BEC中級 口語第一部分??荚掝}_第1頁
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1、BEC中級-口語第一部分??荚?題PART ONE問答對話 ??荚掝}(1)個(gè)人Po ssible Questi onsSuggestedAn swersand NoteWhat syourMyregistratio nregistrati on n umber?number is What s your n ame?My name is How do yousp ellMy given nameis,your n ame?butmyfrie ndsHow do yousp ellalways call me,myyour family n ame /En glish n ame is sur

2、name/lastYou can call me,ifn ame?you like / wish.My nickn ame is Whatdoyouself-motivatedcon siderasyourhard work ingandmajor stre ngth?hon estlook for betterwaysof doing the workgoodinterpersonalrelati on shi psWhatdoyouI cannotleavea jobcon siderasyourhalf-do neandmajor weak ness?usuallyfind myself

3、thi nki ngof possiblesoluti onstop roblemswhileI amdriv ing to workor inthe shower. Ialsoknow Ispendtoomuch time inmywork. Icantgeteno ugh leisure time.注:family name指姓;first n ame指名字”中,Mary Anne起作(2)家鄉(xiāng)Po ssible Questi ons不包括姓,放在姓前。如在 Peter Smith中, Smith 為姓,Peter 為名字;在 Kathleen Anne Stone 中 Anne Ston

4、e 為姓,Kathleen 為名字。 但在 Mary Anne Stone 為教名。SuggestedAn swersand NoteWhere are you from?I m from china /What syourShandong province / Xi an city.I m Chinese.n ati on alityWould you say it as good pl ace in?Weatherto liveTranspo rtati onEn vir onment(Why?)What issp ecialaboutyourhometow n?Do you likein

5、?livi ngWhere would like / rather live inyou(Why?)Do you thi nk it would be better to livein or ? (Why?)(3)家庭Hous ingNight life (excit ing, dyn amic)Local peopleLocal gover nment Job opportun ities Atmos phere cus?msPo ssible Questi onsSuggestedAn swersand NoteDo you come from a large family or a sm

6、all family?Exte nded family (大 家庭,擴(kuò)大的家庭)Nuclear family (小家 庭,核心家庭)Can you get along wellwithyourparents / sisters / brother?Can you tell me a bit about inyourfamily?Generation gap / be agree with / quarrel withEas ing going / strict / ten der / frie ndlyHarm onious/unhappyfamilyatmos phere.Whatdoyou

7、rparents do? / What do your parents do for liv ing?Doctor / farmer / teacher / scientist / worker(4)工作或?qū)W習(xí)Po ssible Questi onsSuggestedAn swersand NoteDo you work or are you a stude nt?Where do you work / study?What s your major? / What do you study?What do you do in the com pany?What exactly do you

8、do in the com pany?What are your job respon sibilities?I m a student inNorthwestUn iversity.I am a memberof company. My major majored minoredis / I in ,and in / I nofEn glish foreig n dep artme nt in university.rmthe groupacco untant for HBC.major inIan guagesAt HBC, I work as an admi nistrator fori

9、ntern ati onalbus in essthethedevel opment group. I deal with systemsforadmi nistrati onWhataretheJob Satisfacti on/advantages of yourJob res pon sibilityjob?highp romoti onWhat do you likesp acemostaboutyourfeel comfortableinjob?the work pl ace(Why?)In teresti ng/Can you tell me achallenging/ easy

10、/littleaboutyourflexiblework, what you findTraveli ngmostin terest ingopportun ity/ canHBC.rm respon sible for theday-to-dayacco unting for thegroup.Myres pon sibilitiesareres pondingcorres pondence receiv ing an sweri ng calls.toandandphoneWhataretheThedisadva ntagesdisadva ntagesofof my job are th

11、at Iyour job?have to start earlyWhat arethethi ngsand finish dontlikeaboutThe thi ngsI dontyour job?enjoy are the rout ine back-ups of all the data.What I dont like about my job is that I often have to work overtime.I dont like the 9 to 5 system. I hope I canabout it?What kind of job would

12、you like to do most?(Why?)What would your ideal job be? (Why?)meet many peopleTrai ning(careerdevel opment)Finan cialben efits /high salarywork withn icepeople / learn from each otherwork with the flextime system. You know the SOHO, Small Office, Home Office.What do youlikemostaboutyourstudies? (Why

13、?)Can you tellme alittleaboutyourstudies,andwhatyoufindmostin terest ing about it .Whatisfavoritesubject? (Why?)Why do youstudyEn glish / Japan ese?It is very useful to my career devel opment. Bei ngin terestedthe major / courses Excelle nt pro fessi onal frien dly teachers study with fellow stude n

14、ts/indiscussi onsUseful / interesting/job requireme ntI m going to America / Japan n ext year.(5)業(yè)余愛好Po ssible Questi onsSuggestedAn swersand NoteDo you have much free time?Yes, I don t havemany courses / I only work 8 hours a day.No, I donmuch freet havetime,because somanywon derfulcoursesare fixed

15、.Howyour time?do youfree /spend leisureSp orts:badminton / golf / baseball / attend thetennisdo you your free time? What s your hobby? Do you like sports watch ing films?Whatdo ingym / fit ness cen ter Chat online / surfing / readi ng / play videogamesWatch TV / Tele play / films / Educati onalp rog

16、ramsAmuseme nt p rogramsMusic:classical /Fine arts: AbstractAtte ndlot. My I m a.aboutbasketball.and goonget onI findthe thatlight / pop / jazz / blues / folk pain ti ng / oil paintingRechargethebattery:training coursesI watch TV a friends say couch po tato.Yes, I rarazy p layi ngWhe n I am free, I

17、try to get together with friends outi ngs.Once IIntern et,time reallyp assesvery quickly.Why do you like ? Isthereanyp articularreas onwhy you enjoy ?Iamfondoftraveli ng.Traveli ngis a good way of learning and a good wayofcomm uni cati ng with other people.Whe n did you first take up / start(Why did

18、 you start the n?)I startedplayingbadm intonwhe n 1was a freshman. A frie ndofminerecomme ndedittome / I decided to lose weight at that time.(6)交通方式Po ssibleTop ics&Questi onsSuggestedAn swersand NoteHow did you come here today?How did you travel to the test?bus / taxi / cab / p rivate car / subway

19、/ tube un dergro und/train / bike / on footIf you could travel bybike / subway/any form of transportair plane / boat / bus /youwant,whattrainwould you choose?dista nee / time /(Why?)safety / moneyWhichformoftransport would you like to travel by?How do you thi nksubway/you will travel toun dergro und

20、work in 15 years It wouldbe fasttime? / 15 years fromdevel opingin 15now?years time and will cover everywhere in Xi an .It will be really convenient.(7)培訓(xùn)Po ssibleTop ics&SuggestedAn swersQuesti onsand NoteShouldcom paniestraining:p roductivityoffertrai ningto/ p rofit / motivati onPo ssibleTop ics&

21、Questi onsSuggestedAn swersand NoteWhat would you likego abroad, look for astaff?(Why? / Why n ot?)What kind of training course have you ever take n? /But:costmon ey,time, i nter nal con flict (who should get the opportuni ty)BEC on li ne trai ningHave you ever taken any training course? What do you

22、 thi nk is most imp orta nt whe n you choose trai ning (Why?)What do you usually expect from training course?course?courseCompu ter trai ning course En glish trai ning Locati onTransp ortatio nDurati on of course /Cost /skillFlexibility of trainer Topics covered Materials / Follow up adviceWhat are

23、you doingthenowforyourforpo stgraduate stude nts?betofind a job try it againfirst andSmpo ssible,to do after you finish yourstudies?(Why?)prep arati onoffuture plan?What if you failed to find a job as a? / p assthe entranceexami nati onjob, hunt for a job, study further, post graduatekno wledge prep

24、 arati on:atte ndtraining courses p sychological prep arati on: mature in mindimp rove interpersonal skills to gather relative exp erie ncesI would kee p on trying / find another job as I would n ext year. No, it fmquiteconfidTt(9)團(tuán)隊(duì)合作What kind of peopledo youmost likeworki ng/study ingwith? (Why?)W

25、hat doyou thi nkmakes a good team?What isa goodteam?Do youthi nkyouwork ina goodteam?(Why? / Why n ot?)Frie ndly trustworthy / hon est / coop erativeHon est and havegood interpersonal skillsCoop erati on frien dly atmos phere Mutual trustand(10)出國Po ssibleTop ics&Suggested An swersQuesti onsand NoteWould you like toYes: broadenone swork abroad?


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