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1、非謂語動(dòng)詞作狀語練習(xí)(A) (時(shí)間原因條件狀語)1. anything about the accident, he went to v/ork as usuaI.A. Not known B. Knowing not C Known not D. Not knowing2. more attention, the trees could have grown better.A. Given B To give C Giving D. Having given3. in 1636, Harvard i s one of the mos t famous uni versi ties in th

2、e Uni ted States.A. Being founded B. It was founded C FoundedD. Founding4. by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on thei r land.A. Being encouragedB. EncouragingC Encouraged D Havingencouraged5. the r ight kind of training, these teenage soccer pIayers may one day growin

3、to the international starsA. GivingB. Having givenC TogiveD. Given6. that he v/as in great danger, Er ic waIked deeper into the forestA. Not rea I i zed B. Not to rea I i ze C Not rea I i z i ng D. Not to have rea I i zed7. _by the beauty of mature, the girl from London decided to spend two dayson t

4、he farmA. AttractingB AttractedC To be attracted D. Having attracted8. twi ce, the postman refused to de I i ver our letters un I ess v/e changed our dogA. Being bittenB. BittenC. Having bittenD. To be bitten9. the genera I state of h i s hea I th, it may t ake h im a wh i I e to recover fromthe ope

5、rationA. GivenB. To give C Giving D Having given10. the city cent er, we saw a stone statue of abo ut 10 met ers inheight.A. ApproachingB ApproachedC To approachD To beapproachednot to miss the fIight at 15:20, the manager set out for the ai rport in a hurryA. Remind i ngB Rem in dedC To rem indD.Ha

6、ving reminded12. by the loud noise I went to see v/hat v/as happening.A. Having fr ightened B. Fr ighteningC To be fr ightenedD Fr ightened13. untidy, his bedroom needs doing out. A. Look B Looking C. Looked D.To look14. with such great difficulty , Jack felt at a loss A. Facing; what to sayB Faced;

7、 what to sayC. Having faced; how to teI ID Being faced; how to speak15.in v/hite, she looksA. Wear i ng B. Dress ing in the fog, we wereA. To I oseB. Los i ngmuch more beautiful.C. Dressedforced to spend twoC. Lost D.A. Los i ngD. Having dressed hours i n the woods. Having I ost in t hough t, he a I

8、 mos t ran into the car in fro nt of him.D. Be i ng I ostB. Hav i ng I ostC. Lost16.17.618. many times, he finally understood it.A. ToldB. TellingC Having toldD. Having been told19. to reach them on the phone, we sent an emai I insteadA. Fail B. Fai ledC To fai ID. Having fai led20. in the queue for

9、 ha If an hour, the old man suddenly rea I i zed he had I eftA. To wa i t24. . The old man,A. to workB.25. from heartwith him whenever A. Suffered B.26. the programmeB. Have v/a i ted abroad for work i ng trouble for he goes Suffer i ng,theyC Having waited D To have waited twenty years, i s on the w

10、ay back t o his mot her I a nd.C to have workedyears, Professor WhiteD. having worked has to take some medicineBe i ng suffered have to stay there for another two v/eeks.C. Having suffered D.A. Not comp I e ting B. Not comp I e ted C Not hav i ng comp I e ted D Havi ng not comp I eted 27.28.v/here t

11、o go , he asked a pol iceman the way.B. Los i ng h i s way and didn, t knowD. Lost h i s way and d i dn' t know then taken to see the Bird* s Nest for the B. To be shown C Having been shown D29.30.A. Having I ost his way and not knowingC. Lost his way and not knowingaround the Water Cube, we wer

12、e2008 01 ymp i c Games A. Hav i ng shownTo show(2012 北京卷)27. A. UseB. Using(2012 江蘇卷)31. you v/i I I regret it soonerA. Based B. Bas i ng31.32.one tin wiI I I ast for s i x weeks, c.importantlater.C. Basewith care,anUsedD. To usedecision more on emotion than on reason,(2012 福建巻)34. Pressed from hi s

13、 parents, andtime, the boy is determined to stop playing videoA. rea I i z i ng B. rea I i zedC to rea I i ze(2012 陜西卷)15.in a Iong queue, we waiteda New i Pad.A. Stand i ng B. To standC. Stood D.D. To basethat he has was ted too muchgamesD. be i ng reaIi zedfor the st ore to ope n to buyStandthe ch

14、eque in the car have v/a i tedA.Wai ting B To waitC. Having waitedD. To21.the letter, hewent outto post it.A. Writing B Beingwr ittenC Having wr ittenD. Wr i tten22. Dina,for months to find a job as awa itress, finallytook aposi tion at a I ocaI advertising agency.A.strugglingB.struggledC having str

15、uggled D to struggle23.i n the queue for ha I f an hour, Tom sudden I y rea I i zed that he had I eft h i swaI Iet at home633.(2012 重慶卷)23. to work overt ime that evening, I mi ssed a wonderfuI film A. Having been asked B To ask C Having asked D To be asked(B)(伴隨,目的,結(jié)果,原因狀語)1. Mr Smith,of thespeech,

16、 started to read a noveI.A. tired ; bor i ngB tiring; bored C tired; bored D. tiring; bor i ng2. Alice ret urned from the man ager' s office,me that the boss wan ted to seeme at once.A. having told B tellsC. to tellD t el I ingLots of rescue workers v/ere working around the clock, suppI ies to Y

17、ushu,Qinghai Provi nee after the earthquakeA. send i ngTheA.C.TheB. to sendpoor man, , ran outtremb Ied and fr i ghtenedtremb Ii ng and fr i ghteningC.ofhaving sentD to have sentthe dark caveB tremb Iing and fr ightenedD. trembled and fr ighteningv i s i ting Minister expressed hi s satisfaction wit

18、h his ta Iks, that A. hav i ng addedB to addC. add i nghad enjoyed his stay hereaddedV/hen we visited my oldA. floodingfloodAfter his journey fromA. exhaust i ngHe was sittingA. lose andTai.A. To beIn April,B. shortback.heD.famiIy home, memory cameB. to floodD. f I oodedabroad, Richard Jones returne

19、d home, B exhaustedC be i ng exhaustedD. hav i ng exhaustedthere, i n deep thoughtI os tC. losing D being I os tof breath, Andy and Ruby were the f i rst totr iedB Ti redC Tiring2009, Presiden t Hu in spec ted the v/arshipsanniversary of the foundi ng of the PLA Navy.A. markingHe sent me anA. hopedH

20、e turned andA. to thinkB. marked e-ma iI, B hopingC. to hopewent to sleep again, D.C.reach the top of MountBe i ng t i redQingdao, the 60thD. being marked to get further i nformation.D. hopethat it v/as still ear I y.D. thought resuIts of the exper iment D waitingC having markedB. and thought C thin

21、king for the C wa i tedV/e had an anxious couple of v/eeksA. wait B to be waitingWe often provide our chiIdren with toys, footballs or basketballs,a I I ch iIdren D .thought Tony lent meA. hop i ngI i ke these th i ngs A.the money, B. to hopethatCth i nk i ngB .thinkthat C to thinkI ' d do as ho

22、pedlose hismuchD. job.for him. (12 全國卷 I 1)10. hav i ng hopedTom kept quiet about the accideA. so not as to B. so as not tolate in the morn ing, Bob turned off the a I arm A. To sleep B Sleeping C SleepD. Having sleptV/hen asked v/hy he went there, he said he was sent thereforC. so as to notD.a spac

23、e flight.A. training B being trained C to have trained D. to be trainedThe old professor said to us every part of the materials should be made use of t he power s tat ion.A. t o buildB. bui Idi ng C. buildDbuiltAI I of t hem try to use the power of the v/orks tat ioninf ormati on in a moreeffective

24、way.A. presentingB presentedC being presentedD to present.9.20.21.the projectasA.Comp let ingB.22.the projecti nA.Compet i ngB.comp Iete23.HeI Ien had to shoutp I anned, we' I I have to work two more hours a day.Comp IeteC Comp IetedD. To comp Ietetime, t

25、he staff v/ere v/ork ing at v/eekends.Hav i ng comp IetedC To have comp IetedD,above thesound of the music.A. making herseIf hearC. making herseIf heard24. Peter' s mob iIe phone wasB. to make herseIf hearD. to make herseIf heardIeft in a taxi accidentally, neveraga i n.A. to find B. to be found

26、C. finding D. be i ng found25. He ran a I I the way up to the station,that the t ra i n had I ef t f ift een minutesbeforeA. in order to find B as to find C only to find D such as to find26. What have I saidyou angry?A. mak i ng B. to make C made D to have made27. She went to Amer icaA. never to ret

27、urn B. n ever return ing C to never return D. and n ever ret urn ing28. The news repor ters hur r i ed to the a i rpor t, onlythe film star had I ef tA. to tellB. to be toldC t e I I i ngD told29. He tr i ed many times to sneak across the border to a ne i ghbour i ng country,each t i me. A. hav i ng

28、 bee n caugh t B unf or tuna te I y caugh t C a I ways be i ng caugh tD. only to be caught30. We looked everywhere for the keys, but they are nov/hereA. to find B. to have foundC to be found D. being found31 Europea n foot ba I I i s p I ayed in 80 coun tries, it the mos t popular spor tin the wor I

29、dA. makingB makesC madeD. to make32. It rained heavi Iy in the south, ser ious f Iooding in severaIprovincesA. causedB having causedC causingD to cause33. Water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big change in temperature,thus a stable envi ronmentA. to createB. createC createdD. creating

30、34. Her husband died ten years ago,her with three chi Idren to look after.A. to leave B. and leave C leaving D. leave35. The news shocked the public,to great concern about students safety atschoolA. having IedB. ledC. leadingD.to Iead36. (2012 天津卷)11. He got up I ate and hur r i ed t o his office,th

31、e breakfastuntouchedA. I eft B. to leaveC. leavingD. hav i ng left37. (2012 四川卷)6. Tom took a taxi to the ai rport, onlyhis pIane high upin the sky.A. findingB to findC being found D to have found38. (2012 山東卷)26 George ret urned after the war, on I ythat hi s wife hadleft him.A. to be told B teI I

32、ingC being toldD told39. (2012 江西卷)3 3. Hav ing fin ished her pro ject, she was i nv i ted by the schooltothe new students.A. speak i ng B. hav i ng spoken C to speak D to have spoken40. I like getting up very ear Iy in summer The morning a i r i s so good A. to be breathed B to breathe C breathing

33、D. being breathed41. I feel greatly honoredinto thei r society.A. to we I come B. we I com ingC to be we I corned D we I corned42. We were astonishedthe tempIe still in its original condition.A. finding f i ndBtoC. findD. to be found43.The famousscientistv/as easyalong with.A. to getB. forgettingc.g

34、ett i ngD got44. You v/ere s iI Iy notthe doorA. to lockB. tohave lockedc.lockingD hav i ng Iocked45. (2012 全 II卷 11)15 The o I d man sat i n fro nt of the t e I ev i s i on every eve n i ng, happyanythi ngthat happened to be on.A. to watch B. watching C. watchedD. to have watched46. (2012 浙江卷)3 No

35、matter how br i gh t a t a I ker you are, t here are ti mes when it'sbetter si le nt.A. rema in B. be rema i ning C having rema i ned D torema i n47. (2012 遼寧卷)29 Th i s machine i s very easyAn ybody can I earn to use it in afew minutes.A operatingB. to be operatingC operated D to operate(C)(省略句

36、)1. Thoughmoney, his parents managed to send him to university.A. Iacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. Iacked in2. with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.3.4.5.A. Compare B When compar i ng The research i s so des igned that A. beginsV/hen firstA. i ntroduc i ngIt

37、shames me to6.A. questioningWhen,A comp I eted7.C Compar i ng D When compared oncenothing can be done to change it.C begi nn i ng D begunthese products enjoyed great successC. introduce D. be i ng introducedat he meeting by my boss.B. hav i ng begun to the market,B. introducedit, but I to Ida I ie w

38、henB. having questionedC questionedD to be questionedmuseum v/i I I be open to the pub I ic next year comp IetingC be i ng comp Ieted D. to be comp Ietedaccording to di rections, the drug has no sidesaytheB.Genera I Iy speak i ng, effect.A. when tak i ng B when takenC when to takeD. when to be taken

39、8. Uni essto speak, you should rema in s iIent at the conferenee....10.11.A. invitedB. invitingC being invitedD. having invitedIf you ta Ik to these senior students, you wi I I f ind that they have much greater knowledge than commonly.A. suppos i ng B. supposed C to s

40、uppose D. supposeTaking such kind of medicine, if , v/i I I possibIy do you great harmA. continue B to continueC cont i nuedD. continuedThoughto see us, the professor gave us a warm we I comeA. surpr isingB. as surpr isedC surpr isedD beingsurpr i sedEvery even i ng after d i nner, i f notfrom work,

41、 I will spend some time walkingmy dog.A. beingt i redB. t iring C t iredDto be tiredFilm has a much shorter history, especial Iy whensuch art forms as musicand painting.(全國卷 1)32.A. hav i ng compared to B. compar i ng to C. compare to D. compared to Whenfor his viev/s about his teaching job, Philip

42、said he found it veryinteresting and rewarding.(安徽卷)30.A. ask ing B. asked C hav i ng asked D. to be asked(D)獨(dú)立主格結(jié)構(gòu)The murderer v/as brought in, with his handsbehind his backA. being tiedB. having tiedC to be tiedD tiedI couldn't do my homework with a I I that noise A. going onB goes onC went on

43、D. to go onIt was a pity that the great wr i ter d i edhi s works unfinished.A. forB. withC. fromD. ofWith a lot of difficult prob Iems , the newly-elected pres i dent is hav i ng a hard time. A. settled B settling C. to settle D. being settledJoh n received an i nvi tat iont odi nn er, and w it h h

44、i s work, he gladly accep tedA. finishedB. finishingCome on,pI ease give me someC having finished D. ideas about the projectv/as finishedSorry.With so much v/orkA. filled my mind, I aImost break downC to fillD. being filledThe chi Idren went home from the grammar school, thei r Iessonsfor the day.A.

45、 finishingB. finishedC had f i n i shedD. were f i n i shedShe stood there, _ _ from her cheeksA. tears v/ere rolling downB. tears roI led downC. with tears rol led downD tears rolling downThe meetingover, we a I I left the room.A. is B. to beC beingD wouId beEverythinginto consideration, they ought

46、 to have another chanee.A. to take B takenC to be taken D. tak i ng, v/e a I I went swimming in high spi r its.A. It being fine weatherB It fine weatherC It v/as fine v/eatherD. It being afine weather12.A.C., her suggest!on is of greater vaIue than yours. AI I things consider ingAI I things were con

47、sideredone.B Al I things consideredD. With a I I things v/ere consideredB. My diet ionary having been I ostD. Because my diet ionary I ost to bus in ess r igh t av/a y.B. There is no time IeftD. There to be no time leftafter supper in the park with thei r pet dogB. fol I ow i ng C. fol I owed D. fol

48、 I owsB. the area was searched thoroughIyD. she hurr ied to a policeman for help13. , I had to buy a newA. My dietionary I os ing C My dietionary had been I ost14. , v/e have to get downA. As there v/as no time leftC. There being no time Ieft15. The old coup Ie often take a waIkthem.遼寧卷)25.A. to follow(E)非謂作狀語綜合訓(xùn)練16. Finding her car stolen, A. a policeman was asked to he Ip C. it was Iooked for ever


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