配來滿足等效條件。該模型力學(xué)性能好,但單元數(shù)多,計算梁大,主要用于具有開口斷面的主梁。三主梁模型截面性質(zhì)和質(zhì)量分析見表1。表1中有關(guān)符號定義如下(其中i =1代表中主梁,i =2代表邊主梁:A 為橋

5、截面面積,J x 為橋截面豎向慣性矩,J z 為橋截面?zhèn)认驊T性矩,J d 為橋截面自由扭轉(zhuǎn)慣性矩,J w 為橋截面約束扭轉(zhuǎn)慣性矩,M 為橋截面單位跨長重量, I m 為橋面單位跨長轉(zhuǎn)動慣量??紤]到大橋?yàn)殚_口型斷面,為了正確地考慮約束扭轉(zhuǎn)剛度的貢獻(xiàn),采用三梁式計算模式來模擬加勁梁。在建模時,采用三維梁單元來模擬橋面主梁和塔,采用桿單元模擬斜拉橋,壓重單元采用質(zhì)量單元來模擬,這樣全橋共有1038個單元。橋面簡化后的三主梁截面特性見表2,有限元模型圖見圖3。3整體動力特性分析對上述有限元模型采用大型有限元分析通用程序ANSYS 對大橋進(jìn)行了整體動力特性分析。為研究成橋內(nèi)力對結(jié)構(gòu)動力特性的影響,本文計

6、算了考慮成橋內(nèi)力狀態(tài)和不考慮成橋內(nèi)力狀態(tài)兩種情況下的振型和頻率,計算結(jié)果見表3。從表3可以看出,拉索垂度和成橋內(nèi)力狀態(tài)對大橋的整體動力特性的影響很小。圖4圖6為該橋的振型圖。 4結(jié)論大橋?yàn)閲鴥?nèi)首座三塔斜拉橋,結(jié)構(gòu)形式復(fù)雜。本文根據(jù)大橋的結(jié)構(gòu)形式,采用三主梁模型表1三主梁模型中的主梁截面性質(zhì)和質(zhì)量分布等效原則公式主梁截面性質(zhì)和質(zhì)量分布縱向剛度等效和側(cè)向剛度等效A 1=A ,A 2=0,J z 1=J z ,J z 2=0A 1=A ,A 2=0,J z 1=J z ,J z 2=0豎向剛度等效和約束扭轉(zhuǎn)剛度等效J x 1+2J x 2=J x ,2J x 2=J J z 1=J z -J b 2

7、,J x 2=J 2b 2只有扭轉(zhuǎn)剛度等效J d 1+2J d 2=J dJ d 1=J d ,J d 2=0質(zhì)量系統(tǒng)等效M 1+2M 2=M ,2M 2b 2=I MM 1=M -I M b2,M 2=I M 2b2表2主梁截面幾何特性梁A J z J xJ d 中主梁15.167 5.9001220.5500.218邊主梁1.9600.03.413表3某大橋動力前15階頻率及振型特征序號不考慮自重考慮拉索垂度和成橋內(nèi)力頻率振型特性(主要頻率振型特性(主要10.1374縱向漂移0.1394縱向漂移20.2354反對稱豎彎0.2335反對稱豎彎30.4373對稱豎彎0.4336對稱豎彎40.4

8、925反對稱豎彎0.4865反對稱豎彎50.5150反對稱側(cè)彎0.5150反對稱側(cè)彎60.6011對稱側(cè)彎0.6008對稱側(cè)彎70.6859對稱豎彎0.6815對稱豎彎80.8323反對稱豎彎0.8243反對稱豎彎90.8591橋面局部側(cè)彎0.8566橋面局部側(cè)彎100.8626橋面局部側(cè)彎0.8570橋面局部側(cè)彎110.8632對稱豎彎0.8606對稱豎彎120.9294對稱扭轉(zhuǎn)0.9287對稱扭轉(zhuǎn)130.9554反對稱豎彎0.9463反對稱豎彎140.9878對稱豎彎0.9792對稱豎彎150.9935反對稱扭轉(zhuǎn)0.9902反對稱扭轉(zhuǎn)橋梁結(jié)構(gòu)65城市道橋與防洪2009年5月第5期 建立了某

9、大橋的有限元動力分析模型,對結(jié)構(gòu)的動力特性進(jìn)行了分析,結(jié)果表明:(1 斜拉索的垂度以及成橋狀態(tài)的內(nèi)力狀態(tài)對該橋的整體動力特性影響很小;(2該橋的第一階振型為縱漂振型,對該大橋的抗震有利;(3橋面的扭轉(zhuǎn)頻率跟豎彎頻率比值高達(dá)4.22,說明大橋具有很好的氣動穩(wěn)定性。收稿日期:2008-12-02作者簡介:馬琳(1982-,女,吉林長春人,研究生,從事橋梁設(shè)計工作。摘要:該文通過有限元分析計算了兩種不同計算模式下的蓋梁內(nèi)力。分析表明,當(dāng)考慮立柱剛度影響時,蓋梁內(nèi)力將進(jìn)行二次分配,致使跨中正彎矩減小、支點(diǎn)負(fù)彎矩增大,隨著立柱與蓋梁的線剛度比的增大,此種效應(yīng)越顯著。在工程實(shí)際應(yīng)用中,由于工期緊張等因素,



12、,柱的鋼筋伸入到蓋梁內(nèi),與蓋梁鋼筋綁扎在一起,因此蓋梁與柱呈剛構(gòu)結(jié)構(gòu)狀態(tài),本文采用“橋博V3.01有限元軟件”來進(jìn)行蓋梁的內(nèi)力計算(見圖2。蓋梁的線剛度為:i 1=E 1I 1/l 1(1立柱的線剛度為:i 2=E 2I 2/l 2(2蓋梁與立柱的線剛度比為:=i 1/i 2(32計算分析現(xiàn)行橋規(guī)1規(guī)定:墩臺蓋梁與柱應(yīng)按剛構(gòu)i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i橋梁結(jié)構(gòu)66Keywords:lighting design,lighting standard

13、,energy saving,earthing typeBRIDGES&STRUCTURESeExample of Comprehensive Anchorage Waterproof Treatment Engineering of Suspension Bridg!Ying Ganzhou(50 Abstract:The anchorage structure is the key to guarantee the integral structural safety of suspension bridge.The anchorage waterproofing is the i

14、mportant factor to guarantee the long-term safe use of the structure.The anchorage of the main bridge for Changjiang River No.2Bridge in Wanzhou is the compound anchorage structure.The most of anchorage chamber and the anchor block of this bridge are all placed below the normal water storage level o

15、f Three Gorges.The anchorage opening is limited from the waterside.The engineering geological condition is relatively worse.The waterproofing treatment is greatly difficult.Therefore,the comprehensive waterproofing treatment measure is taken.Keywords:suspension bridge,anchorage proofing,technical st

16、andard,integral scheme,engineering measureeCalculation Analysis and Design Discussion of25-m Continuous Plate Bridg!Li Chunxiao,Yang Junyi,Lin Tianqing,Li M inghong(54 Abstract:Taking the design of2-span3-span25-m post-tensioning continuous plate bridge as an example,the article analyzes the stress

17、characteristics of negative moment area at the top of continuous pier under the condition of a few piers,and contrasts and calculates this characteristic in detail.The relative contents can be referred for the design of the same bridges.Keywords:continuous plate bridge,analysis,designr Wang Hui(58 A

18、nalysis on M echanics Characteristic of Corrugated Steel Web PC Composite Box Girde!Abstract:Combined with the structural property of corrugated steel web composite box girder,the article systematically analyzes the axial deformation characteristic of corrugated steel web,the shear stress distribute

19、d characteristic of box girder and the torsion characteristic of the box girder.The result shows that the prestressed concrete box girder of corrugated steel web has the good stress feature and will be widely used in bridge engineering.Keywords:bridge engineering,PC composite box girder,corrugated s

20、teel web,mechanics characteristics Dai Pan,Hu Dalin(61 Analysis on Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Long Span Stone Arch Bridge!Abstract:Taking Danhe Bridge as an example,this paper determines the ultimate bearing capacity of masonry arch bridge by calculating ultimate bending moment of hinge point,and

21、considers the loading state of arch bridge and material characteristics comprehensively.It offers the new direction for researching the ultimate bearing capacity of masonry arch bridge,and the reference able for determining the ultimate bearing capacity of reinforced concrete arch bridge.Keywords:ar

22、ch bridge,ultimate bearing capacity,ultimate bending moment,limit eccentricitye Xu Yongsheng(64 Analysis of Dynamic Characteristic of a Three-pylon Cable-stayed Bridg!Abstract:A bridge is the first three-pylon cable-stayed bridge in China.Its structure is complicated.The article firstly sets up thre

23、e-main-beam model for the three-dimension finite element dynamic analysis,uses the large finite element general program ANSYS to analyze the dynamic characteristic of the bridge,and gives the influence of the deadweight effect of structure on the inherent dynamic characteristic.The result makes clea

24、r that the deadweight effect of this structure of cable-stayedbridge influences a little the integral inherent frequency.Keywords:three-pylon cable-stayed bridge,finite element general analysis program,dynamic charac-teristic,finite element modelmElementary Discussion on Internal Force Calculation o

25、f Column Pier Cover Bea!Ma Lin,Zhao Xingzhong(66 Abstract:The article calculates the internal forces of cover beams under two different calculation modes by the analysis of finite elements.The analysis makes clear that when considering the rigidity influence of upright column,the internal force of c

26、over beam will be secondarily distributed so as to make the positive moment in the span decrease and the negative moment support increase,and this kind of effect is more obvious with the increment of linear stiffness ratio of the upright column and cover beam.In the engineering practice and as the f

27、actors of the constructing period limit,it can be to use the simplified double-cantilever simple-support beam(continuous beampattern when the lin-ear stiffness ratio of the upright column and cover beam is larger than2,but it should be properly enhanced on the support and the section in the span.Key

28、words:cover beam,analysis of finite element,linear stiffness ratiotDesign of Bridge Structure of Kunming City Northeast Ring2Rebuilding Extension Projec!Liu Fang(69 Abstract:The article introduces the express system of Kunming M ain City Area Northeast Ring2 Rebuilding Extension Project including th

29、e structure type,anti-earthquake design,existing bridge re-building,durability design and engineering landscape design,which can be referred for the structural design of city elevated bridge projects.Keywords:bridge structure,rebuilding of existing bridges,anti-earthquake design,engineering land-sca

30、petDesign of Pile Foundation Underpinning Work of Expressway Elevated Bridge of Guangzhou Airpor!Liu Liying,Wei Lixin,Liu Fang(75 Abstract:Taking the foundation underpinning of an existing bridge pier in the expressway of Guangzhou Airport as an example,the article explains the key techniques in the design scheme,con-struction process and design construction of the pile foundation underpinning of the elevated bridge.The article combines


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