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1、1. 訓練題材education引言訓練話題歷年都是雅思作文的考察重點,雅思作文的必練題目; 2021 年訓練類題目考過 9 次;面對眾多題目,我們可以將訓練類題目細化;1訓練題材分為 訓練方式 :網絡訓練 internet-based education、課堂訓練 classroom education、電視訓練tv-basededucation 、家庭訓練home-schooled、出國留學overseasstudy 、寄宿學校 boarding schools2課程挑選 :個人愛好、老師打算、政府打算、學術課程與音樂體育歷史等課程、學習外語;哪門課程最有用3訓練目的:為什么上高校,為就業(yè)

2、做預備仍是學習學問4 其他:高中畢業(yè)后先旅行或者工作一年,再上高校間隔年 同學是否找兼職工作分班學習誰來付高校學費訓練題目真題再現(xiàn)訓練方式schooling and technology-related learning20210314 moreand more students choose to move toother countries to have higher education. do you think the benefits of going abroad outweigh its problems.關鍵詞解讀:出國留學利弊分析20210425 some people t

3、hink that computers and the internet are more important for a child's education than going to school. but others believe that schools and teachers are1 / 21essential for children to learn effectively. discuss both views and giveyour own opinion.關鍵詞解讀:網絡訓練與課堂訓練20210515 nowadays, distance-learning

4、 programsare such common thing for us the study material by post, by internet, but some people argue that courses can never be taken as good as those byattending a college or university in person. to what extent do you agree ordisagree.關鍵詞解讀:遠程訓練與高校訓練20210715 some people think adults shouldlearn pra

5、ctical skills by themselves, while others think they should learn from teachers. discuss both views and give your own opinion. 關鍵詞解讀:自學技能仍是通過向老師學習課程挑選20210509 some people believe that teenagers should concentrate on all school subjects. but, others believe that teenagers should focus on the subject

6、that they are best at or that they are most interested in. discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 關鍵詞解讀:學習全部課程與感愛好的課程20210620 some people believe that all the children in school are required to learn at least one foreign language. however, others say that those who are not talented do n

7、ot have to learn. what is your opinion. 關鍵詞解讀:學習外語20210813 the subjects and lesson contents are decided by the authorities such as the government. some people argue that teachers should make the choice. do you agree ordisagree. 關鍵詞解讀:課程由政府打算仍是由老師打算20210926 in some countries some school leavers are c

8、hoosing twoork or travel for a period of time between finishing high school and attending university. do you think the advantages of taking a period of time for work or travel outweigh its disadvantages. 關鍵詞解讀:高中畢業(yè)是否應當先工作或是旅行一年20210508 schools should concentrate on teaching students theacademic subj

9、ectsthat will be useful for their future careers. subjects such asmusic and sportsare not useful. to what extent do you agree or disagree.關鍵詞解讀:音樂和體育沒有用20210520somepeoplethinkchildrenshouldobeytherulestheirparentsandteachers set and listen to them, but others thinkless control will help children to

10、deal with their future adult life. discuss both views and give your own opinion.關鍵詞解讀:孩子應當遵守規(guī)章,仍是應當寬松治理20210529 many people who leave schoolhold a negative attitude towards learning. why does this happen. what can be done to solve the problem.關鍵詞解讀:離開學校后對學習產生消極的態(tài)度訓練目的20211024some peoplethinktheunive

11、rsityeducationfunctionshouldprepare thestudentsforemployment , but others believe university education can offer many other functions. discuss both views and give your own opinion.關鍵詞解讀:高校訓練的功能鏈接機經關鍵詞訓練題目 學校訓練 schooling 與家庭訓練 parenting 都是不行或缺的 indispensable,對于孩子的身心發(fā)育起著重要的作用 physical and mental devel

12、opment ;家庭訓練 upbringing 可以給孩子正確的引導和正確的世界觀 guideline , direction , and right world outlook ;學校訓練的優(yōu)勢在于同學生活在集體的氛圍中 environment,可以培育競爭意識、合作精神和獨立性2 / 21cultivate sense of competition, sense ofcooperation and independence; 同學不僅是學問的接受者 informationrecipients,現(xiàn)在的學校大多是文化和社交活動豐富culturally and socially diversif

13、ied ,抱負中的學校應當是滿意同學的全面進展的要求development in an all-round way. ideally,universities should attain/ achieve/ fulfilltheir goals if they tailor all the courses or programs to meet the needs of well-rounded development. 高等學校的功能,是為了將來就業(yè)future career ,仍是學習 academic qualifications ;出 國 留 學 的 益 處 和 寄 宿 學 校 的 優(yōu)

14、 勢 在 于 培 養(yǎng) cultivate/develop 學 生 的 獨 立 能 力 independence、適應才能 adaptability = the ability to adapt 、應對危機的才能crisis-solving 、解決問題的才能problem-solving 、建立友情 build up friendship 、溝通的才能 communicationskills 、建立良好的人際關系的才能interpersonal relationship ,獨立摸索的才能independent thinking ;科技與訓練相結合 遠程訓練 on-line learning不能取

15、代 replace/ take the place of老師,而應是學校訓練的補充complementary approach,二者不是相互排斥的they arenot mutually exclusive;老師除了可以灌輸學問 impart knowledge,仍可以勉勵同學give the studentsmotivation/ emotional support,灌輸高尚的道德觀 instill high moral values,給同學以靈感 give the studentsinspiration,是同學的進步的促進者、 導師、引導者和伙伴 facilitator, supervis

16、or, guide and partner; 老師的作用是通過面對面的溝通face-to-face communication,在課堂上提出引人深 思的thought-provoking和予以人啟發(fā)的 enlightening問題,甚至對同學的影響是深遠的 far-reaching impacts,全面訓練應當是道德訓練、倫理訓練和心理訓練的結合 students need to be educated morally, ethically and psychologica;lly訓練是解決問題的一個途徑(分析解決型題目)education國際救濟話題除經濟救濟financial aid 外,

17、仍可以通過訓練方式的救濟訓練的救濟會發(fā)揮很大的作用make a huge difference ,由于這有利于貧困地區(qū)的可連續(xù)進展educational aid is a sustainable development ;education敬重老年人、老師話題 studentspoor behavior 同學應當敬重師長 should be educated to respect the old and teachers,這方面提倡家庭的訓練和引導 parental education and guidance is recommended;education 高校生就業(yè)難的話題工作難的一個緣

18、由可能是沒有接受良好的訓練failto secure a decent job because of the poor education因而同學應當接受訓練和工 作培訓,提升就業(yè)機會receive good education and training program to increase the chances;education青少年犯罪話題some youngsters embark on the criminal road 青少年要接受訓練offer them with adequate education ;education 環(huán) 境 問 題 提 升 保 護 環(huán) 境 意 識 en

19、hance theawareness ofenvironmentalprotection ;education解決交通問題增強人們的安全意識及遵守交通規(guī)章cultivatethe sense of safety, be educated to respect the traffic rules ;educationn. 訓練,訓練學,培育詞匯部分3 / 21【同源詞匯】 educatevt. 訓練; educatedadj. 受過訓練的;educationaladj. 訓練的【經典搭配】 well-educated受過良好訓練的 receive education接受訓練 educationa

20、l background訓練背景student-oriented education以同學為主體的訓練quality-oriented education素養(yǎng)訓練exam-oriented education應試訓練【考官例句】 education systems are based on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills.訓練體制基于能夠教會全部孩子各種技能的理念之上;【句架提煉】be based on the belief that基于理念之上詞匯拓展dist

21、ance education遠程訓練on-line education網絡訓練vocational education職業(yè)訓練 primary-level education學校訓練 secondary-level education中學訓練 tertiary-level education高校訓練schoolingn. 學校訓練【同義表達】 educationn. 訓練; tuitionn. 學費,講授【考官例句】rather than breaking up familyby sending childrento study overseas, education authorities

22、have been able to use the internet to deliver schooling online .不用將孩子送到學校而與家人分別,訓練當局已經能實現(xiàn)網絡教學;背景拓展在學校接受訓練就是formalschooling ,一般在學校上學就屬于“常規(guī) 訓練”regularschooling ;現(xiàn)在中國實行的是“義務訓練”compulsory schooling ,目標是為了實現(xiàn)普及訓練universal schooling ;一般在義務訓練階段實行的都是 “全日制訓練” full-time schooling ,義務訓練階段包括學校訓練 elementary schoo

23、ling 和中學訓練 secondary schooling ;schooling 除了有“訓練”的意思,仍有“學費,學校膳宿費”的意思;parentingn. 父母對子女的哺育【同義表達】 home-schoolingn. 在家訓練【考官例句】 perhaps parenting classes are needed to help them to do this, and high quality nurseryschools could be established that wouldsupport familiesmore in terms ofraising next genera

24、tion.或許需要設立家長課堂來幫助他們培育孩子,就撫養(yǎng)下一代而言,也應當建立高品質的幼兒園來幫助家長;home schooling在家訓練,家庭學校【即學即用】 home schooling in modern sense is an alternative in developed countries to formaleducation. 在家訓練具有的現(xiàn)代意義就是它是發(fā)達國家正規(guī)訓練的可替代方式;寫作提示家庭學校 home schooling 就是兒童在家接受訓練,主要由父母承擔教學任務,扮演學校中老師的角色;這一說明是相對于學校教 育而言的,例如:witha crimpedecono

25、mytighteningbelts,agrowingnumberof4 / 21expatriates in china are seeing home schoolingas a solutionto the soaring cost of tuition. 隨著經濟不斷緊縮,越來越多在中國居住的外籍人士把在家訓練作為應對學費連續(xù)上漲的方法;distance-learning遠程學習【同義表達】 on-line learning網絡訓練【即學即用】livingin such an information-explosionera/ age, people can acquire/ obtai

26、n/ learn about knowledge from different approaches, such as watching tv, surfing the internet, listening to lectures as well as the distance-learning .生活在信息爆炸的時代,人們可以通過各種途徑來獵取學問,如電視、上網、聽講座以及遠程訓練;寫作提示關于 on-linelearning 和 distance-learning ,是訓練話題和科技話題相結合的典型題目,考過的話題有運算機是否可以代替老師、代替翻譯人員等;schooling versus

27、 on-line learning思路拓展schooling 不能被 on-line learning 取代的緣由the interaction between students and teachers is vital for the learning. teachers play an irreplaceable role in modern education. to begin with, a good teacher can stimulate students initiative and arouse their interests in various ways. in ad

28、dition, teachers are more emotionalthan technologylikecomputers,forthey are concerned about the psychological growthof students.primary school學?!究脊倮洹?in many places today, children start primary school at around the age of six or seven.現(xiàn)在的很多地方,孩子在六七歲的時候就上學校了;replacevt. 取代,代替【留意與instead (of )區(qū)分】【同源詞

29、匯】 replacementn. 更換; replaceableadj. 可替換的; irreplaceable adj. 不能替代的【同義表達】 substitutevi.&vt.代替; take the place of代替【即學即用】 if the schoolingis replaced by the on-line learning, then the lack of personal interaction would become the major concern.假如學校訓練被網絡訓練取代,那么最主要的問題將是缺乏師生間溝通;【句架提煉】 a is replaced

30、by ba 由 b 所取代complementn. 補充,補足【同源詞匯】 complementaryadj. 補充的【同義表達】 supplementn.補充【即學即用】 distance learning has greatly benefited many people. but it is stilla complement to normal education.遠程訓練給人們帶來很多的好處,但仍舊是正規(guī)訓練的補充;【句架提煉】 a is a complement to b = a is a supplement to ba 是 b 的補充a and b are mutually c

31、omplementarya 和 b 相互補充寫作提示提及老師是否可以被電腦、網絡甚至是機器人等取代的話題;可以提出折中的觀點: 相互補充 complementary/ supplementary ;或者將兩者即課堂5 / 21教學和網絡教學結合起來,獲得更高的效率achieve the high efficiency ,寫出來就是:these two aims do not always conflict , but they are mutually complementary at times. the combination of teachers and on-line educati

32、on in schooling contribute to the success of the teaching and learning.instillvt.逐步灌輸(常與in, into 連用)【同源詞匯】 instillationn. 漸漸灌輸; instilmentn. 漸漸灌輸【同義表達】 impartvt. 賜予(尤指抽象事物) ,傳授; inculcatevt.諄諄教導,反覆灌輸【經典搭配】 instill high moral values灌輸高尚的道德觀instill an idea into somebody's mind把思想灌輸?shù)侥橙祟^腦中instill in

33、 them enterprising spirit向他們灌輸事業(yè)心【即學即用】 it is easy to instill the mindsof young children with fixed ideas.很簡單將固定的觀念灌輸給孩子們;impartvt. 賜予,傳授【同源詞匯】 impartationn. 賜予; impartedadj. 賜予的【經典搭配】 impart knowledge to傳授學問【即學即用】 the good teacher imparts wisdom to his pupils.好的老師把聰慧傳授給同學;inculcationn. 諄諄教導,教授【同源詞匯

34、】 inculcatevt. 訓練【經典搭配】 inculcate an idea upon somebody向某人反復灌輸某一思想inculcate the young with a sense of duty向年輕人灌輸責任感【即學即用】 the responsibilities of a teacher lie not only in theinculcation of knowledge , but also in the setting of good examples and cultivation of virtues.老師的責任不但是傳授學問,更重要的是樹立良好榜樣,培育同學的

35、品德;cultivatevt. 培育,耕作,陶冶【同源詞匯】 cultivatedadj. 有教養(yǎng)的; cultivationn.培育【同義表達】 fostervt. 培育; nurturevt. 哺育; developvt. 開發(fā)【經典搭配】 cultivate the sense of培育意識a cultivated way of speaking有教養(yǎng)的言談a carefully cultivated image一個細心塑造的有教養(yǎng)的形象a highly cultivated woman一位舉止特別文靜的女士【即學即用】 it takes some time to cultivate a

36、 new friendship .建立一段新的友情需要一段時間;enhancevt. 提高,增加,加強【同源詞匯】 enhancementn. 增加; enhancedadj. 增大的,加強的【同義表達】 bettervt. 改善; improvevt. 改善; upliftvt. 提高; boostvt. 促進【經典搭配】 enhance ones competitiveness in the future jo-bseeking提高將來的職場競爭力enhance one s teamworkist painrd competitive consciousness提高團隊精神和競爭意識;【即

37、學即用】 the computer can enhance the quality of photographs transmitted from space.運算機可增強從太空發(fā)回的照片的質量;motivatevt. 刺激,使有動機,激發(fā)的積極性6 / 21【同源詞匯】 motivationn. 動機,積極性;motivatedadj. 有動機的,有積極性的【同義表達】 inspirevt. 激發(fā),勉勵【經典搭配】 give the students motivation to do sth.賜予同學勉勵motivate the students to do sth.勉勵同學去做【考官例句】

38、 students with such a perspective are usually the most effective andmotivated ones and taking a year off may be the best way to gain this.持有這樣觀點的同學通常是效率最高、最積極的同學,間隔年對他們來說是最好的方式;stimulatevt. 刺激,勉勵,勉勵【同源詞匯】 stimulatingadj. 刺激的; stimulationn. 勉勵,勉勵;stimulativeadj.促進的,勉勵的【同義表達】 spurvt. 勉勵,鞭策;invigoratev

39、t. 勉勵; energizevt. 勉勵【經典搭配】 stimulate ones interest激發(fā)了的愛好 stimulate economic development刺激經濟進展 stimulate domestic demand刺激國內需求【考官例句】 in conclusion, i would say that change can be stimulating and energizing for individualswhen they pursue it themselves, but that all change, including that which is im

40、posed on people, does not necessarily have good outcomes.總之, 我認為當人們追求轉變的時候,某種轉變會勉勵他們或使他們變得有活力;但并不是人們身上發(fā)生的全部轉變,都會產生好的結果;【句架提煉】 be imposed on施加影響于not necessarily未必,不肯定securevt. 得到,獲得,確立,促成【經典搭配】 secure a decent job得到風光的工作;secure information得到信息secure one s reputation確立了某人的好名聲【考官例句】 today, education ha

41、s become a priority for many parents seeking to secure a good future for their children in this rapidly changing world.現(xiàn)在日益變化的世界里,家長為給孩子謀求一個好的將來,訓練就成了他們優(yōu)先考慮的事情;【句架提煉】 become a priority for優(yōu)先考慮breakn. 休息,中斷【考官例句】 it is quite commonthese days for young people in many countries tohave a break from stud

42、ying after graduating from high school.普遍的現(xiàn)象是最近很多國家的年輕人在高中畢業(yè)后間隔年,再連續(xù)學業(yè);【句架提煉】 it is quite common for sb. to do做很普遍背景學問間隔年是西方國家的青年在升學或者畢業(yè)之后,工作之前,做 一次長期的旅行(通常是一年),讓同學在步入社會之前體驗社會的生活;在間隔年期間,同學在旅行的同時通常也適當做一些與自 己專業(yè)相關的工作或者一些非政府組織的抱負者工作,他們信任, 這樣更加有利于同學找到更好的工作或者找到自己真正想要的工作,從而更好地融入社會;gap year for grownups wil

43、ltake you beyond the typical tourist experience. whether you are looking to take a7 / 21career break and travel the world, volunteer abroad or simply discover something new, then gap year for grown ups can help.考官回答間隔年的話題by contrast,those who have spent some timeearning a livingor traveling to other

44、 places, have a broader view of lifeand better personal resources to draw on. they tend to be more independent which is a very important factor in academic study and research, as well as giving them an advantage in terms of coping with challenges of student life .feedbackn.反饋,反饋信息【同義表達】 responsen.反應

45、; reactionn. 反應【經典搭配】 students feedback 同學的反饋【考官例句】 firstly, a person needs to feel that they are doing valued and valuable work, sopositive feedback from superiors is very important in this respect.第一,個人應感到他們所從事的是有價值的工作,因而從上司那里得到積極的反饋就很重要;appraisevt. 評判,鑒定,估價【同源詞匯】 appraisementn. 評判;appraisaln. 評判【

46、同義表達】 assessvt. 評定; appreciatevt. 鑒別; evaluatevt. 評判【經典搭配】 student appraise/ evaluate their teacher s performance同學評判老師的教學【即學即用】 without such feedback, it is hard for the teacher to have accurateappraisement of their own teaching.沒有這樣的反饋,老師就很難對自己的教學有精準的評估;adaptvt. 使適應, vi. 適應【同源詞匯】 adaptabilityn. 適應

47、性; adaptableadj.能適應的【同義表達】 adjustvt.調整; accustomvt. 使習慣于【經典搭配】 adapt oneself to sth.使自己適應adapt oneself to the development of使自己適應的進展【考官例句】 young adults may end up with never returning to their studies or finding it difficult to readapt to the academic environment .結果可能是年輕人不會連續(xù)學業(yè),或者很難重新適應學習環(huán)境;【句架提煉】

48、end up with.以而終止readapt to the academic environment重新適應環(huán)境句型拓展表示“適應”的相關句型:acquaint oneself with adjust oneself to sth.become accustomed to sth.使熟識使自己適應于習慣于get on with在獲得勝利,與友好相處【同義表達】 get along with與和諧相處【考官例句】 they make friends and learn how to get on with other children of a similar age.他們學會交伴侶,并且與同

49、年齡段的孩子們開心地相處;perspectiven. 觀點【同義表達】 outlookn. 觀點; viewpointn. 觀點,視角;standpointn. 立場,觀點【經典搭配】 in ones perspective就某人的觀點而言8 / 21【考官例句】 that is the best way for them toget a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why.這是他們明確自己生活目標及為什么是這個目標的最好途徑;achievevt. 完成,達到vi. 達到目的【同義表達

50、】 completevt. 完成; fulfillvt. 實現(xiàn); accomplishvt.實現(xiàn)【考官例句】 overall, i think an ability tokeep clear perspectives in life is a more essential way factor in achieving happiness.總之,我認為擁有清晰地人生目標是獲得幸福的重要因素;【句架提煉】 keep clear perspectives in life具有明確的生活目標acquirevt. 獲得,學到,取得【同源詞匯】 acquisitiveadj.獲得的; acquisitio

51、nn. 獲得【同義表達】 gainvt. 獲得; obtainvt. 獲得; securevt. 獲得【考官例句】 so from our own school experience, we can find plenty evidence to support the view that a child can acquire these skills with continued teaching and guided practice.從學校的教學體會來說,我們有足夠的證據(jù)來證明孩子能夠通過連續(xù)的訓練、引導性的實踐來獲得這些技能;【句架提煉】 we can find plenty evi

52、dence to support the view that我們有足夠的證據(jù)證明excelvt. & vi.優(yōu)于,善于【同源詞匯】 excellencen. 優(yōu)秀,特長【同義表達】 exceedvt.&vi超過,賽過;surpassvt. 超越,賽過【考官例句】 such talents can give individuals a facility for certain skills that allow them toexcel , while more hard-working students never manage to reach a comparable le

53、vel.這些天資能夠讓其在某些方面出類拔萃,可能是那些再努力的人也無法企及的;【句架提煉】 reach a comparable level達到相稱的水平academicadj. 學院的,學術的,理論的【同源詞匯】 academicallyadv. 學術上【經典搭配】 academic activities學術活動academic atmosphere/ environment學習氛圍academic performance 學習成果academic exchange 學 術 交 流academic qualifications 文 憑【考官例句】 if everything they do

54、must have some educational oracademic relevance, then they willsoon get tired of studying altogether, which is the last thing parents would want. 假如他們所做的任何一件事必需與訓練或學術相關,那么他們將很快就厭惡學習, 這是父母最不情愿看到的事情;【句架提煉】 the last thing to do最不情愿做的事寫作提示a 類一道題目music and sports 【non-academic subjects】20210508 schools s

55、hould concentrate on teaching students the academic subjects that willbe useful for theirfuture careers. subjects such as music and sports are not useful. to what extent do you agree or disagree.考官回答參與課外活動的經典回答,適用于課程里是否要支配音樂與體育;9 / 21such activities arefar away frombeing a waste of time for the children simply because they are not academic.if they cannot play make-believe games, how can they develop their imagination . how can they learn physical co-ordinationor learn important social lessons about winning and losingif they do not p


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