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1、中國某某某某學校題目商務談判的語言藝術(shù)姓名0000000班級、學號 0000、0000號系(部)經(jīng)濟管理系專業(yè)商務英語指導教師00000開題時間2009-04-10完成時間2009-11-042009年11月04日目錄畢業(yè)設計任務書1畢業(yè)設計成績評定表2答辯申請書3-5正文6-22答辯委員會表決意見23答辯過程記錄表24課題商務談判的語言藝術(shù)一、課題(論文)提綱引言1. 商務談判的語言特征1.1商務談判語言的客觀性1.2商務談判語言的針對性1.3商務談判語言的邏輯性1.4商務談判語言的規(guī)范性2. 商務談判的語言藝術(shù) 2.1商務談判的陳述技巧2. 1. 1入題技巧2.1.2闡述技巧2.2商務談判

2、的提問技巧2.2.1使用間接的提問方式 2.2.2使用選擇性的提問方式 2. 2. 3設身處地2.2.4把握好提問的難易度 2.2.5使用恭維的表達方式 2.2.6把握好提問的時機 2.3商務談判的答復技巧 2.3.1使用模糊和委婉的語言 2.3.2使用幽默含蓄的語言 2.4商務談判的說服技巧 結(jié)論二、內(nèi)容摘要商務談判是經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易合作的雙方為達成某種交易或解決某種爭端而進行的 協(xié)商洽談活動。在商務談判中語言運用的成功與否 對談判的過程與結(jié)果起著舉 足輕重的作用。雙方的接觸 溝通與合作都是通過反復的陳述觀點 提問 回答 和說服等語言技巧來實現(xiàn)的巧妙應用語言藝術(shù)提出創(chuàng)造性的解決方案不僅 滿足雙方利益

3、的需要也能緩解沉悶的談判氣氛使雙方都有輕松感有利于談 判的順利進行。因此巧妙的語言藝術(shù)為談判增添了成功的召去碼起到事半功倍的效 果o關(guān)鍵字商務談判語言特征技巧bus iness negot i at ion is an act i v i ty which is carr ied out by the two trade s i des to cone iude the bus i ness or sett ie certain d i sputes. the ianguage used i s a success or fa i lure plays an important roie i

4、n the process of negotiat ions. the skillful ianguage i s reaii zed between two parties by contacting. communicating and cooperating through restate opinions, ask i ng quest i on, responses and persuades etc. putting forward a creat i ng sol v i ng scheme i s not only app lying with the art of i ang

5、uage sk i i i f u i, but a i so mee ts the demands on mutual benef it and re i ieves the du i i atmosphere on negotiation. it will create a comfortable atmosphere for the two par ties and i s good for the success of n egot ia tioru so us ing ianguage skillfully can enhance a great success on negot i

6、 ation and get double effects.keywords: busi ness negotiation ianguage features skills三、參考文獻31姜望琦:當代語用學m.北京大學出版社,2006劉園:國際商務談判m.對外經(jīng)濟與貿(mào)易大學出版社,20053章瑞華徐志華黃華新等:現(xiàn)代談判學成功談判的技巧與奧秘.浙江大學4楊劫 李芳 國際商務談判中的委婉表達j湖南科技學院學報20o6 (2)2602625劉文廣:商務談判m.北京高等教育出版社2004. 8the art of ianguage i n bus iness negot i ation00000中文

7、摘要:商務談判是經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易合作的雙方為達成某種交易或解決某種爭端而進行的協(xié)商洽談活動。在商務談判中語言運用的成功與否對談判的過程與結(jié)果起著舉足輕重的作用。雙方的接觸 溝通與合作都是通過反復的陳述觀點 提問 回答和說服等語言技巧來實現(xiàn)的 巧妙應用語言藝術(shù)提岀創(chuàng)造性的解決方案 不僅滿足雙方利益的需要 也能緩解沉悶的談判氣氛 使雙方都有輕松感 有利于談判的順利進行。因此巧妙的語言藝術(shù)為談判增添了成功的帀去碼 起到事半功 倍的效果。關(guān)鍵字商務談判語言特征技巧abstractbus i ness negotiation is an activity wh i ch i s carr i ed out by

8、 the two trade sides to conelude the business or settle certa in di sputes. the ianguage used i s a success or fai lure4p i ays an impor tarrt role in the process of negotiations. the ski i ifui ianguage i s reaii zed between two parties by contact i ng,commun i cat i ng and cooperat i ng through re

9、state op i n i ons, ask i ng question, resporises and persuades etc. putting forward a crea ting sol v i ng scheme i s not only app i ying with the art of i anguage sk i i i fu i, but a i so meets the dema nds on mutua i benef i t and re i ieves the du i i atmosphere on n egot i a tion. it wi 丨丨 cre

10、ate a comfortabie atmosphere for the two part i es and i s good for the success of negotiation. so us ing ianguage ski iifully can enhance a great success on negotiation and get double effects. keywords: bus i ness negot i at i on, ianguage, features, skills introduct i onbus i ness negot i ation

11、9; s process i s that the negotiators us i ng ianguage to coord i nate and consu11 the prob iems and achieves agreement. how to use correct ianguage to show your opi n i ons ref iects the abi i i ty of the negot i ators. if the skills are not suitabie, it wii i cause mi sunderstand ing or di sputes

12、between the two parties and even lead to the fai lure of the negotiation, and it' s more i ikeiy to cause the economy loss. whether the language is used properly or not often determines the success or fa iiure of the negot i at i on. therefore, knowing5about this skill i s the key to conciude a

13、successfui bus i ness.th i s thes i s mainly states that the n egot i a tors shou id know how to use statement and ask questions, response and persuas i on to achieve the multi pl ier effect in the process of bus iness negot iat ions.1. the features of ianguage in bus iness negot i at i onbus i ness

14、 negot iat ion language i s a spec i a i way, wh ich i s used in the bus i ness negotiat i ons. it is different from the lit erature, art, opera, film languages, but a i so d i ffere nt f rom t he daily ii fe languages. generally speaking, the i anguage of bus i ness neg otiat ion shou id have the f

15、o i lowing bas i c features: object i vity, d i rectivity, logical and normative of the bus i ness negot i ations.1.1 objectivitythe object iv ity of language mainly shows that: descr i bing the present situation of the enterpr i se must conform to the reaii ty; descr ib i ng the qua i ity of the go

16、ods and funct i onshouid according to the bas i s of reai ity; if you have a best cond i t i on you' d better show the samp les or demonstrate i t on the spo t. your quo tat ion shou i d be reasonab i e and you not only try your best to meet your own needs, but a i so you can' t ignore the o

17、ther party' s benef its. and you shouid cons ider i ng the6other party s requ i rements that make sure the terms of payment and adopt the terms of payment that both part i es can accept.if the language has objectivity, the two sides treat each ot her hones ty and promote the i r opi ni ons c i o

18、se i y. and i t willi ay a foundat i on of the success for the next negotiation.1.2 d i rect iv ity opponent. the di fference of contents and occas ions ofthe d i rect iv ity of theianguage i s that theianguage shouidfocus on the specific themes and has anexact target.negot iat ionianguage shouid be

19、 di rectiyaga i nst one specificnegotiation have d i fferent negot i ators, and a i so you need to use the d ifferent negot iation ianguage. even if they have same contents of negotiation, you must use the different language because the negot i ators have d i fferent educati on, the i eve i of knowi

20、 edge, the ability of acceptanee and personal hab it.you must know that the different requ i rements of same n egot i at ion opp on ents and you need to use the correct i anguage or h i ghi i ght to descr i be the qua i ity of goods and funct i ons, or descr i b i ng your enterpr i se' s operat

21、i ng s i tuat i on and repeat descr ibing that our pr ices are very reasonab le. in a word, the negotiation language must be conci se, exact and easy to understand.7to be d i rect in one negotiation, if you want to make sure the terms of the negot i at i ons that you must be carefui to prepare the r

22、e i evan t informa tion and you shou id t ake t h i s into considerations at the same time: when you start to the negotiations you must know what k ind of ianguages you shouid be used, and you shouid know how to seiect and target the negot iat ion language to make the negoti at ions smooth iy.1.3 lo

23、gicthe logical language i s that the negot i ator' s ianguage shou i d comp i y with the rule of logic, the ab i i i ty of express i ng idea must be c lear ly, the ab i lity of judgment must be correct and the abi i ity of reasoning must be carefui ly. the language shouid be fully reflected the

24、ob ject i v ity, specificity and h istor icai. if you want your opinions to be persuasi ve, you must have an ability of the logical thi nking. in the negot iat ions, no matter you state the prob i em, or wr i te memoranda, or g i ve any suggestions, i mag inat i on or requ i rements that you shouid

25、pay attention to the logical of i anguage. th i s i s the bas i s of grasp ing the i r opi nions and further persuad i ng the other party.1.4 normat i vethe normative of ianguage i s that the ianguage should be expressed poii teiy and ci ear iy, str ictly and exactly.8fi rstly, the negotiate ianguag

26、e must insi st on thepr i nciples of politeness and shouid be comp iy with the characters of the bus i ness and the requ i rements of the profess ionai eth ics.secondiy, the language must be clear and easy to understand in the negotiat ions.thi rdly, the negot i at ion ianguage must be pay attent io

27、n to avoid voice weak and haven' t pause in speaking, or speaki ng too loudly and have a r ich fee iing and so on.fourthly, the negotiation language should be cor rect and exact. espec i a i iy at the cruc i a i moment of barga i n i ng, you shouid pay more attention to your words and behaviors.

28、2. the art of language in bus iness negotiation2. 1 the skill of statemerrtstatement i s that i ntroduc i ng one' s own s ituat i on and stating your views of one question, and make the other party to understand your op in ions, planning and posi t i ons. in the bus i ness nego tiati on, t he s

29、tat emen t included two par ts that are“enter into question” and "statement” .2.1.1 the skill of enter ing into questionin the bus i ness negot i ations, the negotiators must have skills of enter i ng i nto quest i on and adopting the exact way:9f i rstly, the method of ci rcu itous enter into

30、question, for example, you can taik about your company s situations; second i y,you can t a i k abo ut some det ails f i rs t, and t hen you can t a i k abo ut pr i nciple of the matt er, for example, when we t a i k abou t the importa rrt pr i nciple matters that have a nervous feel ing, at th i s

31、time, you can tai k about the spec if ic deta i i s to make the negot i at i on peacefui and create a good atmosphere for the n ext n egot i at i on; th i rd i y, you can ta i k about gen era i pr i nciple prob iem and then taik about some details; fourthly, you can start from the specific topics.2.

32、1.2 the skill of describingat the opening process of descr i bi ng, f i rstly, you shouid def inite th i s topic to be sett led in th i s conversation to concentrate our attent ions and make the two party? s op i nions agreeable; secondiy, you must show that you shouid get the i mportant benef its t

33、hrough th i s conversation and ind i cate our party' s bas i c pos i t i on. you can rev i ew the prev i ous ach i evement of two parties' cooperat ion to show your reputat i on en joyed by the other side; thi rdly, at the opening of descr i b ing the ianguage shouid be poss ibly br ief and

34、grasp the key point, correct and easy to understand; finally, you must know the purpose of descr ibing in order to make the other party to10un dersta nd your i nte nt ions and create an good atmosphere i n the negotiation. so, descr ibing shouid be expressed in a sincere and easy way.if the other pa

35、rty starting descr ibe, you must listen to thei r op in ions very carefu i iy, then sum up the opin ions and try to understand the contents of descr i b i ng. in order to avo i d mi sunderstanding that you must th i nk and understand the key i ssues of the opening of descr ib i ng. if the contents o

36、f the open i ng descr i b i ng have a big conf i ict with you, and you car/ t interrupt and can' t make a di spute with the other party immediately, while you i nd icate your opinions after the other party' s taik have fi nished and comp i a i nt the i r op i n i ons from the other s i de.in

37、 the process of the statement, you shouid pay attention to use the ian guage cor rec tly and easy to unders tand, and theianguage shouid br i ef and grasp the key point, and have a specific st rue ture. your speak i ng shou i d be close to the t heme and should pay attent ion to the tone, pace, voic

38、e; pause and repeat the ianguage should be proper. statement should comp iy with the reai ity. in order to have a sincere cooperation you must be honest to the other party. and you must learn to observe the other party respo nse, and t hen ad just to your contents of11the conversation and the voice

39、tone timely that adapt to the other party' s changes. for example, when the negotiations have reached an impasse, we shouid learn how to use the siege ian guage, such as: i f you do t h i s, it mus t be not good for us. ” “i n that case, i et us make a favor aga i n to reach an agreeme rrt. ” “i

40、 be i ieve that we don' t hope it fa iis. in the genera i occas ion, we can ' t use the negat i ve ianguage to end the conversat i on. i f you don' t use the negat i ve i anguage to end the conversation you can promote the positive emotion of the two parties and make the negotiation smoo

41、thiy.2.2 the skill of ask ing quest i on in bus i ness negotiat i on in the bus i ness negot i ation, th i s i s an i mportant sk i ii.the negotiators often use th i s skill to find out the true intent i ons of the other party and master the i r mind changing. the skill of asking question can cause

42、the other party ' s attention and prov i de a def ine d i rection to the two parties, and he ip you collect the information and transmit yourfee i i ngs.thi s skill can help you causing the other party thinking and gui de the trends. meanwhi le, the other s i de responds can form an effect i ve

43、st i mu i us. therefore, the att itude of ask i ng quest ion must be sincere, reasonabie and pay attent i on to the other party' s mind. in particular, you shouid not accuse the12other party' s personal ity. meanwhile, ask i ng quest i on you shouid not always to ask. you should grasp the ia

44、nguage' s pace and tone and give some enough time aside to let the other party thinking and expressing thei r opinions. and you must avoid mi sunderstanding and make the other party fee i bor i ng and unw i i i i ng to answer the quest i ons. so, you shou i d pay attent i on to the manner of ask

45、ing question in the negotiations2.2.1 using indi rect skill to ask questionus i ng th i s ski i i to express the opinions i s more polite.i n the business negot iat i on, most of negot i ators are col i ect i ng the i nformat ion by aski ng question.the way of ask i ng quest ion is more ind i rect a

46、nd theexpress i on is more pol ite. for examp le: the two par ties are not going to be able to get together on price they want you to reduce the pr i ce, but you can' t accept it. you sa id that, everyth ing e i se i s negot iabie, but the prob iem of pr i ce we can' t accept. if you recei v

47、ed this pr ice, we promise the terms of paymen t and i ns tai i are smo ot hly. then, t hey have accep ted t h i s price. so, us in g thi s kill i s very usefu i and has a d i fferen t effect.2.2. 2 us ing selecti ve ski i i to ask quest i onwe often can see that some shopp i ng center' s iounge

48、 i s13operat i ng coffee and t ea. at the beg i nn i ng, the waiter asks the customer, “sir would you i i ke to dr i nk some coffee?” or “sir wouid you ii ke to have some tea?” the turnover i s genera i. but later, the waiter changes the way, “sir, would you i ike some coffee or tea?" as a resu

49、it, the turnover has a great increas ing. so, if you use seiect i ve ski i i of aski ng quest ion that wi i i give you a d i fferent resu11. in the bus i nessnegotiations, i f you use the se i ective skill that you can start the next conversati on better.2. 2. 3 st and i ng on your par trier' s

50、pos i tion to con s ider11 is a ski iiful way that improving the atmosphere of the n ego t iat ion. it' s easy to get accep tance from t hei r mind, and a i so can prevent the negot i at i ons from break i ng down; thereby, it wi i i make an easy way to reach an agreement.for examp ie: mr. wang

51、has booked a hotei for h i s iecture. but one day, he recei ved thi s information: the manager of thi s hotel told him the fees must be in creased. so, he ta i ks with the manager, and says, when i heard thi s news, i was little surpr i sed; but i can understand you. as a manager you shouid cons i d

52、ered the profits of your hotei. but, you shouid th i nk that,if you increase the pr ice i can' t afford it and you will miss a chanee that i irrtroduce your hotel to these peopie. the chanee14is weigh t with t he money. fin ally, t he ma nager i s accep ti ng his views. so, i f you standing on y

53、our par tner ' s pos i tion to cons i der prob iems it can he i p you rece i ved a d i fferent resuit.2. 2.4 grasp the difficuity of asking questionbeg inning to ask quest i on, you' d better to choose the easy quest ions to answer. for example: "do you have a good t ime on your holiday

54、s?" th i s k i nd of questions has noth i ng with the subject theme, but it can make you fee i re i ax. i f you start to ask a difficuit question in a stra i ght way wi i i make the negotiation into impasse. so, you can use the way to ask that easy quest ion first and then ask the difficuit que

55、stion.2. 2. 5 us i ng comp i imentin the early stage of bus iness negotiations, the negot iators are difficu11 to grasp the true intent i on of the other party and d i ff i cu 11 to put forward an effective quest ion.the most important is that you must understand the true intentions and other re lev

56、ant intentions to the oppos i te. however, appiying the negotiating strategy with prai se and comp i iment, we shouid pay attent ion to the fol lowing items: fi rstly, the attitude shouid be honest and the measure should be appropr iate. second iy, you should respect personality and cons i der the i

57、ndividual' s seif-consc i ousness of the other15party. th i rd iy, you should be pay i ng attention to the peopie reaction that has been pra i sed. if the person has a good response, may be you can gi ve him a prai se aga in; i f the other party seemed very i nd i fferent or impat i ent, we shou

58、id stop and change to another top i c.2. 2. 6 grasp ing the opportun i ty to ask quest i onin the negotiations, we shouid pay more attention to the opponent's m i nd, and propose a correspond i ng quest ion at a r ight time. and asking questi on shou id contact with the i ssues. noting the speed

59、 of ask i ng ques tion; when you speak too fas t, it wi i i easy to make the other party fee i you are impatient, and even somet imes they fee i you are i n an ask i ng tone to treat h im and wi i i easy iead to the other party offensive.after you ask questions, you must give the other party have a suff ic ie rrt time to reply. the purpose of ask i ng ques tion i s that you let the other party have enough time to answer


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