



1、tenancy agreement房 屋 租 賃 合 同出租人(以下簡稱甲方) :landlord:(hereinafter called” party a”)身份證號碼( identity card no.) :電話( tel) :法定地址( registered address ) :代理人 (agent):電話( tel) :法定地址( registered address ) :代理人身份證號碼(identity card no. ) :承租人(以下簡稱乙方) :tenant: (hereinafter called “party b ”)護照 /身份證號碼( identity car

2、d no. ) :電話( tel) :法定地址( registered address ) :甲、乙雙方就甲方愿意出租、乙方自愿承租物業(yè)事宜,以雙方協(xié)商一致,同意簽訂本房產(chǎn)租賃合約。an agreement made between party a of the one part and party b of the other part whereby it is: 一、 租賃物業(yè)名稱(以下稱“ 該物業(yè) ” ) :name address of property to be rented : (hereinafter called “the said premises ” ): 二、 用途:

3、該物業(yè)只供作住宅使用。usage:for domestic use only. 三、 面積:該物業(yè)建筑面積為平方米。area:gross floor area is square meter. 四、 租約期限( terms of tenancy) :兩年固定租約由年月日至年月日formal tenancy:fixed term from to 五、 租金 (rent):租賃期租金:每月人民幣xx 元整。此租金已經(jīng)包含該房屋每月的出租稅金。rent: rmb xx per month. the rental is including the house monthly tax fee . 六、

4、付租條款( payment terms) :1、日期:乙方須于每月xx 日前支付下月租金。date: party b shall prepay the monthly rental for every next month before xx. 2 2、付款方式:乙方須以銀行自動轉帳方式在支付。payment method: party b shall deposit the rent to party bs bank account below:受益人( beneficiary name) :銀行 (bank) :帳號( bank a/c no ) :七、 管理費:租賃期內管理費由xx 支付

5、。management fee:shall be paid by xx during the tenancy period. 八、 公用事業(yè)費:電費,水費 ,煤氣費,和電話費等等, 均由xx 支付。public utility fees: electricity fee, water fee, gas fee, and telephone fee, etc, shall be responsible by party xx 九、 保證金( deposit): 簽訂本房產(chǎn)租賃合約時,乙方須付甲方保證金人民幣 xx 元整. on the signing of this formal tenancy

6、 agreement, party b shall pay to party a a security deposit in amount of :rmbxx .十、 其它條約 (other terms): 1、乙方須按上述規(guī)定交付保證金于甲方,于租約終止或期滿時,甲、乙雙方不再續(xù)約,乙方在付清全部租金及公用事業(yè)費后,保證金(不計利息)得憑原收據(jù)領回。the said deposit (no interest will be counted) shall be repayable forthwith from party a to party b at the expiration or de

7、termination of the tenancy without any renewal, subject to party b had completed full payment of the entire contract period and paid all public utility fees or any other fees related. 2、乙方需按上述規(guī)定每月按時交付租金,如乙方逾超過10 天不付租金的,則乙方須給甲方按每日1%交付滯納金。如乙方超過15 天不支付租金,則視為乙方違約,甲方有權取消租賃合同并且沒收全部按金。party b shall pay the

8、 said rent on time as aforesaid, if payment is delayed over 10 days, a daily interest of 1% of the monthly rent will be imposed as a fine of the payment delay to party b. if party b pay rent delay more than 15 days , party a should be have right to cancel the contract and deduct all deposit from par

9、ty b. 3、該物業(yè)內之一切原來設備及間隔,乙方必須得到甲方書面同意,方可更改或增減。party b shall not make or permit to be made any alterations in or additions to the said premises without having first obtained the written consent of party a. 4、乙方不得在該物業(yè)之內任何地內存放違反危險品條例之物品,例如軍械、火藥、璜硝、汽油 , 有爆炸危險性的物品及揮發(fā)性之化工原料等等, 另乙方不得在該物業(yè)內做任何違反中國法律行為。否則,一切后果,

10、由乙方負責。party b shall not store arms, ammunition or unlawful goods, gun-powder, saltpeter, kerosene 3 or any explosive or combustible substance, etc. in any part of the said premises, the tenant or inmate shall not use the said premises for any illegal purposes, for violation against the law of people

11、s republic of china in any part of the said property, party b shall be answerable and responsible for any consequence of any breach of local ordinance. 5、乙方須正確維護該物業(yè)內甲方所提供之家具、電器、裝置及設備、該物業(yè)之原來一切設備如有因非正當使用造成的損壞,乙方須負責修理或賠償。to keep the interior of the said premises and furniture, fixtures and fittings pro

12、vided by party a in condition of normal use throughout the tenancy, if any damages made by any abnormal use, party b is responsible for the repair or reimbursement.6、乙方不得拒絕甲方派譴之人員,在適當時間入屋檢視該單位近況或進行任何修理工程。party b shall permit party a and its agents with or without workmen or others and with or withou

13、t appliances at all reasonable times to enter upon the said premises and to view the condition thereof and to take inventories of the fixtures therein and to carry out any repairs to the premises which party a considers necessary or proper to be done. 7、當租約期滿或終止前x 個月,甲方有權在不騷擾原則下, 張貼招租告示于該單位外, 乙方亦應準許

14、甲方/代理人在合理時間內,帶同新租客進入該物業(yè)視察。during the x month immediately preceding the determination of the said term of tenancy, party a shall be at liberty to affix and retain without interference or molestation on the door or the external parts of the said premises a notice for letting the said premises and the

15、party b shall permit and allow all persons with written or oral authority from party a or its agent or agents at all reasonable hours of the day to view the said premises or any part or part thereof. 8、租約期滿,乙方如需延長租約,須在租約期滿x 個月前以書面方式通知甲方,經(jīng)甲方同意,乙方可以新訂租金和租約繼續(xù)入住該物業(yè)。x month written notice before the expi

16、ration is required for any tenancy renewal; new tenancy agreement will be generated under the consent of both parties. 9、乙方須自行投買風災, 水災, 火災, 盜竊 , 意外保障等等 , 乙方如在該單位內有任何損失, 甲方不負任何責任。party b shall himself cover insurance for his own belongings against typhoon, depression, storm, flood, fire, theft, accid

17、ents, etc. in relation to this tenancy. party a shall not be responsible for any damage or loss under all circumstances. 10、乙方不得于單位內制造或容許制造噪音, 異味或任何滋擾鄰居或業(yè)主安寧之舉動, 其中4 包括拖欠租金。經(jīng)警告后仍未有所改善, 甲方有權終止租約。party b shall not permit any noise or allow any music to be produced in the premises so as to give cause f

18、or reasonable complaint from the occupants of neighboring premises, otherwise, party a has the right to terminate the tenancy immediately if case continued after advised. 11、甲方須承擔該物業(yè)的房產(chǎn)稅、土地使用稅。party a shall pay all property tax, land tax and any other tax or charge of the said premises. 12、租約期內,甲方有權

19、將該物業(yè)出售給第三者,本合約對購得該物業(yè)之新業(yè)主仍然有效,所有適用于甲、乙雙方的條款,同樣無條件適用于新業(yè)主和乙方。during term of tenancy, party a shall have the right to sell the said premises to the third party. the terms and conditions here in contained which applicable to party a and party b must be applicable to the new landlord and party b without n

20、egotiation. 13、本合約之附件,包括:家具裝置設備清單、房屋所有權證副本,租賃協(xié)議書,均為本合約不可分割的成部分。the attachments, including furniture fixture, appliances list title certificate., property certificate and offer letter forms an integrate part of the agreement. 14、本租約適用中華人民共和國法律、自甲、乙雙方簽章后,雙方均應遵守本租約規(guī)定的各項條款,如發(fā)生爭議,雙方不能完滿解決,將依照中華人民共和國有關法律仲裁解


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