1、外研社高二英語必修5導學案Module-3-reading導學案1 / 8Module three高二英語導學案:Adventure in Literature and the Cinema課程標準:本模塊題材內容為文學和電影作品中的冒險故事,要求學生通過學習了解該內容,熟悉英語文學,并掌握有關的詞匯,培養(yǎng)有關的語言技能。Parti. introduction; reading and vocabulary.學習目標:了解并熟練的掌握和應用下面方框的的詞匯和短語和其相應的詞匯和短語變 化。biography; fantasy; have connection with; detective;
2、solve; murderer; account; runaway; companion; raft; pour; shelter; paddle; lie; panic; curious; tie; rope; beard; fright;crawl; terrified; trunk.學法指導:1.歸納整理新學和已學的有關冒險故事的詞匯短語,并做類比記憶;嘗試通過語境猜測詞義;比較動詞的ed和ing形式以及不定式的用法。2.通過報刊因特網圖書館等各種途徑獲得更多有關文學作品和電影作品中冒險故事 的資料。自主預習案(讀書自學自主探究)語境記憶;1. there were several di
3、ffere nt _acco unt報道)of the story in the n ewspaper.2. young childre n sometimes cant dist in guish betwee n _fantasy_ (幻想)and reality.3. the cat felt _curious_ 好 奇的)whe n she saw her own reflecti on in the mirror.4. he was one of my Chin ese _companions_同 伴)duri ng my stay in America.詞匯拓展;1._fantas
4、y_n 幻想,想象=fantastic_adj.奇異的; 怪誕的,不現實得2. _solve_vt 解決=_solution_n.解決方案3. _curious _ adj 好奇的=_curiosity_n. 好奇心; 求知欲4. _terrified_adj,非常害怕的,極度恐慌的=_terrify_vt.使恐懼5 _muderer_n 兇手,殺人犯=_murder vt 謀殺6. _fright_n 恐懼,害怕=_frighten_adj 使驚嚇,使恐懼7.與 有聯系_have connection with(一)知識清單have connection with; run away; ah
5、ead of; pour ; shelter; as if ; to ones astonishment;lie ; panic; die of ; curious ; terrified.(二) 課前探究 我的疑問:1.list three things that Huck did according to the text.(no more than 30words)(1)._he persuaded Jim to board he sinking steamboat. (2) found out what happe ned onthe steamboat.(3) persuaded J
6、im to help him find and take the mens boat away. 課中探究案(合作 交流展示點評)判斷正誤:外研社高二英語必修5導學案Module-3-reading導學案2 / 81.A seam boat sank in the sea.()2.the short man killed the tall man ()3.the frighte ned man on the floor escaped from the steamboat.( )4.Huck and Jim took away the mans boat.( )5.Huck is a clea
7、r and brave young man ()閱讀理解1.the steamboat was sinking because_.A. the engine broke dow nB. it had hit a rockC. it had hit ano ther boatD. the fuel was running out2. how did Huck and Jim get to the sinking steamboat?()A. They took a shipB. They swamC. They paddled over D. They jumped3. how did Huck
8、 and JIM leave the sinking steamboat?A. By swimmi ng B By a raft C. By a boat D. By a ship4. what probably happe ned to the three men on the sinking boat?A. they were saved by HUCK and JimB. they left by a boatC. they sank to the bottom of the riverD. they became good friends5. What can we infer fro
9、m the text?A. Jim was not as adve nturous as HuckB. Huck wan ted all the three men to dieC. The short man did not want the man on the floor to dieD. Jim knew someth ing about the mans trickLanguage points1. a story which has no connection withreality (p21)have connection with 與.有關系/關聯聯想:be related t
10、o_Have somethi ng to do with_In conn ectio n with_be concerned with_翻譯:后來證明他跟兇殺案毫無關系.It tur ned out that he had no connection with the murder.2. a true account of he past.對過去真實的描述accou nt n 描述;描寫;賬戶;vt.認為是;視為There were several differe nt acco unts of the story in n ewspaper. 報紙上對此事有幾種不同的描述。Our compa
11、 ny has an acco unt with a bank in London.我們公司在倫敦的一家銀行有賬戶。On acco unt of_On no acco unt_Take acco unt of_Take no acco unt/no tice of_Take .into account_外研社高二英語必修5導學案Module-3-reading導學案3 / 83.Huckleberry Finn is a teenage boy who hasun away from home . run away 秘密的逃跑,避開辨析:run away ; fly away例 1The ma
12、n with whom she had _D_ left her, and she was penn iless.C. run into_ 撞至卩;_ D. run away_ 逃走_例 2. Toby_ B_ from home at the age of 14.A. gave away_ 暴露_ B. ran away _逃跑_B. got away (from)_擺脫_D. broke away (from)_掙脫束縛_4.there was a big storm after midnight and the rairpoured down.Pour v.傾盆而下;傾瀉Pour dow
13、n _傾盆而下_ pour sth into sth_ 量投入(金錢)于_Pour out _ (感情貨說話)奔涌;迸發(fā)_翻譯:大雨嘩嘩的下個不停。The rain continued to pour dow n.5.we stayed in side theshelter we had built and let the raft sail down the river.這是一個主從復合句。 We had built 是省略了關系 _(代詞;副詞)_ 的_ 句,該從句修飾哪個詞_. Shelter n. (C)遮蔽物,棲身之地;(U)掩護,保護V 保護,躲避搭配:under the shel
14、ter of 在.庇護下;受 .的保護Take shelter from 躲避Shelter .from 保護.以避.翻譯:在海灣的掩護下,這只小艇是不會有危險的。under the shelter of the bay there was no risk to the boat.6.it looks as if it will go under soon,” Jim said, after a couple of minutes.(p22)as if 好像,仿佛=as thoughhe looks as if he is ill .他看起來好處病了。it seems as if it is
15、going to rain.看起來好像要下雨了。He talked to them as if there children 他同他們說話,就當他們是孩子一樣。注意:(1) as if /though 既可以引導表語從句,也可以引導方式狀語從句,引導 表語從句時,常用于 it looks/seems as if /though 句型。(2) 如果 as if/though 引導的從句與事實相反,從句要用虛擬語氣。與現在事實相反,從句用一般過去時態(tài);與過去事實相反時,從句用過去完成時態(tài)。(3) 若引導表示客觀事實時,責不用虛擬語氣。 翻譯:看來我們隊要勝利了。It seems as if our
16、 team is going to win.Whe n a win dow is clea ned, it looks as if there _C_ no glass.A. is B. has been c. were D. had been7. To our astonishment, there was a light in one of the cabins.讓我們吃驚的是,有間船艙里亮著一盞燈。外研社高二英語必修5導學案Module-3-reading導學案4 / 8to ones astonishment = to the astonishment of令人大為吃驚的是To his
17、 ast oni shme nt, the keys were in the door 令 他驚訝的是,鑰匙在門上。聯想拓展asto nish v 使驚訝,使吃驚asto nished adj.感到驚訝的,吃驚的astonishing adj. 令人驚訝的,吃驚的 astonishment n.驚訝,吃驚I was_對 感到吃驚)the news.(astonished at)(2) _令我吃驚的是),he was so easy to believe others. (To myastonishment)8. But I persuaded him to help me, and we fo
18、unded the men s boat tied on the other sideof the steamboat 但我勸他幫我,我們最終找到了他們拴在汽船另一 側的船。Persuadevt說服,勸服;使相信(常與 to do 連用)說服;勸誘Who persuaded you to join this society?誰說服你參加這個團體?We persuaded Harry that he was wrong.我們使亨禾 U 相信是他錯了。(常與 of, that 連用)勸說;使相信 / (常與 into/out of 連用)說服;勸誘I am almost persuaded of
19、his hon esty.我?guī)缀跸嘈潘钦\實的。He persuaded her to go to school, eve n though she did not want to.即使她不想去上學,他還是說服她去。He persuaded us out of/ into going to the party.他勸我們不去 /去參加聚會。1) I_him to stay with us, but he thought this was not a good idea. (07武漢)A. persuaded B. make C. had tried to persuaded D. hoped (
20、C)2) The nu mber of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people_toeat more fruit and vegetable (D)A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuadedDiscussion:Suppose you see a man fall into a river and you can not swim , what should you do?我的疑問?外研社高二英語必修5導學案Module-3-readi
21、ng導學案5 / 8課后鞏固案:nReading and vocabulary1. Background knowledgeBased in the mid 1800s before the Civil War, the novel chronicles(編年史紀錄)the journey of and relatio nship betwee n Huckleberry Fi nn and a run away southern slave, Jim,as they flee south on the Mississippi River. The pair have a jour ney t
22、hat bring them together andthat shows Mark Twain s dislike for slavery in the southernculture.2. Understand the passage by finding the answers in the passage.1) How many characters are there in the story?A. Four B. Three C. Five D. Six2) We can infer that_.A. Huck and Jim was caught by the two menB.
23、 the man lying on the floor was killed by the short manC. all three men were savedD. Huck and Jim escaped safely3) Which of the followi ng stateme nt is true?A. A steamboat sank in the sea B. The short man killed the tall manC. The frighte ned man on the floor escaped from the steamboat.D. Huck and
24、Jim took away the two men s boat.4) What do you thi nk of Huck?A. He was a shy man.B. He is a clever and brave man.C. He is a cruel man.D. He had a few frighte ning experie nces on the river.3. Fill in the blanks according to the story.There was a big storm that ni ght and the rain 1and we sawsometh
25、ing in the river. It looked like 2_ at first, but then we外研社高二英語必修5導學案Module-3-reading導學案6 / 83_it was a steamboat. It had hit a rock. We were 4_towardsit. Jim didn t want to 5_ a 6_ ship. I suggested we might findsometh ing useful on the boat. So we 7_ and climbed onto the boat. Weheard some one be
26、g not to kill him. A man singry voice an swered that they weregoing to kill him for he was 8_. I saw two men standing9_ a man and said that they had had eno ugh 10_ the man.He obviously 11_to kill him. The short man disagreed and he thoughtthe steamboat would si nk and the man would 1 _ with it.The
27、13_ man on the floor started 14_. I thought I had tofind a way to save him. I 15_Jim to help me. And we found the manWe 16_ quietly and as we paddled away we heard the two men17_ . By then we were a safe 18_way. I didn want all three men19_ . I want to do 20_ I should do.4. Correct one mistake in th
28、e following sentences.1) We stayed in side the shelter we had built and let the raft sailed dow n the river.2) Although I was frighte nin g, I also felt very curious.3) There were two men sta nd over there.4) He sounds as if he s going to die for fright!5) We found the man s boat tying to other side
29、 of the steamboat.6) I have to find a way save him.7) As we paddled away, we heard the men shout.8) So we paddled over and climbed on to the steamboat, keep as quiet as mice.9) It was quite dark, but I could see a man lie on the floor, tied up with a rope.5. Read the passage and complete the followi
30、ng summary.一丄 a rainy midnight, we sailed down the river on a raft, noticing a steamboat half 2_ and half 3_of the water. We paddled over andclimbed on _ 4_it, hoping to get something useful. But _ _5_ myast oni shme nt, I sound that two men, one of_ _6_ held a gun, were just going tokill a man_ Z_
31、the floor,_8_ up with rope. I decided to save the man,外研社高二英語必修5導學案Module-3-reading導學案7 / 8so I 9 Jim to help me paddle away the men boat tied to the steamboat.When we were a safe dista nee away, I bega n to_ 10_ doing that.6. Complete the following sentences.1)_ We stayed in side theshelter we had built and let the raft_ 流航行)the river.2)_Suddenly,借昔助閃電的光亮),we saw something in the middleof the river.3)_ There were two men站在他面前)him.4)_The short man suggests留在)the man on thefloor.5)_We found the man s boatther side of
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