



1、精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載精品學習資料3do you know fei junlong and nie haisheng. fei junlong was born in 1965. he is achinese astronaut selected as a member of the shenzhou program. he was born in jiangsu andjoined the peoples liberation army air force (中國人民解放軍空軍)in 1982 at the age of 17.and since then he has only

2、 returned home six times. as a fighter pilot、 he was selected toanastronaut in 1998.he married wang jie in 1991 and has one son.nie haisheng was born in september 1964. he is also a chinese astronaut selected for theshenzhou program. he is from hubei. after graduating from high school he joinedthe p

3、eoplesliberation army air force、 and became a fighter pilot. in 1998 he was selected for theastronautprogram.he was one of the three astronauts who were in the final group to train for the shenzhou 5fight. yang liwei was also picked out for the flight、 with zhai zhigang.on september 23、2005 it was r

4、eported that zhai and nie would be one of the three pairsof astronauts who would be in the final training for shenzhou 6. but in the end、 fei and niewere chosen、 and zhai missed his chance to space again.nie haisheng got married to nie jielin and has an 11-year-old daughter.51.when did nie join the

5、army.a.in 1982.b.in 1998.c.in 1991.d.after his graduation from highschool.52.who among the astronauts in this passage hasnt been to space.a.zhai zhigang.b.nie haisheng.c.yang liwei.d.fei junlong.53.how many times has fei junlong returned home since he left at the age of17.a.three times.b.four times.

6、c.six times.d.eight times.54.how many people did the writer mention in thispassage.a.5.b.6.c.7.d.8.55.which of the following is true according to thispassage.a.yang liwei was born in jiangsu.b.nie haisheng has an elever-year-olddaughter.c.fei junlong is one year older than nie haisheng.精選學習資料 - - -

7、歡迎下載精品學習資料d.zhai zhigang got married to nie jielin and has a son.in the uk、most children have their lunches at school、 but in some schools、 parentscan choose what their children eat. the children can have a school dinner a hot、 cooked meal;or they can take a packed lunch with them、 which usually inc

8、ludes cold food likesandwiches.often parents know what their children want. cath、 a mother of three children、 told us、 “ mychildren have packed lunches because they say they hate school dinners. so i make three packedlunches every morning.”however、another mother、susan、made adifferentchoice.shesaid、“

9、 mydaughters have always had school dinners. i think they probably get healthier food at school than afew sandwiches i make of them. ”but healthy are school dinners. kaz、 a father、 thought poorly of them. he said、“ fizzydrinks were offered and i think there were lot of chips.”jamie oliver spent a ye

10、ar working in a school kitchen. he was worried about the unhealthyfood which included burgers、 pizzas and chips. so he tried to cook healthy food such asgood stews and curries for the children instead.so janie improved the school dinners、 and trained the dinner ladies to cook healthy foodin that sch

11、ool. then he advised the government to improve school food across the country. andit seems that the changes have begun.anna、 a pupil、 told us、“ we used to have a fast food window where you got chips andcoke、but they stopped that this year. there s salad restaurant、 whichis good、 so it s healthier th

12、anit was.”依據(jù)材料內(nèi)容挑選正確答案,并將其標號填入題前括號內(nèi);()51.how many meals do most children in the uk have at school.a. oneb. twoc. threed. four()52.would like the children to have the school meals.a. cathb. susanc. kazd. jamie()53. jamie thoughtwere healthy fooda. stews and curriesb. burgers and pizzasc. chips and fi

13、zzy drinksd. sandwiches and coke精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載精品學習資料()54. the last two paragraphs show that.a .there s a salad restaurant in every schoolb .salad is the only healthy food for studentsc .schools have begun to cook healthier foodd .the government doesn t care about school dinners()55. what is the b

14、est title for this text.a. healthy foodb. unhealthy foodc. packed lunchesd. school dinners精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載精品學習資料b. cllung beforea leader wine in to say thai she wasits hast when a inntripaint mud niayw mw mnineto a ailmentsheo1oradiffetcntclv.yenany dcl lonely at breakorlunchtime. you want tohas ne

15、wfriends、 hot how do ynu make them. ivlaybe it seem like everybody eln already hastinirym nthink about whichlidsyoud liketoplaywitsntloolfortonitosneln、 nn4befrilly.offwinsomethingorexpyour appreciationftfqtothem. invitesomeone to pray withynu orjfyxikavctroubledoinglifeorif la feelingshy、askyourtea

16、chertohejpumakemw j.icnds. teachersazcusuallygpodatnatckiogupfriends. thebest way tomaebreads is to b a bient be ktd、 bbicxdly、ss irofft io kip extprettysran、yovltheveone、ortwo、arcvmmolenwbiends.you might still ojss that special best fziaxl but whea you sae each otkzr、 you can shazesonethinyoudidnthaverfmsheleft:yenin introducek toyouris.51.thistextiswrincnfera.teachersb.parentsc. studentsd. visitors52.acconlingtothewriter.somei 4sfeellonelyatbreakbecausetheya. have troublewithair studiesb.dnnthaveth


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