1、Web log Research Schedule 2019/012019/06Weekly plan ( 2019/01/05 )nLast weeknbenchmarknprepare for final examinationsnThis weeknprepare for final examinationsnwrite wireless lan homeworknNotesnThis week, I have to prepare for final examinations. After that, I need to write wireless lan homework and
2、computer network mini-project. In addition, I try to think about what I should research in the future.Weekly plan ( 2019/01/12 )nLast weeknprepare for final examinationsnwrite wireless lan homeworknThis weeknComputer network mini-projectnDemo wallnNotesnLast week, I had got through with all tasks. A
3、fter that, I felt too tired, but learnt many skills. This week, I have to do computer network mini-project. Meanwhile, I also ought to practice the wall demo in this week. If only I can finish all tasks on time before the Lunar New Years vacation.Weekly plan ( 2019/02/02 )nthe last plannComputer net
4、work mini-projectnDemo wallnthe plan for this weeknStudy the system research papernSurvey small function ( app discovery )nNotesnThis week, I try to study the system research paper for the first time. In addition, I ought to survey the small function in this week.Weekly plan ( 2019/02/09 )Last week:
5、Study the system research paperSurvey small function ( app discovery )This week:figure l7-filter out and try to install itreading the paperNotes:Last week, I already found out the package, l7-filter, which was the application layer packet classifier for Linux. Besides finding the package, I spent mu
6、ch time debugging the anti-spam package in wall in order to solve the problem of zero score.This week, I have to figure out l7-filter package and try to install it.In order to understand it.Weekly plan ( 2019/02/16 )nLast week:nfigure l7-filter out and try to install itnreading the papernThis week:n
7、trace ipfilter nreading the papernNotes:nLast week, I spent majority of time building new image on Wall.nAfter that, all things still set up finished when the Wall be reboot.nThis week, I will focus on small function research. Try to find out nhow to implement app discovery function on wall. Meanwhi
8、le, nI have to read the paper, besides researching small function.Weekly plan ( 2019/02/23 )nLast week:ntrace ipfilternreading the papernThis week:ntrace ipfilternreading the papernwrite report about test resultnNotes:nLast week was not my week. I got a sick which the doctor diagnosed as a duodenal
9、ulcer(十二指腸潰瘍十二指腸潰瘍). So as to tire to do everything.nThis week, I try to take a rest. In addition, I hope I can do something which I plan.Weekly plan ( 2019/03/01 )nLast week:ntrace ipfilternreading the papernwrite report about test resultnThis week:ntrace ipfilternNotes:nLast week, I spent a lot of
10、 time preparing the presentation of nsystem research paper. After the presentation, I found some ndrawback which I had to improve.nThis week, I will focus on tracing the code. In order to figure nout how to implement app discovery function on wall.Weekly plan ( 2019/03/08 )nLast week:ntrace ipfilter
11、nThis week:ninstall l7-filternsurvey embedded processornnNotes:nLast week, I tried to figure out how to work on IPFilter. nAfter that, I found many things I had to learn.nThis week, I have to install l7-filter on Linux and understand how to work on it. In addition, I also spend lot of time doing nem
12、bedded processor survey. Weekly plan ( 2019/03/15 )nLast week:ninstall l7-filternsurvey embedded processornThis week:nfamiliar with iptablesnprepare the slides for embedded-osnwrite term project SRSnNotes:nI am familiar with l7-filter and understand what to support on it after last week.nI have to g
13、et familiar with iptables and try to figure out how to work on linux npacket flow in this week. nIn order to become a proficient in iptables. Meanwhile, I have to prepare the nslides for embedded-os and write term project SRS on time.Weekly plan ( 2019/03/22 )nLast week:nfamiliar with iptablesnprepa
14、re the slides for embedded-osnwrite term project SRSnThis week:nselect some packages and try to get familiar with thatnsurvey boot loadernstudy buffer overflownNotes:nThis week, I have to select some packages which has implemented on nNetbsd wall. After that, I shall try to get familiar with that an
15、d then nprepare the slides for wall meeting next week. Meanwhile, I also have nto survey boot loader and study Writing Secure Codes to understand nhow to avoid buffer overflow.Weekly plan ( 2019/03/29 )nLast week:nselect some packages and try to get familiar with thatnsurvey boot loadernstudy buffer
16、 overflownThis week:nprepare the slides for wall meetingnsurvey boot loader and try to write anothernNotes:nI had selected some packages and tried to get familiar with that last nweek. This week, I shall prepare the slides for wall meeting before nWednesday. In addition, I will have to survey boot l
17、oader and try to nwrite another.Weekly plan ( 2019/04/05 )nLast week:nprepare the slides for wall meetingnsurvey boot loader and try to write anothernThis week:nwrite embedded-os homeworknsetup wall development environmentnNotes:nAfter the wall meeting, my job that I shall do is to build the wall nd
18、evelopment environment and develop the packages on it.nSo I will try to establish the wall development environment first nthis week. After that, I shall have to spend a lot of time writing nembedded-os homework.Weekly plan ( 2019/04/12 )nLast week:nwrite embedded-os homeworknsetup wall development e
19、nvironmentnThis week:nkeep on writing embedded-os homework ninstall some packagesnNotes:nI took a lot of time to write bootloader for embedded-os homework last nweek. After that, I learned many skills about embedded-os bootloader. nBut it still had some problems need to solve. This week, I shall kee
20、p on nwriting it. Meanwhile, I will need to install some packages on buildroot.Weekly plan ( 2019/04/19 )nLast week:nkeep on writing embedded-os homework ninstall some packagesnThis week:ntry to solve some issues about installing wall packagesnwrite embedded-os bootloader reportnwrite buffer overflo
21、w homeworknNotes:nLast week I spent a lot of time keeping on writing embedded-os homework.nIn addition to writing embedded-os homework, I also tried to install some npackages on wall. And it still had some problems need to decide. This week, I nshall focus my mind on it. After installing all package
22、s, I will have to write some nmakefiles to finish this job. In addition, I also have to write some homework on nthis week.Weekly plan ( 2019/04/26 )nLast week:ntry to solve some issues about installing wall packagesnwrite embedded-os bootloader reportnwrite buffer overflow homeworknThis week:nwrite
23、snort Makefilenwrite embedded-os SDS report and review SRS reportndo some computer network experimentsnNotes:nAfter wall meeting, wall team were decided to use snapgear package instead of nbuildroot package. Because this package was more convenient than another. nAnd I spent a lot of time using it.
24、After that, I found it cant support snort npackage. This week, I shall try to write some make files for it.nIn addition, I hope to finish writing some homework. Weekly plan ( 2019/05/03 )nLast week:nwrite snort Makefilenwrite embedded-os SDS report and review SRS reportndo some computer network expe
25、rimentsnThis week:ninstall some packagesndo some computer network experimentsnsurvey embedded-os homework 2 ( uClinux network driver ) nNotes:nLast week, I tried to write a Makefile for snort package. And I nhad a big trouble writing it. This week, I have to finish writing it and nsolve some problem
26、s before wall meeting. Meanwhile, I will try to do nsome computer network experiments and survey embedded-os nhomework 2 on this week.Weekly plan ( 2019/05/10 )nLast week:ninstall some packagesndo some computer network experimentsnsurvey embedded-os homework 2 ( uClinux network driver ) nThis week:n
27、do some computer network experimentsntrace uClinux codenNotes:nLast week, I spent a lot of time writing some make files on buildroot.nAfter that, I understood how to work on buildroot deeply. This week, I nshall focus my mind on computer network experiments. After doing nsome computer network experi
28、ments, I will need to finish writing some nreports before this weekend.Weekly plan ( 2019/05/17 )nLast week:ndo some computer network experimentsntrace uClinux codenThis week:ndo computer network experimentnkeep on tracing uClinux codenNotes:nLast week, I spent a lot of time doing some computer netw
29、ork nexperiments and writing some experiment reports. After that, I nunderstood how to use SmartBits on benchmarking. This week, nI also need to do one computer network experiment. In addition, I nhave to keep on tracing Linux code. I hope I can finish it on time before nnext week.Weekly plan ( 2019
30、/05/24 )nLast week:ndo computer network experimentnkeep on tracing uClinux codenThis week:nkeep on tracing linux codenNotes:nLast week, I tried to trace some linux code about device driver. And I nfound that it was difficult job for me to understand all code.nThis week, I also need to keep on tracin
31、g linux code. I hope I can nfinish it on time before Thursday. In addition, wall team will attend the ncomputer game on Saturday. I hope that we will succeed.Weekly plan ( 2019/05/31 )nLast week:nkeep on tracing linux codenThis week:nkeep on tracing linux codenwrite EOS reportndo computer network ex
32、perimentnhands-on wallnNotes:nLast week, I spent a lot of time installing the wall. After that, wall team nattended the computer game on last Saturday. Unfortunately we lost the game, nbut we learned some experiences on the computer game. This week, I need to keep on tracing linux code and prepare t
33、o write EOS report before Thursday.nIn addition, I have to spend much time on wall development.Weekly plan ( 2019/06/07 )nLast week:nkeep on tracing linux codenwrite EOS reportndo computer network experimentnhands-on wallnThis week:nsurvey EOS term-projectndo computer network experimentnhands-on wal
34、lnNotes:nI spent some weeks tracing linux kernel. After that, I learned how to write linux device ndriver and some programming skills. This week, I will try to survey EOS term-project and do nsome computer network experiments. In addition to finishing some jobs about courses, I nalso have to spend a
35、 lot of time checking the wall function.nIn addition, I need to select some courses for next semester before this Friday.Weekly plan ( 2019/06/14 )nLast week:nsurvey EOS term-projectndo computer network experimentnhands-on wallnThis week:ndo computer network experimentndo EOS term-project and write
36、reportnNotes:nLast week, I tried to finish some jobs about wall project. nBut I had a little trouble configuring the snort.nI needed a lot of time to handle it. nThis week, I shall focus my mind on all homework. nIn addition, I have to spend a lot of time doing my thesis survey.Weekly plan ( 2019/07
37、/26 )This week:study AC algorithmtrace Clam-AV and find out how to implement on itNotes:This week, I need to study AC algorithm and understand how to work on it. In addition, I have to trace the anti-virus package, Clam-AV, and find out how to implement on it.I shall obtain some research information
38、 in the process of tracing.Weekly plan ( 2019/08/02 )Last week:study AC algorithmtrace Clam-AV and find out how to implement on itThis week:write wall GUIattend NTHU summer campimplement SOG algorithmNotes:Last week, although I got through with tracing Clam-AV source code, I still had some issues. I
39、 need a little time to check those issues. This week, I have to attend NTHU summer camp on Tuesday. In addition, I must have a browse through the wall GUI and implement SOG algorithm.Weekly plan ( 2019/08/09 )nLast week:nwrite wall GUInattend NTHU summer campnimplement SOG algorithmnThis week:nwrite
40、 wall GUInimplement SOG algorithmnNotes:nI attended NTHU summer camp last week, and learned some skills about development nembedded system. In addition to attending the summer camp, I also researched how to nwrite wall GUI and what the big issue was. I found the session control on all web site was n
41、critical issue, so we should clear up this issue first. In addition, I shall keep on writing wall nGUI and implement new SOG algorithm in this week. Weekly plan ( 2019/08/16 )nLast week:nwrite wall GUInimplement SOG algorithmnThis week:nwrite wall GUInwall demonimplement RKBT algorithmnNotes:nLast w
42、eek, I got through with profiling the Wu-Manber algorithm. nAfter that, I found out the result was the same as the paper.nThis week, I shall finish wall demo on Wednesday and implement new nRKBT algorithm before research meeting.Weekly plan ( 2019/08/23 )nLast week:nwrite wall GUInwall demonimplemen
43、t RKBT algorithmnThis week:nwrite wall GUInprepare the slides for group meetingnmodify RKBT programnNotes:nWe had finished the Excellence Demo on Taipei Convention Center last Wednesday. nFurthermore, I got through with implementing the RKBT algorithm and found out the test result was not similar to the paper. I plan to find out this issue in this week. nIn addition, I need to keep on writing the wall GUI and prepare the slides for group nmeeting.Weekly plan ( 2019/09/13 )Last week:write wall GUIprepare the slides for group meetingmo
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