



1、En trusted Shareholdi ng Agreeme nt本協(xié)議由以下雙方于年 月 日簽訂:The agreeme nt is sig ned by both sides on 委托方 Entrusting Party :Day,Mon th.Year.受托方 Commissioned Party : 鑒于 In consideration of :(1)委托方在 _投資成立一家公司(以下簡稱“公司”),公司名稱為 委托方認繳注冊資金 ,擁有公司的 的股權。The en trusti ng p arty has in vested to set up a company (here

2、 in after referred to as the "co mpany") in n ame of, and its registered cap ital was , in which the en trust ing party p aid in registered cap ital ofand owned 100% stock equity of the company.,注冊資金為,其中with the(2)根據(jù)本協(xié)議的約定,委托方委托受托方以受托方名義持有公司的_股權,委托方是該 _股權的實際擁股權。有人,受托方作為其_股權的名義持有人;受托方同意接受委托

3、方委托,名義上持有公司的Accord ing to the pr ovisi ons of this agreeme nt, the en trust ing p arty en trusts the commissi oned p arty to hold a stock equity of the company in the n ame of the commissi oned p arty, where the en trust ing p arty is the actual owner of the _ stock equity, and the commissioned part

4、y as its stake holders in name; the commissioned partyagrees to acce pt the en trusti ng of the en trusti ng p arty, and to hold a stake of the company nomin ally.雙方經(jīng)平等協(xié)商,根據(jù)中華人民共和國公司法、中華人民共和國合同法以及其它適用的法律和法規(guī)的規(guī)定,達成如下協(xié)議:” ,“ the People'sThrough equal con sultati on, accord ing to“ the Peop le's

5、 Rep ublic of China Company Lawof China Con tract Law” and other app licable laws and regulati ons, both p arties reach the follow ing agreeme nt:1. 委托代持Entrusting雙方確認,公司注冊資金為 美金,該款由委托方實際繳付。因此,雙方確認,受托方是公司的_權(以下簡稱“代持股權”)的名義持有人,委托方是代持股權的實際擁有人。Both sides con firm that the company s registered cawtachsi

6、s actually p aid by the en trust ing p arty.Therefore, both sides confirm that the commissi oned party is the nominal holder of of company's shares(here in after referred to as the "en trusted stock equity"), and the en trust ing party is the actual owner of stock equity.3條)內持有代持股權。受托方

7、同意接受委托方委托受托方以受托方的名義在代持期限(見本協(xié)議第委托方委托,在代持期限內以受托方的名義代委托方持有代持股權。The en trust ing p arty en trusts the commissi oned p arty to hold the stock equity in the n ame of the trustee duri ng the p eriod (see Secti on 3 of this Agreeme nt). Trustee agrees to acce pt the en trusti ng, and to hold the stock equit

8、y in the n ame of the trustee on behalf of the en trusti ng party duri ng this p eriod.委托方為代持股權的實際擁有人,就代持股權而言,除本協(xié)議另有規(guī)定外,委托方享有公司章程以及中國法律、法規(guī)和其他規(guī)范性文件所規(guī)定的全部股東權利并承擔相應的所有義務。受托方并不實際取得 公司股東地位,不享有任何股東權利。The en trusti ng p arty is the actual own ers of the stock equity. As for the stock equity, uni ess otherw

9、ise p rovided in this Agreeme nt, the en trust ing party is en titled to all the rights pr ovided in the Articles of company, Chin ese laws, regulati ons and other nor mative docume nts as well as to the corres ponding obligati ons. Trustee do not actually get the status of the Company's shareho

10、lders, and does not enjoy any rights of the shareholders.受托方不享有代持股權所對應的收益權,公司就代持股權支付的任何和全部股息、紅利以及代持股權產(chǎn)生的其他收益均應歸委托方所有,受托方應采取必要和可能的措施保證上述股息、紅利以及代持股權 產(chǎn)生的其他收益被及時支付給委托方。Trustee is not entitled to the corresponding right to earnings of the share, and any and all dividends, gains and all other bonuses paid

11、 by the company on the entrusted share shall be owned by the entrusting party, while the trustee shall take necessary and possible measures to return all of these dividends, gains and other bonuses produced by the entrusted share to the the entrusting party promptly.委托方委托受托方以受托方名義就代持股權行使除股東收益權以外的其他股

12、東權利,包括但不限于股東 的知情權、股東會召集權、提案權和表決權。但受托方應當在事先已經(jīng)得到委托方的同意,或者系根 據(jù)委托方指示的情況下,方得行使上述股東權利。受托方并應準確、有效、不遲延地行使上述權利。 受托方應當將其根據(jù)委托方的同意和指示就代持股權行使上述股東權利的結果,及時告知委托方。The entrusting party entrusts the commissioned party to exercise other shareholders' rights on the entrusted shexcept the right to earning in the name

13、 of the commissioned party, including, but not limited to the shareholder's right to information, the right to convene the shareholders' meeting, proposals and voting. However, the trustee shall have the prior consent of the entrusting party, or based on the indication of the entrusting part

14、y, so as to exercise the rights of shareholders. Trustee should exercise these rights accurately, effectively, without delay. The trustee should promptly inform the entrusting party of the results about the entrusted shares under the entrusting party's consent and instruction.委托方作為代持股權的實際擁有人,有權利

15、行使代持股權對應的人事任免權,包括選舉、指派和撤換公司董事長、董事、總經(jīng)理、副總經(jīng)理、財務負責人和其他管理人員的權利。受托方不享有前述權利,但受托方應根據(jù)委托方要求,簽署必要的文件(包括但不限于股東決議和任免文件),從而配合委托方行使前述人事任免權利。As the actual owners of the entrusted shares, the entrusting party has the right to exercise the corresponding personnel management right, including the election, as signment

16、 and removal of company' s chairman, director,president, vice president, finance managers and other management personnel. Trustee is not entitled to the foregoing rights, but the trustee should sign the necessary documents based on requirements of the entrusting party (including but not limited

17、to, the shareholders' resolution and the appointment and removal documents), thereby assisting the entrusting party in performing the foregoing personnel appointment and removal rights.在代持期限內,公司增資、減資或公開發(fā)行股票而導致的代持股權在股本總額中的比例相應改變,不影 響本協(xié)議的效力和執(zhí)行;如果因公司就代持股權送股、以稅后分配利潤轉增注冊資本、以公積金轉增 注冊資本或配股或類似事項而導致委托方實際

18、擁有的股權或股份數(shù)增加,則增加的股權或股份應計入 代持股權,根據(jù)本協(xié)議的條件和條款由受托方代委托方持有。Within the entrusted period, the corresponding change of the proportion of entrusted shares in the total share capital due to the capital increase and reduction or public offering of shares does not affect the validity and enforceability of this Ag

19、reement; If the actual number of shares owned by the entrusting party is increased because the company shares donation, increases registered capital with after-tax distributable profits or accumulation funds or allots shares or similar matters, the increase of options or shares shall be included in

20、the entrusted shares, and shall be held by the entrusted party on behalf of the entrusting party under terms and conditions of this Agreement.在代持期限內,無論是公司進行股份制改制或上市,還是公司的股權結構、管理機構和人員發(fā)生變更,均不應影響本協(xié)議的效力和執(zhí)行。Within the period, whether the company is joint-stock restructured or listed, or changes the compa

21、ny's ownership structure, management agencies and personnel structure, should not affect the validity and enforceability of this Agreement.2. 對代持股權的處分 Treatment of the Entrusted Shares在代持期限內,未經(jīng)委托方的事先同意或通知,受托方不得轉讓代持股權,不得對代持股權設置任何抵押、質押、其他擔保、優(yōu)先權、財產(chǎn)保全措施、 查封、托管、租賃權、 期權或其他形式的權利負擔(以下合稱“權利負擔”),或者進行任何其它形

22、式的處分。受托方自身任何債務不應對代持股權產(chǎn)生不利影響。Within the period, without prior consent or notification of the entrusting party, the trustee shall not transfer the shares, or set any mortgage, pledge, other security, priority, property preservation measures, seizure, custody, leasing rights, options or other forms of

23、encumbrance (hereinafter collectively referred to as "encumbrance"), or any other form of treatments. Any debt of the trustee should not affect the entrusted shares.如果委托方要求受托方對代持股權設置質押或者其它形式的負擔,受托方應當按照委托方的要求,在辦 理相關手續(xù)方面提供必要配合。If the entrusting party requests the trustee to set pledge or oth

24、er forms of burden on the entrusted shares, the trustee shall provide necessary cooperation in related formalities in accordance with the requirements of the entrusting party.如果委托方指示受托方將全部或者部分代持股權轉至委托方名下或者轉讓給委托方指定的第三方,受托方應當按照委托方的要求,在辦理股權轉讓手續(xù)方面提供必要配合。轉讓代持股權的全部收益歸委托 方所有。If the entrusting party request

25、s the trustee to transfer all or part of the entrusted shares to the entrusting party or a third party designated by the entrusting party, the trustee shall provide necessary cooperation in related formalities in accordance with the requirements of the entrusting party. All the benefits from the tra

26、nsfer of the entrusted shares are owned by the entrusting party.3. 代持期限 Entrusting Period 本協(xié)議的有效期(簡稱“代持期限”)為五年,自本協(xié)議生效日起算。除非委托方另有指示,否則本協(xié) 議在代持期限屆滿時自動續(xù)展五年,依此類推。The term of this Agreement (the "Entrusting Term") is five years, starting from the effective date of this Agreement. Unless otherwis

27、e directed by the entrusting party, the agreement will automatically renew for another five years upon the expiration of the period, and so forth.雖有條的規(guī)定,如果委托方在任何時候指示受托方將部分代持股權轉至委托方名下或者轉讓給委托方指定的第三方,則在上述部分代持股權轉讓交割后,本協(xié)議僅繼續(xù)對剩余的代持股權有效;如果委托方在代持期限內的任何時候指示受托方將全部代持股權轉至委托方名下或者轉讓給委托方指定的第三方,則在上述的全部代持股權轉讓交割后,代持期

28、限屆滿,本協(xié)議終止。Notwithstanding the provisions of , if the entrusting party requests the trustee to transfer part of the entrusted shares to the entrusting party or a third party designated by the entrusting party at any time, the agreement continues to be valid only on the remaining shares after the tran

29、sfer of part of these entrusted shares; If the entrusting party requests the trustee to transfer all of the entrusted shares to the entrusting party or a third party designated by the entrusting party at any time within the period, then the entrusting period will expire, with termination of this Agr

30、eement after the transfer of all of the above shares.4. 代持費用4. Entrusting Fee4.1 受托方根據(jù)本協(xié)議的約定持有代持股權,不收取任何報酬。The entrusted party has the entrusting right of shares in line with the agreement with free of charge.4.2 在受托方履行本協(xié)議(包括但不限于持有代持股權以及根據(jù)委托方的指示按照本協(xié)議處分代持股權)的過程中,發(fā)生的以下成本和費用,經(jīng)委托方確認和同意后,應計入委托方的成本,由委托方承擔

31、:4.2 In the implementation of the agreement by the entrusted party (including but not limited to having the entrusting right of shares and handling the right according to the agreement as instructed by the entrusting party), the following cost and fee occurred will be charged to the cost of the entr

32、usting party upon the confirmation and consent of the entrusting party who shall assume it:(1) 發(fā)生的交易手續(xù)費、印花稅、資本利得稅(如適用)以及其他稅費;(1) Transaction fee, stamp tax, capital gains tax (if applicable), other taxes and dues occurred;(2) 因履行本協(xié)議發(fā)生的其他合理成本和費用。(2) Other reasonable cost and fee produced from the imp

33、lementation of agreement.5. 保密義務5. Obligation of Confidentiality 受托方承諾對本協(xié)議的存在及其內容保密,不得向任何實體或個人予以全部或部分披露。The entrusted party shall guarantee the confidentiality of the existence and content of the agreement; shall not expose all or part of the agreement to any entity or individual. 6. 法律責任6. Legal Li

34、ability本協(xié)議生效后,任何一方不履行或不完全履行本協(xié)議約定的條件和條款,即構成違約。違約方應賠償 其違約行為給守約方造成的一切經(jīng)濟損失。Upon commencement, any party will breach the agreement by not implementing or incompletely implementing the agreed terms and conditions, who shall compensate for all the economic losses resulting from the breach act to the observ

35、ant party.7. 不可抗力7. Force Majeure“不可抗力 ”指無法預見、 無法避免及無法克服、 使得本協(xié)議一方部分或者完全不能履行本協(xié)議的事件, 包括但不限于地震、臺風、洪水、火災、戰(zhàn)爭、罷工、暴動。如果發(fā)生不可抗力事件,一方在本協(xié)議項下 受不可抗力影響的義務在不可抗力造成的延誤期間自動中止,并且其履行期限應自動延長,延長期間為中 止的期間,該方無須為此承擔責任?!癋orce majeure ”refers to such event as not being predicted, avoided and overcome, resulting in part or ful

36、l failure to the implementation of the agreement, which includes but not limited to earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire, war, strike and riot. In case of any force majeure, the obligations of one party influenced by the force majeure under the agreement will be suspended automatically during the delay

37、time and the implementation period will be extended accordingly which is equal to the delay time when the influenced party will not assume any responsibility.8. 適用法律和爭議解決8. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution8.1 本協(xié)議的效力、解釋、履行及爭議解決等事項,均適用中華人民共和國的法律。The matters including the effect, explanation, impl

38、ementation and dispute resolution of the agreement are applicable to the laws of the People 's Republic of China.8.2 由本協(xié)議產(chǎn)生或與本協(xié)議有關的爭議, 如雙方不能協(xié)商解決, 則任何一方可將該爭議提交日照仲裁委仲裁裁決為終局員會, 在山東省日照市進行仲裁,仲裁按照日照仲裁委員會的仲裁程序規(guī)則進行,。 性的,對雙方均有約束力,雙方同意受該裁決的約束并依照裁決執(zhí)行。For the dispute produced from or related to the agreemen

39、t, if the parties cannot settle it by negotiation, any party can submit the dispute to Rizhao Arbitration Committee for arbitration in Rizhao City, Shandong Province. And it will be carried out according to the arbitration procedures of the Committee. The arbitral award will be final, which is bindi

40、ng on both parties. And they agree on the binding and conduct implementation by the award.9. 本協(xié)議的生效9. Comme nceme nt of the Agreeme nt.本協(xié)議在雙方簽字后生效。The agreeme nt will take effect upon sig nature of both p arties.10. 本協(xié)議的變更和補充 10. Change and Suppl eme nt of the Agreeme nt該補充或者變更須經(jīng)雙方共同協(xié)商達成一致意10.1 雙方需要

41、就有關事宜對本協(xié)議進行補充或者變更的,見并訂立書面協(xié)議后方能生效。Where both p arties shall supp leme nt or cha nge the agreeme nt for matters con cer ned, the supp leme nt or cha nge shall come into force only after both p arties reach consen sus through mutual con sultati on and en ter into writte n agreeme nt.10.2 本協(xié)議附件(如有)以及雙方根

42、據(jù)條對本協(xié)議的任何補充和變更構成本協(xié)議不可分割的組成部分,與 本協(xié)議具有同等的法律效力。The attachme nt of the agreeme nt (if any), any suppl eme nt and cha nge as per Clause form the in ter nal part of the agreeme nt with the same equal legal effect as that of the agreeme nt.11. 其他約定 11. Others雙方應簽署并遞交必要的文件,采取必要的行動,以實現(xiàn)本協(xié)議的條款和目的。The P arties

43、shall sig n and submit the required docume nts; take n ecessary acti ons to achieve the clauses and purp ose of the agreeme nt.雙方充分知曉并理解本協(xié)議中全部條款的實質含義和其法律意義,并基于此種理解,簽署本協(xié)議。The p arties shall have a good kno wledge and un dersta nding of the real mea ning and legal sense of all the clauses in the agree

44、me nt, based on which, they con clude the agreeme nt.本協(xié)議所有條款的名稱僅為方便查閱的目的而設定,不影響本協(xié)議條款的意思或解釋。All the n ames of the clauses in the agreeme nt are established for ease refere nee by both p arties, not in flue ncing their mea ning or explan ati on.一方向另一方發(fā)岀的通知或書面函件應以郵政快遞、專人送交或傳真(以郵政快遞確認的)方式, 及時寄送或傳交給另一方。收到通知或往來函件的日期,如果是以郵政快遞方式送達,為信函投遞后的第五日;如果是以專人送交方式送達,應為專人送交之日;如果以傳真的方式送達,為發(fā)岀之 日的下一個工作日。所有通知及往來函件應發(fā)送至以下地址,直到一方書面通知另一方變更地址為止。The no tice or wri


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