1、Ste p-By-Ste p-3000-第二冊-Unit5-答案Unit 5 Creative MindsPart I-AGasoli ne automobile, Germa n, engin eer, 1885Barometer, Italia n, p hysicist & mathematicia n, 1643P olaroid camera, America, inven tor & in dustrialist, 1947 Pen dulum clock, Dutch, mathematician & p hysicistDiesel engine, Ge
2、rma n, engin eer, 1892Dyn amite, Swedish, chemist, 1866Kaleidosc ope, British, p hysicist & n atural p hilos op her, 1817Piano, Italia n, harp sichord maker, 1709Sewi ng mach ine, America n, inven tor, 1846Typ ewriter, America n, inven tor, 1867Tap escri pt:1. The gasoli ne automobile was inven
3、ted by Gottlieb Daimler, the Germa n engin eer, i n 1885 Hiscon struct ion of the first high-s peed in ternal-combustio n engine led to the devel opment of theautomobile in dustry.2. The barometer, the instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, was inven ted by Eva ngelistaTorricelli, the Italia
4、 n p hysicist and mathematicia n, in 1643.3. The po larod camera, which takes and prints p hotos in one ste p, was inven ted in 1947 by theAmerica n inven tor and in dustrialist Edw in Herbert Land.4. The pen dulum clock was inven ted by the Dutch mathematicia n and p hysicist Christiaa n Huygens in
5、 1657.5. The diesel engine, which is heavier and more powerful than the gasoline engine and which burnsfuel of oil in stead of gasoli ne, was n amed after its inven tor Rudo Iph Diesel, the Germa n engineer in 1892.6. Dyn amite, the impro ved expl osives with great safety, was inven ted in 1866 by t
6、he Swedish chemistAlfred Bern hard Nobel. He established a fund to p rovide annual awards called Nobel P rizes, in thescie nces, literature, and the pro moti onof intern ati onal p eace.7. He kaleidosc ope was inven ted in 1817 by Sir David Brewster, the Scottish p hysicist and n aturalp hilos oper.
7、8. The piano, a key-board musical in strume nt, was inven ted in 1709 by Italia n harp sichordmaker, Bartolomeo Cristofori.9. The sewing machine, which greatly revolutionized clothes-making, inven ted by Elias Howe,an America n inven tor in 1846.10.The typ ewriter, its first p ractical commercial mo
8、del, was inven ted in 1867 by the American inven tor Christ op her Sholes and was manu factured by America n gun smith P hilo Remi nton1874.Part I -Bthewasthe1- a 2- d3- e4- i5- f6-j7-g8-bTape scri pt1. People in England made the first computer. It was built in 1943. It was madeto help En gla nd un
9、dersta nd secret messages duri ng World War II.2. Some one in Australia inven ted the fax mach ine. After the fax machi ne was inven ted, it firstbecame popu lar in East Asia.3. Fold ing fans came from Japan. They were inven ted in Japan almost 800 years ago.4. The first car came from Germa ny .It w
10、as inven ted by Karl Benz in 1885. Benz is still famous.His n ame is on the Mercedes-Be nz car.5. A man in Can ada inven ted the chocolate bar. He lived in Nova Scotia- in the easter n part ofCan ada. He inven ted the chocolate bar in 1800s.6. The first really accurate cale ndar was inven ted in Mex
11、ico. This cale ndar was made about 1,500years ago. Thats whe n people lear ned that the year was 365 days long.7. The first mecha ni cal clock was inven ted in Chin a. It was inven ted in the year 725-over1,250years ago.8. People think Africa ns created the first pupp ets. Actually, no one is sure,
12、but pupp ets werep robably created to hel p tell stories.Part I -C paper cli ps po st-its celluar phone automatic wash ing mach ines dis po sable dia perszippersBan d-Aidssoft con tact le nsesTape scri pt1. The design of paper clips is perfect.Theres been little improvement sineNorwegia n Joha n Vaa
13、ler got his America n pate nt in 1901. Only about 20% are actuallyused to clip pap ers.2. Post-it is one of the top five best-selling office suppliers. To make Post-its in troduced in 1980,3M had to devel op the adhesive, p rimer, back-side coat inc and new manu facturi ng equipment.3. The first cel
14、lular phone was developed in 1973 by Martin Cooper at Motorola, and a test of 1,000such phones followed in Chicago. The Federa Communi catio n Commissio n authorized cellular servicein 1982, and we have nt shut up sin ce. More tha n a third of all households in the U.S subscribe.4. Among those credi
15、ted with making electric washing machines was Alva J. Fisher. The machines usedwringers to remove water from clothes. Truly automatic mach ines app eared in the 1930s. An earlyad for a GE washer read,-1901-1980-1973-1930s-1961-1913-1921-1961If every father did the family washi ng n ext Mon day, ther
16、e would be an electric wash ing mach inein every home by Saturday ni ght.5. Oh, baby, what a convenience1 Procter & Bambles Pampers, born in 1961, were first used on lyfor sp ecial occasi ons. Now the 95% of America n parents who buy dis posable dia pers will spendup to $2,100 a child to avoid w
17、ash ing dia pers.6. Z ippers were inven ted in 1913 by Swedish immigra nt Gide on Sun dback at Universal Fastener Co.in Pennsylvania. B.F. Goodrich first used the word to refer to a faste ner on a p air of its galoshes;it as not used in clothes un til 1930s.By 1941 zippers beat the pants off butt on
18、s in the Battle of the Fly.7. Johnson&Johnson sold $3,000 worth of handmade Band-Aids in 1921, the year it introduced them athome for stri ps hadmerit.8. Otto Wichterle,Bausch & Lomb boughtthe right s to his process for a reported 1966.Part II - A1395, type, movable typePoland, astr onomy, t
19、he sun, its cen ter once1564, telesc ope, circli ngEn gla nd,moves1642, calculus, light and color, gravitati on.Part II- B1. Printing / faster / easier2. Earth / cen ter of uni verse/ no move3. Cut open dead animals and humans4. Blood to body/ arteries; blood to heart / veins5. The Mathematical Prin
20、ciples of Natural Philosophy / in 1687Tape Scri ptToday, we tell about the discoveries of ten imp orta nt scie ntists of the p ast 1,000 years.The earliest of these imp orta nt scie ntists wasJoha nnes Gute nberg. He lived inGerma ny from about 1395 un til about 1468. Joha nnesGute nberg inven ted t
21、hetype mould and the first successful system of movable type used in Europe. This made printing booksfaster and easier. Joha nnes and others used his inven ti on to p roduce books in the City of Mainzduri ng the 1400s. The system he inven ted rema ined un cha nged for 350 years.Nicolaus Copernicus w
22、as another important scientist. He is considered thethem. A company cott on buyer, Earle Dicks on, had created his accident-pronewife. He then convinced hisboss that the!lens in 1961 $3million ina Czech scie ntist, created the first soft con tactfoun der of the moder n scie nee of astr onomy, the st
23、udy of the plan ets and stars in the uni verse.Nieoluas Coperni eus was born in Poland in 1473. At that time, most seie ntists aeee pted the ideathat the earth was at the cen ter of the uni verse and did not move. The Greek astro no mer P tolemyhad devel oped this idea more tha n 1,000 years earlier
24、. Ptolemy also said that all the other objeetsin spaeemovedaround the earth. Copernieus believed that every planet, ineluding the earth, moved around the sun.He also believed these theories in 1543. These theories were not aeee pted in his lifetime. But bythe early 1600s, other seie ntists bega n to
25、 devel op the method that would prove Coperni eus eorreet.One of these seie ntists was Galileo Galilei. He was born in Italy in 1564. Galileo was the firstto use the telese ope to diseovernew in formatio n about the planetand stars. He deeided that the theory hat all plan ets eireled the sun was eor
26、reet. The Roman CatholieChureh condemned Galileo for saying Copernieus was right. For centuries, the Chureh had taught thatthe sun, the planets and the stars moved around the earth. Three hun dred and fifty p assed beforethe Roma n Catholie Chureh admitted officially that it was condemnati on of Gal
27、ileo.Our fourth seientist of the millennium is William England in 1578.He discovered how blood moves Harvey described this in 1628 in thebookAn Anatomical Study of the Moti on ofthe Heart and of the Blood in Animals, This work was the start of all modern research on the hartand blood vessels. Dr Har
28、vey based his discoveries on observations and by eutting open dead animalsand humans. Dr Harveys exp erime nts showed that the heart forces blood through the arteries to thebody.He showed that the blood returns to the heart through the veins. His idea con flieted with the widelyaeee pted ideas of th
29、e time. It has bee n called one of the most imp orta nt medical discoveries ofthe mille nn ium.Isaac Newt on was ano ther in flue ntial seie ntists of the p ast 1,000 year. Many experts say hewas the most important seientist of them all. He was born in En gla nd in 1642. Isaas Newt on invented a new
30、 ki nd of mathematics called calculus. He discovered the secrets of light and color and histheory of gravitati on showed how the uni verse is held together. Isaac Newt on p ublished hisdiscoveries on the laws of motion and the theory of gravitation in 1687 in his book The MathematicalPrinciples of N
31、atural P hilos op hy.It was the first book todescribe a unified system of seientific rules explaining what happens on earth and in the uni verse.It is con sidered one of the greatest works in the history of seie nee.Part III - A1809, evolutionwrong and withdrewitsHarvey. He was born in animalsand pe
32、ople.inDrFran ce, a. P asteurizati on, b. Germ, c.vacci nati on, disease1847, a.motio n, b. recordi ng, c. electric light, d. Tele phone, e. Machi ne, electricity, f.motorsAustria, a. Dreams, uncon scious self, b. Moder np sychiatry.C.sexualdevel opment1879, relativity, E=mc2Part III - BT. 1. Charle
33、s Darwin thought that all living things developed from simple orga ni sms.F. 2. Darwin ss ideas were stron gly opp osed by many religious people in the p ast. But now peopleare all in favor of them.T. 3. Louis P asteur believed that it is tiny orga ni sms that sp read more diseasesT. 4. Thomas Edis
34、on con sidered the moti on pi ctures his most imp orta nt inven tio n.T. 5. Albert Ei nste ins most famous theory is about time, sp ace, mass, moveme nt and gravity.T. 6. Albert Ein stei ns most famous theory led to the discovery of atomic en ergy.Tape scri ptCharles Darwin was ano ther imp orta nt
35、scie ntist of the past 1,000 years. Hewas born in En gla nd in 1809. In 1859, he published a book calledSpecies by Means of Natural Selection. He explained his ideas that thingsdeveloped from simple organisms. He said these organisms during millions of yearsto produce different kinds of plants and i
36、ncluding humans. This is known as thetheory of evolution. Charles studies showed that some animals and plants havenatural abilities that help them survive. They pass these abilities to theiryoung when they reproduce. Other plants and animals that are less able to survive and reproduce maydisa pp ear
37、. Charles Darwins theories pro vided new ideas about the devel opments of living things.However, they shocked many religious people. Many people today still stron gly opp ose the theoryof evoluti on because it con flicts with their religious beliefs.Our next important scientist of the past 1,000 yea
38、rs is Louis Pasteur. His discoveries saved manylives. Louis Pasteur was born in 1822 in France. He became a professor of chemistry. He discoveredthat heat could kill harmful microorganism. Soon this Pasteurization method was used to keep manyfoods and drinks safe. He also helped us establish the ger
39、m theory whe n he recog ni zed that mostdiseases are spread by tiny organisms that reproduce in the body. Louis P asteur also pro ved thatan ani mal can devel op a resista nee to a harmful orga nism if the orga nism is weeke nd in a laboratoryand injected in to the animals body. He called this metho
40、d of preventing disease vaccination. Hedevel oped vacci nes to p reve nt deadly diseases in ani mals and people.The inven tor Thomas Edis on was ano ther in flue ntial scie ntist. He was born in the Un ited Statesin 1847. His work made p ossible the p rogress of tech no logy in the 20thcen tury. Alm
41、ost every onehas bee n affected by the inven ti ons of Thomas Edis on. These in clude the moti on pi ctures, soundrecordi ng, and electric light. They are only three of the many devices Thomas Edis on inven ted orhelped to impro ve. H e also inven ted devices to imp rove the tele phone. He impro ved
42、 machines thatproduced electricity. And he worked on many electric motors, in clud ing those for trains. ThomasOn the Origin of alllivi ng changed animals, Darwi nsEdis on once said the electric light was the most difficult to devel op. He also called it his mostimp orta nt inven ti on.Our n ext sci
43、e ntist of the mille nnium is the Austria n doctor Sigm und Freud. He cha nged scie ntificideas about the mind. Dr Freud was born in 1856 in Moravia. He established the idea that dreams helpus un dersta nd our uncon scious self. He said this is the part of the mind containing wishes, desires,or bad exp erie nces too frighte ning to recog ni ze. Sigm und Freuds work on the causes and treatment of men tal sick ness helpe
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