2、,總結(jié)本月的質(zhì)量分析p 。并征求員工對質(zhì)量管理的意見和建議;會上分析p 問題反復出現(xiàn)的原因,追究相應管理者的責任,并制定整改措施;(7)每月5日組織一次大堂副理、領班管理人員溝通會,了解基層情況,發(fā)現(xiàn)問題,落實解決措施;(8)每月7日組織一次“員工溝通會”,了解員工思想狀態(tài),對上級管理人員的意見和建議等;3、季度:(1)季度末的最后一周的周四編寫本季度工作總結(jié)及下季度工作計劃。(2)評選部門季度優(yōu)秀管理人員和優(yōu)秀員工,并上交企管部。每季度末的_號員工評選方案的制定和上報,23-_號配合酒店進行評選(3)每季度末最后一周的周五召開部門季度總結(jié)會議。(4)參加酒店季度總結(jié)及員工表彰會。4、年:(1
3、)每年的12月10日編寫本年度工作總結(jié)及下年度工作計劃。(2)評選部門年度優(yōu)秀管理人員和優(yōu)秀員工,并上交企管部。(3)每年的12月29日召開部門年度總結(jié)會議。(4)參加酒店年度總結(jié)及員工表彰會。大副: 周:(1)每周一、三、五參加酒店早例會。(2)周五召開部門周例會。(3)周四編寫部門周總結(jié)計劃,并上交。(4)周三組織前臺員工去財務參加財務關于收銀員的培訓(5)每周一組織部門質(zhì)檢(6)周三點評員工用心做事事例,并上交。(7)每周一、三組織部門培訓。月:(1)每月25日編寫本月工作總結(jié)及下月工作計劃。(2)每月28日召開部門月度總結(jié)會議。(3)每月的29日進行物資盤點工作。(4)每月的28日進行
6、、召開部門年度總結(jié)會議。4、參加酒店年度總結(jié)及員工表彰會存.篇2:大副最新個人年度總結(jié)大副工作崗位=個人原創(chuàng),有效防止雷同,歡迎下載=篇3:酒店前臺年度工作總結(jié)個人年度工作總結(jié)-前廳部 秦海濤過去的20_年是充實忙碌而又快樂的一年。在新的20_年到來之際,回首在西溪賓館的這段日子,從對于酒店前臺接待工作的一知半解到現(xiàn)在能夠獨擋一面,這里面除了我自己的付出與努力,更離不開酒店給我所帶來的培訓,以及酒店及部門領導和同事對我的幫助。在此我由衷的感謝給與我?guī)椭牟块T領導和同事們。一,像所有其他的服務行業(yè)一樣,禮貌,禮儀:怎樣保持微笑,怎樣問候客人,如何為客人提供服務,在服務中對客所要用的語言等。還記得
11、,看看有哪些帳務可以及時結(jié)掉,避免賬務的累積造成不清楚,同時在每月的月末之際,自己也會主動檢查團隊假房及散客假房待結(jié)賬,整理成表格交給財務,方便下月月初信貸會議的使用。20_,自己在西溪賓館又度過了充實忙碌快樂的一年,很開心自己能來到酒店做前臺,很感謝酒店領導及部門經(jīng)理對自己的指導和同事對自己的幫助,使自己得到了很大的進步與鍛煉。希望以后能繼續(xù)在西溪貢獻自己的力量,加強學習,努力工作,得到更多的肯定。西溪賓館前臺接待:秦海濤 20_/01/06 酒店前廳主管個人上半年工作總結(jié)前廳部作為酒店的門面,每個員工都要直接的面對客人,員工的工作態(tài)度和服務質(zhì)量反映出一個酒店的服務水準和管理水平。為大家整理
16、協(xié)調(diào)的好壞在工作中將受到極大的影響。前廳部是整個酒店的中樞部門,它同餐飲、銷售、客房等部門都有著緊密的工作關系,如出現(xiàn)問題,我們都能主動地和該部門進行協(xié)調(diào)解決,避免事情的惡化,因為大家的共同目的都是為了酒店,不解決和處理好將對酒店帶來一定的負面影響。 五、加強各類報表及報關數(shù)據(jù)的管理前臺按照公安局的規(guī)定對每個入住的客人進行入住登記,并輸入電腦,境外客人的資料通過酒店的報關系統(tǒng)及時的向國家安全局出入境管理科進行報關,認真執(zhí)行公安局下發(fā)的通知,對每位住客的貴重物品進行提醒寄存。前廳部所有的報表和數(shù)據(jù)指定專人負責,對報表進行分類存檔并每月統(tǒng)計上報。20_年客房收入與20_年客房收入進行對比,住房率增
17、加了9.46,但收入?yún)s減少了240223.07元,主要原因是因為酒店業(yè)之間的惡性竟爭導致平均房價降低,入住率增加而收入減少的現(xiàn)象,客房簡況表附后。 成績是喜人的,但不是之處我們也深刻地意識和體會到:1、在服務上缺乏靈活性和主動性;2、總機的設備老化造成線路不暢,時常引起客人投訴; ·3、個別新員工對本職工作操作不熟練; 4、商務中心復印機老化,復印機效果不好,影響到商務中心的收入,今年全年商務中心的復印現(xiàn)金收入只有_元。 酒店前廳工作總結(jié)Had gone some year, in this year, _ big public house manages ne_t having o
18、f pany and _ pany jointly in _ bigger change, the capital with two devoted and many partner undertook update and be transforminged to facilities of hotel part facilities, bedraggled and old 3 buildings do busine through decorating, those who made up for hotel recreation project is vacant, make the s
19、ervice project of the hotel more perfect, be aimed at the problem of guest room peculiar smell, through opening a dow ventilated got eential settlement, at the same time old to guest room TV undertook updating, all these brought opportunity of survival and hope to the hotel.Of the level of service o
20、f perfect, employee of the project of newer, service of hotel facilities rise further, the best result that throughout history obtains in making _ big public house criticizes review a case in which a death sentence has been paed by a lower court in the star 20_3 the 2nd, make _ big public house had
21、taller reputation in hotel industry.These active management that are store level leader and all hotels are departmental the effort of door employee is not divided.So the hotel pays attention to the cultural and ideological progre of employee relatively, created good life vacuum to employee, transfor
22、m the washhouse of the hotel the hibious room of a capacious employee dining-room and employee activity, acquired the recreational project such as card of ping-pong, ping-pong desk, che, begin each race for many times, the constitution that enhanced employee namely abounded the spare life of employe
23、e again, the hotel still went to installation of solar energy hot water employee dormitory, solved the problem that employee ter bathes.All these employee can pa serious work to sign up for a hotel back and forth only.e this year below the circumstance that antechamber ministry changes ceaselely in
24、personnel, all employee still can overe enterprising of difficult, solidarity, the satisfactory hotel that finish gives each wele the job, annual weled VIP group in all 4, the conference countle, in whole in recieving a proce, get of the guest reputably, e one year antechamber ministry has done the
25、follog works: One, strengthen vocational training, raise ministry of employee quality antechamber to serve as the earance of the hotel, every employee should confront a visitor directly, the working manner of employee and service quality report give the service level of a hotel and level of manageme
26、nt, because of this pair of employee the working key that grooming is us, will make in the light of 5 branch this year groom in detail plan: Be aimed at telephone e_change, we undertake skill grooms receiving audition phone language; The baggage that is in in the light of baggage is carried and chec
27、k service undertakes grooming; The ceremony courtesy of dest clerk and skill of carry out room groom; Especially all to antechamber ministry employee will undertake the foreign language of a month grooms is as long as July this year, judge check to lay ne_t certain foundations for the star this year
28、, just can let employee have on skill of Wu of profeional knowledge kimono through grooming only rise further, gift is nicer provide e_cellent service for the guest.2, engraft to employee “ broaden sources of ine and reduce e_penditure, add close cut down e_pense “ consciousne, control good cost “ b
29、roaden sources of ine and reduce e_penditure, add close cut down e_pense “ it is every enterprise not arrowy pursuit, antechamber department employee answers the call of the hotel actively, begin managing, cut down e_pense activity, control good cost.For managing charge, antechamber him ministry buy
30、s plastic basket to hold the key of the group, reduced the use amount of key bag and room card, to the hotel managing charge (no matter be a group,still e loose so guest, every room must fill in to the room gets stuck and use key bag, after using room card and key bag through group house, saved cost
31、 greatly, the room blocks 0.18 yuan / piece, key bag 0.1 yuan / , everyday group house100 above, a year but the fee with managing bigger brushstroke) ; Busine affairs center is used e_pire forms for reporting statistics will print draft paper; Supervise and urge the employee of acmodation is managin
32、g with water and electricity; Control good office articles for use, had used each each pieces of paper, pen.Pa these control, achieve for the hotel close make the contribution with antechamber due ministry.3, the sale consciousne that strengthens employee and sale skill, rise to lead antechamber min
33、istry basis market condition, actively is advanced medicinal powder guest room sale, e this year the hotel rolled out a series of plan of guest room sales promotion if: The sales promotion activity such as 1000 yuan of certificate of fan room, integral card, acting gold, card, dest clerk is in hotel
34、 privilege policy while mi_ according to market level that day enter a circumstance to master house price neatly, e loose downstage the guest had arent addition, enter rate rise somewhat, emphasize dest clerk: “Want downstage guest only, we want method lets guest take up ones quarters “ te, strive f
35、or more live entering to lead.4, pay attention to the harmonious job hotel between departmental door to resemble a big family, the hard to avoid in working between branch and branch can hen grind, harmonious stand or fall is affected in working lieutenant general by huge.Antechamber ministry is the
36、centre branch of whole public house, it is having close working relationship with the branch such as meal, sale, guest room, be like occurrence problem, we undertake can actively harmony settlement with this branch, avoid its aggravation, because mon goal of everybody is for the hotel, be not solved
37、 and had handled the negative effect with will be brought certain to the hotel.5, strengthen of all kinds forms for reporting statistics to reach declare at customs the management of data is downstage the visitor that enters to every according to the regulation of public security bureau undertakes r
38、egistering, input puter, the cable concern interconnected system that the data of the guest outside the condition adopts a hotel is seasonable to national security bureau division of discrepancy condition management undertakes declaring at customs, carry out the announcement that public security bur
39、eau allots seriously, live to every the guests valuable undertakes remindful check.All forms for reporting statistics and data oint antechamber ministry person specially aigned for a task is responsible, undertake claified filing to forms for reporting statistics and every months of statistic ears i
40、n the newspaper.Two years guest room ine and ine of two years of guest room undertake contrast, housing rate increased 9.46 , but ine reduced 240223.07 yuan however, because,main reason is between hotel industry malign contend for une_pectedly bring about average room price to reduce, enter rate increase and ine reductive phenomenon, after watch of guest room overview is added.Achievement is satisfactory, but either be in us deep also consciousne and e_perience arrive: 1, fle_ibility and initiative are lacked on the service; 2, the equipment ageing of telephone e_change creates line not free,
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