



1、蘇州市2020年中考英語(yǔ)模擬試卷(7)(考試時(shí)間:100分鐘 滿分:100分)第一部分 單項(xiàng)選擇 洪10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)請(qǐng)認(rèn)真閱讀下面各題,從題中所給的A,B,C,D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。()1. The Dragon Boat FeStiVal falls May Or JUne every year.A. inB. onC. atD. betwee n()2. Some people are in terested in men's sense of direct ion is better developedthan of women.A. which; tha

2、tB. what; thatC. which; o neD. whether; that()3. The nurse won't leave her Patients She is SUre they are all taken good Care of.A. SinCeB. becauseC. unl essD. if()4. I SaW Joh n in the Park this morning.It be him. He has gone to Hong Kong.A. Can'tB. CanC. must n'tD. must()5. NeW types of

3、 en ergy from the sun, wind and Water are not expe nsive and willnever .A. PUt outB. run OUtC. break outD. come out( )6.The Song by Jay Chou SoUndS .A. WaS Writte n; amaz ingB. Writte n; amazedC. WaS Writte n; amazedD. Writte n; amaz ing()7. It's silly you Others' homework.A. of; copyB. for;

4、 copyC. of ; to copyD. for; to copy()8. hard work it is!Yes, but he SeemS to do it.A. What; happyB. What a; happyC. What a; happilyD. How; happy()9. HaVe you bee n to the Robot ReStaUra nt in OUr city?No. Although it for more than a year, I'm far too busy to go there,A. has StartedB. has bee n O

5、nC. has bee n OPe nD. has ope ned()10. So ki nd of you to give me a ride to the StatiO n!A. It does n't matterB. NeVer mindC. Don't men tio n itD. My PIeaSUre第二部分 完形填空 洪10小題 海小題1分,滿分10分)請(qǐng)認(rèn)真閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A,B,C,D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。One SUmmer evening as I WaS cook ing dinner, there WaS a knock at t

6、he door. I 11 it and SaW a truly bad-look ing man. BUt his voice WaS 12 as he said, "Good evenin g. I come to See if you have a 13 for just One night, I Came for a treatment this morning from eastern shore(岸), and there's no bus till next morning." He told me he had been hunting but Wi

7、th no 14_ . I told him We would find him a bed, but to rest on the porch(廊 ).I Went inSide and PrePared dinner. Whe n We Were ready, I asked him if he would like to 15 us. "No, tha nk you.I have Ple nty." When I had 16 the dinn er, I Went OUt to talk With him. It did n't take a Iong ti

8、me to See that this old man had OVerSize( 過大的)heart CrOWded that tiny body. He told me he fished for a living to 17 his daughter, her five ChiIdren, and her husband, who WaS hopelessly disabled from a back injury(傷害).At bedtime, We 18 a bed in the ChiIdren's room for him. On his next trip, as a

9、gift, he brought a big fish and some fresh OySters(牡蠣)1 hadnever Seen. In the years he Came to 19OVernight(過夜)with us, and there WaS never a timehe did not bring US some fish or VegetabIeS from his garde n.I know our family will always be thankful to have known him, from him We learn how toaccept th

10、e bad WithOUt a compla int and the good20tha nks.()11. A. feltB.openedC. repairedD. Pain ted()12. A. bori ngB. angryC. SCaredD. PIeaSa nt()13. A. roomB. busC. televisi OnD. Cake()14. A. SUCCeSSB. dinnerC. jobD. problem()15. A. callB. ViSitC. joi nD. i nvite()16. A. CheCkedB. fini ShedC. PreParedD. c

11、ooked()17. A. PrOVideB. takeC. educateD. SUPPOrt()18. A. PUtB. pla ntedC. COVeredD. discovered()19. A. helpB. playC. workD. Stay()20. A. fromB. forC. WithD. WithOUt第三部分閱讀理解(共12小題;每小題2分,滿分24分)請(qǐng)認(rèn)真閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A,B,C,D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)。AIf you have ever bee n SWim ming in the ocea n, you may have no ticed

12、 that Sea Water is easier to float in tha n pool water. Here's Why:You'll n eedTwo clear bowlsFood colouri ngSPoon Salt Two eggs1. Fill bowls halfway With water.82. Add 10 tablespoOnS of salt to One bowl , mix Until it dissolves( 溶解),and then add SeVeraI drops of colour.3. CarefUIly PUt an e

13、gg into each bowl of water; and WatCh What happe ns.What happe ns?The egg in the PIa in Water Sin ks. The egg in the SaltWater floats.(If the salt Water egg does not float well , mix more salt into the bowl.)The Water and salt PartiCles( 粒子)in the salt Water bowl are closer together than plain Water

14、 PartiCIeS are. They PUSh harder aga inst the' egg tha n the pla in Water PartiCIeS do and the egg floats. ()21. The PUrPOSe of the experime nt is to expla in .A. Why the egg floats in the salt WaterB. Why people float more easily in the SeaC. how We Can make the egg float in WaterD. how the Wat

15、er and salt PartiCIeS act together()22. ACCOrd ing to the text, if the egg in the salt Water does n't float, WhiCh is the reas on?A. The Water is too hot.B. The egg is not fresh.C. The bowl is too small.D. The salt is not eno ugh.()23. What is this PaSSage PrObabIy take n from?A. A SCie nce maga

16、z ine.B. A tour guide.C. A n ews report.D. A geography book.BIn Los An geles, a Waiter SerVed a group of tee ns. The Waiter remembered his experie nce as a young high school StUde nt. So he made SUre the tee ns had a PIeaSa nt experie nce at the restaura nt. The Waiter made SUre of it.After SerVi ng

17、 all the tee ns and doing a great job, he WaS left a tip( 小費(fèi)),Only $3. 28. That WaS hardly eno Ugh to buy a drink at Roebucks.The Waiter Went home. And he felt hatred( 恨)for the StUdents who did not know the value of hard work. They looked dow n On people like him. Or so he thought.After SeVeraI day

18、s, the Waiter forgot about it. HiS life Wenton as usual. BUt ten days later, he received a Ietter from the tee ns."About a Week and a half ago, On OCtOber 7, my three friends and I Came to eat at this restaura nt as our own homeco ming CeIebrati on. It WaS an excit ing experie nce for US to be

19、here alone, and it WaS all new to us. And you Were the best Waiter We could ask for. You Were kind, helpful , and did n't treat US like babies! So I Want to Say tha nk you for making our 'grow n-up' experie nce so amaz ing and fun.""I would also like to Say sorry On behalf of(

20、代表)my group. SinCe We Were new to all of this, our 13-year-oId minds did n't know how to deal With the bill. The bill WaS reason able(合乎情理 的),but We had completely forgotte n (and did n't know, to be hon est) What a tip eve n was, let alone how much to give. So We emptied our POCketS , and a

21、ll our money added UP to $3.28.""Having no idea of how small this really was, We left. Later, We realized our mistake and felt terrible. We knew We had to make it right.""So together With this letter, you 'will find the COrreCt 18 % tip+extra for SimPIy being amazing. Thank y

22、ou for your help and Patience and also thank you for making our night fun. Thank you!"()24. What made the tee ns Write the letter?A. The tip they left for the waiter.B. The bill the restaura nt received.C. The Way the Waiter SerVed them.D. The fun they had at the restaura nt.()25. What do resta

23、ura nt WaiterS mi nd most in AmeriCa?A. What kind Of guests they receive.B. What dishes people usually order.C. Whether they are give n reas On able tips.D. How much CUStOmerS Pay for their meals.()26. What did the group of tee ns try to Say in the IetterA. They Were quite tha nkful for the waiter&#

24、39;s service.B. They had realized their mistake and made it right.C. They had a Won derful experie nce at the restaura nt.D. They Wan ted more CUStOmerS to go to the restaura nt.CWhere Can you Iearn about the CUItUraI relics( 文物)of our Country? You may ViSit museums or read books, but now a CCTV sho

25、w may give you a more fun Way to lear n about them.The show is called NatiOnal TreaSUre. It has 10 episodes(集)and it shows 27 treasures from 9 museums across China. In order to make ancient CUItUre relics come alive, the show USeS different WayS to expla in the stories, history and CUItUre beh ind t

26、hem.Although it's a show about old relics, it looks modern and technical( 技術(shù)的).An IMAX-SiZed LED Sired SCree n On the Stage shows the treasures in detail.The treasures are PreSented呈現(xiàn))by natiOnal treasure keepers(守護(hù)者),both famous people and com mon people. In Stead of just tell ing the StOrieS a

27、nd history behi nd the treasures, the show in ViteS famous actors to be n ati Onal treasure keepers. And they act out StOrieS On the stage. The actors eve n USe the funny words to make their PerfOrma nces in teresti ng and alive. For example, On the show, actor Wang Kai PIayed EmPerOr Qia nlong. TV

28、VieWerS loved his PerfOrma nces.While telling the StOrieS behind the treasures, national treasure keepers also tell their own StOries. For example, an Old man named QiU Qingnian is good at making natural PaintS for repairing ancient Paintings. For many years he has been Iooking for mines(礦)deep inSi

29、de mountains. On the TV programme, he shows TV VieWerS how to make n atural Pai nts.The show has become WideIy popular With its interesting plots(情節(jié)),good PerfOrmances and funny words. It has promoted(推廣)ancient CUItUraI relics and has enCOUraged more people to ViSit museums.()27. The show NatiOnal

30、TreaSUre WaS PrOdUCed to .A. look for n ati Onal treasure keepersB. make ancient CUItUraI relies come aliveC. show the moder n tech no IogyD. in Vite some famous actors to act out()28. From the passage, We Can Iear n SOmethi ng about the show Natio nal TreaSUreEXCEPT .A. actors' good PerfOrma nc

31、esB. the StOrieS With in teresti ng plotsC. QiU Qingnian's minesD. the history and CUItUre beh ind()29.What colu mn(專欄)in a magaz ine might the PaSSage come from?A. Health.B. HiStOry and culture.C. Sports.D.SCienCeand tech no logy.DMy mum Only had One eye. I hated her. She WaS SUCh an embarrassm

32、ent(尷尬,窘迫 ).She ran a small ShoP at a flea market and collected OId clothes and Some other things to Sell for the money We needed. OnCe during elementary school, it WaS field day, arid my mum came. I WaS so embarrassed and won dered how She could do this to me. I threw her a hateful look and ran out

33、. The next day at school, my schoolmates asked me, "Your mum Only has One eye?!" and IaUghed at me.I WaS so angry With my mum and WiShed that She would just disappear from this world. So I Said to my mum, "Why don't you have the other eye?!You're Only making me a IaUghing stoc

34、k! ” My mum did not respond. I guess I felt a little bad, but at the Same time, I felt so good to have Said What I Wan ted to say. Maybe it WaS because my mum had n't PUni Shed me, I did n't think that I had hurt her feeli ngs Very badly.For the words I had Said to her earlier, there WaS SOm

35、ething PinChing at me in the COrner of my heart. EVen so, I hated my One-eyed mum and our desperate poverty. I told_ myself that I would become SUCCeSSfUI in the n ear future, so I StUdied Very hard. Later I _got accepted by Seoul UniVerSity. I left my mother and Came to ,Seoul to study. Then I got

36、married there:I bought a house of my own. Then I had kids too. Now I am livi ng happily as a SUCCeSSfUI man. I enjoy the life in Seoul because it's a place that does n't remind me of my mum and my past. ThiS kind of happ in ess WaS getti ng bigger and bigger, Un til One day some One kno Cked

37、 at my door. It WaS my mum! And still With her One eye! It felt as if the whole Sky WaS falling apart on me. My little girl ran away, SCared of my mum's eye.I SCreamed at her, "Who are you? I don't know you! How dare you come to my house and SCare my daughter!" To this , my mum qui

38、etly anSWered, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I may have gotten the Wrong address," and She disappeared out of sight.One day, a Ietter regarding a school reunion Came to my house. Lying to my Wife that I WaS going On a bus in ess trip,I Went back to PartiCiPate in the reunion. After the reunion ,

39、I Wentdow n to the old shack, WhiCh 1 USed to call a house, just for no reas on. There I found my mum Iying On the cold gro und. T did not Shed a Sin gle tear.Then a PieCe of PaPer in her hand Came into my eyes. It WaS a Ietter to me.My Son ,I thi nk my life has bee n Iongeno Ugh now and I Won't

40、 ViSit Seoul anymore. BUt would it be too much to ask if I Wan ted you to come to ViSit me OnCein a while? I miss you so much. And I WaS so glad When I heard you Were Coming for the reunion. BUt I decided not to go to the school. for you. I'm so sorry that I Only have One eye , and I WaS an emba

41、rrassment for you.You see, Whe n you Were Very little , you got in to an accide nt and lost your eye. AS a mum , I could n't Sta nd WatCh ing you hav ing to grow UP With Onlyone eye. So I gave you mine.I WaSso proud of my Son to See a whole new world for me With that eye. I WaS n ever UPSet at y

42、ou for anything you did. DUring the couple of times that you Were angry With me , I thought to myself it's because you love me.My , Son. oh, my Son.Don't Cry for me because of my death. I love you so much.()30. What's the writer's PUrPOSe of Writ ing this passage?A. To express how he

43、 hated his mother.B. To Share With US how his mother loved him.C. To show his regret for What he did With his mother.D. To ask his mother for her forgive ness.()31. In ParagraPh 4 , What does "something" refer to in the Underlined sentence?A. The regret for What "I" had Said to t

44、he mother.B. The good feeli ng to have Said What "I" Wan ted.C. The thought that "I" hadn't hurt the mother badly.D. The embarrassme nt CaUSed by the mother's appeara nce.()32. What Can We infer from this passage?A. The writer's daughter had See n his mother before.B.

45、 The Writer Went to apologize to his mother after the reunion.C. The writer's Wife knew little about his former life.D. The mother could n't Sta nd the writer's cold ness in the end.第四部分信息還原 洪5小題 海小題1分,滿分5分)根據(jù)對(duì)話內(nèi)容,從對(duì)話后的選項(xiàng)中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項(xiàng)。選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng)為多余選項(xiàng)。A: Hello! ThiS is 911. Who is that SPeak

46、 in g?B:33Help! Help! PIeaSe help me!A: Yes, sir.34B: My Wife is SeriOUSIy ill. She's havi ng a heart problem.A: Now rela x; sir. 35B: rm on LinColn Highway, about 15 miles from WaSh ington TUnn el.A: OK.門ISendan ambulance( 救護(hù)車)as Soon as possible.B:36A: For about ten minu tes.B: All right. What

47、 should I do while Waiti ng?A:37B: OK. Thank you and PIeaSe hurry.A. I'm a doctor.B. Where are you now?C. ThiS is Scott Smith.D. How will you come?E. What's happe ning?F. Stay With her and don't move her.G HoW Iong WiIl I have to wait?33. 34. 35. 36. 37.第五部分詞匯檢測(cè) 洪10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)根據(jù)下列句子及

48、所給漢語(yǔ)注釋或通過上下文,寫出空缺處各單詞的正確形式。每空只寫詞。38. It's really SUrPriSing that he broke the school's 100-metre race's (記錄).39. In Order to PreVent the terrible news (擴(kuò)散)further, We should keep silent.40. The (受污染的)air has a bad in flue nce On OUr health.41. We depe nd On the earth's rich resources

49、 to live, so it is importa nt for US to PrOteCt it (明智地).42. When Peter heard the (令人驚訝的)n ews, he could n't help crying.43. I WaS (選擇)to be the monitor of our class. I felt Very happy.44. I Can't (買得起)such an expensive ticket of the ConCert45. My elder brother disagreed With my opinion.That

50、 is to say, he is Strongly your idea.46. KeeP your hair away from fire, Lucy.I see, Mum. Hair fire easily.47. What do they do?They are , and they Send IetterS and newspapers.第六部分句子翻譯 洪5小題海小題3分,滿分15分)將下列句子譯成英語(yǔ),并將所譯句子寫在橫線上。48. 不要觸碰那個(gè)標(biāo)志,否則你會(huì)被罰款。49. 這個(gè)孩子年齡大到能獨(dú)立過馬路嗎?50. 對(duì)我來(lái)說,想要取得學(xué)業(yè)和興趣愛好之間的平衡很難。51. 他離開實(shí)驗(yàn)室

51、已經(jīng)不止一小時(shí)了。52. 昨晚直到爸媽回家我才睡覺。第七部分閱讀表達(dá) 洪3小題;53題1分,54題2分,55題3分,滿分6分)請(qǐng)認(rèn)真閱讀下面短文,用英語(yǔ)回答短文后的問題,并將答案寫在橫線上。Why are so many people so afraid to fail? QUite SimPIy because no one tells US how to face the failure(失?。?ln fact, failure Can become experience that means growth. We forget that failure is Part of the hu

52、ma n Con diti Onand that every PerS On has the right to fail.Most Pare nts work hard to PreVe nt failure or PrOteCt their ChiIdre n. One Way is to lower Sta ndards. NearIy 60% of the Pare nts choose this way: When a child fini SheS making a table, the mother describes it as "perfect" even

53、though it does n't Sta nd still.The other Way is to blame(責(zé)怪)others. If Joh n fails in SCie nce, his teacher is Un fair or stupid.There's a problem With the two ways. It makes a child Un PrePared for the real life if they don't meet eno Ugh failure. The young n eed to lear n that no one

54、can be best at everyth ing, no one Can Win all the time. The young should be allowed to experience failure.FaiIUre n ever gives people PIeaSUre. It hurts both grow n-UPS and ChiIdre n. BUt it Can be really good to your life Whe n you Iear n to USe it.53. How many WayS do most Pare nts choose to PreVe nt failure and PrOteCt their ChiIdre n?54. What should young people be allowed to experie nce?55. Do you agree


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