



1、TEXT TWO課文二年輕的威廉莎士比亞Young William Shakes peare詹尼弗芭斯特by Jennifer BassettIntroduction-Everyone knows the nameofShakespeare but not much about his personal life. How did this great,Probably the greatest playwright and poet live before he went to London? What were his dreams and ambitions? What about hi

2、s導語:莎士比亞的名字人盡皆知, 但卻沒有 多少人了解他的個人生活。那么這位偉大的 也許是最偉大的一一劇作家兼詩人,在 去倫敦之前是怎樣生活的?他的家庭情況如 何?初闖倫敦時他在那兒都做了些什么?下 面這篇文章講述了莎士比亞這段時期的生 活。文章選自詹尼弗芭斯特著的莎士比 亞的生平和時代。作者用莎士比亞的同鄉(xiāng) 和終生朋友托比作為故事的講述人。camefamily? What did he do when he firstto London to tryhis fortune?Thefollowi ngcoversthis partofShakes peares life.It is taken

3、 from TheLife and Times ofWilliamShakes pearewritte nby JenniferBassett, who usesToby,Shakes pearescoun tryma nandlife-lo ngfriend, asthe narrator of thestory.1. 那是1579年10月一個陽光燦爛的日 子,就在斯特拉特福鎮(zhèn)外一個很大的果園子 附近,我初次遇見威爾。我看見蘋果樹上坐 著個男孩,長著一頭紅發(fā),看起來比我大兩歲左右。1.It was a sunny day in October1579 whe n I first met Wi

4、ll, just outside2.“你在那上面干嗎? ”我喊道。Stratford, near a big orchard. I saw a boy3.“摘幾個蘋果,”他笑著答道。up in one of the trees. He had red hair and looked about two years older than me.2. What are you doing up there?I called.“那是納什農場主的蘋果,”我說:4.“要是他看見了,會放狗出來追你的?!?. Just gett ing a few appi es,he said, smili ng.4.

5、Those are Farmer NashsappIes,I said, and hell send hisdogsafter you if he sees you.5.Mr. Nash has gone tothemarket,the boy said. e on! Theyregoodappi es.6.The next minute I was up thetree withhim. But Will was wrong. FarmerNash was ntat the market, and a fewminutes later we saw his enraged red facea

6、bove the wall on the far side of thefield.7. Will and I ran like the windand only stopped when we reachedtheriver. We sat dow n to eat our apples.& Will was fiftee n, and livedinHen ley Street, he told me. His fatherwasJoh n Shakes peare, and he had a sister,Joa n, and two youn ger brothers, Gilbert

7、and Richard. There was another sisterwhodied, I lear nt later. And the next yearhe had ano ther brother, little Edmundthe baby of the family.9. I go to Mr. Jen ki ns schoolin Church Street, Will said. Everyday,from seve n oclock un til five oclock.Not Sun days, of course.10. I was sorry for him. Isn

8、t itbori ng? I asked.5.“納什先生趕集去了,”那個男孩說:“來呀,這蘋果很不錯的?!?.不一會兒,我就也爬到樹上了??墒?威爾錯了,納什農場主并沒有去趕集。幾分 鐘后,我們就看見那邊兒蘋果園墻頭上露出 一張憤怒的、漲得通紅的臉。7.我和威爾象一陣風似的飛跑而去,- 直跑到河邊才停下來。我們坐下來開始啃蘋 果。8.威爾告訴我,他十五歲,住在亨利街。 他的父親叫約翰莎士比亞。他有個姐姐叫 瓊,有兩個弟弟一一吉爾伯特和理查德。后 來我才知道,他其實還有個姐姐,但已經死 了。到了第二年,他又添了個弟弟一一小埃 德蒙,他們家的小寶貝。9.“我在教堂街詹金斯先生的學校上學,”威爾說:

9、“從上午 7點到下午5點, 天天上課。當然,星期天是不上的?!?0.無味?我為他感到難過?!笆遣皇呛芸菰?我問道?!坝袝r候是。平時還可以?!彼闪?用雙手墊著后腦勺?!安贿^我們得學11.下去,習那些拉丁作家,讀他們的作品。我想讀當 代的、尤其是英國作家的作品。比如杰弗 里喬叟。你識字嗎? ”他問道。12.“我當然識字了,”我說:“我上過學?!?3.威爾坐起來,開始啃另一只蘋果?!拔?1. Sometimes. Usuallyitsall想當一名作家,”他說:“一名詩人。這是 我最最想干的事兒。”right. He lay back and put his handsbehind his hea

10、d. But we have toreadandlearn all these Lati n writers. I want toread moder n writers, and En glishwriters,14.從那天起我們就成了好朋友,一直到他去世。我們幾乎天天見面,他教給了我許 多關于書、詩歌和作家的知識。學業(yè)上,他 總是非常勤奮。like Geoffrey Chaucer. Can youread? heasked.12. Ofcourse I canread! Isaid. I went to school.15. 威爾離開學校后在他父親那兒做 事。約翰莎士比亞是個手套制造商,

11、兼做 販羊之類的生意。不過威爾對此不感興趣。13. Will sat up and began toeatano ther appi e. I want to be a writer,he said. A p oet. I want that more tha nanything else in the world.16.對我說。“托比,我們能做什么呢?” 一天他“我們總不能一輩子做鞋和手套吧!”14. We were friends fromthatday, untilthe day he died. We met nearlyevery day, and he taught me a lo

12、t about17.做水手,“嗯,我們可以離家出走,至K上去 像弗朗西斯德雷克那樣探索世界?!眀ooks and poetryand writers. Hewasalways dilige nt in his studies.15. When Will left school,he德雷克經過三年的環(huán)球遠航,于158118.年返回普利茅斯港。可我們還呆在斯特拉特 福。我們有過很多打算,但都一無所成。worked for his father. Joh n Shakes peare was a glove-maker, and he had otherbus in esstoo, like buy

13、ing and sell ing away to sea and be sailors. Explore the world, like Francis Drake.shee p. But Will was nt in terested.16. What are we going todo,19.威爾仍在大量閱讀,而且已經開始自 己做詩了。有時他把做好的詩拿給我看,我 就說詩做得非常好。事實上,我那時對詩一 竅不通,不過他是我的朋友嘛。Toby? he said to me one day. We cantspend all our lives making shoesandgloves!17

14、. Well, I said, we couldrun20. 威爾對他的作品并不滿意?!巴斜? 我要學的東西還太多、太多,”他說。21. 關于女人,威爾也還要多多學習呢。1582年10月的一天,他滿臉憂郁地來到我18. Drakesailed backto豕。Plymouth in 1581, after his three-year exp editi on round the world, but we werestill in Stratford.Wemade lots of plans,22. “我再也不能離開斯特拉特福了,”他說,“再過幾周我就要結婚了, 她叫安妮哈 撒薇?!眀ut

15、nothing ever came of them.19. Will was stillreadi ng a lotand he was already writingpoems himself.He sometimes showed them to me, and I said23.11月,威爾和安妮哈撒薇結婚了,她搬到亨利街來住。成家立業(yè)了,每月開銷 會很大。那一段時間,約翰莎士比亞在錢 方面可謂麻煩不斷。在亨利街的那段日子可 真不好過。they were very good. I did nt really knowanythingabout poetry then, but he wa

16、s myfrie nd.24. 次年5月,蘇珊娜出生了。威爾非 常喜歡她。20.Will was not happy with hiswrit ing.Ive got so much to learn,Toby, he said. So much to lear n.25.“瞧,托比,她的眼睛像我呢,”他興奮地說,“她會長得像埃及的皇后一樣漂 亮,像所羅門國王一樣聰明。”21. Will had a lot to learn aboutwome n, too. One day in October 1582, hecame to my house with a gloomy face.26.我

17、沒怎么見過威爾的妻子。 個非常嚴肅的清教家庭。常去教堂, 歌,也不跳舞。她來自一 從不唱hesaid. Im going to be married in a fewweeks time. To Anne Hathaway.23. Will married Anne Hathaway27.很快又一個嬰兒要出生了。月的一個傍晚,我急匆匆地趕到亨利街去探 望。威爾的姐姐瓊開了門,接著威爾從樓上 跑下來。1585 年 222. Ill never leave Stratford.inin November, and she came to liveHenley Street. Familiescos

18、t a lotofTimesmoney, and John Shakespeare was having a lot of moneytroubles in those days.28.“兩個! ”他說:“雙胞胎,一男一女。真是太棒了!”were hard in Henley Street.24.Susa nna was born the nextMay. Will was very p leased with her.25. Look, Toby, shes gotmyeyes, he said happ ily. Shes going tobe as beautiful as the Qu

19、een of Egypt, and29. 威爾有一對好朋友哈姆尼特和 朱迪絲賽得拉一一他就以他們來為這對孿 生子命名。約翰莎士比亞非常高興自己有 了孫子,人人都很高興。不過好景不長。30.我和威爾有空時仍一塊轉轉。他仍在讀書,也在寫。不久,我就看出他有了變化。 他現(xiàn)在23歲了,對他的生活很不滿意。as clever as King Solomon.26. I did nt see much of Willsandwife. She came from a very serious,Puritan family. Lots of church-going, no singing or danci

20、ng.31.“托比,斯特拉特福太小了, ”他說,“節(jié)奏太慢,太安靜,太單調了。我得離開 這兒。”27. Soon there was ano ther babyon the way, and one evening in February32. “是呀,可是怎么走呢? ”我問道, “別忘了你有一個家,家里還有三個小孩子 呢?!?585, I hurried round toHen ley Streettohear the n ews. Willssister,Joa n,33.他沒有回答。opened the door, andthe nWillcamerunning dow n the st

21、airs.28. Its two ofthem! hesaid.經常有劇團1587年間,就有5個不同的劇 威爾喜歡每年夏天的那幾個月里,34.到小鎮(zhèn)上來。團來過。我和威爾經常去看演出。和演員交談,聽他們講有關倫敦的種種故事。boy. IsntthatTwins!A girl and awon derful?29. Will had some good friends,Hamnet and Judith Sadler, and he called35.6月,女王劇團來到了斯特拉特福。我們去看演出。威爾說那個劇本非常拙劣, 沒有一點兒詩意。firstthe twins after them. Jo

22、h n Shakes peare was very pleased to have hisgrandson, and every one was happy. For awhile.30.Will and I still went around36.幾個月后的一天晚上, 我來到莎士比 亞的廚房。安妮在那兒,滿臉通紅,惱怒萬 分。她尖聲喊著:togetherreadi ng,and writing, and soon I could seea changein him. He was twenty-threenow,37.辦?”“你怎么能這樣待我?孩子們怎么 她看見了我,就不再說話。when w

23、e could. He was stilland he was not happy with his life.31. Stratfordstoo small,Toby, he said. Too slow. Too quiet. Too38.“我告訴安妮,”他平靜地說, 敦去生活。我想當一名演員。 我還想寫劇本?!蓖栕谧琅浴?匆娢?,他很高興。 “我要到倫 要是可能的話,monotonous. Ive got to get away.32. Yes, but how? Iasked.Youve got a familythreeyoungchildre n, remember.39.他轉向

24、安妮,說道,“聽著,有空的 時候我會回來的。不過我必須去倫敦。在斯 特拉特福我什么也做不成?!?3. He did nt an swer.40.他從屋子那邊望著我,問道,“托比,你要和我一塊兒去嗎?”41.“什么時候動身? ”我問他。34. In the summer mon ths panies of pl ayers ofte n came to small tow ns, and in 1587 five different panies came. Willand I always went to see the p lays. Willloved to talk to the act

25、ors and to listento all their stories of London.35.The Quee ns Mencame to42.乘坐馬車去倫敦要花兩天時間。我坐著馬車進入倫敦,開始感到害怕。這是一座 其大無比的城市,而我們不過是兩個從小鎮(zhèn) 上來的微不足道的年輕人。我永遠也忘不了 那喧鬧聲,那氣味兒,那擁擠的人流。倫敦 有20萬人,我以前可從沒見過這么多的人。Stratfordin June, and we wentto see theplay. Willsaid it was a stupidpl ay, withnot a word of p oetry in it.

26、36. One evening a few mon thslater, I walked into the Shakes peareskitche n, and there was Anne, with a red,angry face, shouti ng at the top of her43.第二天,我們開始找工作。開頭兒那幾年可真不錯。當然,我們沒有多少錢, 得拼命地做事。新演員每周只能拿到六先令, 而且又不是每周都有活兒干。我決定不做演 員了。voice.37. How can you do this to me?And what about the childre n? ” The

27、n she44.活多好?!盀槭裁床??”威爾說,“演員的生saw me and stopped.38. Will was sitting atthetable, and looked pl eased to see me. Ivetold Ann e, he said quietly, that rmgoing to live in London. I want to be an當時我們在肖瑞迪斯一個名叫“帷 幕”的劇場里為女王劇團當差。威爾在兩個 不同的劇里扮演了四個小角色。他在一個劇 里扮演士兵和謀殺犯,在另一個劇里扮演一 個小偷, 利貴族。45.和一個愛上了 “夜之女王”的意大 他喜歡演戲

28、。actor, and to write p lays, if I can.39. He turned to Anne, Listen.ril e home whe n I can, but I must go toLondon. Icantdo anythinginStratford.40. He looked at me across theroom. Are you ing with me, Toby?46.裝和道具吧?!薄拔覜]你聰明,”我說,“我去管服47.威爾擅長表演。說不上最好,但也相 當不錯。一名演員必須多才多藝。他當然得 記住臺詞一一有時,要同時背六個劇本的臺said.42.H

29、ow soon can we start? IItstwo days journeyto詞。劇院每天上演的劇都不一樣。他得會跳 舞、唱歌,還要會演奏音樂。他得蹦跳、撲 臥、搏斗。那些搏斗場面要看起來惟妙惟肖 才行。倫敦那些戲迷一看到這種搏斗場面, 就知道演得像不像。London by horse, and whe n we rode intoLondon, I bega n to feel afraid. This wasa big, big city, and we were just twoin sig ni fica ntyoung menfrom a smalltown. rilnev

30、er forget theno ise, and thesmells, and the crowds.There were48. 威爾不分白天黑夜地忙碌著。我現(xiàn)在也不記得他什么時候睡過覺。他在劇里扮演 角色,他寫自己的劇本,讀書,與其他作家 會面、交友他不停地學呀,學呀,學呀。200,000 peo pielivi ng inthe City ofLondonI neversaw so manypeople beforein my life.43. Then extday we began to look49. 一天,我們碰見了勃貝奇,這是斯 頓基伯爵劇團的一個演員。for work. Tho

31、seearly years werewon derful.We didnthave much money, ofcourse, and we had to work very hard. Anew actor only got six shilli ngs a week,and there was nt work every week.decided not to be an actor.50.“威爾,你已經寫了四個劇本了, ”他說,“都不錯。你在不斷地進步啊。作為 演員,我也在不斷提高。到河畔街的玫瑰劇 場來為斯頓基伯爵劇團工作吧。你可以為我 們寫劇本?!?4. Why not? said

32、Will. Itsa great life.45.We were work ing that monthfor the Queens Men at the theatre calledThe Curta in up in Shoreditch. Will wasacti ngfour small parts in two different51.在玫瑰劇場,我們比以往任何時候都更賣勁兒地工作。因為光線的原因,劇一 般都在下午演出。我們上午排練。到吃午飯 的時侯,已經有人從河那邊過來,找好位置 等著看劇了。觀眾越來越多。到了1592年,威廉莎士比亞的名字已傳遍了倫敦。plays.in oneHe

33、 played a soldier and a murderer play, and in the other play he wasa thief,and alsoan Italia nlord in lovewith theQuee n ofthe Night.And he lovedit.46.Imnot cleverlike you, Isaid. Iamgo ingto do costumes, I said.And prop erties.He waswrite for us.ever atin theand byacross47. Will was good at acting. Not the best, but good. An actor had to be versatile. He had to lear


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