1、Congruence in strategic human resource managementIntroductions overalThe central idea behind strategic human resource management is that corporate should deal with the relationship between corporate strategy, organization structure and human resource practices. And make these three essential factors
2、 be in support for the organization As a prerequisite for understanding how to strategically manage human resources, in this essay, I will demonstrate the concept of corporate strategy, organizational structure and human resource management practices, as well as the relationship among them and selec
3、t one company as specifics example to analyze the topicCorporate strategyA corporate strategy is the set of man ageme nt decisi on-desig ned by executives, the board, senior management team or whoever are the final decision makers in the organization -that are meant to get the better of adversaries
4、or attain the organizationsends'.Strategic management is a field that deals with the major intended and emergent initiatives taken by general managers on behalf of owners, involving utilization of resources, to enhance the performance of ?rms in their external environments. It entails specifying
5、 the organization's mission, vision and objectives, developing policies and plans, often in terms of projects and programs, which are designed to achieve these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the policies and plans, projects and programs. A balanced scorecard is often used
6、 to evaluate the overall performance of the business and its progress towards objectives. Recent studies and leading management theorists have advocated that strategy needs to start with stakeholders expectations and use a modified balanced scorecard which includes all stakeholders.Strategic managem
7、ent is a level of managerial activity under setting goals and over Tactics. Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise and is closely related to the field of Organization Studies. In the field of business administration it is useful to talk about "strategic alignment"
8、; between the organization and its environment or "strategic consistency. Strategic management includes not only the management team but can also include the Board of Directors and other stakeholders of the organization. It depends on the organizational structure.The specific approach to strate
9、gic management can depend upon the size of an organization, and the proclivity to change of its business environment. These points are highlighted below:1. as A global/transnational organization may employ a more structured strategic management model, due to its size, scope of operations, and need t
10、o encompass stakeholder views and requirements.2. An SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) may employ an entrepreneurial approach. This is due to its comparatively smaller size and scope of operations, as well as possessingfewer resources. An SME's CEO (or general top management) may simply outline
11、a mission, and pursue all activities under that mission.Organizational structureAn organizational structure consists of activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision, which are directed towards the achievement of organizational aims. It can also be considered as the viewing glass
12、or perspective through which individuals see their organization and its environment.An organization can be structured in many different ways, depending on their objectives. The structure of an organization will determine the modes in which it operates and performs.Organizational structure allows the
13、 expressed allocation of responsibilities for different functions and processes to different entities such as the branch, department, workgroup and individual.Organizational structure affects organizational action in two big ways. First, it provides the foundation on which standard operating procedu
14、res and routines rest. Second, it determines which individuals get to participate in which decision-making processes, and thus to what extent their views shape the organization' s actions.An organizational structure depends entirely on the organization's objectives and the strategy chosen to
15、 achieve them. In a centralized structure, the decision making power is concentrated in the top layer of the management and tight control is exercised over departments and divisions. In a decentralized structure, the decision making power is distributed and the departments and divisions have varying
16、 degrees of autonomy.Organizational structure depends on the product to be developed. Wheelwright and Clark define a continuum of organizational structures between two extremes, functional organizations and project organizations. Functional organizations are organized according to technological disc
17、iplines. Senior functional managers are responsible for allocating resources. The responsibility for the total product is not allocated to a single person. Coordination occurs through rules and procedures, detailed specifications, shared traditions among engineers and meetings (ad hoc and structured
18、). Products that need a high level of specialized knowledge require a functionally organized structure.A light-weighted matrix organization remains functional and the level of specialization is comparable to that found in the functional mode. What is different, is the addition of a product manager w
19、ho coordinates the product creation activities through liaison representatives from each function. Their main tasks are: to collect information, to solve conflicts and to facilitate achievement of overall project objectives. Their status and influence are less as compared to functional managers, bec
20、ause they have no direct access to working-level people.A heavy-weighted matrix organization exists of a matrix with dominant the project structure and underlying the functional departments. The product manager has a broader responsibility. Manufacturing, marketing and concept development are includ
21、ed. The status and influence of the product manager, who is usually a senior, is the same or higher as compared to the functional manager. Compared to functional managers, because they have no direct access to working-level people.Another way to classify organization structure is by one of the follo
22、wing four categories:1. The product to be developed is comprehensible for one person. One person is likely to have all the knowledge needed to developManufacturing and Assembly. The development department in companies that undertake these kinds of projects are usually very small. If a company consis
23、ts of more than one department, it is usually structured as a functional organization.2. The product to be developed has a fairly low complexity, but total work is high. These kinds of products are likely to be developed within one functional department. A research department may also be an example
24、of a department in which type II projects are undertaken. Are more departments involved then the light weighted matrix structure is preferable. Employees are involved on a full-time basis. Tasks may be performed concurrently. The sequence can be determined using the Design Structure Matrix.3. The pr
25、oduct to be developed consists of a lot of different elements, such as software, PCB, power supply and mechanical structure. The product is however in the engineering phase, i.e. it is clear what needs to be done to get the product into production. Various disciplines perform their own tasks. These
26、tasks have mostly a low workload. Employees cannot work full-time on one project. This creates a complex situation that may be compared to a job shop situation in production logistics. Though the comparison between manufacturing and product development is not accepted by all product development mana
27、gers, it may yield good results. Studying each step in the Product Development Process and fluctuationsin workloads reveals ways to reduce variation and eliminate bottlenecks.It is necessary to view the Product4. The product is complex. Total work is high. Employees can thus participate on a full-ti
28、me basis. A project organization is the most appropriate organizational structure for these kind's of products.Human resource management practicesIn the organizations or firms, human resource management(HRM) practices as a mediator between HRM strategy and HRM outcome. Sheppeck and Militello foc
29、us HRM strategy into four groups: employment skill and work policies, supportive environment, performance measurement and reinforcement and market organization whereby Guest divides in to three categories: differentiated on innovation, focus on quality and cost-reduction. However, there are many def
30、initions in previously researcheson HRM strategy, but all strategies used to achieve the same organizational goal through HRM practices. Sivasubramanian and Kroeck verify the various perspective of human resource management as the concept of fit or integration. Based on Guest suggests the various ty
31、pes of human resource management can be classify in two dimensions as internal and external fit. External fit explain HRM as strategic integration whereby internal fit as an ideal of practices. Several of researches try to examine which fit is appropriately. Youndt etal., who observe the external fi
32、t, their result shows more particular fit between high performance HRM practices and quality strategy. Stavrou-Costea also argued that the effective human resource management can be the main factor for the success of a firm. As supported by Lee and Lee HRM practices on business performance, namely t
33、raining and development, teamwork, compensation/incentive, HR planning, performance appraisal, and employee security help improve firms ' business performance including employee's productivity, productquality and firm 's flexibility.Ruwan empirically evaluated six human resource (HR) pra
34、ctices (realistic job, information, job analysis, work family balance, career development, compensation and supervisor support) and their likely impact on the Marketing Executive Turnover. Results of regression showed that the HR practices on job analysis are strong predictors of Marketing Executive
35、 Turnover. A long the same line, Abang, May-Chiun and Maw two components of human resource practices namely, training and information technology have direct impact on organizational performance. In addition, Zaini, Nilufar and Syed four HRM practices showed that training and development, team work,
36、HR planning, and performance appraisal have positive and significant influence on business performance. Altarawmneh and al-Kilani examine the impact of human resource management practices on employees 'turnover intentions. Theresults showed that job analysis had a significant effect on employees
37、 ' turnover However, no statistical evidence was found regarding the effects of other HRM practices on employees'turnover intentions. The study suggests that incentive plans based on rewards, bonuses, salaries enhancement, and performance appraisal reports could be useful strategies to be re
38、considered in the surveyed. This paper utilizes HRM practices in specific internal fit as an ideal set of practices which identify three variables; supervision, job training, and pay practices believed to influence job satisfaction and toward turnover of the employees, as some of the practices of hi
39、gh the performance working system practices by previous HRM researchers such as Bradley, Petrescu and SimmonsCongruenceIn a mature corporate, the corporate strategy is the core part of the operation of the company, the organizational structure is the guarantee of the implementation of the corporate
40、strategy. Only if the organizational structure can match the corporate strategy, the objective of the company can be achieved. To guarantee the corporate strategy to be implemented and the organizational structure to be operated, human resource management practices must be put into effects accompany
41、 with the corporate strategy and the organizational structure. The human resource managementpractices can allocate the human resource most efficientlythen the corporate strategy can be operated in order. In one word, only if the three main concepts, corporate strategy, organizational structure and t
42、he human resource management practices can be coordinated well, the company can run fast and in order.Human resource planningHuman resources planning is a process that identifies current and future human resources needs for an organization to achieve it goals. Human resources planning should serve a
43、s a link between human resources management and the overall strategic plan of an organization. Aging worker populations in most western countries and growing demands for qualified workers in developing economies have underscored the importance of effective Human Resources Planning.Human resource pla
44、nning refers to classic HR administrative functions, and the evaluation and identification of human resources requirements for meeting organizational goals. It also requires an assessmentof the availability of the qualified resources that will be needed. Human resources planning should be a key comp
45、onent of nearly every corporation 'sstrategic business planning. To ensure their competitive advantage in the marketplace, organizations must implement innovative strategies that are designed to enhance their employee retention rate and recruit fresh talent into their companies.Effective human r
46、esources planning strategiesare those that include having sufficient staff, with the right mixture of talent, and who are in the appropriate locations, performing their jobs when needed. It moves beyond the traditional role of human resources as primarily an administrative control function. In today
47、 'csorporate environment, it is viewed as a valuable component for adding value to an organization. Both employees and the company will often realize many benefits of planning over the long-run.In uncertain business settings, the significance of strategic human resources planning can become obvi
48、ous veryquickly. A company that reacts to circumstances by cutting staff as a measure to reduce short-term overhead can create unwanted repercussions. What initially looked like a smart and necessarymove to economize in lean times can end up costing the company much more in the long-run. The resourc
49、es that will be needed to subsequently recruit, hire, and train new employees may well exceed any short-term cost savings.Forward-looking human resources planning typically anticipates future staffing requirements. It can help organizations avoid cost errors. Strategies are formulated to not only an
50、ticipate their needs over time, but to consider optimal solutions for the long term and under challenging economic conditions. This approach minimizes the chance of short-sighted and reactive choices being implemented by decision-makers.Organizations with a plan in place, and a keen understanding of
51、 their Ion g-ra nge objectives, may in stead decide to weather the econo mic storm and keep train ed, tale nted, and dedicated staff in place for the in evitable bus in ess uptre nd.The pla nning processes of most best practice orga ni zatio ns not only define what will be accomplished within a give
52、n timeframe, but also the nu mbers and types of huma n resources that will be n eeded to achieve the defi ned bus in ess goals.Competency-based management supportsthe integration of human resources pla nning with bus in ess pla nning by allow ing orga ni zati ons to assess the curre nt huma n resour
53、ce capacity based on their compete ncies aga inst the capacity n eeded to achieve the visi on, missi on and bus in ess goals of the orga ni zati on. Targeted huma n resource strategies, pla ns and programs to address gaps are the n desig ned, developed and impleme nted to close the gaps.These strate
54、gies and programs are mon itored and evaluated on a regular basis to en sure that they are moving the orga ni zati ons in the desired directi on, in cludi ng clos ing employee compete ncy gaps, and correcti ons are made as n eeded.Strategic staffi ngStrategic staffing is an approach to personnel man
55、agement that requires a department to analyze its staffing needs by considering its Iong-term objectives and those of the overall company and determining a specific comb in ati on of perma nent and temporary employees with the best skills to meet those needs Many organizations understand the ben efi
56、ts of a Ion ger-term approach to staffi ng: reduced tur no ver and hiring costs, improved efficiency and morale, and ultimately greater profits. Un fort un ately, traditi onal approaches to strategic staffi ng are ofte n more effective on paper tha n in the workplace.Prepare for a change in approach
57、 from traditional human resource management to strategic human resource management. Write an HR bus in ess pla n that emphasizes tale nt man ageme nt and workforce capability. Develop strategies to link staffi ng efforts and tale nt man ageme ntto bus in ess goals. In clud ing a huma n capital man a
58、geme nt strategy in your compa ny's bus in ess pla n will rein force the compa ny's commitment to its workforce. Augment career development and adva nceme nt opport un ities for new hires and existi ng employees by using job posti ng and other programs that en courage promoti on from withi n
59、 the compa ny. Use alter native work arran geme ntsto build a committed and highly-engaged employee base for your company. Re-define traditional work arrangements.Develop innovative ways to recruit effectively and provide huma n resource services by part nering with schools, colleges and uni versities. Make sure to in corporate diversity in to the staffi ngmanagement process. Involve existing workers in the recruitment and selection process as often as possible. Use referral programs and peer interviews to select quality candidates. Use technology and the
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