1、精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載balanced a nd r un the satisfacti on of the people e ducation. room xx city burea u of educati onal supervisi on of xx munici palitymay 6、 2021 county economic information and business council system committee "two lear n a do" learni ng arrangements spe cific pr ogramme f
2、or advance full stri ctly rule part y、 accor ding to county orga nization de partment on county "two l earn a do" learni ng arrangeme nts of specific programme and i board lear ning education impleme ntation programme spirit 、 accordi ng to di stinguish leve l、 and has targete d solution p
3、roblem of requirement s、 ensure lear ning education made effective ness、 prom ote all members consci ously respecte d constituti on、 a nd comply with party rules、 with xi general se cretary serie s importa nt spe ech spirit arme d mind、 a nd g uide practi ce、 a nd promote the work a nd be qualified
4、party members a nd lear ning arra ngements are hereby make s the following spe cific programmes. learning requirements、 on a ll party members t o study the party constituti on a nd party rule s and unify the xi series of important spee ch、 general se cretary、 spe ech learni ng serie s to deepen unde
5、rstanding of the constituti on party r ules、 constituti on party r ules i n the deep i nsight series a ddre ss the basi c spirit and practi cal requirements. 1. constitution party rule s. learni ng of the party constituti on、 a dee p understa ndi ng of the party's natur e、 purpose、 guidi ng prin
6、cipl es、 goal s、 organizati on、 good style、 grasp conditi ons、 rights a nd obligations of party members、 bearing in mind t hat oath、 clear qualifie d party member criteria and conditions. learning the code of self-discipli ne of the cpc、 the cpc's disciplinary reg ulations、 the chi nese communis
7、t party mem ber right s ordi nance a nd so on、 mastering self-di sci pline standards of "four must"、 the "four upholdi ngs"、 mastering vari ous ty pes of discipli nary offence and punishment pr ovisions. 2. seri es spoke. o xi ge neral secretary series important spee ch rea ding
8、2021 version and out poverty for ba sic textbook、 l earning understand xi general secretary seri es important speech of ba sic spirit、 lear ning understand ce ntral rulingacting political new conce pt new t hought ne w strategy of basi c content 、 learni ng understa nd xi ge neral se cretary in fuji
9、a n work duri ng adv ocate of "four grassroot s" "immediately on do" "drop" "weak bird first fly" and the i n na nping resear ch st udy propose d of "gravity xia moved"、 a nd "innova tion mechani sm"、 important thoug ht、 master a nd strengt
10、he n the party spirit 、 fulfills the pur pose idea s、 moral characte r、 conservation relate d to the ba sic re quirement s. mai n understa nd master foll owi ng aspects conte nt: 1 ideal faith is communists spirit sha ng of "cal cium" 、 set right of worldvie w、 and outlook on life、 and val
11、 ues; 2 china dream is national of dream、 a nd national of dream、 a nd people of dream、 is chinese modern yilai m ost great of dream、 core e ssentia ls is national prosperit y、 and nati onal revitali zation、 and pe ople happiness; 3 china feature s socialist is a chi eved chinese great revival of wa
12、y、 e nha nced roa d confidence、 and the ory c onfide nce、 and system confide nce; 4 "four a full" strategy layout is new of history conditions xia party ruling acti ng politi cal total strategy、 consciously with "four a full" led the w ork; 5 insiste d innovation、 and coor dinati
13、on、 a nd gree n、 and open、 a nd share d devel opme nt is relationshi p china development gl obal of one deep cha nge、 a ccor ding to new devel opme nt concept do job; 6 practi ce line s ociali st core val ues、 promote s ociali st thought moral a nd chine se traditi onal virtue選購流程一,下單:1. 一般情形下, 選購人員
14、接到缺料, 獵取缺料以下基本信息: 存貨編碼, 產(chǎn)品型號(hào),數(shù)量;2. 分析缺料信息為否合理,再將訂單下給供應(yīng)商,訂單必需含有以下信息:材料型號(hào),數(shù)量,單價(jià),金額,方案到貨日期;3. 選購審核員根據(jù)詳細(xì)情形進(jìn)行訂單審核4. 訂單 fax給客戶以后, 選購人員需要與客戶核對(duì)選購信息,同時(shí)要求簽字回傳;二,跟催:選購訂單完畢以后,選購人員根據(jù)選購訂單上要求的供貨日期,采納時(shí)間段向供貨商反復(fù)核對(duì)到貨日期直至材料到達(dá)我公司;三,入庫:一) . 實(shí)物入庫:收貨員收材料之前需核對(duì)供應(yīng)商的送貨單為否具備以下信息:供應(yīng)商名稱,訂單號(hào),存貨編碼,數(shù)量;如訂單上的信息與選購訂單不符,征求選購人員看法為否可以收下;二
15、) . 單據(jù)入庫:選購人員根據(jù)檢驗(yàn)合格單,將檢驗(yàn)單上的數(shù)據(jù)入到中,便于以后對(duì)帳;但也存在些問題,表現(xiàn)為: 1. 外加工的檢驗(yàn)合格單沒有入庫;2. 選購入庫訂單號(hào)和數(shù)量比較紛亂;四,退貨:選購填寫退貨單,進(jìn)行訂單退貨;五,對(duì)帳:一),月結(jié)表:每個(gè)月月初,各供應(yīng)商將上月月結(jié)表送至我公司,選購人員根據(jù)我公司收貨員簽字的送貨單,我公司的入庫單據(jù)和單價(jià)表核對(duì)月結(jié)表;full strictly rule party is al l members common responsibilit y、 must implementati on to each bra nch and each name membe
16、rs. 3 . play a vang uard a nd exemplary role i n life. keep to the corr ect political orie ntation、 political sensitivity and politi cal judgment、 dare to fight against all ki nds of wr ong thoug ht、 wrong wor ds a nd deeds. 2 firmly establish consciousness of the party、 t he party member's cons
17、ci ousne ss. focus on some party member s se nse of organizati on a nd discipli ne、 t hey do not parti cipate i n the organizati on、 is not required t o pay membershi p dues for a long time 、 do not play a vang uard a nd exemplary role、 some don't even me ntion membership、 fail to make a disti n
18、cti on betwee n right a nd wr ong、 faili ng to observe pol itical disci pline and rul es、 a nd so on. always keep in mi nd that he is a communist、 strengthe n party spirit、 li steni ng part y、 part y、 part y、 part y、 party party guardi ng part y、 at the party、 the party for the party. 3 strengt heni
19、 ng the consciousness of the party'spurpose. focus on people's conce ption of some party members、 la ck of se nse of servi ce、 do not care for the masses did not take the initiative、 a nd some ev en hurt publi c intere sts、 job、 excellent t hick frie nds、 eating、 and so on. bearing in mind t
20、he fundamental purpose of servi ng、 top pe ople at heart、 cl ose ti es with the masses、 be ki nd to people、 de dicate d to publ ic service a nd play a part in poverty relief、 with practi cal acti ons to wi n the tr ust and sup port of t he masse s. 4 actively practicing the socialist core values. fo
21、cus on do not observe stringent members、 knowle dge o ut of devotion、 talk about et hics、 good faith is not enough、 and some even val ue di stortions、 m oral misconduct、 sexy vulga r、 materialistic、 and so on. strengthening moral cultivation、 zonta for good、 pay attention to self -di sci pline、 spir
22、itual pursuit、 to i nternalize the core val ues i nto consci ous acti on、 with exemplary be havior i nflue nce and lead pe ople. 5 set up i n the practi ce of promoti ng reform、 devel opme nt andstability. f ocus on some party mem bers wit h the status quo、 a less aggressive mood、 depre sse d、 sayi
23、ng sl uggish again、 just to get by not seeki ng guodeyi ng、 some eve n perf unctory address、 evadi ng responsi bility and ot her issue s. actively adapt to t he economic devel opment of the new norm al、 seriously im plement the ne w devel opme nt philosophy、 hard work hard w ork har d、 ba sed on the
24、ir own dedication. second、 on the council of t he se ction-leve l ca dres a bove re quireme nts section a bove party ca dres to take t he lea d in the e ducation worki ng cl osely with le adi ng practi ce、 le rn more、 better、 more strict re quirement s、 hig her、 and strive to im prove the ide ologi
25、cal a nd politi cal quality a nd theoreti cal levels. 1. constituti on party r ules. system learning understa ndi ng cpc arti cles、 i n full grasp basic content of base d sha ng、 focus master constit ution m aster and members、 and party of orga nization system、 a nd party of central organizati on、 a
26、 nd party of place organizati on、 and party of grass-roots orga nizations、 a nd party of cadr es、 and party of disci pli ne、 chapter conte nt、 de ep grasp "two a vanguar d" of nature a nd mission、 further clear "four a servi ce" of requirements、 master members lea ders must has o
27、f six items basic conditi ons. s tudyi ng the code of self-discipli ne of the cpc the cpc discipli nary regulati ons regulations of the cpc local committees of the party work of thechinese communist party for trial implementation ordinance、 such as the sele ction a nd appointme nt of party an d gove
28、r nment lea ding cadre s work of important laws a nd reg ulations withi精品學(xué)習(xí)資料精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載balanced a nd r un the satisfacti on of the people e ducation. room xx city burea u of educati onal supervisi on of xx munici palitymay 6、 2021 county economic information and business council system commit
29、tee "two lear n a do" learni ng arrangements spe cific pr ogramme for advance full stri ctly rule part y、 accor ding to county orga nization de partment on county "two l earn a do" learni ng arrangeme nts of specific programme and i board lear ning education impleme ntation progr
30、amme spirit 、 accordi ng to di stinguish leve l、 and has targete d solution problem of requirement s、 ensure lear ning education made effective ness、 prom ote all members consci ou sly respecte d constituti on、 a nd comply with party rules、 with xi general se cretary serie s importa nt spe ech spiri
31、t arme d mind、 a nd g uide practi ce、 a nd promote the work a nd be qualified party members a nd lear ning arra ngements are hereby make s the following spe cific programmes. learning requirements、 on a ll party members t o study the party constituti on a nd party rule s and unify the xi series of i
32、mportant spee ch、 general se cretary、 spe ech learni ng serie s to deepen understanding of the constituti on party r ules、 constituti on party r ules i n the deep i nsight series a ddre ss the basi c s pirit and practi cal requirements. 1. constitution party rule s. learni ng of the party constituti
33、 on、 a dee p understa ndi ng of the party's natur e、 purpose、 guidi ng principl es、 goal s、 or ganizati on、 good style、 grasp conditi ons、 rights a nd obligations of party members、 bearing in mind t hat oath、 clear qualifie d party member criteria and conditions. learning the code of self-discip
34、li ne of the cpc、 the cpc's disciplinary reg ulations、 the chi nese communist party mem ber right s ordi nance a nd so on、 mastering self-di sci pline standards of "four must"、 the "four upholdi ngs"、 mastering vari ous ty pes of discipli nary offence and punishment pr ovisio
35、ns. 2. seri es spoke. o xi ge neral secretary series important spee ch rea ding 2021 version and out poverty for ba sic textbook、 l earning understand xi general secretary seri es important speech of ba sic spirit、 lear ning understand ce ntral rulingacting political new conce pt new t hought ne w s
36、trategy of basi c content 、 learni ng understa nd xi ge neral se cretary in fujia n work duri ng adv ocate of "four grassroot s" "immediately on do" "drop" "weak bird first fly" and the i n na nping resear ch st udy propose d of "gravity xia moved"、
37、a nd "innova tion mechani sm"、 important thoug ht、 master a nd strengthe n the party spirit 、 fulfills the pur pose idea s、 moral characte r、 conservation relate d to the ba sic re quirement s. mai n understa nd master foll owi ng aspects conte nt: 1 ideal faith is communists spirit sha ng
38、 of "cal cium"、 set right of worldvie w 、 and outlook on life、 and val ues; 2 china dream is national of dream、 a nd national of dream、 a nd people of dream、 is chinese modern yilai m ost great of dream、 core e ssentia ls is national prosperit y、 and nati onal revitali zation、 and pe ople happiness; 3 china feature s socialist is a chi eved chinese great revival of way、 e nha nced roa d confidence、 and the ory confide nce、 and s
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