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1、美國文學(xué)一、單選 (10/20 )二、True or false(10/10 )三、填空 (15/15 )四、根據(jù)一段作品內(nèi)容節(jié)選,寫出該作品的作品名及作家(5/10 )五、簡答 (5/25 )六、文學(xué)評論 (20 )簡答題:1. 歐文的重要地位是什么?Washington Irving( 1) first American writer( 2) the messenger sent from the new world to the old world( 3) father of American literature2. 超驗主義American TranscendentalismI. B

2、ackground: four sources1. Unitarianism(1) Fatherhood of God(2) Brotherhood of men(3) Leadership of Jesus(4) Salvation by character (perfection of ones character)(5) Continued progress of mankind(6) Divinity of mankind(7) Depravity of mankind2. Romantic IdealismCenter of the world is spirit, absolute

3、 spirit (Kant)3. Oriental mysticismCenter of the world is“oversoul ”4. PuritanismEloquent expression in transcendentalismII. Appearance1836, “Nature ” by EmersonIII. Features1. spirit/oversoul2. importance of individualism3. nature symbol of spirit/God garment of the oversoul4. focus in intuition (i

4、rrationalism and subconsciousness)IV.Influence1. It served as an ethical guide to life for a young nation and brought about the idea that human can be perfected by nature. It stressed religious tolerance, called to throw off shackles of customs and traditions and go forward to the development of a n

5、ew and distinctly American culture.2. It advocated idealism that was great needed in a rapidly expanded economy where opportunity often became opportunism, and the desire to “get on ” obscured the moral necessity for rising to spiritual height.3.Ithelped to createthe firstAmerican renaissance one of

6、 the mostprolific period in American literature.V. Ralph Waldo Emerson1. works(1) Nature(2) Two essays: The American Scholar, The Poet2.point of view(1) One major element of his philosophy is his firm belief in thetranscendence of the“oversoul ”.(2) He regards nature as the purest, and the most sanc

7、tifying moral influence on man, and advocated a direct intuition of a spiritual and immanent God in nature.(3) Ifman depends upon himself,cultivateshimselfand bringsout thedivine in himself, he can hope to become better and even perfect.This is what Emerson means by“the infinitude of man”.(4) Everyo

8、ne should understand that he makes himself by making his world, and that he makes the world by making himself.3. aesthetic ideas(1) He is a complete man, an eternal man.(2) True poetry and true art should ennoble.(3) The poet should express his thought in symbols.(4) As to theme, Emerson called upon

9、 American authors to celebrate America which was to him a lone poem in itself.VI.Henry David Thoreau1. works(1) A Week on the Concord and Merrimack River(2) Walden(3) A Plea for John Brown (an essay)2. point of view(1) He did not likethe way a materialisticAmerica was developingandwas vehemently out

10、spoken on the point.(2) He hated the human injusticeas representedby the slaverysystem.(3) Like Emerson, but more than him, Thoreau saw nature as a genuinerestorative, healthy influence on mansspiritual well-being.(4) He has faith in the inner virtue and inward, spiritual grace of man.(5) He was ver

11、y critical of modern civilization.(6) “Simplicitysimplify! ”(7)He was sorely institutions of mendisgusted with “the s odd -fellow socieinundationsty ”.ofthedirty(8) He has calm trust in the future and his ardent belief in a new generation of men.3. 清教主義 (Puritanism)1. features of Puritanism(1) Prede

12、stination: God decided everything before things occurred.(2)Original sin: Humanbeings were born to be evil, and this original sin can be passed down from generation to generation.(3) Total depravity(4) Limited atonement: Only the“elect ” can be saved.2. Influence(1) A group of good qualities hard wo

13、rk, thrift, piety, sobriety (serious and thoughtful) influenced American literature.(2) It led to the everlasting myth. All literature is based on a myth garden of Eden.(3) Symbolism: the American puritan s metaphoricalmodeof perceptionwas chieflyinstrumentalin callingintobeing a literarysymbolismwh

14、ich is distinctly American.(4)With regard to their writing, the style is fresh, simple and direct; the rhetoric is plain and honest, not without a touch of nobilityoften traceable to the direct influence of the Bible.4. 歐亨利短篇小說特點(第二冊P53)their wit,Wordplaywarm characterizationClever twist endings, &q

15、uot;O. Henry ending."witty narration5. Henry James(美國人的命運)?(1) Aesthetic ideasa. The aim of novel: represent lifeb. Common, even ugly side of lifec. Social function of artd. Avoiding omniscient point of view(2) Point of viewa. Psychological analysis, forefather of stream of consciousnessb. Psyc

16、hological realismc. Highly-refined language(3) Style “stylist”a. Language: highly-refined, polished, insightful, accurateb. Vocabulary: largec. Construction: complicated, intricate二、稱號性評價(John?Smith) 約翰·史密斯 -美國文學(xué)史上第一個作家(Thomas?Paine) 托馬斯·潘恩 -美國獨立之父the?father?of?American?revolution(Philip?F

17、reneau-1752-1832)菲利普·弗倫諾 -a?poet?of?the?American?Revolution,美國詩歌之父(Washington?Irving-1783-1859)華盛頓·歐文 -美國文學(xué)之父,美國短篇小說之父Nathaniel?Hawthorne納撒尼爾·霍桑-human?soulfirst?great?American?writer?of?fiction象征主義大師Walt?Whitman沃爾特·惠特曼 -Father?of?free?verse自由詩之父Edgar?Allan?Poe埃德加·愛倫·坡-偵

18、探小說之父爐邊詩人 Fireside?PoetsHenry?Wadsworth?Longfellow亨利·沃茲沃思·朗費the?first?poet?to?write?the?narrative?poemsEzra Pound埃茲拉·龐德詩人,美國意象派詩歌的創(chuàng)始人。Eugene O'Neill尤金·奧尼爾 -美國戲劇之父三、 1.Thomas Paine -The American Crisis2.Nathaniel Hawthorne(主題)? Hawthorne showed a great interest in the problems

19、 sin and evil.? To Hawthorne evil existed in the human heart and everyone possessedsome evil secret.?Most of hisworks dealtwithevilsuch as poisoning,murder,adultery,and crime.3.Ralph Waldo Emerson(文章各自的影響力)第一冊 P139Works Nature&Self-Reliance4. Theodore Dreiser(欲望三部曲 )?The Financier(1912)金融家?The S

20、toic(1947)巨人? The Titan (1914) 斯多葛5. William Faulkner1. themes(1) history and raceHe explains the present by examining the past, by telling thestories ofseveralgenerationsoffamilytoshow howhistorychanges life.He was interestedintherelationshipbetween blacksand whites,especiallyconcernedabout the pro

21、blems of the peoplewho were ofthe mixedrace ofblackand white,unacceptableto bothraces.(2) Deterioration(3) Conflictsbetween generations,classes,races,manand environment(4) Horror, violence and the abnormal2. style/features of his works(1) complex plot(2) stream of consciousness(3) multiple point of

22、view, circular form(4) violation of chronology(5) courtroom rhetoric: formal language(6) characterization: he was able to probe into the psychology of characters(7)“anti - hero ”: weak, fable, vulnerable (true people society)in modern4. Emily Dickinson( 主題 ) love,?nature,?death,?immortality;? Plain,

23、?brevity,?direct5. Local ColorI.Appearance1. uneven development in economy in America2. culture: flourishing of frontier literature, humourists3. magazines appeared to let writer publish their worksII. What is “Local Colour ”?Tasks of local colourists: to write or present local characters of their r

24、egions in truthful depiction distinguished from others, usually a very small part of the world.Regional literature (similar, but larger in world)Garland, Harte the westEggleston IndianaMrs StoweJewett MaineChopin Louisiana6. Gilded Age( 暫無 )7. 作者筆名與原名Mark Twain-Samuel Langhorne Clemens O.Henry-Willi

25、am Sidney PorterDiedrich Knickerbocker- Washington Irving8. 新英格蘭文學(xué)的影響(見教材第一冊P3)9. 時代代言人Benjamin Franklin本杰明·富蘭克林十八世紀(jì)美國啟蒙思想代言人Mark Twain美國現(xiàn)實主義F. ScottFitzgerald被視為早期 " 爵士時代 " 的文學(xué)代言人了不起的蓋茨比Ernest Hemingway ,“ 迷惘的一代 ”的代表人物四、對作家及其作品的評價WashingtonIrving華盛頓·歐文, 美國著名小說家, 被稱為“美國文學(xué)之父”,“美國短篇小說之父”.James Fenimore Cooper詹姆斯·費尼莫爾·庫珀,美國首位重要長篇小說家。開創(chuàng)了以皮裹腿故事集為代表的邊疆傳奇小說,其中最為重要的一部是 最后的莫西干人。 開創(chuàng)了航海小說體裁。Ralph Waldo Emerson拉爾夫 ?沃爾多 ?愛默生,美國19 世紀(jì)著名哲學(xué)家、作家、詩人、超驗主義代表人物。論自然Nature (the manifesto of American transcendentalism)論美國學(xué)者“ T


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