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1、.農(nóng)學院本科生畢業(yè)論文北京農(nóng)業(yè)大學題 目:不同玉米品種的根系活力與產(chǎn)量性狀關(guān)系 學生姓名:_ _專業(yè)班級:_ _學 號 _ _ _指導教師:_ _ _指導教師職稱:_ _ 2011年7月目 錄中文摘要2關(guān)鍵詞2Abstract2Key words21.文獻綜述22. 試驗材料和方法32.1試驗材料32.2 試驗方法32.3 試驗地玉米品種種植安排43 結(jié)果與分析53.1 不同玉米品種苗期植株性狀的分析53.2 不同玉米品種根系活力的測定64小結(jié)與討論84.1小結(jié)84.1.1不同玉米品種的根系活力與產(chǎn)量之間成正相關(guān)的關(guān)系84.1.2不同玉米品種苗期地下部根系性狀與產(chǎn)量有一定的關(guān)系84.1.3不同

2、玉米品種苗期地上植株性狀與產(chǎn)量亦有一定的關(guān)系94.2 討論9參考文獻9致謝 9 附件(外文文獻譯文)11*;不同玉米品種的根系活力與產(chǎn)量性狀關(guān)系的初步研究農(nóng)學與生物技術(shù)專業(yè)學生 向明星指導老師 李彥嶺中文摘要:通過甲烯藍吸附測定法研究不同玉米品種根系活力與產(chǎn)量性狀之間的關(guān)系。并分析了不同玉米品種在種子發(fā)芽率、千粒重和幼苗時期的苗高、莖粗、根條數(shù)、苗鮮重、根鮮重、根系活力等苗期幼苗性狀以及收獲時期的產(chǎn)量性狀和株高、穗位高度、單株綠葉數(shù)等植株性狀進行了初步研究。結(jié)果表明:玉米的根系活力與產(chǎn)量關(guān)系成正相關(guān);玉米的根條數(shù)、主根長度、根鮮重、根體積等性狀與產(chǎn)量有一定的關(guān)系。 關(guān)鍵詞:玉米品種;根系活力;

3、產(chǎn)量關(guān)系。The Preliminary research on the relationship between different species Maize root vigor and yield traitsStudent majoring in Agricultural Science XiangMingxing Tutor LiYanlingAbstract:Trough the methylene blue assay Research the relationship between maize root activity and the yield traits. Anal

4、yzed the different maize varieties in the seed germination rate, grain weight. and seedlings period of seedling height, stem diameter, root number, seedling fresh weight, root fresh weight, root activity and other seedling traits, And harvest period of Yield Characters and plant height, ear height,

5、number of green leaves per plant and other plant traits were studied. The results showed that: the root activity and yield of maize was positively correlated relationship; Maize root number, root length, root fresh weight, root volume and other traits with Yield have a certain relationship.Key words

6、: Maize; root activity; production; 1. 文獻綜述 玉米是世界上最主要的糧飼兼用和高產(chǎn)作物之一,雜種優(yōu)勢的利用是提高玉米產(chǎn)量的主要手段,玉米又是世界上雜種優(yōu)勢利用面積最大的作物。我國從20世紀80年代開始大量研究玉米的雜種優(yōu)勢,主要集中在籽粒性狀、生理生化研究和品質(zhì)性狀等地上部植株性狀的研究上。根系是植物生命活動中有著重要作用的器官, 它與植物的生長和產(chǎn)量的形成有密切的關(guān)系,近些年來,國際上已將根系研究作為進一步提高農(nóng)作物生產(chǎn)力的一個極具潛力的基礎(chǔ)性科研課題,開展了一系列研究,并取得了進展,但由于根系生長的特殊性和限于根系生理研究的技術(shù)手段,有關(guān)根系活性的資

7、料則不多。根系是作物的主要吸收器官, 根系活力是反映植株吸收功能的綜合指標,是衡量根系主動吸收能力大小的重要指標之一,玉米根系對水分、養(yǎng)分的吸收與其地上部生理過程密切相關(guān),但關(guān)于玉米根系活力與不同品種的產(chǎn)量關(guān)系方面的研究并不多見,有關(guān)玉米根系活力的研究較少,把玉米根系活力變化及根系活力與產(chǎn)量性狀的關(guān)系進行系統(tǒng)的研究更少。為此, 我們對玉米的根系活力變化及其與產(chǎn)量性狀的關(guān)系進行了初步研究, 以期為玉米高產(chǎn)高效栽培及玉米生理育種提供理論依據(jù)。研究方法:采用甲烯藍法測定不同品種玉米的根系活力,田間種植比較玉米不同品種的產(chǎn)量性狀。2. 試驗材料和方法2.1 試驗材料 選用當前邯鄲地區(qū)生產(chǎn)上大面積種植的

8、玉米品種10個,分別是西玉3號、銳步1號,中科11,先玉335,鄭單958,冀農(nóng)3號,浚單20,武科2號,邢抗2號和先玉128。試驗設(shè)備:培養(yǎng)皿若干,穴盤若干,智能光照培養(yǎng)箱,分光光度計,移液管,燒杯,比色管,實驗用沙,電子天平。藥品材料: 0.0002molL(0.064gL)甲烯藍2.2 試驗方法2.2.1 玉米幼苗的培養(yǎng)(方法一:培養(yǎng)皿育苗)2010年6月23日,取10個玉米品種,每個品種篩選出大小一致的40粒種子做好標記以備用。取40套培養(yǎng)皿并將其清洗干凈,經(jīng)計算每個培養(yǎng)皿裝125g左右已消毒的沙子使其占培養(yǎng)基總質(zhì)量的80%另加水31.25g左右,制成培養(yǎng)基,每個品種用4個培養(yǎng)基,每個

9、培養(yǎng)基里放同一玉米品種的種子10粒,將寫有玉米品種名稱的標簽貼在培養(yǎng)皿外沿邊緣。將制做好的培養(yǎng)基依次放入G2P-250B智能光照培養(yǎng)箱里,設(shè)定狀態(tài)為:溫度28攝氏度,滅菌。每天定期澆水,觀察。6月26日觀察并記載玉米品種的發(fā)芽勢,7月1日觀察并記載玉米品種的發(fā)芽率,7月2日制作植物根系活力標準曲線。2.2.2 甲烯藍標準曲線的制作原理根據(jù)沙比寧等的理論,植物對溶質(zhì)的吸收具有表面吸附的特性,并假定被吸附物質(zhì)在根系表面形成一層均勻的單分子層;當根系對溶質(zhì)的吸附達到飽和后,根系的活躍部分能將吸附著的物質(zhì)進一步轉(zhuǎn)移到細胞中去,并繼續(xù)產(chǎn)生吸附作用。在測定根系活力時常用甲烯藍作為吸附物質(zhì),其被吸附量可以根

10、據(jù)吸附前后甲烯藍濃度的改變算出,甲烯藍濃度可用比色法測定。已知1mg甲烯藍形成單分子層時覆蓋的面積為1.1m2,據(jù)此可算出根系的總吸收面積。從吸附飽和后再吸附的甲烯藍的量,可算出根系的活躍吸收表面積,作為根系吸收活力的指標。2.2.3 甲烯藍標準曲線的制作 將甲烯藍溶液配成0、1、2、4、6、8、10ugml的系列溶液,于分光光度計660nm處比色測OD值,以甲烯藍溶液濃度為橫坐標,OD值為縱坐標,繪制標準曲線。7月2日分別測10個玉米品種的苗高、葉數(shù)、莖粗、苗鮮重、根條數(shù)、主根長度、根線重、根體積以及玉米根系活力的測定即在分光光度計660nm處比色測的OD值。做好記錄以備分析。2.2.4 玉


12、粗、苗鮮重、根條數(shù)、主根長度、根鮮重、根體積以及玉米根系活力的測定即用分光光度計測660nm處的OD值。做好記錄以備分析。2.3 試驗地玉米品種種植安排2.3.1 玉米種植 播種時間為2010年6月15日播種;試驗在河北工程大學試驗農(nóng)場玉米試驗田進行,試驗田為中產(chǎn)水平地塊;不同玉米品種播種采用大田對比法,東西兩邊設(shè)置保護行(6行),保護行種植的玉米品種為鄭單958,其他每品種種植8行,行距70cm,株距24cm,行長10m,小區(qū)面積56m2,重復3次,畝密度4000株左右。玉米生育期間的管理同一般大田。2.3.2 玉米產(chǎn)量與植株性狀的測定 2010年9月28日在試驗田測定玉米的株高、穗高、穗節(jié)

13、數(shù)、綠葉數(shù)、 穗位節(jié)、粒數(shù)和產(chǎn)量性狀。并將每個品種的每個重復收獲的玉米果穗材料各30個帶回實驗室,做風干處理。2010年10月20日,將風干的不同玉米品種的果穗材料進行測量穗粒數(shù)、單穂重量和千粒重,以確定不同品種玉米的實際產(chǎn)量。3 結(jié)果與分析3.1 不同玉米品種苗期植株性狀的分析3.1.1 玉米苗期植株性狀的測定每個品種分為3組,每一組測量5株。分別測定10個玉米品種的發(fā)芽勢、發(fā)芽率、苗高、單株葉數(shù)、莖粗、幼苗鮮重、單株根條數(shù)、主根長度、根鮮重和根體積等植株性狀,然后求得平均值,其數(shù)值如表1所示。表1 玉米苗期植株性狀的測定發(fā)芽勢(%)發(fā)芽率(%)苗高(cm葉數(shù)(葉)莖粗(cm)苗鮮重(g)根


15、玉3358092.5019.3530.2400.8307.679.510.7970.77銳步1號8090.0019.1230.2430.6966.538.570.6100.67邢抗2號7588.5019.7130.2470.6447.008.500.6070.62先玉1285577.5019.3730.2340.6046.537.350.5870.65 對表1中的玉米植株性狀分析:比較不同玉米品種的發(fā)芽勢和發(fā)芽率可以看出,鄭單958、冀農(nóng)3號、浚單20、武科2號等最高,其次是西玉3號、中科11、先玉335、銳步1號; 發(fā)芽勢和發(fā)芽率較低的為邢抗2號和先玉128;比較玉米苗期地上部幼苗性狀即苗高

16、、莖粗、苗鮮重分析得出浚單20、冀農(nóng)3號、鄭單958、武科2號、西玉3號、中科11的地上部性狀較好;較弱的是先玉335、銳步1號、邢抗2號、先玉128;比較不同玉米品種地下根部性狀如根條數(shù)、主根長度、根鮮重和根體積可看出地下根部性狀較好的是浚單20、冀農(nóng)3號、鄭單958;較差的是銳步1號、邢抗2號、先玉128。由上述分析可以總結(jié),不同玉米品種在苗期(三葉期)整體性狀最好的是浚單20、冀農(nóng)3號、鄭單958,較差的是銳步1號、邢抗2號、先玉128;其余品種如武科2號、西玉3號、中科11、先玉335的苗期整體性狀處于中間水平。3.2 不同玉米品種根系活力的測定(甲烯藍測定法)3.2.1 標準曲線的繪

17、制根據(jù)表2,以甲烯藍濃度為橫坐標,以O(shè)D值為縱坐標,繪制根系活力標準曲線表2 甲烯藍濃度和OD值甲烯藍溶液濃度mgml00000.0010.0020.0040.0060.0080.010OD值00000.1250.2900.6720.9251.2621.5383.2.2 根系活力的測定在測定根系活力時常用甲烯藍作為吸附物質(zhì),其被吸附量可以根據(jù)吸附前后甲烯藍濃度的改變算出,甲烯藍濃度可用比色法測定。已知1mg甲烯藍形成單分子層時覆蓋的面積為1.1m2,據(jù)此可算出根系的總吸收面積。從吸附飽和后再吸附的甲烯藍的量,可算出根系的活躍吸收表面積,作為根系吸收活力的指標。記錄如表3表3 不同玉米品種的活躍

18、吸收面積和比表面積浚單20冀農(nóng)3號鄭單958武科2號西玉3號中科11先玉335銳步1號邢抗2號先玉128活躍吸收面積(%)65.763.565.755.049.749.549.035.335.034.3比表面積(m2cm-3)0.6400.6360.6330.6200.6190.6170.6180.5980.5830.580 從表3中可以看出浚單20,冀農(nóng)3號,鄭單958等3個品種的根系活力最高,而銳步1號,邢抗2號,先玉128的根系活力最差,其余品種在二者之間。這與不同玉米品種苗期幼苗地下根部性狀中的根條數(shù)、主根長度、根鮮重、根體積等性狀的表現(xiàn)相一致。3.2.3 不同玉米品種收獲期產(chǎn)量性狀,

19、記錄如表4表4 玉米收獲期產(chǎn)量性狀的測定穗粒數(shù)(粒)千粒重(g)穗重量(g/穗)畝穗數(shù)(穗/畝)產(chǎn)量(Kg/畝)浚單20521293.2152.84020614.4冀農(nóng)3號561274.8154.04013618.6鄭單958518295.6153.14000612.3武科2號498303.2151.04011605.7西玉3號500278.8139.44005558.5中科11515275.6141.94010569.8先玉335489268.7131.44000525.5銳步1號494252.6124.83995498.6邢抗2號503239.7120.74009483.8先玉128500

20、243.6121.83989485.8 從表4中分析得出不同玉米品種的產(chǎn)量較高的是浚單20,冀農(nóng)3號,鄭單958,武科2號;而銳步1號,邢抗2號,先玉128的產(chǎn)量相對較低,其余品種如武科2號,西玉3號,中科11,先玉335的產(chǎn)量在10個品種屬于中間水平。進一步對玉米產(chǎn)量的構(gòu)成因素進行分析可以看出,畝穗數(shù)基本相同,決定玉米品種產(chǎn)量的主要因素為穗重量,影響玉米穗重量的因素是穗粒數(shù)和千粒重,所以不同玉米品種產(chǎn)量的高低與玉米單穗重量的高低是一致的。3.2.5 不同玉米品種收獲期植株性狀比較見表5表5 不同玉米品種的植株性狀比較株高(cm)穗位高(cm)綠葉數(shù)(片)穗位節(jié)數(shù)(節(jié))浚單20204.499.

21、37.19.7冀農(nóng)3號197.598.67.19.5鄭單958200.武科2號209.798.07.19.8西玉3號227.487.78.58.3中科11217.787.38.68.5先玉335189.銳步1號198.380.95.37.9邢抗2號200.先玉128201.579.06.07.3 從表5中可以看出,不同玉米品種在收獲期的植株性狀沒有明顯的規(guī)律。3.2.6 不同玉米品種的根系活力與產(chǎn)量關(guān)系的比較如表6表6 不同玉米品種的根系活力與產(chǎn)量性狀之間的關(guān)系浚單20冀農(nóng)3號鄭單958武科2號西玉3號中科11先玉335銳步1號


23、力最低其產(chǎn)量也最低,其他品種的根系活力與產(chǎn)量之間的關(guān)系也是隨根系活力的提高而產(chǎn)量增加。進一步對不同玉米品種根系活力和產(chǎn)量的百分比分析得出:玉米的根系活力越高,其玉米品種的產(chǎn)量越高。4 小結(jié)與討論4.1 小結(jié)4.1.1 不同玉米品種的根系活力與產(chǎn)量之間成正相關(guān)的關(guān)系,不同玉米品種的產(chǎn)量隨根系活力的提高而增加不同玉米品種的根系活力高的與產(chǎn)量最高的是浚單20,冀農(nóng)3號;而銳步1號,邢抗2號,先玉128的根系活力較差而且產(chǎn)量較低;其余品種的根系活力和產(chǎn)量之間的關(guān)系是隨根系活力的提高而產(chǎn)量增加;進一步對不同玉米品種根系活力和產(chǎn)量的百分比分析得出:玉米品種的根系活力越好,其收獲期的產(chǎn)量越高。 4.1.2


25、米品種產(chǎn)量高低與玉米根系活力呈正比關(guān)系;這在玉米育種和選育良種的過程中通過苗期玉米根系活力的測定,就可大致判斷玉米產(chǎn)量的高低,為玉米高產(chǎn)高效栽培及玉米生理育種提供理論依據(jù)。4.2 討論本試驗是初步研究,只研究觀察了玉米苗期根系活力及植株性狀與玉米產(chǎn)量關(guān)系,再進一步研究時應(yīng)進行玉米全生育期根系活力、植株性狀與玉米產(chǎn)量關(guān)系的研究,以進行更加全面深度的探討。參考文獻1 宋海星等,玉米根系活力及吸收面積的空間分布變化J 西北農(nóng)業(yè)學報2005,14(1):137-1412 周廣生 梅方竹 陳艷華等,冬小麥根系活力與產(chǎn)量性狀關(guān)系的研究J 華中農(nóng)業(yè)大學學報 Dec,2001,531-5343 王空軍等, 我

26、國玉米品種更替過程中根系生理特性的演進J 作物學報 Mar,2002,185-1894 常程,張書萍,劉晶等密度對不同株型玉米產(chǎn)量和農(nóng)藝性狀的影響J 遼寧農(nóng)業(yè)科學,2008(2):27295 汪君利,姚彩杰,曲金平施肥對土壤養(yǎng)分變化及玉米產(chǎn)量的影響J 現(xiàn)代農(nóng)業(yè)科技。2007(24):108109致謝在此論文撰寫過程中,要特別感謝我的導師李彥嶺老師的指導與督促,同時感謝他的諒解與包容。導師淵博的專業(yè)知識,嚴謹?shù)闹螌W態(tài)度,精益求精的工作作風,誨人不倦的高尚師德,樸實無華、平易近人的人格魅力對我影響深遠。導師不僅授我以文,而且教我做人,雖歷時一年,卻賦予我終生受益無窮之道。本論文從選題到完成,幾易其

27、稿,每一步都是在導師的指導下完成的,傾注了導師大量的心血,在此我向我的導師李彥嶺老師表示深切的謝意與祝福!本論文的完成也離不開其他各位老師、同學和朋友的關(guān)心與幫助, 求學歷程是艱苦的,但又是快樂的。感謝我的班主任趙敏老師,謝謝她在這四年中為我們?nèi)嗨龅囊磺?,她不求回報,無私奉獻的精神很讓我感動,再次向她表示由衷的感謝。感謝各位任課老師在這四年對我的教導與幫助。在這四年的學期中結(jié)識的各位生活和學習上的摯友讓我得到了人生最大的一筆財富。在此,也對他們表示衷心感謝同時還要感謝專業(yè)的同學們,在科研過程中給我以許多鼓勵和幫助?;叵胝麄€論文的寫作過程,雖有不易,卻讓我除卻浮躁,經(jīng)歷了思考和啟示,也更加深

28、切地體會了法學的精髓和意義,因此倍感珍惜。謝謝我的父母,沒有他們辛勤的付出也就沒有我的今天,在這一刻,將最崇高的敬意獻給你們!本文參考了大量的文獻資料,在此,向各學術(shù)界的前輩們致敬!附件(外文文獻譯文)利用玉米種子白蛋白和球蛋白乳酸聚丙烯酰胺電泳鑒定品種宋同明 鄭大浩 劉巖(北京農(nóng)業(yè)大學,北京100094)摘要:采用改進的乳酸-PAGE技術(shù)對不同玉米(Zea mays)自交系和雜交種種子的白蛋白和球蛋白進行了系統(tǒng)電泳分析,發(fā)現(xiàn)此方法具有高度的分辨力和穩(wěn)定性,彼此可以區(qū)分,視作它們各自的“指紋”。全籽粒電泳譜帶與胚的電泳譜帶基本相同。胚乳產(chǎn)生譜帶少而弱,且大都和胚的譜帶發(fā)生重疊。親本自交系的不同

29、譜帶在雜交種F1發(fā)生互補。雜種譜帶等于兩親本共同譜帶與各自獨有譜帶之和。而且正、反交F1譜帶以及它們兩親本種子提取液機械混合產(chǎn)生的譜帶完全相同,表明譜帶的差異是一種由核基因控制的遺傳性狀。F1的譜帶類型可由兩親本譜帶類型預測,也可由兩親本種子提取液混合而產(chǎn)生的電泳圖所演示關(guān)鍵詞 玉米; 白蛋白;球蛋白;聚丙烯酰胺;品種鑒定IDENTIFICATION OF CORN VARIETIES USING LACTATEPOLYACRYLAMIDE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS OFSEED ALBUMINS AND GLOBULINSSong Tong-ming , Zheng Da-ha

30、o and Liu Yan(Beijing Agricultural University, Beijing100094)Abstract:Systematic electrophoresis analysis of albumins and globulins of the inbred and hybrid corn ( Zea mays) seeds was carried out on an improved lactate-poly acry lamide gel electrophoresis, a method with high resolving power , good r

31、eproducibility and stability. The elect roph regram w as classified into four groups designated as , and! Respectively。 Each inbred or hybrid had its own unique band pattern distinguishable from the others, regarding as its fingerprint . T he band pat tern of the whole kernel was basically similar t

32、o that of its embryo, except t hat of the endosperm showing less bands wit h weaker staining intensity; and most of the patterns overlapped wit h t hose of the embryo. T he band number of the F1 hybrid w as exactly equivalent t o the number of t he common bands and the specific bands of t he two par

33、ent s, indicating that the difference of band patterns w as a genetic trait controlled by t he nuclear genes. T he F1 elect rophoregram could be predicted by t hose of the two parent s. T he band pattern of t he F 1 hybrids was identical with t hat produced from me chanically mixed extract of t he t

34、wo parent inbreds.This procedure could be used in corn cultivar identification and as a test f or genetic purity.Key words:Corn; Albumin; Globulin; Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; Varietal identificationZein is the main component of corn seed proteins. It consists of a number of polypeptides of

35、similar molecular weight but with considerable heterogeneity in bioelectric point, so electrophoresis especially isoelectric focusing ( IEF) analysis of the zein family had been extensively used f or corn cultivar identification. Different genotypes containing between 8 to 15 components has been ide

36、ntified from t heir zein band-patterns on the isoelectric focusing electrophoregram. The zein IEF pat tern has been regarded as a genetic marker. The IEF w as also used in mapping of genes coding for zein. However, t he zein IEF pattern does not have enough capacity in differentiating between hybrid

37、s and their female inbred parents. Certain band differences could be detected among the inbred by using SDS-PAGE procedure to analyze proteins extracted from t he seeds and seedlings, but this difference was influenced by t he buffer solution. From the comprehensive survey of irony me variability in

38、 corn inbred and hybrids using SGE to fractionate proteins from 5-day -old coleoptiles tissue and staining f or 12 is enzymes, 88 out of 113 ( 80% ) public inbred being utilized in Canadian hybrids and 146 out of 155 ( 94% ) commercial hybrids w ere distinguished by using SDS-PAGE procedures. T he h

39、eterogeneity of the album ins and goblins of corn seeds w as also used t o identify part of the corn inbred and hybrids. All of t he above-mentioned electrophoresis procedures were carried out under basic pH condition. Wang et al. first used t he gradient palmary limed eagle electrophoresis to analy

40、ses the 1 mol/ L urea ex tract able proteins of corn seeds under acid pH condition and had been highly praised f or t he possible validity of t his method f or corn seed purity testing. An acid lactate-PAGE procedure has been developed in our laboratory as a basic method of w heat cultivar electroph

41、oresis identification. T his procedure was preliminarily proved t o be suit able for separating corn albumin and globulin fractions. The aim of t his study was to evaluate the feasibility of this procedure in distinguishing different corn genotypes, its resolving power, stability, reproducibility an

42、d t he genetic expression of parent inbred in term s of band patterns in their F1 hybrids, so as t o explore the possibility of its application on corn genetic purity testing and cultivar identification.1 MATERIALS AND METHODSSample preparationA tot al of 141 inbred and 153 hybrids of corn ( Zea may

43、s) were studied. T he former comprised of 9 high oil inbred developed from Illinois high oil ( IHO) C80, 14 high oil inbred from Alexon high oil synthetic C23, and 6 sweet corn inbred from a commercial single cross of Rogers Seed Co. T he latter comprised of 26 hybrids w it h com on female parents b

44、ut different male parent s, and 16 w it h common male but different female parents. All seed samples were provided by our own laboratory . A single corn seed w as ground w it h a sing le seed mill or soaked in tap water under 0 over-nig ht , after which t he embryo and endosperm w ere dissected with

45、 a razor blade. After naturally dried, the embryo or endosperm was g round separately. T he ground powder w as put into 2. 5mL centrifuge tube, w it h t he addition of equal-volume of ex tract ion solution( 0. 5 mol/ L NaCl, containing 15% sucrose and 0. 05% methyl green) , mixed thoroughly and extr

46、acted for 1 h at room temperature, then centrifuged at 4000 r/ min f or 5 min. The supernatants were used f or electrophoresis.Preparation of the working solutionsT he stock solution, tank buffer, separation gel and concentration gel w ere preparedaccording t o the proportion and volume in T able 1.

47、Table 1 Recipes for stock, extraction and buffer solutionsStock solutionsMixed ratio1 .A crylamide 95 g, Bisacrylamide 3. 8 g, distilled water 500mL2. Sodium lactate2. 81mL+lacticacid to pH3. 2,H2O100mL3 Ascorbicacid0.48g,ferroussulfate(7H2O)8mg,H2O100mL4. Sodium lactate3mL+lactic acid to pH5. 6,H2O

48、100mL5 A crylamide 26 g, bissacrylamide 5. 2 g, H2O 200mL6 A mmonium persulph at e 11. 41 g, H2O 100mL7 Distilled waterSeparation gel14ml2ml2ml8ul2mlConcertration gel1ml2ml80ulTank buffer: Glycine 4 g+ lactic acid to pH 3. 4, H2O 2000mLElectrophoresisT he vertical plate electro phoretic apparatus w

49、as used w it h 11. 0mm×10. 0mm×0. 75mm gelslab. Electrophoresis w as carried out at 500 V, 30mA for 1. 5 h. The gel was stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250 ( 40mL 0. 14% Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250alcohol solution dissolved in 12. 5% trichloroacetic acid 160 m L) .2 RESULTS AND DI

50、SCUSSIONResolving powerThis electrophoretic procedure showed high resolution t o album ins and globulins of corn seeds. In general, the inbreds or hybrids showed 40 bands or so, up t o over 50, among which t he clearest resolving bands might reach 35. Among all these bands, only one which was heavil

51、y stained and stable in location seemed t o be common t o all inbreds and hybrids. It s relativemigration rat e w as 0. 52 ( Fig. 1,arrow 1) . Another t w o bands also existed in most cases, w it h t heir relative migrationrates of 0. 72 and 0. 40 respectively ( Fig. 1,arrow 2 and 3) . For convenien

52、t descript ion, the w hole lot of the bands w ere classified in-to four groups, designated as , , and inrelation to the above-mentioned three common or nearly common bands as markers. T he band group w as fast moving with migration rates ranging from 0. 72 to 1. 0,containing 8 10 bands. All bands in

53、 t his group stained lighter w it h unclear boundary line so it w as difficult t o use them as cultivar identification markers. T he band group w as less fast moving , including bands with migration rates from 0. 52 to 0. 72. 79bands could be identified, among which 34 bands had heavier stains and c

54、learer boundary , so t hey could be used as identification markers. T he band group was the moderate-moving region with migration rates of 0. 400. 52, containing 912 bands. All of t hem stained heavy and clear, so t his group w as t he main distinguish region for cultivar identification. 18 20 slow

55、-moving bands with migration rates less than 0. 4 were designated as group , most of which were narrow but heavily stained and distinctive bands, showing marked difference among cultivars. Thus this group is also a major region f or cultivar identification.F ig . 1Electrophoregrams of lactate-PA G E for 11cor n inbred seeds1.Gy2 37; 2. 478; 3.Huangzao4; 4. 8112; 5.Gy798; 6. M o 17;7. Gy 246; 8. Zong 31; 9. G y 220; 10. 5003; 11. 1127Unique


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