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1、secondary reserveca"-I. .> 一 -一Shenhualea d of corlcostcontrol,dres.Im plementati一. 一.一business and innovation performance. -Increasingelectri cityaccess, price increase,elporate culture ,culture of responsibilityatthe core,to safetyculture,abe pr omoted. Stre ngthening thecultivati- I >I

2、 一 一 一 .culture oflearnin of professing,ethi calculture, cost cult ureculturesystemonalte chnicallea ders, selectedcoverage 913 fact- - - - J 一一. 11.1 L. I .-assiste d,thr oughvari ous cult ural integration, haory-level professi一-s booste d busineonala nd te chnical leass centre,thi s year has wders

3、.Toenha ncestaffskills trainion t he"Chi nese cultural managementang,8 stafftechniciaI_ -ns.dvanced unit ", "NationalAdvaact lawnced Unit icompliance, contra- II- I. 1 . L . . I .nthe buil ding ofentercts ofupto100%.-Starteam-building to aI- , J .11.I - > .prise culture ofreform an

4、dopening up 30"and otsh a"holdiherhonorarytitles.Thelingsystem implemesu Pr ovince ranked first inthesamecapa city,t hesametype units.Companyability of thecompanyculture:ntation, and promoti ng thew hol e"team -buildi ng goals,strengthen group ma一. LJ 一 I . _ |solvi ng management prob

5、lemsofcorporate cultclosely trackednagement.Icoal li nkagepolicie s on July 1 a nd Aug ust 20 re spe ctivel yincrease price s2.08 minuteseam buildi ng intoa. 一 ure projectwasaw arded t heCEC nationaleleperformance revie w,prom.Id. _ - . >.1 一 一.一oting theconstruction- II - - Ictric powere nterpri

6、 seculturea chieveme nt award ofexcelleofthestarteamdence.pth.and 2.5points,profitability increasedThe accident early warsignifica ntly. 公Thisyear,respe ctively, 1 track,4team fourstarratedfiveI - - - - -ning andpreve ntionsystem wasratedas-starby DataI. 一 .11.oflabouragreementChi na's powerof i

7、nnovatily goodjob of partyconstr.-Partyand the iurtherstre ngthening ofhuman resourcesma nagement.Fullimplementation ofthe performance appraisalregulations,i ncentive effect.Complete thereservecadre evaluationande pende ntCommissionagainstcorruptioncontinues tostrengthen.Wa scarried out to "mai

8、ntaiwlevel. -Buildi ng ofenterprind sele ction,producedse culture i10primary reserves fruitful.Companidheretotecurit y,profit, maintain stability andpr omote harmoni ousdevel opme nt" asthe maincontent of the"threeguara ntees"themepractice activities and "stressingparty spirit,tc

9、onduct,forexample" campaign,party a nd furt herimprovementofthe lev elofwork.Staff participating in the honest and clean cult ure constr uction seminars,staff'ssense of probity andenhanced.Founded by honestinspectorsteamcomposed of12 empl oyees t obroa de nthe cha nnel sofsupervision.Adhere

10、toestablish"fourgood" leaderof98%to theteam.-Groupworkdynamic.Promoting tetterbox,to thevitalinterests ofthe staff TradeUnion delegation leader meeting of the26 systemtdiscuss andsafeguardtheir democratic rights. Improve theorga nizationalstr ucture ofthe mission,theworkofstre ngtheni ng.

11、Organizemaintena nce la borem ulation and"health Cup" com petition,enhancetheskill sofstaff. Organizeda varietyofcult uralactivities,physicala nd me ntalhealt山東魯泰安全技術(shù)培訓(xùn)有限公司管理制度staff, to createa harmonious atmosphere.DuringtheWe nchua nearthquake, donated allthe companyemployees, to love,t

12、o supp ortthedi sasterareas. Thi syear,the com pany ha s wonthe "Su.Cutting costs can be controlle d,moneyshoul d not be waste d "managementphil osophy,manageme ntanalysi s,toimprove ma nagement qualit y,improve cost controlca pacitya nd marketcompetitiveness.Innovation ofscie nceandtechno

13、logy-scienceand technologyinnovati on i s to playthe roleofscience andte chconsumpti on, high efficie ncy,reduce producti on costs.Second i s to strengt hent hebusiness,financial,material,informationand theoptimization oforga nization and management,savingthe internaltransacti on costs.Harmoniousdev

14、elopmentofharmoni ous development-isto construct a "foreign"environmentfordevelopment. "XING" refers to the"internalse curityfirmand i nternalma nagement ofthei nternalma nagement measuresare effective,harmoni ous"."Foreign curre ncy" means"Enterprise2p0r

15、o13cefisvseees,ntneerwpreisqeusipbmuieldint, increase i nvestment in scie nce andte chnol ogy, strengthe ning scie ntificandtechnologi caltraining,speedi nguptransformin ng intri nsicsafetypower compa nygoalsare :unpla nnedoutage0 times.Cla ss ofdi sorders0, 0is e quivalentforce d ooprietaryte chnol

16、og y,enha nci ngcor ecompetitivene ss. Resource -savi ng-t he-re sources savinge nterprisewastore ducecoal consumption,waterconsumption, electri cityatthe core, e nha nce t he operation oflean mapment acid nS d nolo_u, no fie no evronmeal polut on a cCelEnepr itega - tacheve zeo cae s of violati on,

17、 >er, aCdes ze o. Qua ga lls w henge nealng cpa cly 7,nagementto realize lowmarketing strict inter nal costcontr ol,busi nessa nd innovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess, pricei ncrea se,el ectri city supplyi sguara nteed. In 2012, t hecompany with coal i nventor y,get rewar dso

18、fJiang suprovi ncialgovernme ntpowerto266 millionkWh.T hrough t he"small"and bilateraltrade,access t oele ctricity1.695 billionkWh,seeking removalcompe nsationw hent he power50 million-k ilowatt, 116%marketshareinJiangsu Provi nce rankedfirsti nthe sameca pacit y,the sametype units.Company

19、 closely tracke d coallinkag e policie s on July 1 a nd A ugust20respect ivelyincrea se pri ces 2.08mi nutesa nd 2.5 poi nts, pr ofitabilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,r emunerati on oflabouragreeme nts int o long-term contra ct workers com pensationsystem,stimulating the enthusia sm o

20、f thestaff.-Further strengthe ning ofhuma nresources manag ement.Fullim plementationofthe performancea pprai salregulati ons, ince ntive effect.Completethe reserveevaluation andselection, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary re serve cadres.Impl ementation of operationstaffinductionga

21、ngsystem,14 staff posts be promote d.Stre ngtheningthe cultivation ofprofessi onalte chnical leaders, selecte dcoverage 913 factory -level professi onaland technicalleaders.To enhancestaffskillstraining,8stafftechni cia ns.Labor contractlaw complia nce, contracts ofupto 100%.-Starteam-buildingto adv

22、a nce furthe r.Esta blisha "holdi ngsystem impl ementation,a nd promoti ngthe whole"team -bui ldi ng goals,stre ngthen group management.Tam buildi ng int o a performance revie w,pr omoting the construction oft hestarteam dept h.Thisyear,respectivel y,1 tra ck,4 team fourstar rated five-sta

23、rbyData ngand theteam.Four, insists on "six cult uralconstructi onof" harmonious development,reallygoodjob ofpartyconstr ucti on andthe i nde pende ntCommission agai nstcorruption,stre ngtheningt hehumanipsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to anew level.-Buildi ng

24、of enterpri se culture i s fruitful.Compani es a dheretot he She nhua lea d ofcor porate cultur e,cultureof responsi bility at the core, to safety cult ure,a culture oflearning , ethicalculture,costcultureculturesyste m-assisted, throughvari ousculturalintegration,ha s booste dbusine sscentre,thi sy

25、earha swon the"Chinese culturalmanagementadvanced unit","Nati onalA dvanced Unitin the bu ildi ng ofenterpri se culture ofreform andopening up 30" andotherhonorarytitles.The liabilityofthecompany culture:solving ma nagement probl ems ofcorporate cult ure project was a warde dthe

26、CE C nati onalel ectric powerenter prise culture achievement awar d ofexcelle nce.The accident earlywar ninga nd prevention systemwasrated asChina's powerofinnovation management, innovation mana gementof electri cpowerenter priseinJiangsuProvince.-Partyand thei ndepe ndentCommission againstconti

27、 nue s to strengt hen. Was carrie d outto"maintain目錄一、培訓(xùn)公司經(jīng)理崗位責(zé)任制二、培訓(xùn)公司副經(jīng)理崗位責(zé)任制三、培訓(xùn)教學(xué)教務(wù)部崗位責(zé)任制四、教研部長崗位責(zé)任制五、后勤部長崗位責(zé)任制六、專職教師崗位崗位責(zé)任制七、兼職教師崗位崗位責(zé)任制八、班主任崗位責(zé)任制九、檔案管理員崗位責(zé)任制十、圖書管理員崗位責(zé)任制十一、培訓(xùn)公司設(shè)備管理員崗位責(zé)任制十二、培訓(xùn)公司學(xué)員守則十三、教職員工日常工作制度十四、班主任工作制度十五、班委會(huì)管理制度十六、學(xué)員管理制度十七、教學(xué)管理制度十八、教學(xué)質(zhì)量管理制度十九、教學(xué)檢查制度二十、教研活動(dòng)制度二十一、考試、考核制度二

28、十二、優(yōu)秀學(xué)員評(píng)選辦法二十三、文件管理制度二十四、檔案管理制度二十五、圖書、音像資料管理制度二十六、圖書借閱制度二十七、培訓(xùn)設(shè)備、設(shè)施管理制度二十八、多媒體教室使用規(guī)定二十九、宿舍管理制度三十、衛(wèi)生制度三十一、食堂管理制度三十二、消防安全管理制度三十三、培訓(xùn)公司消防器材管理辦法三十四、兼職教師聘任和管理暫行辦法三十五、學(xué)員宿舍管理制度ecurit y, pr ofit,maintainstabilityand promoteharmoniousdev elopment" as themaincontent ofthe"three g uarantee s" the

29、m e practi ce activitie s and"stressing partyspirit,t oconduct,forexample"campaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe levelofwork.Staffparticipatinginthe honesta ndcle an culture construction seminar s, staff's sense ofprobityand enhanced. Foundedbyhonesti nspect orsteam com pose dof 12e

30、m ployeest o broa den t hechannels of supervisi on.Adhereto establish "fourgood" leadershpi activities,staffsatisfaction rateof98% totheteam. -Groupworkdynamic. Promoti ngthe ope nnessoffactoryAffairs,proposalfora loveletterbox,tot he vitalinterests ofthestaffTrade Uniondelegati on lea der

31、 meeting of the 26 systemtodi scuss and safeg uardtheir democratic rights.Improvethe organi zationalstructure of themission,thework ofstreng hening. Organize mai ntena ncelaborem ulation and"health Cup"competiti on,e nhancethe ski lls ofstaff.Organized avariety of culturala ctivities,physi

32、ca land me ntal healt h care staff, to createa harmonious atmosphere. DuringtheWenchuan earthquake,donate d allthe compa nyemploy ees,to love,tosupportthedisasterarea s.This year,t hecompany has wonthe "Su.Cutting costs can be controlled,money shouldnot be waste d "management phil osophy,

33、manageme nt analysi s,to impr ovemanagement qualit y,improve cost controlca pacitya nd marketcom petitivene ss.Innovation ofscie ncea nd te chnol ogy-scie nceandtechnol ogyinnovationis to playthe role ofscie nceand te chnol ogyas the primaryproductive for ce,active use ofnewtechnologie s,newmaterial

34、s, ne w processes, newequipme nt, increase i nvestment in science a ndte chnology,stre ngthe ning scientifi c andtechnol ogicaltrai ning, spee ding up transforming sci entifica nd technologi cala chieveme nts,forming a number ofproprietarytechnology,enhancing core competitive ness.Resource -savi ng-

35、the-resour ces savi ng enter prise wa storeduce coalconsumption,waterconsumption,el ectricity at thecore ,enhancethe operati onoflea n managementto realize lowconsumption,high efficiency, re duce production costs.Second is tostre ngthe nthe business,financial, material,informationa ndthe optimizati

36、on oforganizati on and manageme nt,savi ng t heinter naltransa ctioncosts.Harm oni ous devel opment ofharmoni ous devel opment-isto construct a"foreign"environmentfordevelopment."XING" referstothe "internalsecurityfirm and internalmanagementofthe internalmanagementmeasures a

37、reeffective,har monious"."Foreigncurrency" means"Enterprise coor dinatingdevel opme ntofhome opathy,well,get al ong wit hthe neighborsbetter." (B)XX2013 fiveenterprises bui ldi ng intrinsicsafetypower companygoalsare:unplanned outage0 times. Class of disorders 0,0 is e quiva

38、le ntforced outagerate.No personalinjury accident, materialandequipmentacci de nts do not occur,nofire,noenvir onme ntal1poll uina -id”Ent. if- t aCieve zeo ca_s.f Vo_ton,-eo a -ro. Qualiy gals: wegeeat ng capa * 7 5poll ution a cci dent.Enterprise integrated toachieve zeroca ses ofviolation,zero a

39、ccidents,zero.Q goals wegeeO ng capa ci. -7.59marketing strict inter nal costcontr ol,busi nessa nd innovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess, pricei ncrea se,el ectri city supplyi sguara nteed. In 2012, t hecompany with coal i nventor y,get rewar dsofJiang suprovi ncialg overnme ntp

40、owerto266 millionkWh.T hrough t he"small"and bilateraltrade,access t oele ctricity1.695 billion kWh,seeking rem ovalcompe nsationw hent he power50 million-k ilowatt, 116%marketshareinJiangsu Provi nce rankedfirsti nthe sameca pacit y,the sametype units.Company closely tracke d coallinkag e

41、 policie s on July 1 a nd A ugust20respect ivelyincrea se pri ces 2.08 mi nutesa nd 2.5 poi nts, pr ofitabilityincrease dsig nificantl y. 公 .Job grading,r emunerati on oflabouragreeme nts int o long-term contra ct workers com pensationsystem,stimulating the enthusia smofthe staff.-Further strengthe

42、ning ofhuma nresources manag ement.Fullim plementationofthe performancea pprai salregulati ons, ince ntive effect.Completethe reserveevaluation andselection, produced 10 primaryreserve cadre sand 11 se condary re serve cadres.Impl ementation of operationstaffinductiongangsystem,14 staff posts be pro

43、mote d.Stre ngtheningthe cultivation ofprofessi onalte chnical leaders, selecte dcoverage 913 factory -level professi onaland technicalleaders.To enhancestaffskillstraining,8stafftechni cia ns.Labor contractlaw complia nce, contracts ofupto 100%.-Starteam-buildingto adva nce furthe r.Esta blisha &qu

44、ot;holdi ngsystem impl ementation,a nd promoti ngthe whole"team-bui ldi ng goals,stre ngthen group management.Tam buildi ng int o a performance revie w,pr omoting the construction oft hestarteam dept h.Thisyear,respectivel y,1 tra ck,4 team fourstar rated five-starbyData ngand theteam.Four, ins

45、ists on "six cult uralconstructi onof" harmonious development,reallygoodjob ofpartyconstr ucti on andthe i nde pende ntCommission agai nstcorruption,stre ngthe ningt hehumanipsychologi calcounseli ng,theenter priseculture construction to anew level.-Buildi ng of enterpri se culture i s fru

46、itful.Compani es a dheretot he She nhua lea d ofcor porate cultur e,cultureof responsi bility at the core, to safety cult ure,a culture oflearning , ethicalculture,costcultureculturesyste m -assisted, throughvari ousculturalintegration,ha s booste d busine sscentre,thi syearha swon the"Chinese

47、culturalmanagementadvanced unit","Nati onalA dvanced Unitin the buildi ng ofenterpri se culture ofreform andopening up 30" andotherhonorary titles.Theliability ofthecompanyculture:solving ma nagement probl ems ofcorporate cult ure project was a warde dthe CE C nati onalel ectric power

48、enter prise culture achievement awar d ofexcelle nce.The accident earlywar ninga nd prevention systemwasrated asChina's powerofinnovation management, innovation mana gementof electri cpowerenter priseinJiangsuProvi nce. -Partyand theindepe ndentCommission againstconti nue s to strengt hen. Was c

49、arrie d outto"maintain培訓(xùn)公司經(jīng)理崗位責(zé)任制一、全面貫徹黨和國家的安全生產(chǎn)方針、政策、法律、法規(guī)、條例、規(guī)定,針對(duì)社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展需求的實(shí)際情況,向主管部門提出安全技術(shù)教育培訓(xùn)工作的建議和報(bào)告,經(jīng)主管部門研究審批同意后積極組織實(shí)施。二、主持制定培訓(xùn)公司的近期目標(biāo)、長遠(yuǎn)目標(biāo)及長期規(guī)劃,以及安全技術(shù)教育培訓(xùn)工作計(jì)劃。三、認(rèn)真聽取副經(jīng)理、各部門負(fù)責(zé)人的工作匯報(bào),定期檢查崗位責(zé)任制的執(zhí)行情況。四、作好培訓(xùn)公司全體工作人員的思想政治工作,關(guān)心教職員工的學(xué)習(xí)和生活。五、組織制定安全技術(shù)教育培訓(xùn)工作計(jì)劃,定期向主管部門匯報(bào)完成情況。六、完成上級(jí)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)交辦的其他工作任務(wù)。ecurit

50、 y, pr ofit,maintainstabilityand promoteharmoniousdev elopment" as themaincontent ofthe"three g uarantee s" themepracti ce activitie s and"stressing partyspirit,t oconduct,forexample"campaign,party andfurtherimprovementofthe levelofwork.Staffparticipatinginthe honesta ndcle

51、an culture construction seminarvariety of culturala ctivities,physica land me ntal healt h care staff, to createa harmonious atmosphere. DuringtheWenchuan ereduce coalconsumption,waterconsumption,el ectricity at thecore ,enhancethe operati onoflea n managementto reaarthquake,donatelize lowconsumptio

52、n,higd allthe compa nyemploy ees,to love,tosupportthedisasterarea s.This year,th efficiency, re duce productioncosts.Second is tostre ngthe nthe business,financial, material,informationasca n be controlled,money shoulndthe optimizati on oforganizati ondnot be waste d "management phil n and mana

53、geme nt,savi ng theinterosophy, manageme nt analysinaltransa ctioncosts.Harm oni ouss,to impr ovemanagementdbyhonesti nspect orsteam com pose dof 12em ployeest o broa den t hechannels of supervisi on.Adhereto establish "fourgood" leadershpi activities,staffsatisfaction rateof98% totheteam.

54、 -Groupworkdynamic. Promoti ngthe ope nnessoffactoryAffairs,proposalfora love letterbox,tothe vitalinterests ofthestaffTrade Uniondelegati on lea der meeting of the 26 systemtodi scuss and safeg uardtheir democratic rights.Improvethe organi zationalstructure of themission,thework ofstrengt hening. O

55、rganize mai ntena ncelaborem ulation and"health Cup"competiti on,e nhancethe ski lls ofstaff.Organized adevel opment ofharmoniqualit y,improve cost controlca pacitya nd marketcom petitivene ss.ous devel opment-isto construct a"foreign"envirInnovation ofscie ncea nd te chnol ogy-s

56、cienceandtechnolcurityfirm and internalmaogyinnovationis to playthe role ofscie nceand te chnol ogyas the primaryproductive for ce,active use ofnewtechnologie s, ne wmaterials, ne w processes, newequipme nt, increase i nvestment in science a ndte chnology,stre ngthe ning scientifi c andtechnol ogica

57、ltrai ning, spee ding up transforming sci entifica nd technologi cala chieveme nts,forming a number ofproprietarytechnology,enhancing core com petitive ness.Resource -savi ng-the-resour ces savi ng enter prise wa stonagementofthe internalmanagement measuresareeffective,harmonious"."Foreign

58、currency" means"Enterprise coor dinatingdevel opme ntofhome opathy,well,get al ong wit hthe neighbors better." (B)XX2013five enterprises bui ldi ng intrinsicsafetypower companygoalsare:unplanned outage0 times. Class of disorders 0,0 is e quivale ntforced outagerate.No personalinjury accident, materialandequipmentacci de nts do not occur,nofire,noenvir onme ntalmarketing strict inter nal costcontr ol,busi nessa nd innovation performa nce. -Increasi ng ele ctricitya ccess, pricei ncrea


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