1、Journal of Korea Trade,Vol.8, No.2 Received:Aug.20, 2004Nov.2004,pp.187-204 Accepted:Nov.20, 2004On the Rapid Development of Foreign Trade in Chinas Zhejiang ProvinceZonghe Zhang Guo-an Wang*AbstractZhejiang Province is located in the south of the Yangtze Delta region along the southeastern coastal
2、line of China and is one of the economically most developed regions. In recent years its foreign trade has been developed very rapidly and the value of its foreign trade ranks No. four in China, though it is small in area and short of natural resources. On the basis of case analyses and data analyse
3、s, the paper at first reviews the development of Zhejiang Provinces foreign trade, then summarizes its foreign trade characteristics and analyzes the reasons for its rapid development. Finally it exposes the barriers to Zhejiangs exports and puts forward some countermeasures to further increase Zhej
4、iang exports.Keywords: Zhejiang, Foreign Trade,POEs, Development* Zonghe Zhang: Professor and Associate Dean, The College of Economics, ZhejiangGongshang University; Guo-an Wang: Associate Professor, The College of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University.Corresponding author: Guo-an Wang, Internati
5、onal E-trade Training Center, The College of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University, 149 Jiao Gong RD., Hangzhou 310035, P.R. China: Fax: 86-571-88930445; Email: I.IntroductionZhejiang province faces the East Sea and is to the south of Shanghai and Jiangsu, to the north of Fujian and to the east o
6、f Jiangxi and Anhui. It is one of the smallest provinces in land area in China and has a land area of only 101,800 square kilometers, accounting for 1.06% of that of the whole country. The mountainous and hilly regions account for 70.4% of the whole area, plains and basins account for 23.2%. While t
7、he rivers and lakes account for 6.4%. The number of permanent residents population amounts to 46 million 796 thousand and it has an arable area of 1.6 million hectares, accounting for 1.6 of that of the whole country. Since China adopted the opening and reform policies in 1979, it has been one of th
8、e provinces whose economies have been growing most rapidly in China. Its GDP reached RMB¥603.6 billion and jumped to No. 2 in China in 2000 from No. 12 in 1978. Its economy has grown at the rate 13.2% and achieved its outstanding economic status in China. The farmers income has ranked No. 1 for 17 c
9、onsecutive years and its urban residents income ranked No. 1 in 2000. As early as in 1997, all the counties got off poverty in the province due to its rapid economic growth, which is greatly attributed to its rapid development of foreign trade.II. Review of Zhejiangs Foreign TradeAccording to Hangzh
10、ou Customs statistics, the export value of Zhejiang amounted to only US$1.09 billion in 1986, but it jumped to US$61.309 billion during the period of 1996-2000 and it grew at the annual rate of 20.4%. Its export value ranked No. 8 in 1996 and jumped to No. 4 in 1998 in China, and has kept this posit
11、ion until the present. In 2001, its export value amounted to US$22.976 billion and it grew 11.4% faster than that of the whole country. Since 2001, it has maintained two digit growth. In July 2002, its export value for the first time surpassed that of Shanghai by US$60 million. In 2002, its total vo
12、lume of import and export amounted to US$41.96 billion, equal to the total amount of 1996, 1997 and 1998 in the province. The degree of dependence upon foreign trade increased from 25.5% in 1997 to 45.5% in 2002. In 2003, its total volume of import and export amounted to US$61.423 billion, its expor
13、t volume reached US$41.604 while its import value reached US$19.819, they increased by 46.4%, 41.46% and 58% respectively; compared with those of the previous year. In 2004 it has maintained the rapid growing momentum. For detailed information, please look at for Form 1 and Form 2 below.Form 1 The G
14、rowth of Zhejiangs Exports:1986-2003 Unit:US$100 million Source: Calculation based on the Yearbook of Zhejiang Statistics 2003In 2003 the export of industrial manufactured goods amounted to US$39.15 billion and increased by 43.1% and they grew 23.8% faster than the export of primary goods. The expor
15、t of high-tech products increased by 78.5%,37% higher than the average growth of the exports in Zhejiang. The export of traditional products, such as mechanical and electronic goods, garments, textiles, shoes, plastic products, furniture, lights, suitcases and bags, medicines and beddings all increa
16、sed by over 30%. Among them, mechanical and electronic products, textiles, furniture grew by 47.9%, 56.2% and 57.1% respectively. The export of agricultural products amounted to US$1.03 billion and increased by only 12.3% , among which the export of tea 0100200300400500198619901995200020022003increa
17、sed by 24.6% and the export of marine and water products increased by only 5.2%.Form 2 Zhejiangs Imports and Exports, January-October 2004 Amount:US$100 million20042003Increase(%),compared with the same period of 2003MonthTradeExport ImportTradeExport ImportTradeExportImportJan.56.8737.6719.2047.973
19、.2337.4640.9629.66Aug.74.2051.9222.2854.6037.5317.0735.9038.3430.52Sept.82.3557.6124.7419.01019.01333.1930.14Oct.69.4348.4321.0053.7837.8915.8929.1027.8232.161-10686.67 465.67 221.00 457.28 294.81 162.4737.9438.8836.01Source: Zhejiangs rapid growth of exports is attributed to mushrooming privately-o
20、wned enterprises, the reform of the state-owned enterprises and the contributions of foreigner-invested enterprises. Please see Form 3 below:Form 3 Contributions of Different Forms of Enterprises to Exports in Zhejiang Unit:US$100 millionForms of enterprisesValue in 2003Share(%)Increase by (%) from
21、2002State-Owned Enterprises133.0331.9817.8Foreigner-invested Enterprises130.5031.3741.9Collective enterprises72.6317.4640.0Privately-owned Enterprises79.3619.08115.9Total export value415.52100%41.5Source: Source: III. Characteristics of Zhejiangs ExportationZheijiangs exportation is characterized by
22、 the following:1. Rapid increase in unfavorable economic situationDuring the financial crisis in the southeast Asian countries, the export markets went down and the exports of the other provinces in China decreased while Zhejiangs exports continued to grow. Since Chinas accession to the WTO in 2001,
23、 Zhejiang has encountered a number of non-tariff barriers from abroad, such as antidumping cases against its lighters, glasses, shrimps, textiles and unreasonably strict technological standards for tea and honey. But its exports have continued to grow. 2. Great trade surplus valueIn 2002 Zhejiangs t
24、rade surplus value reached US$16.87 billion, accounting for 55% of that of China. In 2003, it increased to US$21.783 billion, accounting for 85.3% that of China. 3. Industrial ClustersAccording to a survey conducted in 2001 by Policy-Making Research Institute of Zhejiang Committee of Communist Party
25、 of China, there are 237,000 enterprises employing 3.801 million workers in 519 industrial clusters in 86 counties and cities in Zhejiang, whose total productive value amounts to RMB¥599.3 billion, accounting for 49% of that of Zhejiang Province. Among the 519 clusters with specialized industries, t
26、here are 118 clusters whose productive value each amounts to RMB¥1-5 billion, 26 clusters whose productive value each amounts to RMB¥5-10 billion and 3 clusters whose productive value each amounts to over RMB¥10 billion. For example, garments in Ningbo, leather shoes in Wenzhou, chemical fiber cloth
27、 in Shaoxing, leather products in Haining, small-sized commodities for daily use in Yiwu, neckties in Shengzhou, pearls in Zhuji, hardware products in Yongkang, low voltage electrical appliances in Yueqing, magnetic materials in Dongyang, refined chemical industry in Huangyan and bamboo products in
28、Anji all enjoy considerable popularity at home and abroad. Take another example, Fenshui Township near Hangzhou turns out 2.8 billion ball pens every year. Each ball pen costs only RMB¥0.4-0.5, RMB¥0.1 cheaper than those made in Taiwan. According to the survey we conducted in Yiwu in early 2004, the
29、 two thirds of the small and medium-sized companies in Yiwu are engaged in exportation. In 2004 their transactions with foreign customers have accounted for one third of all their transactions. 4. Lower prices, but good quality Zhejiang export commodities are good in qualities and low in prices beca
30、use most of them are labor-intensive products since thousands of migrant workers from inland provinces are employed in Zhejiang. China has enjoyed the advantage of inexhaustible cheap labor force and raw materials since it has the largest population in the world. For example, the race boats made in
31、Fuyang beat the race boats made in Europe because their prices account for only one third of those made in Europe, yet the exporters in Zhejiang were able to reap considerable profits. The sewing machines, low voltage electrical appliances and badminton bats and stockings made in Zhejiang all enjoy
32、ready sales abroad because of their very competitive prices. IV. The Privately-Owned Enterprises and Foreign Trade in ZhejiangZhejiangs private economy has evolved from Wenzhou Economic Model, which is one of the three famous private economic models in China (the other two are Zhujiang Economic Mode
33、l and South of Jiangsu Economic Model). In 1978 there were no privately-owned enterprises at all in Zhejiang. But now twenty-six of the fifty strongest privately-owned enterprises in China are in Zhejiang according to a report released on November, 6, 2004 regarding the most competitive privately-ow
34、ned enterprises in China. Zhejiangs private economy has distinguished itself in China because of the following factors:1.Its unique business-minded culture in ZhejiangHistorically, China has been an agricultural country and Confucianism has had great influence on the Chinese values, traditions and c
35、ultures. However, from South Song dynasty (A.D.1127-1279) Yongjia School of Learning began to develop in Wenzhou in the south of Zhejiang and this school is business-minded. Zhejiang people are shrew, enterprising, risk-taking and business-minded. When the opening and reform policies began in late 1
36、970s, millions of people in Wenzhou and in other parts of Zhejiang went all over China and to the world to be engaged in trading or set up family-based factories or enterprises. At the same time, millions of migrant workers from all over China flock to Zhejiang to be employed in family-based enterpr
37、ises. As a result, the industrialization in the countryside in Zhejiang sped up and their capital began to accumulate for further business expansion. 2.Family-based private ownership system in Zhejiang Traditionally, family members in Zhejiang are not only engaged in farming, but also in household c
38、raftsmanship because of the limited land in Zhejaing. Even under the planned economic system, the craftsmen from Zhejiang were scattered all over China. After Chinas economic reform began, family-based enterprises began to mushroom. They are characterized by a clear ownership system, very low costs
39、for management, agency and coordination, and high efficiency in comparison with other state-owned enterprises which were usually characterized by red tape, high costs for management and low efficiency. When the reform for state-owned enterprises began, family-based enterprises took an active part in
40、 the reform of over 2000 state-owned enterprises. For example, Wenzhou Delixi Group Corporation, a privately-owned one merged three state-owned companies. Through the reform, the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises which were operated at a loss was reduced from 203 to 89. 3. The local gov
41、ernments strong support and encouragement In late 1970s and early1980s when the opening and reform policies just began in China, the centralized economic system was beginning to change. Strictly speaking, private businesses were not allowed then according to the Chinese political system. However, th
42、e risk-taking and enterprising people in Zhejiang, especially those in Wenzhou began to set up private businesses and they rushed all over China to be engaged in trading. The local government did not stop them and instead they adopted a wait-and-see attitude. As the economic reform deepened, the loc
43、al government encouraged and supported the establishment of private enterprises. Finally private enterprises and private ownership are now protected by law and by the Chinese constitution. Therefore, the people in Zhejiang, especially those in Wenzhou benefited most from the Chinese economic reform
44、and became rich first in China as early birds catch the worms. By the end of 2003, 1.59 million families in Zhejiang had registered for the engagement of business and the number of POEs had reached over 310,000, ranking No. 1 in China. In Zhejiang nearly 100,000 enterprises have been authorized to e
45、xport their products and half of them are POEs. Enterprises of all forms of ownerships, whether state-owned enterprises or POEs, domestic enterprises or foreign enterprises, can now compete with one another in exportation on equal basis. The private economy has been playing an increasingly important
46、 role in Zhejiangs foreign trade. According to Hangzhou Customs statistics, the export value of POEs in Zhejiang amounted to US$7.936 billion in 2003, increased by 115.9% in comparison with that in 2002. The value of collective enterprises exports amounted toUS$7.26 billion and increased by 40%. Obv
47、iously POEs have played a vital role in Zhejaings foreign trade. V. Reasons for Rapid Growth of Zhejiangs Foreign Trade1. Chinas economic reform for twenty-five years Since the economic reform began in late 1970s, the government has pushed the economic reform by changing the planned economy to the m
48、arket economy, privately-owned enterprises(POEs) have been mushrooming and thriving in Zhejiang. Its foreign trade system has gone through radical changes in the last two decades and the degree of the market mechanism in Zhejiangs economy ranks No. 2 in China. Under the planned economic system, only
49、 the state-owned enterprises were authorized to be engaged in foreign trade. Now not only state-owned enterprises, but also joint ventures, foreign companies, POEs and all the other forms of businesses can be engaged in foreign trade. By the end of 2000, there had been only 3,183 enterprises which e
50、njoyed the right to be engaged in foreign trade. Owing to Chinas fulfillment of its agreements with the WTO members, the number of enterprises which have the right to export their products had jumped to 14,971 by the end of April, 2004, most of which are POEs. 2. Low prices of the products made by P
51、OEs Most of the products made by Zhejiangs POEs are for daily use and they are not only small in size, good in quality, but also very low in prices because they are labor-intensive and resource-intensive products. Therefore, they are very competitive and popular in the world markets.3. Cancellation
52、of export quotas Export quotas used to limit the amount of exports of Zhejiangs small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), especially of POEs, most of which were not authorized to export their products. The managers of SMEs and POEs had to “cooperate” with state-owned enterprises (SOEs), only throug
53、h which they were able to export their products. They had to pay for the quotas or pay commissions to SOEs. For example, the average cost of a pair of trousers was US$7, but the real cost was US$3 or US$4. The other US$4 or US$3 had to be spent on the quota. Owing to Chinas accession to the WTO, exp
54、ort quotas were gradually reduced and finally cancelled. Now the enterprises of all forms can sell their products directly to foreign customers without paying for the quotas or commissions. Therefore, the cost was reduced and their products have become more competitive in the world markets. Their ex
55、ports have shot up.4. Appearance of Privately-owned Group Corporations In recent years a number of privately-owned group corporations have appeared and they have become large exporters in Zhejiang. According to the statistics, there had been 281 group corporations in Zhejiang by the end of 2003, and
56、 196 of them were privately-owned enterprises whose total assets and their annual income respectively amounted to over RMB¥500 million. Most of the 281 group corporations are privately-owned enterprises which have taken an active part in the division of production and the competition in the world ma
57、rkets. For example, Xiaoshan Wanxiang Group Corporation in Hangzhou, Lushi Zhengtai Group Corporation and Delixi Group Corporation in Wenzhou, Ningbo Youngor Group Corporation are outstanding representatives among them. Xiaoshan Wanxiang Group Corporation now has about 10,000 employees and its total
58、 assets are worth more than RMB¥10 billion. As early as 1980s, it entered the American market as an automobile spare parts supplier. In 1997 and 2000, Wanxiang began to produce automobile parts for General Motors and Fords respectively in the USA. Now it has had 18 companies or subsidiaries in the U
59、SA, the UK , Germany, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Brazil, eight of which were established through acquisition. Its sales network covers more than fifty countries and regions. In 2001, its sales value abroad reached US$178 million and increased by 33.23% in comparison with that in the same correspo
60、nding period of the previous year. 5. Expansion of sales networks abroad The entrepreneurs in Zhejiang are good at learning and adaptable to changes. In 1970s when Chinas opening policies and reform just began, the entrepreneurs from Zhejiang aggressively explored the markets in China and overseas.
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