



1、資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除100:01:04,931 -> 00:01:08,765(FATHER): I hope, my dear,you have ordered a good dinner today,200:01:08,968 -> 00:01:13,234because I have reason to expect an additionto our family party.300:01:13,440 -> 00:01:15,305Mr Bingley!400:01:15,508 -> 00:01:19,069Why, Jane, you s

2、ly thing,you never dropped a word!500:01:19,312 -> 00:01:21,473(M0THER): And no fish to be got!600:01:21,648 -> 00:01:24,981Lydia, my love, ring the bell. I must speak to Hill!700:01:26,553 -> 00:01:31,684It is not Mr Bingley. It is a person I never sawin the whole course of my life.800:01:

3、32,792 -> 00:01:34,760- Colonel Forster!- Captain Carter!900:01:34,961 -> 00:01:36,895No, I know. Denny!1000:01:41,401 -> 00:01:44,893About a month ago, I received this letter.word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除1100:01:45,138 -> 00:01:50,508About a fortnight ago, I answered it, for it wasa case

4、of some delicacy, requiring early attention.1200:01:50,710 -> 00:01:54,146It is from my cousin, Mr Collins,1300:01:54,347 -> 00:01:58,841who, when I am dead, may turn you allout of this house as soon as he pleases.1400:01:59,018 -> 00:02:02,6130h, my dear, pray don't mention that odious

5、 man!1500:02:02,822 -> 00:02:07,782It is the hardest thing in the world, that yourestate should be entailed away from your children.1600:02:07,994 -> 00:02:12,658Indeed, my dear, nothing can clear Mr Collinsof the iniquitous crime of inheriting Longbourn,1700:02:12,832 -> 00:02:17,326but if

6、 you'll listen to his letter, you may besoftened by how he expresses himself.1800:02:19,172 -> 00:02:25,008''My dear sir, the disagreement subsistingbetween yourself and my late honoured father''1900:02:25,211 -> 00:02:30,877''always gave me much uneasiness, and sin

7、ceI have had the misfortune to lose him.''word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除2000:02:31,050 -> 00:02:32,608(LYDIA SN0RTS)2100:02:32,819 -> 00:02:37,813''.to lose him, I have frequently wishedto heal the breach.''2200:02:38,024 -> 00:02:42,518There, Mrs Bennet. ''My m

8、ind, however,is now made up on the subject.''2300:02:42,729 -> 00:02:47,632(COLLINS): .for, having received my ordinationat Easter, I've been fortunate to be distinguished2400:02:47,800 -> 00:02:52,499by the patronage of the Right HonourableLady Catherine de Bourgh,2500:02:54,807 -

9、> 00:02:59,574whose bounty and beneficience has preferredme to the valuable rectory at Hunsford,2600:02:59,779 -> 00:03:05,843where it's my endeavour to demean myselfwith grateful respect towards her Ladyship.2700:03:06,719 -> 00:03:11,053As a clergyman, moreover, I feel it my dutyto pr

10、omote and establish2800:03:11,224 -> 00:03:15,661the blessing of peace in all familieswithin the reach of my influence,word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除2900:03:15,828 -> 00:03:21,391and on these grounds I flatter myself that myovertures of goodwill are highly commendable,3000:03:21,601 -> 00:03:2

11、6,095and will not lead you to rejectthe offered olive branch.3100:03:26,306 -> 00:03:31,266I am, sir, keenly conscious of being the meansof injuring your amiable daughters,3200:03:31,444 -> 00:03:35,813and assure you of my readiness tomake them every possible amends.3300:03:36,015 -> 00:03:

12、41,282I propose myself the satisfaction of waitingon you and your family on Monday the 18th.3400:03:41,988 -> 00:03:43,819Have care, Dawkins!3500:03:44,023 -> 00:03:48,551.and shall probably trespass on your hospitalitytill the Saturday sevenight following.3600:03:48,761 -> 00:03:52,720I sh

13、all travel as far as the turnpikein my own modest equipage,3700:03:52,932 -> 00:03:56,493where I hope to catch the Bromley Postat 35 minutes past ten,word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除3800:03:56,703 -> 00:04:01,936and thence to Watford, from whenceI shall engage a hired carriage to Longbourn.3900:04:

14、02,141 -> 00:04:07,408Where, God willing, you may expect meby four in the afternoon.4000:04:07,614 -> 00:04:09,639And here he comes.4100:04:10,350 -> 00:04:12,443He must be an oddity, don't you think?4200:04:12,685 -> 00:04:17,645If he's disposed to make our girls any amends,I sh

15、an't be the person to discourage him.4300:04:17,824 -> 00:04:21,760- Can he be a sensible man, sir?- I think not, my dear.4400:04:21,961 -> 00:04:26,864Indeed, I have great hopes of finding himquite the reverse.4500:04:31,037 -> 00:04:33,005(FATHER): Mr Collins!4600:04:33,206 -> 00:0

16、4:35,970You are very welcome!4700:04:42,715 -> 00:04:45,741My dear Mr and Mrs Bennet!word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除4800:04:51,691 -> 00:04:54,182(FATHER): You seem very.4900:04:55,128 -> 00:04:58,291.fortunate in your patroness, sir.5000:04:58,498 -> 00:05:00,932Lady Catherine de Bourgh.510

17、0:05:01,134 -> 00:05:06,766Indeed I am, sir. I have been treatedwith such affability, such condescension,5200:05:06,973 -> 00:05:10,170as I would never have dared to hope for.5300:05:10,376 -> 00:05:14,745I have been invited twice to dine at Rosings Park.5400:05:16,382 -> 00:05:19,510Tha

18、t so? Amazing.5500:05:19,719 -> 00:05:21,653Does she live near you, sir?5600:05:22,355 -> 00:05:28,419The garden, in which stands my humble abode,is separated only by a lane from Rosings Park.5700:05:28,628 -> 00:05:32,6550nly a lane, eh? Fancy that, Lizzy.58word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除00:05

19、:35,968 -> 00:05:39,802I think you said she was a widow, sir?Has she any family?5900:05:40,006 -> 00:05:46,172She has one daughter, ma'am. The heiressof Rosings, and of very extensive property.6000:05:46,379 -> 00:05:49,109And has she been presented at court?6100:05:50,450 -> 00:05:5

20、6,013She is unfortunately of a sickly constitutionwhich unhappily prevents her being in town.6200:05:56,255 -> 00:06:01,056And by that means,as I told Lady Catherine myself one day,6300:06:01,260 -> 00:06:05,924she has deprived the British Courtof its brightest ornament.6400:06:07,166 -> 00

21、:06:11,933You may imagine, sir, how happy I am on everyoccasion to offer those little delicate compliments,6500:06:12,138 -> 00:06:14,629which are always acceptable to ladies.6600:06:15,975 -> 00:06:22,744That is fortunate for you, that you possess suchan extraordinary talent for flattering wi

22、th delicacy.6700:06:23,383 -> 00:06:29,288word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除May I ask whether these pleasing attentionsproceed from the impulse of the moment,6800:06:29,489 -> 00:06:32,890or are they the result of previous study?6900:06:34,360 -> 00:06:38,319They arise chieflyfrom what is passing

23、at the time, sir.7000:06:38,531 -> 00:06:43,093I do sometimes amuse myself by writing downand arranging such little compliments7100:06:43,302 -> 00:06:46,567as may be adapted to ordinary occasions.7200:06:46,839 -> 00:06:49,967But I try to give them as unstudied an airas possible.7300:06:50

24、,176 -> 00:06:52,508Excellent.7400:06:52,845 -> 00:06:54,642(FATHER): Excellent.7500:07:09,362 -> 00:07:14,231(COLLINS): I must confess myself quiteoverwhelmed with the charms of your daughters.7600:07:14,434 -> 00:07:18,768Oh, you're very kind, sir.They are sweet girls, though I say

25、 it myself.word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除7700:07:18,971 -> 00:07:22,429Perhaps especially the eldest Miss Bennet?7800:07:22,642 -> 00:07:25,907Ah, yes, Jane is admired wherever she goes.7900:07:26,145 -> 00:07:31,708But I think I should tell you, I think itvery likely she will be very soon eng

26、aged.8000:07:32,552 -> 00:07:36,716- Ah.- As for my younger daughters, if any of them.8100:07:36,956 -> 00:07:40,016In their case I know of no prior attachment at all.8200:07:40,226 -> 00:07:41,784Ah.8300:07:53,706 -> 00:07:56,971We're going to Merytonto see if Denny is returned from

27、 town!8400:07:57,176 -> 00:08:00,839Perhaps you would care for a little exercise,Mr Collins?8500:08:01,414 -> 00:08:04,281Indeed I would, Mrs Bennet.8600:08:04,984 -> 00:08:06,952Cousin Elizabeth!word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除8700:08:08,721 -> 00:08:13,181Would you do me the great honourof

28、walking with me into town?8800:08:22,869 -> 00:08:26,305(COLLINS): You visit your Aunt Philips in Merytonfrequently, I understand?8900:08:26,539 -> 00:08:30,475(LIZZY): Yes, she is fond of company,but you'll find her gatherings poor affairs9000:08:30,676 -> 00:08:32,769after the splendo

29、urs of Rosings Park.9100:08:32,979 -> 00:08:38,781No, I think not. I believe I possess the happyknack, much to be desired in a clergyman,9200:08:38,985 -> 00:08:43,718of adapting myself to every kind of society,whether high or low.9300:08:43,956 -> 00:08:48,450- That is fortunate indeed.- Y

30、es, indeed, and though it is a gift of nature,9400:08:48,694 -> 00:08:54,655constant study has enabled me, I flatter myself,to make a kind of art of it.9500:09:16,188 -> 00:09:21,285There! I'm sure that's new in since Friday.Isn't it nice? Don't you think I'd look well in i

31、t?word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除9600:09:21,460 -> 00:09:24,156- Not as well as me. Come on!- No, I shan't.9700:09:24,363 -> 00:09:27,924Jane! Come here. Look at this!9800:09:28,534 -> 00:09:30,934Jane, I'm determined to have this bonnet!9900:09:31,137 -> 00:09:32,900Look, there'

32、s Denny!10000:09:33,339 -> 00:09:35,773- Where?- There. Look!10100:09:36,609 -> 00:09:38,702- (KITTY): Who's with him?- (LYDIA): Don't know.10200:09:38,878 -> 00:09:41,904- (KITTY): He's handsome!- (LYDIA): He might be if he were in regimentals.10300:09:42,081 -> 00:09:45,983

33、- A man looks nothing without regimentals!- They're looking over.10400:09:46,185 -> 00:09:48,813Lizzy, isn't he mightily good-looking?10500:09:49,021 -> 00:09:51,546- Denny!word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除- Lydia!10600:09:55,294 -> 00:09:58,058We thought you were still in town!10700:09:5

34、8,297 -> 00:10:03,166There was nothing amusing enough to hold usthere. May I introduce my friend George Wickham?10800:10:03,369 -> 00:10:06,736Miss Bennet, Miss Elizabeth Bennet,Miss Mary Bennet,10900:10:06,939 -> 00:10:10,500Miss Catherine Bennet and Miss Lydia Bennet.11000:10:10,710 ->

35、 00:10:13,338This is our cousin, Mr Collins.11100:10:13,546 -> 00:10:16,037Do you stay long in Meryton, Mr Wickham?11200:10:16,215 -> 00:10:21,175All winter, I'm happy to say. I've takena commission in Colonel Forster's regiment.11300:10:21,387 -> 00:10:24,356There, Lydia! He wi

36、ll be dressed in regimentals.11400:10:24,557 -> 00:10:28,493And lend them much distinction, I dare say.0utswagger us all, eh, Wickham?11500:10:28,728 -> 00:10:31,162word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除You misrepresent me to these young ladies.11600:10:31,364 -> 00:10:35,391- Shall you come with us t

37、o Aunt Philips tonight?- (KITTY): Denny is coming!11700:10:35,601 -> 00:10:38,126(LYDIA): It's only supper and cards.11800:10:38,337 -> 00:10:42,831- I haven't been invited by Mr and Mrs Philips.- (LYDIA): No one cares about that nowadays!11900:10:43,042 -> 00:10:47,638(WICKHAM): If

38、 Mrs Philips extended the invitationto include me, I should be delighted.12000:10:50,182 -> 00:10:53,310(KITTY): Look, Jane. It's Mr Bingley!12100:10:57,323 -> 00:11:01,783How very fortunate! We were on our wayto Longbourn to ask after your health.12200:11:02,161 -> 00:11:05,961(JANE):

39、You're very kind, sir.I'm quite recovered, as you see.12300:11:06,165 -> 00:11:09,134(BINGLEY): Yes. I'm very glad to know it.12400:11:28,854 -> 00:11:31,823- Look, there's Denny!- And Chamberlayne.word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除12500:11:32,024 -> 00:11:35,619(C0LLINS): .such a

40、variety of social intercourse.12600:11:36,462 -> 00:11:40,558What a charming apartment you have here,Mrs Philips.12700:11:40,966 -> 00:11:46,097Upon my word, it reminds me greatlyof the small summer breakfast room at Rosings!12800:11:46,505 -> 00:11:50,168Does it indeed, sir?I'm much ob

41、liged to you, I'm sure.12900:11:50,376 -> 00:11:53,777I'm sure Mr Collins wishes to pay a compliment,Aunt.13000:11:53,979 -> 00:11:56,174Does he? I see.13100:11:56,482 -> 00:12:01,442Rosings Park, we must understand,is very grand indeed.13200:12:01,620 -> 00:12:03,588Indeed it is

42、!13300:12:03,789 -> 00:12:07,156My dear Madam, if you thought I intendedany slight13400:12:07,359 -> 00:12:11,853word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除on your excellent and very comfortablearrangements, I am mortified!13500:12:12,031 -> 00:12:17,230Rosings Park is the residence of my noblepatroness, L

43、ady Catherine de Bourgh.13600:12:17,436 -> 00:12:19,5970h, now I understand.13700:12:19,805 -> 00:12:24,401(COLLINS): The chimney piece in the seconddrawing room alone cost 800 pounds!13800:12:24,610 -> 00:12:27,875(MRS PHILPS): Now I see,there's no offence at all.13900:12:30,416 ->

44、00:12:33,908Will you oblige me and sit downto a game of whist?14000:12:34,120 -> 00:12:39,353I must confess I know little of the game, madam,but I shall be glad to improve myself.14100:12:39,558 -> 00:12:43,119If my fair cousin will consent to release me?14200:12:43,429 -> 00:12:45,488With

45、all my heart, sir.14300:13:04,917 -> 00:13:07,5450h, Mr Collins!word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除14400:13:07,753 -> 00:13:11,484- What were trumps again?- Hearts, Mr Collins! Hearts.14500:13:27,339 -> 00:13:30,797I must confess I thought I'd never escapeyour younger sisters.14600:13:31,811 -&

46、gt; 00:13:35,577They can be very determined. Lydia especially.14700:13:36,849 -> 00:13:41,445But they're pleasant girls. I find that societyin Hertfordshire quite exceeds my expectations.14800:13:43,355 -> 00:13:46,688I don't see Mr Bingley and his friends here.14900:13:46,892 -> 00

47、:13:51,090I think some of Mr Bingley's friendswould consider it beneath their dignity.15000:13:51,297 -> 00:13:52,821Really?15100:13:55,467 -> 00:13:57,458Have you known Mr Darcy long?15200:13:58,537 -> 00:14:01,404- About a month.- I've known him all my life.15300:14:01,974 -> 0

48、0:14:05,637- We played together as children.word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除- But.15400:14:05,878 -> 00:14:08,312Yes, you're surprised.15500:14:08,514 -> 00:14:11,347Perhaps you noticed the cold mannerof our greeting?15600:14:12,318 -> 00:14:14,252I confess I did.15700:14:15,187 -> 00:14:

49、17,052Do you.15800:14:18,524 -> 00:14:21,391Are you much acquainted with Mr Darcy?15900:14:22,928 -> 00:14:25,863As much as I ever wish to be.16000:14:26,098 -> 00:14:31,559I've spent three days in the same house with him,and I find him very disagreeable.16100:14:32,304 -> 00:14:36,8

50、66I fear there are few who would sharethat opinion. except myself.16200:14:38,344 -> 00:14:43,680But he's not at all liked in Hertfordshire.Everybody is disgusted with his pride.16300:14:44,216 -> 00:14:46,582word 可編輯資料收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除Do you know.16400:14:46,785 -> 00:14:50,721- Does he intend to stay long at Netherfield?- I do not know.16500:14:50,923 -> 00:14:54,882I hope his being in the neighbourhoodwill not affect your plans to stay.1660


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