1、專項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)練習(xí)(改錯(cuò)題)A() 1. Jin have a dictbna. Do you have oneA B C D()2. They has a m ap, and he has a picture.A BC D() 3. Kate has an apple. W hatdoes you have A B CD() 4. W e has som e fish. W hatdo you haveAB C D() 5. -hatdo Sam have -H e has a th ofchrken. A B C D() 6. -W hata支 they dohg -They is eathg2
2、_ A BC D() 7. Is Tom clean the w hdow s ¥es, he is. A BC D() 8. "Do Sam doing his hom ewoik -No, he isn't AB CD() 9. -Aie the girls watshiig TV -Yes, he aie.A B C D() 10. Is Kate flying a kite T es, she isn'tAB C D() 11. H er Mend diaw ing a horse in that house now .A B C D() 12. M
3、_v.m otheris do 1he housewoik.A B C D() 13. A lithe students is playing gam es under the tree.A B C D() 14. Lih7 axe cleaning the blackboard.ABC D() 15. Tom can phy vbh.ABC D() 16. Jin can't skiingA B C() 17. The football is under the teachers' desk.A B C D()18. W ho can fhd heA B C D() 19.
4、C an you fly a kite or to skateAB C D() 20. Therc aie m anv sheeps on 1he 齒xm .A B C D() 21. Ihaveany m oney in m y pocket( 口袋).A B C D() 22. H e Ike his C hinese teacherveiy m uch. D o you like yoursA B C D() 23. M y schoobag is new . H ow aboutyour A B C D() 24. W here is Tom -H e is h a books sho
5、p.A B C D() 25. There aie 3 peoples ii m y :fam 皿. A B C D() 26. Is there any fish h the hkeA B C D() 27. Therc aie m uch people h 1he streetAB C D()28. D on?t laugh at I _A BCD() 29. M y m otherw ears new touser today.A B C D() 30. H e can pby the voBeyballABC D() 31. C an you put the toy car h you
6、r headABC D() 32. H e can have a re-cieam .ABC D() 33. C an he ride a bike Yes, he can'tA B C D() 34. D o you Ike skhg N o, Idon,tA B C D() 35. H ow m any vase are there h the shopA B C D() 36. W hatdo you Ike like pum pkhs m asks. A B C D() 37. Thev don,to Id schoolh sundav.A B C D() 38. Hewoul
7、d Ike go to 1he supem aiketAB C D() 39. Are vou need a tape Yes, (do.A BCD() 40. H ow m uch is the trousers F ifty yuan.A B C D()41. D o you like sw in m hg N o, Ido. _AB C D() 42. Shallw e listening to m usic now G ood ideaj() 43. Axe there som e prtuies on the wallA BCD() 44. Kate and Jin has two
8、boxes of chocolates,ABC D() 45. W hatdoes you haveA B C D()46. D o Tom have som e riceABC D() 47. H ow m uch oianges can you see h the basketABC D() 48. H ow m any circle aie theieA BCD()49. The card is a ovalA B C D() 50. N otfcigetto w rite to yourfatherA BCD()51. W hatshape a:re the bag ABCD() 52
9、. H ow m any com puteis can you bok atin the pjctu耍A B C D() 53. The支 are thiee w iidow s and a door on the w allA B C D()55. D o they w atehhg TV nowA B C D() 56. Ihave m any m oney,AB C D() 57. G aoshan is thher than his biotherABC D() 58. Arc yourhairas bng as heisA B C D() 59. Y an* Ling's u
10、nci is stamgerand tall than her fatherA B C D() 60. There aie a littJe doe and 1wo cats underthe tee.AB C D() 61. M v m um say I in m y is a Iso herchild.A B C D() 62. lam thrce m onths olderthan he. _A B C D() 63, G o abng the steet and tnm Cftatsecond cmssiin.A BCD()64. You can take bus and gotoff
11、atthe third stop.ABCD專項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)練習(xí)(改錯(cuò)題)G() 65. Iw ant to buy a hteresthg book about footballAB CD() 66. W here's N an jhg and Suzhou h Jiangsu.A B C D() 67. H e is asking YangLhg how to getto there.A BC D() 68. It;s abouttwTo kibm eteraway.A B C D() 69. S ony. H ow can I get to the H istoiy M useumAB C
12、 D()70. W e aie sam e age.ABC D() 71. H e is on holiday in china. ABC D() 72. They pby the ft)oiballevery day.AB C D() 73. H ow m any building are there h the street A B C D() 74. Hold hin to took bus No.3 h ftontof 1he chem a.AB CD() 75. Su Y an,s and Su H ais cousin is thinner than them .ABCD() 76
13、. Lastw eek, there is a Sports Festivalat our schoolABCD() 77. C hristm asison25thofD ecem ber.ABC D() 78. She leads as betteras us.A B C D() 79. Shallw e started our lesson now AB C D() 80.比s abouta kibm eierw ay.A B C D() 81. The w eather ii w is as coBerac ii sDrhH. _A B C D() 82. Itofcn rah h sp
14、ring there. ABC D()83. I very7 m uch Ike autum n.A B C D() 84. H ow m any gren w ateh can you see on the shellA B C D() 85. W hrh season ai you Ike best() 86. It is halfpastten in Sunday m omhg.A BCD() 87. The boys and girls aie tak aboutthe fcotballm ateh.A B C D() 88. N ancy is gohg to phy p-no at
15、the concertA B C D() 89. Isee a Beijng opera show bstyearA B C D() 90. W hataie you go to do tom orrowAB C D() 91. The耍 axe som e orange jire h 1he glass.A B C D() 92. Tom is going to play basketballaod his :friends.A B C D() 93. The w eather in N ew Y oik is cold than h N an jig.A B C D() 94. You n
16、eed buy a new schoolbag.AB C D() 95. P eter Ikes m ake m odelphnes athom e.AB C D() 96. The 耍 are a hill a hke and m any te es near our house.AB C D()97. Iw ouH like to know m any aboutyou.A B C D() 98 . D avid and M ike Ikes w a 記hing :foo Iba Ilgam es. ABC D() 99. M ike's parents axe alldoctoi
17、s.A BCD() 100. W hatare you gohg to do in Sunday m omiigA B C D() 101. D o you have bleak魚stat six Y es, Ihave. AB CD() 102. fm gohg to phv the gam e and som e friends.AB C D() 103. (lead English ft)r a hour every m omrig,ABC D() 104. There axe tv o w hdow s on the w allA B C D()105. The w om an in
18、bbck is old than M is. B hck.ABCD() 106. W e w ant to m etM iss G ao on Sunday.() 107. H ow m any m aps aie there in the study There's 1wo.A B C D() 108. Is Tom ride a bike Yes, he is. ABCD() 109. M y bmther is good h C hinese.A B C D() 110. He Ike pbyhg feolballveiy m uch.AB C D() (IL Do you ha
19、ve any pmbbni s ofyourhom ewoikA B C D() 112. H ow about go :for a w alk w ith us A B C D() 113. Yourm oiher boks young ihan herm oiherA B C D() (14. Jin is notas stamgeras the otherboys.A B C D() 115. & Yang Liig's kite h 豆 her than Lii TaoAB C D() 116. H elen is doing w ellii PE than N anc
20、y.ABCD() 117. Iwantto buy som e presents to m y friends.AB CD()118. 0 ne ofus arc h the zoom .A B C D() 119. This is their phns for the w eekend.ABCD() 120. like rcad books aboutm usr.A B C D()121. He often do hom ewoik athom e.ABC D() 122. The girlin the yelbw bow lis watching the snow,A B C D() 12
21、3. G ao Shan is sithg bv the window.ABC D() 124. (have som e writh Daperand a envebre.A B C D() 125. M y 齒vorite sub京cta支 M aths aad Science.ABCD() 126. D o he have any coushsA B C D() 127. W ho goes to schoo 1 earUer, you and D avid() 128. M y m other look younger 也an m y auntA BCD() 129. D avid sw
22、 in s 魚stihan Jin . A B C D()130. P base ium 斑h(yuǎn)tat the five ciosshg.A B CD() 131. Iw ouB like to do yourpenfriend.A B C D() 132. lusua go idw hg and fish. A B C D() 133. I ,d Ike you to go to the pbygiound w ith 匚A B C D()134. Letm e telling you a story. ABC D()135. W e ire the sam e ages.A BCD() 13
23、6. Look, the book is the慮.P ick up it A B C D() 137. D oes B en and his brother Ike cartoonsA B C D() 138. I 'd like to som e balbons :for m y party.A B C D()139. Is it yours No, it isn 'tm ine book. It 's his.A B C D()140. She isn "tas shorter as her sisterABC D() 141. M y fether i
24、s tall than m y m otherABC D() 142. W ho is tallei; your or your fetherABC D() 143. W ho "s xuleris bngei; his orhersA BCD()144. Is She com e 徐m Am ericaAB C D()145, H ow can I Het the Bank ofC hiiaABC D()146. G o abnH this street and the paxk is at. your leftA BC D() 147. You can take bus and geto:ffatthe thige stop.A BCD() 148. The thlf stole m v DUie and iun out of the shop.A BC D專項(xiàng)復(fù)習(xí)練習(xí)(改錯(cuò)題)H149. Js he jim p :fartherthan his friend, Tom150. Ithink Tom 'shair is shorter than Jack.151.Pbybasketball3SH anyfevoritesportA B C DAB C DAB
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