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1、簡(jiǎn)明英語語言學(xué)知識(shí)點(diǎn)I匯總LG GROUP SyStem OffiCe room LGA16H-LG YY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162新編簡(jiǎn)明英語語言學(xué)知識(shí)點(diǎn)匯總1 IntrOdUCtionWhat is IingUiStics?SCientifiC StUdy Of language.IlTt erpre tati on:1try to answer the basic questions and PrObe into VariOUS PrObIemS related tolanguage;linguistics StUdieS not any PartiCUIar IangUage bu

2、t language in general;(3)SCientifiC StUdy because based on SyStematiC investigation OfIingUiStiC data The SCOPe Of IingUiStiCSThe StUdy Of IangUage as a WhOIe is Often CalIedgeneral IingUiSticPhOneticsStUdy the SOUndS USed in IingUiStiC StUdyPhOnOIOgyHOW SOUndS PUt together and COnVey meaningmorphol

3、ogyThe Way SymbOIS representing SOUndS are arranged andCOmbined to form WOrdSSyntaXRUIeS governing the COmbinatiOn Of WOrdSSemanticsThe StUdy Of meaningPragmatiCSStUdy the meaning in COnteXtAbOVe are ma jo:FOllOWing are Iinr Or COre branches Of IingUiStics; Ristics IinkWith Other disciplines.SOCiOIi

4、ngUiSticsIangUage and SOCietyPSyChOIingUiStiCSHOW infant acquire mother tongue, PrOCeSSinformation.(IangUage and brain)APPIiedIingUiSticsAPPIied to the recovery Of language,IangUage acquisitionSOme important distiIIetiOnS in IingUiStiCSPreSCriPtivedescriptiveAimS to Iay down rules forUCOrreCt& s

5、tandardDeSCribe and analyze the IangUageactually USe (modern IingUiStSbelieve that WhateVer OCCUrS inthe IangUage PeOPIe USe ShOUld bedescribed and analyzed)SynChrOniCdiachronicThe description Of a IangUage atSOme POiIlt Of timeThe description Of a IangUage as itChangeS through timeMOdern IingUiStic

6、s are most SynChrOniC:(DDiffiCUIt to describe the ChangeS that have taken PIaCe in itshistorical development;(2)SynChrOniC description are Often thought Of as beingdescriptions Of a IangUage in its CUrrent existence SPeeChWritingSPeeCh is PriOr to Writing:Qwriting SyStem is alwaysUinVentednby the US

7、erS to record the SPeeChWhen the need arises;SPeeCh PIayS a greater role in terms Of amount Of COnVeyinginformation;(3)SPeeCh is always the Way native SPeaker acquire their mothertongue WhiIe Writing is Iearn and taught in SChOOI;SPOken IangUage reveals more feature Of human speech, WhiCh isauthenti

8、c WhiIe Written IangUage is OnIy the revised record OfSPeeCh LangUe語言ParOle言語AbStraCt IingUiStic system;ReIatiVeIy StableThe realization Of IangUage inactual use; COnCrete; Vary fromPerSOn to PerSOn & SitUation toSitUationPrOPOSed by SWiSS IingUiStSaUSSUrein the early 2 CentUry:ParOIeis a mass O

9、f IingUiStiC facts,to abstract IangUe from ParOIe COmPetencePerfOrmanCeThe ideal user,S knowledgeThe actual realizetion OfOf the rules Of his IangUagethis knowledge in IingUiStiCCOnImUniCatiO n.PrOPOSed by AmeriCan IingUiSt, SinIiIarto SaUSSUre, What IingUiStsShOUld StUdy is the ideal SPeaker,S comp

10、etence, not the PerfOrmanCeDifferenCe:SaUSSUre took SOCiOlOgiCaI VieW Of IangUage and hi Snotion Of IangUe is a matter Of SOCiaICOnVentiOn;Whi1e ChOmSky IOOkS atPSyChOlOgiCaI POintand to himCOmPetenCe is a PrOPerty Of the Inind Of each individual.TraditiOnal grammarMOdern IingUiSticsPreSCriPtiVe;Wri

11、tten IangUage is primary;FOrCe IangUage into a Latinbasedframework;DeSCriPtive;SPOken IangUage is primary;Trying to Set UP a UniVerSaIframeworkMOdern IingUiStics begin from the PUbIiCatiOn Of SaSSUre,S bookCOUrSe in general IingUiStiCSWhat is IangUageDefinitiOnS Of IangUageLangUage is a SyStem Of ar

12、bitrary VOCaI SymbOIS USed for human COnlmUniCatiO n.CharaC te:TiStiCS:(DIangUage is system, elements Of IangUage are COmbined according to the rules;language is arbitrary in the SenSe that there is no intrinsic COnneCtion betweena IingUiStic SymbOI and what it StandS for,A rose by any Other name WO

13、llId SmelIas well;(3)IangUage is VOCaI because the Primary medium for all IangUage is sound;language is human -specific, different from animal COmmUniCation.DeSign features Of IangUagePrOPOSed by AmeriCan IingUiSt CharIeS HOCkett:ConIParing the animal & humanCOnlmUniCatiOn are five major design

14、features Of humanIangUage:arbitrarinessNO IOgiCaI COnneCtiOn between meaning and SOUndS(exceptOnOmatOPOetic and COmPOUnd WOrdS)2PrOdUCtivityIt makes to POSSibIe to COnStruction and interpretation Of newSignaI by its USerS dualityLangUage is a SyStein WhiCh COnSiStS Of two StrUCtUreS At the IOWer IeV

15、eI thereis a Structure Of sounds, WhiCh are meaningless by the SOUndS Can grouped Orregrouped together IntO a Iarger numbers Of UnitS Of meaning SUCh as morpheme Orwords, WhiCh are found at the higher IeVeI Of SyStenI(CarP & Park) Therl the higherIeVeI Can be arranged and rearranged into an infi

16、nite numbers Of SentenCeS;DisplacementLangUage CarI be USed to refer to COnteXtS removed from the immediate SitUationsOf the SPeakerS;cultural transmissionWhiIe human CaPaCity for IangUage has a genetic basis,the details Of any IangUageSyStemS are not genetically transmitted, but insteadhave to be t

17、aught and Iearned (IangUage is CUItUraItransmittedlanguage not mutually intelligible WhiIe animal CalISyStenl is genetically transmitted)FUnCtiOnS Of IangUageThree main functions Of IangUage WhiCh distinct from each Other butactually OVerIaPPing to SOme degree:(DdeSCriPtiVe functionThe Primary funct

18、ion Of IangUage;The SiChUan earthquake is the most SerioUS One China has everSUffeTed expressive functionSUPPIy information about the USer,S feeling, preference,PrejUdiCeSand value, will never COme to this COffee ShOP again social functionSerVeS to establish and maintain SOCiaI relatiOnS between PeO

19、PIe HoW Can I help you, Sir?OtherS:RUSSian-born Struetural IingUiStROman JakObSon:SiX elemens(function)Of a speech:Addresser-emotive(動(dòng)機(jī))addreSSee-Conative(意動(dòng))COnteXt-referentialmessage-POetiCCOntaC七一 Phatic COnImUniOnCOde-metaiinguiSticBritiSh IingUiStiC Halliday:ideatiOnal function (語篇功能) included

20、descriptive & expressive functinis to OrganiZe the SPeaker,S experience Of the real Or imaginary WOrld erpersonal functionis to indicate , establish,Or maintainSOCiaI relationship betWeen PeOPIe social function3textual functionis to OrganiZe Written Or SPOken texts to COhereWithin themselves and

21、 fit to the PartiCUIar SitUatiOn in WhiCh they areUSed The PhOniC medium Of IangUageSPeeCh SOUndS PrOdUCed by human SPeeCh OrganTWO major media Of COmmUniCatiOn:SPeeCh and writing;What is PhOnetics?The StUdy Of PhOniC medium Of IangUage;it is COnCerned With all theSOUndS that OCCUrS in the world S I

22、angUage ArtiCUIatory PhOnetics (發(fā)音語言學(xué)) LOngeStThree branchesAUditOry PhOnetiCS (聽覺語言學(xué))ACOUStic PhOnetiCS (亍打?qū)W i 幵言學(xué))OrganS Of SPeeChPharyngeaI CaVity (咽喉)NaSaI CaVity (鼻腔)OraI CaVity (口腔)Narrow: Ietter SymbOIS + IUrlitics(變音符)pTt spith-*aspirationphonetiCian more interested inCIaSSifiCatiOn Of EngIi

23、Sh SPeeCh SOUndSTOtaIObStrUCtiOnBilabiaI(雙唇 音)Labiodental(唇齒音)DentaI(齒 音)AIVeIOar(齒齦 音)PalataI(腭 音)VeIar(軟腭)GlOttai(喉 音)StoPS (閉塞音)VLP Pf ftkPartiaIObStrUCtiOn、廠/JiIVDbVdgVLOSfhDmPIete at firstSIeaSe SIOWIyLth DartiaIVDdZgVLtftfVDdgdgNaSaIS (鼻音)VDmnnLiqUidS (流音)VDL, rGIideS (滑音)VDW JMOnOPhthongs:fro

24、ntCentralbackCIOSeI: IU: USeilIi-CIOSeee:VOiCing:VibratiOn Of the VOCaI COrdSSOUndS :broad & narrowSOUndSInternatiOnaIpOrthgraPhiCBrOad(USed inSenli-OPeneC:OPenae aD a:phonologyphonology & PhOneticsPhOnOIOgy V S PhOne ticsPhOne PhOnemeDeriVatiOnaI morpheme:ChangeCategorygrammatical ClaSS Of

25、WOrdSPrefix:change meaningSuffix: Change meaning and PartS Of SPeeChInfleCtiOnaI morpheme:Signify tense number CaSeWOrd formation:(DCIiPPing (ShOrtening & abbreviation)no Change Of Part Of SPeeChlgym expo memo disco burger QUake fridge SCriPtback-f OrmatiOnchange Of Part Of SPeeChleditoredithawk

26、er-hawk beggarbeg baby-siSter一一baby-sitBUtCher-butch donatio-donate OrientatiOn-Orient(ate)(3)COnVerSiOn(functional Shift)PhOnetiCCOmPIemer SPeeChLnimaI PairSOme rules Iin phenologySeqUentiaILIOgiCaISUPraSe sSegments;Dark 1 &ation ruleGOVern the COmbinatiOn OfSOUnds, WOrd begin With a 1 OrT if f-rpt PSnting a PhOnemeferent PhOnetiCIOneS MOrPhOlOgyGramliIar that is COnCeWord:


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