



1、丘吉爾著名演講:nevergiveup (英語原文)z/notlesswepraiseindarkerdaystheleaderofournation,andchurchilt snameshallwinacclaimfromeachnewgenera tiori.foryouhavepowerindanger,shourourfreedomtodefend, sir!thoughlong thefightw e knowthat ri ghtw illt riump hinth eend , sir!a lmostaye a rhaspasse dsincelcam edownherea t

2、yourhead m aster5 sk in dinvita tio ninord erto cheer mysel fand cheert heh eartsof af ewofmyfr i endsbysin gingsomeof ourownsong s. thetenm o nthsthat ha vepasse dha veseen very terri bleca tast rophic eve ntsinth ew orld-ups a nddowns, m isfortunes -butcanany onesittin g herethis af ternoon , th i

3、socto bera ftern oon, n otfe eldeep lyt hankful fo rwhathas h appenedin thetimetha thaspassed andforthe v erygreat im proveme nti nthepo siti onofo urcou ntry andofo urh ome?why , w henlwash e relasttim ewewerequi tealone, de sperately a ione, and we hadbeen sof orf ive orsi xmont hs. we were poorly

4、 arm ed. wear en otsopoor 1 yarmedtod ay; butthen wewerevery poorlyarm e d wehadt he unmeasu red menace ofth eenem yandt heir airatt ack stillbe at inguponu s , andyouyo urselvesha dhadexperi enceofthi s attack;a nd iexpect you arebeg inni ngtof eelim pati enttha tth erehasb ee nthislon g lullwithn

5、othingpart icularturn ingup!bu twemust lea rntobe equa llygo odatw hati sshort and sharpan dw hatislon g andtough itisgenera llysaidtha tthebriti s hareofte nb etterat the lastt heyd onote xpect tomo vefrom cri sistocr is is;theyd o notalways expectthat eachdaywil lbringups o menoblec ha nceofwa r;b

6、 utwhen they verys lowly make upthei rmi ndsthat th ethingha s tobedonea ndthejobpu tthroughan dfinished , then, eve ni fittake smo nthsi fitt akesy ears-they doit.a notherle s sonithink wemaytake, justthrowi ngourmind s backtoou rm eetingh ere tenmon thsa goand now, i stha tappea ran cesareo ft env

7、eryde c eptive, an daskipling wellsays, w emustme e twithtri um phanddi sas ter. an dtre attho setwo impo stors j ust thesame youcan nottellfro mappearanc eshowthin g swillgo.so metimes ima ginati onma kesth ingso utfa rworse tha ntheyar e;yetwitho u timaginat ionnotmuch canbedone. thosepeop 1 ewhoa

8、rei ma ginativ ese emanym ored anger sthan perh apsexi st;certain ly manymore t hanwillha ppenjbutth entheymust alsoprayt o begivent ha textrac our age toe arry t hisf arre achi ngimag ina tion. bu tf oreveryo n e, surely, whatwehave gonethroug hinthispe r iod-iama dd ressing mys elftot hesc hool-su

9、rel yfro mthisp eri odoften mo nthsthis i sthelesso n:nevergiv ein, neverg ivein,nev e r, never,ne ver,nev er-innoth ing, great orsma 11, 1 argeor pet ty-neve rg iveinexc e pttoconvi ctionsofho nourandgoo dsensene v eryieldt of orcejne ver yieldt othe appar ently over whelmi ngm ightoft he enem y. w

10、e s toodallal oneayearag o, and toman ycountrie s itseemed th atourac cou ntwasc lose d, wew erefi nish ed.all thi stradit io nofours, o ursongs,o urschoolhi story,this partofthe h istoryof th iscount ry, werego nean dfini sheda ndli quidat ed.veryd i fferentis themoodtod ay. britain , othernat i on

11、sthoug ht , haddra wna sponge aero ssher slate but ins tea dou rcou ntr ys to odi nth e gap .there wasnof line hingandnot houghtofg i vinginja nd bywhats eem edalmo stam iracl etoth oseo utside the selslan ds , thoughw e ourselves neverdoubt edit, wenow findourse 1 vesinapo si tionwhe rel saytha twe

12、e anbes ureth atwe haveon lyt opersev er etoconqu e r.yousa nghereaver seofascho o isong:yo us angthat ext ravers ewri tteni nmyho nour , which iwa sverygr ea tlycompl i mentedbya ndwhichyou haverepeat edtoday. b u tthereis on ewordin itl wantto alte riwa ntedt odos olasty ear , butldi dn otventur e to. itisth eline:not lessweprai seindarke r daysih aveobt aine dtheh eadma ster ' sperm iss iontoal te rdarkert o sterner notlesswep raiseinste rnerdays. donot let usspea kofd arker days:letu sspeak rat herofst er nerdayst heseareno tdarkdays:thesearegr eatdays


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