1、SUPPORTING E-LEARNING DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES: CREATING A CONTEXT FOR TEACHER COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT IN LITHUANIA Airina Volungeviciene, Kaunas University of Technology, Danguole Rutkauskiene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania Introduction During the development of Lithuanian Distance Educati
2、on and eLearning Network (LieDM), the infrastructure of LieDM was established. However, the development of human resources of the network including teachers and trainers form Lithuanian education institutions is not sufficient. Resent research shows (Commission Report, 2003) that the needs of teache
3、rs and trainers are still focused on diversification of learning content. The needs reflect the changing roles of teachers in the consequence of development of learning context itself. Following rapid changes in European labour market, new requirements for teachers and trainers are announced every d
4、ay, related with methodology applied to guide and support learners in learning process, as well as with new pedagogical trends in preparation of learning content. e-Learning methodology and advanced techniques inspire for innovative, more flexible and individualised solutions meeting individual lear
5、ners needs. Thus teachers and trainers become the target group for education and pedagogy specialists cooperating with specialists in application of information and communication technologies (ICT) and creating favourable context for teacher competence development.The national study of e-learning si
6、tuation in the country (Tereseviciene et al., 2004) showed that it is necessary to increase the quantity and quality of e-learning deliverers. The facts state that due to insufficient knowledge and competences of teachers and trainers in the area if e-learning, there is still lack of efficient organ
7、isation of distance studies in the country within the given infrastructure. There is the need to improve cooperation in sharing existing resources and updating the learning material to the users needs (Salmon, 2003). The lack of learning content prepared according to the new didactical and pedagogic
8、al paradigms (Tereseviciene et al., 2004) causes low number of e-learners and absence of monitoring system in the country. Aims and ObjectivesThe development of e-competences among e-learning deliverers is directly influenced by the development of the context in which they work. New knowledge and de
9、finition of competence evaluation process is required, as well as new assessment method of learning groups and learning process. In order to raise qualifications of teachers and trainers, we need to establish proper contextual situation first, where a teacher encounters self-assessment possibilities
10、, learning content, to raise individual competences, and tools for realisation of e-learning ideas.MethodTo create the contextual situation favourable for teachers and trainers, the contextual items need to be defined and developed. The study was performed during the implementation of European Socia
11、l Fund project “Lithuanian Distance Education System Operability Integral Development” (Contract No. ESF/2004/2.4.0-K02-VS-01/SUT-219) implemented by Kaunas University of Technology. The aim of the study was to find out the needs of e-learning deliverers in Lithuania. On the basis of the research re
12、sults, the contextual items influencing the teacher training were determined in LieDM. The results of the research also defined the objectives of national and international projects dedicated to the development of teacher training context. Contextual Development of e-LearningThe common trend of expa
13、nding and changing teachers roles was documented in different research outcomes all over Europe (S.Cornelius, Salmon, and others). Resent research in training quality undertaken by CEDEFOP (Cedefop, 2005) proved that “the professional development of VET teachers and trainers is too important to be l
14、eft to individual teachers motivation and personal incentives. It is not only the individual teacher who has to become more professional, but the entire organisation. Organisational change and competence development have to go hand in hand“ (Cedefop, 2005).Regarding institutional teacher support, we
15、 may think about individual institutions and their internal support systems that create motivating and encouraging conditions for teachers and trainers to design e-learning, as well as national institutions and networks who gather enthusiasts and e-learning promoters (e-learning networks, associatio
16、ns and communities all over Europe). Contextual support for teachers and trainers is important, first of all, in guidance and efficient use of resources. Research performed by CEDEFOP (Cedefop, 2005) concludes that even when teachers are enthusiastic about innovative teacher training programmes, the
17、se programmes place a burden on their time. Where time and human resources are scarce teachers give priority to their short-term work priorities rather than to long-term training goals“. In the contextual situation described above, the role of modern teachers is not only to teach, but also to guide
18、students in their educational choices. For this reason, the teachers and trainers should be provided with their competence assessment models and tools, and later on, they should be trained to use the same methods and tools to assist their learners to use competence assessment tools for learners path
19、 development. Development of Lithuanian Context Results of the ResearchThe factors for e-learning application in learning process were clarified during the study performed during the implementation of European Social Fund project “Lithuanian Distance Education System Operability Integral Development
20、” (Contract No. ESF/2004/2.4.0-K02-VS-01/SUT-219). The research was performed in 2005, and it covered 182 teachers all over the country. First, the reasons were identified why teachers and trainers apply e-learning in their practice. The following answers were given by the respondents (Fig. 1):Why d
21、o teachers use e-learning (%)75262626121001020304050607080Wish to implementinnovative ideasInstitution supportColleaguesencouragmentLearners needsFinansialencouragementOther reasonsFig. 1The reasons why teachers start using e-learning.The majority of teachers responded that they start using e-learni
22、ng in order to implement innovative ideas. The other reasons, like institution support, fulfilling the learners needs and colleagues encouragement were distributed on equal proportions among respondents answers. Then the research focused on the analysis of the areas in which teachers and trainers ne
23、ed additional training. The majority of the respondents answered that they need knowledge and skills how design and deliver e-learning (Fig.2):Do you need knowledge and skills on e-learning? (%)92350102030405060708090100YesNoI do not knowLack of skills and knowledge in e-learning 5857575654230102030
24、40506070Lack of methodological knowledge and skillsLack of technological knowledge and skillsLack of quality and evaluation knowldegeand skillsLack of valorisation skillsLack of knowledge on existing tools andresourcesOther Fig. 2 Teachers need training on e-learning.Fig. 3 Areas of training for tea
25、chers and trainers.As the survey showed, teachers need training and knowledge how to modernize and make the study processes more effective and how to implement innovative learning methods and tools. Insufficient attention has been paid towards training Lithuanian academics in how to use ICT better,
26、e.g. application of different learning environments, modelling programmes, etc. Such training has been implemented, but there are still very limited resources allocated for this purpose. Moreover, the majority of the respondents indicated that they are not sure about the competences and skills they
27、have, as there are no tools to implement self-assessment before, during or after the training sessions. Another shortcoming should be mentioned. There is no state-level e-learning research activity or analytical system established in Lithuania (e.g. quality assurance, monitoring methods and tools) i
28、n order to evaluate e-learning course effectiveness, satisfaction of learners needs, etc. (Tereseviciene et al., 2004). This also results in lack of dissemination of information not only in the area of research, but also learning possibilities for teachers and trainers.The study concluded different
29、areas necessarily to be improved to develop the proper context for teachers and trainers to provide them with the possibility to deliver e-learning. The main contextual items including the following:high quality training material, serving as best example for teachers and trainers, should be develope
30、d and dynamically updated with the new content and learning situations,validation of competences should be ensured by providing possibilities for teachers to implement e-learning scenarios by themselves to proof professional skills and competences,quality assurance system should contain criteria con
31、sistent with the European e-learning quality assurance procedures, in order to ensure European cooperation and further accreditation of learning outcomes,monitoring system should developed to use resources efficiently,teacher and trainer qualifications and competences should be agreed upon in order
32、to keep in line with rapidly changing labour market development trends.Also the tools for teachers and trainers to perform assessment of their own competences should be designed. Such contextual items would create necessary conditions for teacher and trainer competence development in the country.“In
33、tegral Development of Lithuanian Distance Education System Operability“European initiatives financed by the European Social Fund were welcomed by education institutions in Lithuania. A project of national importance dedicated to develop LieDM network activities, called “Lithuanian Distance Education
34、 System Operability Integral Development” (Contract No. ESF/2004/2.4.0-K02-VS-01/SUT-219), was launched by Kaunas University of Technology, in 2005. The main goal of the project is to create the conditions for Lithuanian scientific and education institutions to implement distance studies in all Lith
35、uanian regions by decreasing the divide between the cities and rural areas covering all social classes and ensuring lifelong learning while creating the dynamic information society. Among the first activities in the project, the survey mentioned earlier in the paper was performed all over the countr
36、y. The conclusions of the survey influenced further steps and objectives of other project activities which include:development of competences among participants of LieDM network that would enable them to create quality content, to use innovative learning methods and forms, and to organise efficient
37、distance learning processes,creation of distance education quality assurance model,and development of information dissemination system providing information on distance learning services and lifelong learning possibilities, and other activities. The project is in progress, but some of the results ar
38、e already developed and Lithuania. Teachers and trainers can already benefit, for example, from the tools developed for learners assessment strategy development and the model for evaluation of learners knowledge. The theoretical material is provided for teachers and trainers on how to use the tools
39、and to plan assessment strategies in e-learning courses. The theoretical background provides examples, explanations and suggestions on how to develop the evaluation process in the course (See Fig. 4):Is the assessment clear?Why being assessed?What can we assess?Who assesses?When assess?How to assess
40、?Fig. 4 Assessment strategy planning.Teachers can use the model for their learners, as well as for improving the assessment performance in their courses (see :/ liedm.lt/liedm2.4). The tools developed form a part of the context that directly influence teacher training in the country. The model will
41、be tested by teachers and trainers who will be designing 60 pilot courses all over the country, funded by the project. All the methods and tools developed so far are being integrated into LieDM portal. After completion of the project, LieDM will have the analytical monitoring and follow up system, a
42、s well as efficient and integrated research tools allowing Lithuanian teachers and trainers to follow the latest information on available resources, on existing offer and demand of e-learning in Lithuania, and on the latest research in the subject areas. European Context for Competence DevelopmentWh
43、atever the national products and activities are, they should be in parallel with European initiatives and strategies, because European partnership could ensure the quality and applicability of the products in broader scale. Therefore, this would minimise the financial investment, and efforts to deve
44、lop such products would become more efficient in all aspects.The report on implementation of Lisbon strategy ( MAASTRICHT COMMUNIQU, 2004), as well as Maastricht Communique ( MAASTRICHT COMMUNIQU, 2004), indicate that teachers and trainers should be supported in their essential role as innovators an
45、d facilitators. To achieve Lisbon goals, learning environments and contexts should be improved and developed to enhance and implement pedagogical approaches encouraging individual and self-organised learning, and to use the potential of technologies and e-learning to improve training quality.EU Leon
46、ardo da Vinci project called EVETE - “Empowerment of Vocational Education and Training by Improving the E-Learning Competences of Teachers and Trainers” (LT/05/B/F/PP-171010) - was approved and started in October, 2005, by European partnership, having representatives institutions from Belgium, Germa
47、ny, Greece, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania and Sweden. Partners working for many years in the area of teacher and trainer support and competence development areas started joint activities to develop the contextual tools and training courses based on individualisation and diversification of learn
48、ing content divided into small learning units. The projects innovative pedagogical approach should be followed by its managerial innovative outputs, when the results and the Curriculum units will be shared and delivered in all partner institutions with a joint certificate issued to the project targe
49、t group. EVETE project responds to European priorities, to research results, and it aims at providing teachers and trainers at education institutions with understanding and competence in diversification of training based on individual expectations and abilities to manage training content. To reach p
50、roject objectives, the following activities are performed in the project:analysis of national teacher training strategies in partner countries,methodological and technological recommendations for curriculum development, curriculum for teacher and trainer competence development,development of tools f
51、or teacher competence assessment,Course Service Package for managing project products and organizing learning process.Creation of European training culture and virtual community through course service package ( :/ ) will represent a new form of communication and cooperation. Cooperation in
52、recognition of teacher and trainer competences will be an interesting example of teacher competence validation process and cooperation of education institutions all over Europe. Conclusions Thus it can be firmly stated that the contextual development of teacher competences include not only training
53、and learning programs, but also resources and favourable context with integrated tools responding to teachers and their learners needs. To create this context, European quality and product access should be ensured. The contextual items should include:high quality training material for teachers and t
54、rainers,validation of competences by providing possibilities for teachers to implement e-learning scenarios themselves,quality assurance system, monitoring system for existing e-learning research and resources,definitions of teacher and trainer qualifications and competences in e-learning units. Imp
55、roved context would influence smooth teacher performance, meet teacher and trainer needs during the learning process, and finally, would bring benefit for the learners in the form of satisfaction with individual-focused learning process. References:1.BERGE, Z.L. (1995). Facilitating Computer Conferencing: Recommendations From the Field. Educational Technology. 35(1) 22-302.Cedefop (2005). PROFF project research. Retrieved from :/w
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