



1、精品文檔Test 1As a man was pass ing some elepha nts, he sudde nly stopped, con fused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope 1 (tie) to their front leg. No cha ins, no cages. 2 was obvious that the elepha nts could, at any time, break away from their bonds but 3 some r

2、eas on, they did not.He saw a trainer nearby and 4 (ask) why these animals just stood there and made no attempt 5 (get) away. Well” the trainer said, when they are very young and much 6 (small) , we used the small size rope to tie them and, at that age, it' eno ugh to hold them. As they grew up,

3、 they are conditioned to believe the rope can still hole them, so they never try to struggle free.”The man was amazed. These an imals could at any time escape from their bonds but 7 they believe they could n't, they were struck right where they were.Like the elepha nts, how many of us go through

4、 life 8(ha ng) on to abelief that we cannot do something, 9 (simple) because we failed once before? 9 (fail) is part of lear ning; we should n ever give up the struggle in life.Test 2Many years ago, in a village lived a simple, good-natured fellow 1(name)Rip Van Winkle. He was very lazy. To avoid wo

5、rk, he would walk away into the forest.One day, Rip just walked on and on and reached the 2 (high) part of the mountains. Sudde nly he heard a voice 3 (call) his n ame. He looked around and saw a short, old man, with thick hair and a grizzled beard walk ing toward him with a barrel. Rip hurried 4 (h

6、elp) him. Together they reached a place where there were some more odd-looking man. His companion5 (empty) thecontents of the barrel into glasses and make Rip drink it. Rip obeyed. Since he was6 (thirst) he drank a few more some more glasses and slowly fell into a deep sleep.On wak ing up, he found

7、that he was at the place 7 he had first met the old man. He bega n to go back to his village. As the n eared the village, he met a nu mber of people 8 he did n 'know any of them. The 9 (village) also stared at him equally surprised. Then an old woma n walked up to him and looked at his face 10a

8、moment, saying, It is Rip Van Winkle! Welcome home again,old n eighbor! Where have you bee n these twenty long years?Test 3精品文檔It is easy to overlook 1 role that your body plays in 2 (i nflue nee) your mood. Whe n you are ill, you may find 3 (you) blam ing work pressures or an unknown future. Howeve

9、r, it could just be that you have been sitting behind your desk too long.One way 4 (improve) your mood is exercise. Psychologically, it provides you 5a break from the stresses in your life. Also, i n the process, you mayaim for clear goal, like a new 6 (person) running record or a better body shape.

10、 The achievement of a particular goal 7 (make) you feel good and con tributes to your 8 (c on fide nt). That is why exercise has bee n show n to build up your self-respect.You do not have to train yourself hard to feel the psychological ben efits of exercise. What 9 (real) matters is freque ncy, not

11、 inten sity of your exercise. You can try walk ing for 30 minu tes five times per week10 simply garde ningon weeke nds.Test 4Two men travelling through a forest together promised 1 (help) each other whatever dan ger threate ned them. They had not gone far before a bear rushed at them from some bushe

12、s. One man was a good 2 (climb), and quickly climbed a nearby tree, but the other, 3 (see) that he had no chanee alone aga inst the bear, fell flat on his back and prete nded to be 4 (die).The bear came up to him, sniffed at him. Thi nki ng the man was dead, he went off into the wood aga in 5hurt in

13、g him. When the bear had gone, the othertraveler came dow n from his tree, and 6 (smile) asked his compa nion what the bear had said to him. For I could see: he said, that he put his mouth close to your ear.He told me to tell you,” 7 (reply) the other, that you were a coward (懦 夫) ,and that in futur

14、e I should not trust those 8 make fine promises, but will not sta nd by9 (they)frie nds in dan ger”Don' trust fine promise 10 you are sure of the person who makes them.精品文檔答案Test 1:1. tied2.It 3.for4.asked5.to get6.smaller7.because8.hanging9.simply10.FailureTest 2:1.named2.highest3.calling4.to help5.emptied6.thirsty7.w


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