1、2012 高考英語二輪復(fù)習(xí)專題限時(shí)訓(xùn)練(江蘇專用)專題 2 閱讀理解 5( 35 分鐘)ASomechildrenare natural-bornbosses.They have a strong need tomake decisions,manage theirenvironment,and leadratherthanfollow.StephenJackson,a YearOnestudent, “ operates under the theory of what s mine and what s yours is mine,”sayshis mother.“ The otherda
2、y Iboughttwo new StarWars lightsabers( 劍 ).Later,I saw Stephen with the two new ones whilehisbrotherwas usingthebeat-upones. ”“ Examine the extended family, and you ll probably find a bossy grandparent,aunt,uncleor cousin in everygeneration.It s an inheritabletrait,” saysRussellBarkley, a professor
3、at the Medical University of South Carolina. Other childrenwho may notbe particularlybossycan graduallygaindominance( 支配地位 )when theysense their parents are weak, hesitant, or in disagreement with each other.Whetherit s inbornnature ordevelopedcharacterat work,toomuch controlinthe hands of the young
4、 isn t healthy for children or the family. Fear is at theroot of a lot bossy behavior, says family psychologist John Taylor. Children, hesays inhis book From Defiance toCooperation,“ have secretfeelingsofweakness”and “ a desire to feelsafe. ” It s theparents roleto providethatprotection.When a “ bos
5、s child” doesnt learnlimitsat home, thestageisset fora hostof troubles outside the family. The overly willful and unbending child may havetrouble obeying teachers or coachers, for example, or trouble keeping friends. Itcan be pretty lonely as the top dog if no one likes your bossy ways.“I see more a
6、nd more parents giving up their power,” says Barkley, who hasstudiedbossy behaviorfor more than 30 years.They bend toofar becausetheydon twant to be as strict as their own parents were. But they also feel less confidentabout their parenting skills. Their kids, in turn, feel more anxious.1. Bossy chi
7、ldren like Stephen Jackson _.A. make good decisionsB. show self-centerednessC. lack care from othersD. have little sense of fear2. The underlined phrase“ inheritable trait” in paragraph 2 means _.A. inborn nature B. developed characterC. accepted theoryD.particularenvironment3. The study on bossy be
8、havior implies that parents _.A. should give more power to their childrenB.shouldbestrictwiththeir childrenC. should not be so anxious about their children D. should not set limits for their children4. What is the passage mainly about?A. How bossy behavior can be controlled. B. How we can get along
9、with bossy children.C. What leads to children brings about. s bossy behavior. D.WhateffectbossybehaviorBHealthy knees arent the main consideration in choosing high heels, but newresearch says chunky heels are just as bad for the knees as spindly stilettos (細(xì)高跟鞋 ). “It takes a long time to feel the e
10、ffects of knee osteoarthritis (骨關(guān)節(jié)炎 ) - and once you do, it is too late, ” said Dr. Casey Kerrigan, leadingresearcherofthe studyand associateprofessoratHarvardMedicalSchool sdepartmentofphysicalmedicine.“I compare ittosmoking-one cigaretteis notpainful, but over a lifetime it is. Wide-heeled shoes f
11、eel comfortable, so womenwear them allday long,“Kerrigansaid.“They arebetterforyourfeet thanstilettoheels, but just as bad for your knees.”Inthestudy,researchershad twentywomenwear two pairsofshoes withthree-inchheels,one witha narrow heel and the other witha thickone.The scientistscomparedhow much
12、pressure was put on the womens knees by both types of shoes. The womenalsowalked barefoottotestnormal pressure.The scientistsfound thatboth typesof shoes applied equal amounts of pressure to the knees. Compared with walking barefoot, the heels increased pressure on the inside of the knee by 26 perce
13、nt.Increasedpressureon theknee eventuallyleads toarthritis(關(guān)節(jié)炎 ),expertssay.The idea that high heels are bad for your health isnt new- scientists havewarned womenforyears that theycontribute toproblemsrangingfrom cornsto hammertoes, tendonitis,knee pain,sprained(扭傷)ankles and back problems.Butin1998
14、,Kerdgan and a team of Harvardresearcherswere thefirsttolinkhighheelsand kneeosteoarthritis,a painfuljointdiseasethatdestroyscartilage(軟骨 )surroundingtheknee.The firststudylookedonlyatstilettoheels,and Kerrigansaid she wantedtostudythe chunkyhigh-heeledshoes she noticedmany womenwearing.“Thisstudyco
15、nfirms what we all intuitively (直覺地 ) know that high-heeled shoes of any kindare not good for our health,” said Dr. Glenn Pfeifer, a San Francisco doctor andmember of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons who was not connected to the study.5. We learn from the passage that women choose chunky
16、heels because _.A. they want to walk comfortablyB. chunky heeled shoes are cheaper than stiletto heeled pairsC. chunky heels do less harm to kneesD. chunky heels are not painful at all6. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. people got to know the high heels are bad for health recentlyB. peo
17、ple have known the high heels are bad for health for yearsC. people haven t known the high heels are bad for health yetD. people will be warned that the high heels are bad for health soon7. The best title for the passage may be _.A. Taking Healthy Knees into ConsiderationB.High-heelsDoHarmKneesC. Ch
18、unky Heels and Stiletto HeelsD. When Wearing High-heelstoC“ Opinion ” is a word thatis used carelesslytoday.Itis used to referto mattersof taste, belief, and judgment. This inaccurate use would probably cause little confusion if p eople didn t attach too much importance to opinion. Unfortunately,mos
19、t attach great importance to it.“I have as much right to my opinion as you toyours, and Everyonesentitledto his opinion, are commonexpressions.In fact, anyone who would challenge anothers opinion is likely to be brandedintolerant.Is that label accurate? Is it intolerant to challenge anothers opinion
20、? Itdepends on what definition of opinion you have in mind. For example, you may aska friend What do you think of the newFord cars?” And he may reply,“In myopinion,they reugly. ” In thiscase,itwould notonly be intoleranttochallengehis statement,butfoolish.For it s obviousthatby opinionhe means hispe
21、rsonalpreference, a matter of taste. And as the old sayinggoes, Its pointless toargue about matters of taste.But consider this very different use of the term. A newspaper reports that theSupreme Courthas delivereditsopinionina controversial(有爭議的 ) case.Obviouslythe justicesdid notshare theirpersonal
22、preferences,theirmere likesand dislikes.They stated their considered judgment, painstakingly arrived at after thoroughinquiry and deliberation(審議 ).Most of what isreferredto as opinionfallssomewhere between thesetwo extremes.It is not an expression of taste. Nor is it careful judgment. Yet it may co
23、ntainelementsofboth.Itisa vieworbeliefmore or lessinaccuratelyarrivedat, withor without examining the evidence.Is everyoneentitledtohis opinion? Of course,this isnot only permitted, butguaranteed. We are free to act on our opinions only so long as, in doing so, we donot harm others.8. Which of the f
24、ollowing statements is TRUE, according to the author?A. Everyone has a right to hold his own opinion.B. Free expression of opinions always leads to confusion.C. Most people tend to be careless in forming their opinions.D. Casual use of the word“opinion ” often brings about quarrels.9. According to t
25、he author, who of the following would be labeled as intolerant?A. Someone who turns a deaf ear to others opinions.B. Someone who cant put up with others tastes.C. Someone who values only their own opinions.D. Someone whose opinion harms other people.10. The new Ford cars are cited as an example to s
26、how that _. A. it is foolish to criticize a famous brandB. one should not always agree to others opinionsC. personal tastes are not something to be challengedD. it is unwise to express ones likes anddislikes in public11. Considered judgment is different from personal preference in that _.A. it is st
27、ated by judges in the courtB.itlike and dislikesC. it is a result of a lot of controversyD. itisthoughtreflectspublicbased on carefulA friendof mine,inresponsetoDa conversationwe were havingabout theinjusticesof life, asked me the question,“Who said life was going to be fair, or that itwas even mean
28、t tobe fair?” Her questionwas a good one.Itremindedme ofsomethingI was taught as a youngster: Life isnt fair. Itsdisappointing, but itabsolutely true. One of the mistakes many of us make is that we feel sorry forourselves,or forothers,thinkingthatlifeshouldbe fair,or thatsomeday itswillbe. Its not a
29、nd it wont.One of the nice thingsabout surrendering(屈從 ) to the factthatlifeisn tfairis that it keeps us from feeling sorry for ourselves by encouraging us to do thevery best we can with what we have. We know its not“l(fā)ifes job”to makeeverything p erfect, it s our own challenge. Surrendering to this
30、fact also keeps us from feeling sorry for others because we are reminded that everyone is dealt a different hand; everyone has unique strengths and problems in the process up, facing the reality and making decisions; and everyone has those times feel victimized or unfairly treated.of growingthatthey
31、The fact that life isnt fair doesnt mean weshouldn tdo everything in ourpowertoimprove our own livesortheworldas a whole. To thecontrary, itsuggeststhat we should. When we don t recognize or admit that life isnt fair, we tendto feel pity for others and for ourselves. Pity, of course, is a self-defea
32、tingemotion that does nothing for anyone, except tomake everyone feel worse than theyalreadydo.When we dorecognizethatlifeisn tfair,however,wefeelcompassion( 熱情 ) for othersand for ourselves.And compassionisa heartfeltemotionthatdeliversloving-kindnesstoeveryone ittouches.The nexttime you findyourselfthinkin
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